"Ding, the lying flat system has detected that the host's words and deeds yesterday did not meet the reward conditions. Please arrange the host's work and life reasonably."

When Roger heard this, he immediately gnashed his teeth, stamped his feet and beat his chest, wishing that he could trade with the Queen of Evernight:

"It's gone. It's gone as expected. My system reward was wiped out by Blood Mother!"

I once spent three days doing various tasks to find a way to keep you alive.

Even though I failed, you’re going to fuck me like this now?

It’s true that good people don’t get rewarded!

Roger lay flat on the bed with lifeless eyes and a dull look, feeling deeply that he was weak, pitiful and helpless.

I'm already lying flat, but the Queen of Evernight uses her face to deal damage, teleports and launches a group attack to attack my useless brother. I can't bear it!

Forget it, that's the end of the matter, let's think on the bright side.

The empire has a vast territory, and the Queen of Evernight has everything to do.

This time I came to visit the son of an old minister. After watching it... I'm sure I won't watch it again, right?

From now on, if he lies down and stays at home, he will have one less day to collect the treasure chest.

Yes, it’s just a treasure chest for one day!

Roger's state of mind gradually calmed down here, and Angelina saw that the light in his room was still on, so she pushed the door open and entered.

The blue-haired girl couldn't help but smile helplessly when she saw her brother lying flat on the bed in a familiar posture with a look of lost dreams.

This stinky brother has been granted the title of Marquis, but he is still so lazy.

She sat on the edge of the bed, rubbed Roger's head a few times, and whispered:

"Go to rest early. There will be a knighthood celebration for you tomorrow. You have to get busy early in the morning!"

When Roger heard this, his good attitude suddenly exploded again.

What kind of ceremony is this? A ceremony to celebrate the fact that I lost my treasure chest?

Sister, why do you want to kill someone?

And he had to get up early for this ruined celebration?

He said disdainfully with full aura: "It's just a celebration, don't do it!"

Angelina thought: "It's okay if you don't do it, but if someone says you are disrespectful to His Majesty, if she hears it, she might ask questions..."

Now that Roger heard the word "Your Majesty", a chill ran down his back. He rolled over and quickly grabbed his sister's hand, forcing out a smile that was uglier than crying:

"Anything can be done. Celebrations and other lively events are my favorite!"

He knew he couldn't escape this wave.

At the same time, the Royal Palace.

The Queen of Evernight convened her left minister Margaret, the dean of the Magic Academy, the Imperial Marshal, the Foreign Affairs Advisor and other military ministers to discuss how to deal with the Church of the Gods.

There are seven main gods in this world, each leaving a church on earth.

The gods are united vertically and horizontally, fighting against each other endlessly.

In the war that swept through the seventeen countries, the Ivy Empire expelled the Church of the Seven Gods.

Now that the Unification War has been completed for three years, the Church of the Seven Gods has approached the Queen of Evernight one after another, making various promises and threats just to enter the empire to preach.

The Queen of Evernight dislikes the gods from the bottom of her heart.

But the Church of the Seven Gods is also powerful.

At the same time, if you offend them, even if you are as powerful as the empire, you will also have a huge headache.

This matter has been discussed many times, and tonight the left prime minister Margaret stepped forward confidently: "I have a plan!"

This is a petite mixed-race demon with cascading silver hair. Her upside-down red horns and red eyes make her look beautiful, evil and threatening.

Margaret always liked to wear tight-fitting black dresses, which showed off her proud figure without any pretense. Her eyes were bold and proud, and the faint smile at the corner of her mouth always had an indescribable sense of temptation.

Just listen to her talk:

"Your Majesty, I have thought of a perfect strategy, which is to use the hatred among the gods to win over some and resist others. In other words, the empire only allows three gods to preach!"

"In this way, accept the benefits, drive away the tigers and devour the wolves, let the Church of the Seven Gods fight on their own first, and then let the three victorious priest groups go to resist the foreign invasion. The empire concentrates on annihilating the survivors of the seventeen countries!"

"This is also a delaying strategy. When the empire gathers the territories of the seventeen countries and doubles its strength, then the Church of the Seven Gods will surrender or be expelled, all at the discretion of His Majesty!"

After she finished speaking, all the ministers were impressed and convinced:

What a trick to drive away a tiger and devour a wolf!

What a delaying strategy!

Very subtle and very vicious!

This is a variation of two peaches killing three people!

Only three places are needed, but the churches of the seven countries can fight against each other, and the empire reaps the benefits!

This, Margaret is worthy of being "the most poisonous person in the empire"!

He was born an orphan and is half-demon blood, but he ascended to the position of left prime minister because of his clever little brain!

However, Queen Yongye did not hesitate to speak.

Everyone became confused. The left prime minister's plan was so perfect. Isn't your Majesty still dissatisfied?

Margaret was also confused, wagging her tail and looking at His Majesty expectantly, hoping only to receive her praise.

After a long time, I finally heard Queen Yongye sigh:

"Margaret, your plan is very good, but there are some things that I only just learned about."

"Your Majesty, do you have any new information to disclose?" the dean of the Magic Academy asked in surprise.

Queen Yongye nodded and said in a serious tone:

"I just got some clues and accidentally connected the ancient scrolls we obtained at the early ruins of the Veronica Dynasty a few times ago to piece together a creation myth that is completely different from the current teachings of the Seven Gods."

"The seven gods today all say they created the world. But in the oldest version, the seven gods were all created by the god King Amylas from the same source of darkness."

"And the God King... is a visitor from another plane, not a native god from our world."

"The Secret Society has found the plane where the God King was born. It is a dead world that has been devoured into ruins. We got some debris, and the debris and the holy emblems of the Seven Gods have reactions."

"This is enough to show that the gods are indeed of the same origin, and their fight is just a play, in order to turn our world into such a dead ruin!"

The dean of the Magic Academy suddenly realized: "So the victory between the gods is just a play they are acting to make it easier to harvest faith?"

Margaret was also shocked: "Damn, the gods deliberately let us play the tiger swallowing the wolf, they calculated me on the tenth floor... Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

The Imperial Marshal, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and others were also shocked.

If these gods are a nest of snakes and rats, regard the races of the world as the lambs of their faith, suck blood crazily, and turn it into a dead world, where should the empire go?

Everyone looked at the Queen of Eternal Night.

For such a big event, only the Queen can make a decision.

The eyes of the Queen of Eternal Night were extremely firm:

"Now, the Empire has only one way to go, that is to fight the Seven Gods Church to the end, and not allow any of them to preach, so as to avoid providing nutrients for the enemy!"

Her eyes were shining, burning with a raging fighting spirit.

Even if it is a god, if you want her country to do whatever it wants, you have to ask her permission!

The ministers said in unison: "Your Majesty is wise, and we are willing to follow your Majesty to fight to the end!"

Dean Hall sighed: "Fortunately, your Majesty is one step ahead, otherwise we would have fallen into the trap of the gods."

Unexpectedly, the Queen of Eternal Night shook her head: "This time, it's not that I see through it..."

Although she is strict, she rewards and punishes clearly, and will not be greedy for the credit of her ministers and say that it is her own work.

The ministers immediately became curious: "May I ask your Majesty, who is so talented? He should be included as a think tank!"

The Queen of Eternal Night saw everyone's inquiry and couldn't help laughing.

She subconsciously wanted to show off her unique talent discovery: "I went to Charles's house this afternoon..."

Margaret immediately screamed in shock: "Impossible, the blue-haired saint doesn't even know magic, how can she see through the true relationship between the gods?"

She was extremely alarmed.

Angelina, the right minister, was in charge of internal affairs and money, while Margaret, the left minister, was in charge of military intelligence.

The two of them kept to themselves.

But their tacit cooperation was only on the surface, and they often competed secretly.

Margaret believed that Angelina was secretly studying the relationship between the gods, which was clearly an attempt to get involved in her field!

She was like a little tiger whose territory was invaded, and she roared in her heart:

Angelina, I thought you were a saint before.

Now I find that you are not only a saint, but also a bitch!

I discussed the matter of the gods with you earlier, right?

You know the relationship between the gods, but you didn't remind me.

Oh, you just want to see me embarrass myself in front of His Majesty, right?

Haha, you can only know a person by his appearance, not his heart!

Angelina, oh Angelina, you pretend to be gentle and kind, but you are actually a vicious person inside?


Very angry!


Especially hate!

I actually lost to the blue-haired saint!

Sooner or later, I will expose your hypocrisy with my own hands!

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