The next day.

Angelina didn't know that she had been regarded as a hypocritical villain by a colleague.

She didn't care even if she knew.

She had a good relationship with everyone, except Margaret, with whom she would quarrel after just three sentences.

Until now, even with her good temper, she had completely given up on repairing the relationship with this little devil.

Now, she was busy organizing her brother's title ceremony.

All the nobles in the entire imperial capital came to Charles's mansion.

Angelina was the right prime minister, and now her brother was named Marquis of Lacapas without any achievements. What does this mean?

This means that the current queen dotes on Charles and his sister!

The Charles family is now the second thigh of the imperial capital!

You ask who is the first?

Of course it is the queen herself!

It is a must-have skill for nobles to curry favor with the powerful.

Charles's mansion rarely feels "crowded".

The guests are either rich or noble.

There are also countless young ladies of marriageable age, dressed up in fancy clothes and full of charm, hoping to have an "unexpected" encounter with Lord Roger.

But how could Roger be in the mood to pick up girls now?

Looking at the bustling scene, he knew that his system reward today would be ruined again!

There are too many people, right?

Becoming the focus of everyone, there is no feeling of lying down, and the reward is definitely gone.

Yesterday it was the blood mother, today it is the sister.

He has only traveled for three days, and two treasure chests are gone!

But Roger is in a heavy mood, but he still has to put on a heartfelt and extremely happy smile to welcome the guests.

The entire imperial capital is full of ten-year fans of the Queen of Eternal Night.

If someone with ulterior motives finds out that he is in a heavy mood and records it, it will inevitably be said that he is greedy and dissatisfied with the fact that His Majesty only conferred him a small marquisate...

Alas, it's so hard for me!

It happened to be when the Queen of Eternal Night was at the peak of her reputation, and I was still related to her.

"Report, His Majesty's envoy has arrived!"

The guards of the Duke's Mansion shouted excitedly outside.

The young master was conferred a title, and His Majesty personally sent an envoy. This is a great honor!

When Roger heard this, his face twitched and his smile almost collapsed.

Blood Mom, you are still haunting, right?

But he couldn't do anything, because the Queen's envoy had entered the mansion.

Like Moses parting the sea, the crowd automatically made way.

Bang, bang.

Everyone could tell at a glance that the envoy was not a human!

It was actually a fine gold golem flashing with powerful magic fluctuations!

It walked straight in front of Roger, the hatch on its chest opened, and a sapphire amulet as deep as the sea floated out.

At the same time, there was a projection of the Queen of Eternal Night holding a goblet:

"Gentlemen, toast to the young and heroic Marquis Lakapas of the Empire!"

"Toast to the Marquis Laka who shot to death!"

Instantly, the whole audience cheered, screamed, and toasted Roger crazily.

The nobles looked at Roger with envy and jealousy!

The Queen personally toasted this kid!

It's so impressive, isn't it?

"Bless you, enjoy the banquet, my people!"

The Queen's projection disappeared.

The atmosphere of the celebration banquet rushed to one peak after another!

The nobles drank and sang, immersed in the happy atmosphere.

Many nobles may not see the Queen a few times in their entire lives.

Now they have seen the Queen and received her blessings!

Thank you, Marquis Roger, I am so happy!

The wine blessed by the Queen is even sweeter!

Let's get high!

Looking at the reveling imperial nobles, Roger was dumbfounded.

Are you kidding me?

The Queen of Eternal Night is not at the celebration, but the celebration also has her legend?

Isn't this hand projection just the emperor superstar live broadcast wishing a little transparent a happy birthday?

The little transparent is popular, but it also attracts hatred!

Feeling the eyes of those noble ladies, Roger's scalp tingled.

My useless brother is going to become the national brother in the future?

Don't come over here!

Angelina was proud of it. She grabbed Roger's hand and was so excited that she was about to cry:

"Brother, Her Majesty is so good to us!"

Roger silently pushed her hand away and whispered:

"What's good about it? The Queen is just a troublemaker!"

This scared Angelina silly.

"Brother, what are you talking about? Take the gift!"

She covered Roger's mouth and pushed him towards the adamantium golem.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty, I am so grateful to you..."

Roger could only kneel down helplessly, and with trembling hands, he took the sapphire amulet from the adamantium golem.

With this wave of Queen's envoys, he will definitely become the headline news of the Mystery City tomorrow.

And then, another treasure chest...

Pop, it's gone!

At Angelina's urging, Roger wore the sapphire amulet and welcomed the review of the nobles.

On the surface, he was smiling and posing, but in his heart, he was furious and calculating:

"I have one sister and two queens! Sooner or later, I will... Forget it, I can't take revenge!"

I am just a useless brother, what can I do?

Roger looked at the increasingly high emotions of the nobles in the audience, and felt that the joys and sorrows of human beings were not connected...

Suddenly, he saw a corner of the banquet hall.

There was a little devil with silver hair and red horns who kept drinking.

Although he was smiling, he was constantly emitting cold air around him, so strangers stayed away.

Of course, Roger knew that it was Margaret, the left prime minister.

Fortunately, there was also a small ceiling fan that was not happy either!

In the middle of the plot, when Margaret makes a mistake, she will be hung up and spanked by the Queen, and rotate on the roof like a ceiling fan.

That is a famous scene that countless players love to see.

She is a bit bitchy but actually very innocent, with a petite and extremely hot body, a small expression that dares to be angry but dares not speak when being bullied, and a small butt that bounces...

Tsk tsk tsk!

It was popular all over the Internet for a while.

The gif was sent to the group, and immediately fast forwarded to the part where a friend asked about the license plate.

This little ceiling fan is the Queen's poisonous fan.

The most poisonous and the most unique one.

Seeing Charles' family in the limelight, she must be very unhappy.

Roger thought, I can't be the only one who suffers this night.

He took advantage of the guy who was toasting to walk through the venue and quietly turned to Margaret.

"Lord Zuo Xiang, my sister and I are not good at magic. Can you tell me what this amulet is called and what it does?"

Roger took out the sapphire amulet and asked Margaret "humbly".

Margaret's face suddenly became so gloomy that water was about to drip out.

This Roger is so stupid. Doesn't he know that your sister and I have a grudge?

I was beaten by His Majesty yesterday because of you. Now you ask me what gift His Majesty gave you?

Oh my!

I want to strangle him to death!

You look like a human, but how can you act like a dog!

Oh my, oh my.

But with so many eyes watching, Margaret couldn't really do it.

The little ceiling fan stood on tiptoe and leaned close to Roger's ear, breathing like a orchid: "The artifact Deep Sea Heart Amulet, the function is to make you wish for death... click!"

The wine glass in her hand was cracked, and she immediately repaired it with magic, which was considered to be a demonstration of the function of this artifact amulet.

"I see, thank you, Lord Zuo Xiang. You are far better than my sister in terms of mystical knowledge!"

Roger was also shocked. His Majesty actually gave him a magic weapon?

A magic weapon picked up for free, it sounds like it can be used to save his life?

It seems that this wave has no loss, and it is even really profitable?

Because he was absent-minded, he said the next sentence casually.

Margaret has the strength of a magician. Isn't it natural that her mystical knowledge is deeper than that of the two mortals, brother and sister?

But the speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

Margaret's lungs are about to explode at this time.

Your sister can see through the true relationship between the gods. In terms of mystical knowledge, who dares to say that it is deeper than her in the current empire?

My sister made me lose face in front of His Majesty yesterday!

Now my brother is exposing my shortcomings in front of me...

You brother and sister are not good people. You are bullying me together!


The whole world is bullying me!

You can't fight back!



The bedroom of the Queen of Eternal Night, Fengling Yueying Palace

The Queen was barefoot, lazily leaning on the bed, holding up a magic mirror and laughing until her stomach hurt:

"Hahaha Roger, you want to stay low-key during the celebration? I won't let you!"

"I like the way you don't want to accept it, but still have to say thank you."

"Oh, little Roger, you ask this, are you going to piss off my Margaret to death?"

"It's a pity that the adamantium golem can only capture sound and images. If this part is consumed with little Roger's voice, it must be more interesting..."

The Queen of Eternal Night, who was peeking at the screen crazily, curled her toes slightly and was distracted.

She was thinking about what excuse she could find to go to Charles's house again one day!

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