The most surprised person present was not Roger, but Angelina.

The elder sister knew her younger brother well. When she heard that he was named a marquis, she was surprised, moved, and unbelievable.

He had answered like this, and Your Majesty still said it was exquisite?

This was obviously to give face to my Charles family, to my dead father, and to me, the right prime minister of the empire!

The Queen must have thought about the position of Marquis a long time ago.

No matter how my younger brother answered, he couldn't escape.

Your Majesty was so kind to my Charles family!

"Your Majesty, I will be loyal to the country and will not stop until I die!"

She looked at the Queen and knelt down slowly. Her beautiful forehead touched the ground heavily, and her eyes were red.

My younger brother was unable to repay the Queen. I must work harder and do his part to repay Your Majesty!

The Queen of Eternal Night came back to her senses from Roger's analysis of the gods and found that his expression was distorted by pain, and the gratitude on his face was not sincere at all.

Instead, Angelina knelt on the ground, moved to tears.

Isn't this right?

The Queen couldn't help but doubt her life:

Hey, did I say the wrong name because I was distracted?

No, I won't make a mistake. I will make Roger a marquis.

You stinky sister, you scared me!

The Queen of Eternal Night looked at Angelina with dissatisfaction.

She also realized what was going on.

Because she was the only one who could hear Roger's voice, and others had never heard his exquisite and profound interpretation of the relationship between the gods and the empire.

As smart as Angelina was, she was also deceived by her brother.

Naturally, the Queen did not make him a marquis, but rewarded the Charles family.

The Queen of Eternal Night showed cunning eyes, ready to point out Roger's talent, and then carefully train him and entrust him with important tasks.

Maybe in a few years, the chief of her secret society will be replaced.

But seeing the shocked look of everyone present, she had another flash of inspiration in her mind.

Roger is so smart, but he would rather be laughed at as a useless brother. He has to hide his strength. He must have his own considerations.

Maybe his strong mental power is not innate, but there are other factors?

Maybe the secrets he knows will bring him endless troubles?

Maybe there are strong people behind him who are training him and deliberately want him to keep a low profile?

The Queen of Eternal Night has experienced too many conspiracies. From weak to strong, every step is difficult.

After a little thought, she immediately remembered hundreds of reasons for Roger to explain why he hid.

This is by no means disloyal to the empire, but Mr. Roger has his own difficulties!

If it is an ordinary trouble, the queen will naturally wave her hand and fight for Roger.

But now their common enemy is...


The Queen of Eternal Night is the strongest in the world, and she feels difficulty breathing when facing those ancient termites.

After thinking again and again, the Queen of Eternal Night decided not to reveal Roger's identity for the time being.

She has to be more stable when facing the gods.

The empire seems to be in its heyday, sweeping across seventeen countries.

But after three years of being an emperor, undercurrents surged under the power.

There are the gods in the sky, the powerful tribes around, and the remnants of seventeen countries inside.

These are the worries that keep the Queen of Eternal Night awake at night.

Maybe one day, she will die under the joint efforts of the gods.

But keeping Roger as a hidden card, and responding to all changes with the same, there is the last glimmer of hope for the continuation of the Qingteng Empire!

He should think so, right?

This boy is really smart!

So in the end, the Queen of Eternal Night did not explain and let the misunderstanding grow.

Just keep the current tacit understanding with him, one bright and one dark, as the twin stars that illuminate the empire, and slowly resolve the many troubles of the empire!

Roger didn't know that he had become the "hope of the empire" in the eyes of the queen.

He only saw the beautiful and domineering Queen of Eternal Night suddenly blinked her left eye at him meaningfully.

As if to say, is it settled?

The woman who has always been high and mighty suddenly made such a playful expression, which is really a contrast.

LSP is ecstatic!

Roger couldn't help but blink his left eye.

But then, he was extremely troubled:

[Wait, Blood Mom, what's with your expression that you know me very well? What did we agree on? ]

[I really don't know anything, Blood Mom, please give me some hints, this blind line makes me feel so insecure...]

The Queen of Eternal Night suddenly raised her mouth.

It turns out that there is another benefit to not revealing Roger's strength.

That is, you can secretly appreciate his rich inner drama with peace of mind!

Now, he knows the contradiction between the empire and the gods, but only he knows that he knows, he doesn't know that he knows, and his sister doesn't know that she knows what he knows...

The Queen is having a lot of fun playing with layers of nesting dolls, adding a rare brilliance to the ruling life of Iron and Blood.

"I have to play with him for a while."

The Queen of Eternal Night thought so.

The Queen of Eternal Night had afternoon tea at Charles’s house.

During the meal, she and Angelina did not talk about politics, but talked about a lot of things in the past during the Qingteng Kingdom period.

At that time, the Queen of Eternal Night was still a little princess, and Angelina was the eldest daughter of the Duke of Charles.

The two besties lived a very comfortable life.

As a result, a neighboring country invaded, and the Qingteng Kingdom suffered a great disaster.

Most of the kings, princes, civil officials and military generals died.

The Queen of Eternal Night was forced to succeed to the throne during that shocking change, and then she turned the tide and survived until she swept through seventeen countries.

Now the two besties are in charge of the empire, but the leisurely happiness they had in the past is no longer there.

Roger was appointed by the Queen of Eternal Night to accompany him.

The Queen had no other purpose, of course, she wanted to listen to his rich inner drama.

Perhaps, there was something interesting to complain about?

As a result, Roger fell asleep on the spot and yawned continuously!

[How could I, an Eternal Scholar, not know these old stories? Can't we talk about something new? ]

This indifferent reaction made the Queen of Eternal Night a little annoyed.

My ups and downs in life are just old stories?

What new do you want to know, what does my boudoir look like?

While she was angry, she couldn't help but wonder what a "Eternal Scholar" was.

A scholar who specializes in studying the Eternal Night Dynasty?

Or an ancient profession that she didn't even know about?

Perhaps this "Eternal Scholar" is the reason why Roger has a strong spiritual talent and understands the secrets of the gods?

After chatting with Angelina to her satisfaction, the Queen of Eternal Night teleported back to the palace.

She immediately arranged two things:

Discuss the possibility of banning the Church of the Gods from preaching!

In addition, all members of the Secret Society suspended their work and investigated the relevant information of the "Eternalists"!

But at this time, the upper echelons of the Secret City were discussing the news:

Your Majesty conferred the title of Marquis of Lacapas to the younger brother of Angelina, the right prime minister of the empire, Roger Charles, who was notorious for being a good-for-nothing in the imperial capital!

Countless people were shocked!

The queen's name was Eternal Night, she liked the night and loved the stars in the sky.

Therefore, in the Eternal Night Dynasty, the title of the queen's favorite minister would be preceded by a star title, not a territory.

For example, Angelina, the right prime minister, was the Duke of Fara Dawn.

Margaret, the left prime minister, was the Marquis of Gmati.

Delia, the chief of the Secret Society, was the Viscount of Mohatol.

These are all very bright stars in the sky.

Lacapas, the main star of the second seat of the South Flag.

It is bright and beautiful, with ever-changing brilliance, and is called the pearl of the summer night.

Now, a useless brother in the imperial capital was actually named Lacapas by the empress?

Is he worthy of being called the Pearl of the Summer Night?

He is more like a pig!

There are lemons on the lemon tree, and people under the lemon tree:

"What, His Majesty actually went to Charles's house to meet Angelina and her brother?"

"The right prime minister of the empire is already second to none, and this time her brother is also going to rise!"

"A useless brother can also be a marquis? Then can my demented son be made an earl..."

"Tears flowed down my face. I have made countless contributions, but I am only an earl. As a result, that guy relied on his sister to be made a marquis?"

"Why was I not born in Charles's family? Why is my sister not Angelina?"

"Let's show my cards. I also want to fight with my sister!"

"Sister, you have to stand up. My brother's title depends on you..."

And the center of this storm is Charles's house.

Roger tossed and turned, upset and couldn't sleep.

Until midnight, a new day began.

"System, settlement!"

He just wanted to know whether he was still alive yesterday.

My random treasure chest, wouldn't it be destroyed by the Queen of Eternal Night?

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