After finishing the main plot of "Eternal Night", most players sympathized with Margaret.

The appearance of the white-haired demon is very attractive to the player's XP, and in addition to her ruthless, vengeful, cunning and cunning demon nature, she is also the Queen of Night's loyal dog until death.

With such a contrast, coupled with the constant comparison with Sage An, there are quite a lot of memorable points that impressed the players.

One thing to say, although this game is not finished, the production team is very good at pinching girls.

In the main plot, Angelina was deceived by the rhetoric of the protagonist group, and thought they could really reconcile the conflicts between the Empire and the Seventeen Kingdoms, and twice took the initiative to help release them.

Margaret does not listen to the players at all. If she suspects that they are a threat to the Queen, she will eliminate the unstable factors without hesitation. It can be called the nightmare of the players in the mid-term.

There are more than a dozen situations in the plot that will trigger the plot killing of Margaret who is chasing her with no way out.

However, in the later stages of the plot, the Goddess of War arranged for the protagonists to drive a wedge between Margaret and the Queen of Evernight, causing Little Ceiling Fan to misunderstand that the Queen prefers Angelina, which directly caused the mentality of Poison fans to explode.

Later, the goddess of war Tibera took the initiative to come and showed Margaret the prophecy of the irreversible destruction of the empire. She also showed the power of the Seven Gods to crush the empire and traverse multiple dimensions.

At that time, Margaret was already on the verge of going bad. When she heard Tabela say that she could achieve an ending where "you lose the whole world, but you still have me" for the Queen of Eternal Night, I couldn't help but be moved.

Tabela's heartbreaking blow to Margaret was:

"If this empire didn't drag the Queen down, how free and happy her life would be... Margaret, you are the only person who can give her happiness!"

After that, Margaret "abandoned the darkness and turned to the light" and helped the Tianming Army layout, accelerating the demise of the Ivy Empire.

The ending she longed for was what the Goddess of War promised. She would take the Empress of Eternal Night with nothing, escape to the edge of the plane, and spend the rest of her life in peace, or explore the endless starry sky.

But the real ending is that Margaret underestimated Queen Eternal Night's feelings for the empire. In the end, Queen Eternal Night chose to launch a desperate charge towards the gate of judgment where the gods and angels descended.

Margaret appeared and tried to stop her, bringing hope of escape, but she only received the Queen of Evernight's undisguised hatred for the traitor:

"Betrayal for any reason is not worthy of forgiveness."

With these farewell words echoing in her ears, Margaret could only watch the only person she cared about in the world die for her country.

The scene in the last moment where Margaret's eyes were empty and she was worse than dead, made the Fourth Scourge who dominated this scene feel guilty.

That is truly life worse than death.

It should obviously be a happy ending. After hundreds of hours of hard work, justice triumphs over evil, and the eternal night ends and the light comes to a perfect ending...

But why don’t we in front of the screen feel happy?

That was the first time Roger realized that there was a big problem with the main plot. The world was not as simple as the teacher Tianming and the gods described.

Roger recalled the plot lines related to Margaret and found that there were many bad things about the little devil, but she was really loyal to the Queen of Evernight from beginning to end.

It's just that Tabela's little bitch had a better chess and made Margaret want to find a way out for the Queen of Evernight. Instead, it became the biggest and worst joke.

Her ending was not as good as Angelina who defended Odu to the last soldier and died with the city.

The two prime ministers of the empire can be said to be absolutely loyal.

The difference is that Angelina is loyal to the empire, so when facing the protagonist group, Shang will consider the possibility that they may bring about eliminating hatred.

Margaret is loyal to the Queen of Evernight. As long as it is for the good of the Queen, she will do anything, even if she is infamy.

It is precisely this kind of awareness that makes them all fooled by the gods, and they retrospect their fate and become the pawns of the gods.

Roger found that with his current status as Angelina's younger brother, it seemed easy to make Margaret rebel in anger...

"Although I really want to see the scene where the small ceiling fan spins, she can be considered a comrade of the Empire who can be absolutely trusted... I just need to let her understand the Queen's determination first."

Roger laughed to himself and decided to be a good guy this time.

It would be too cruel to make Margaret worse than death. Not everyone is as twisted as Tabela, who likes to see a loving father and a filial son, and siblings killing each other.

This time, I will concentrate on handling the affairs of the Orc Kingdom, save some face for the Left Prime Minister, save some face for His Majesty, and moderately tolerate some of the provocative behaviors she may have...

Roger did some psychological construction for himself and finally entered the Imperial Military Department.

In the void.

In this small demiplane, I don’t know where time has passed.

Old Joestar, who had been trying to break the banishment from another plane, suddenly felt a powerful spirit appear in the ocean of consciousness, and he instantly lost control of this body.

He was carried directly to the bottom of the sea where Tasika was suppressed, and then he saw the Queen of Evernight who was smiling but not smiling.

My heart trembled inexplicably.

Why do you feel that this legendary and unparalleled queen is somewhat similar to his little bitch goddess?

Of course her appearance was completely different, but with her temperament, this queen looked very thoughtful, and he couldn't see through it at all.

Old Joestar couldn't help but whistle to Queen Evernight: "You are a good queen. You are prettier than I thought. Especially your temperament is interesting. You are not a common mascot."

Although he knew that crushing him to death was no different from crushing an insect to death, he was the goddess of war and dared to tease her without any hesitation.

Queen Yongye said lazily: "You are also very interesting. You are not deliberately stimulating me to seek death, but you are really looking for exciting and interesting things, right? Don't worry, I won't let you down."

Old Joestar suddenly felt a chill in his vest.

Although he couldn't guess what the queen was going to do, the corners of her mouth gradually raised, as if she was satisfied with the material staring at him, which gave him a strong sense of crisis.

He shouted repeatedly: "Your Majesty, I really want to die, why don't you give me a good time?"

"It's late. I like you very much. I want to help the young people of the empire make progress!"

The Queen of Eternal Night laughed, and the Eris Demonic Insect appeared behind her.

The silver light rolled towards old Joestar and sucked him into the transformed inner demon realm.

The arrangement given to him by the Queen of Evernight is a random boss that will give out very good rewards.

With old Joestar playing the role, it will naturally be very difficult to kill him, but for the reward, I believe the magicians will try their best to defeat him!

As long as everyone doesn't give up their efforts, what happened to old Joestar will definitely be interesting.

On one hundred ways to be killed by players.jpg

Thinking this, Queen Yongye turned around and looked at Tasika.

The half-dragon princess watched quietly until old Joestar was sent away, without much change in her expression.

The performance at this time was much calmer than what Queen Yongye had seen that day, and there was hope in her eyes.

She nodded with satisfaction: "I'm very happy that you can make such a crucial change. Please work hard to lead the orcs to grow. The empire will never treat its friends badly."

"I believe in the empire's promise, and the orcs will continue to strengthen themselves."

Tasika's tone was neither humble nor arrogant.

Facing Queen Yongye, whose strength far exceeded her imagination, she didn't panic at all.

Of course, she mainly believed in Lord Charles.

The Queen's appearance here and her attitude made her believe that the Empire had really agreed to their secret treaty.

This made her longing for the future even more intense.

"Hey, don't you hate the Empire?"

Seeing Tasika's performance, Queen Evernight felt more and more unexpectedly surprised.

Her first impression was that Tasika was the kind of character who would rather be in pieces than in ruins.

Even if they want to cooperate with the empire's actions, they will be reluctant to do so, or they will pretend to be flattering, and they will rebel sooner or later while holding their breath.

After all, she killed her father with her own hands, severely damaged the Bell tribe, and caused the orcs to bleed a lot.

But now the Queen of Evernight feels that Tasika has emotions towards herself and the empire in her heart, but not to the level of hatred.

Regarding the tasks to be carried out next, she seems to be willing to cooperate with the empire to integrate and establish a new orc kingdom from the bottom of her heart.

"In front of the goddess of war, we are all victims."

Tasica sincerely repeated what Roger had said, "She demanded excessive amounts from the orc tribe and took the initiative to provoke the empire, but did not protect the orcs. This led to today's tragedy. Although the orcs are reckless, they will not fall in a pit." twice."

"It is true that the origin of the war between our two countries was that the chief priest Joestar made a sacrifice and received the order from the goddess of war."

Queen Yongye nodded, "I am very happy that you can see this layer. I will give you a gift."

She had just copied all the magical skills he mastered from the soul of old Joestar and prepared them as skill modules for random bosses.

Now, she transferred this knowledge to Tasika's ocean of consciousness.

Tasika's body trembled slightly, then she flexed her fingers, chanted a few syllables in a very short time, and then cast a high-level magical "Angel Blessing" on herself.

All attributes have been increased, and extremely high holy attribute damage has been added.

Seeing that she mastered it quickly, Queen Yongye smiled and said: "From now on, you can disguise yourself as the saint of the goddess of war. When you do bad things, remember to report her name."

Her body originally had the permission of the old Joestar, and now it has the instructions, directly possessing the magic of the high priest level.

Now that the permission has been solidified by Queen Yongye using the method of approaching the gods, at this age, with this strength, with this appearance, no one would doubt that she is a saint.

"Thank you for your attention, Your Majesty. I know how to do it."

Tasika's eyes flashed with surprise, the Queen really gave her a generous gift.

The ultimate goal of establishing the orc kingdom is to jointly fight against the Church of War.

But in the early days of integrating the orc tribes, the goddess of war's status as a saint made it easier for the scattered orcs to accept Tasika.

After all, the status of a saint of God and a servant of God is much higher than that of a princess in distress.

In the later period, as a saint, she staged a "just bitch who doesn't believe in God", and it was easier for the orcs to break away from their faith.

This queen is also very bad!

"I will send you to Aodu next. Roger will take full charge of the establishment of the Orc Kingdom. He will arrange the follow-up matters. Just follow his orders."

Queen Yongye said this mainly because she didn't ask about the follow-up arrangements.

But how can the Queen say that she doesn't know?

She had a good impression of Tasika, who was neither humble nor arrogant, knew how to advance and retreat, and most importantly, had a proactive attitude toward cooperation with the empire.

Although he is a puppet, a well-behaved and obedient puppet will make the empire more profitable.

In the future, the rise of the Empire will actually improve the lives of the orcs. The cooperation between the two countries is essentially a win-win situation, but it requires Tashika to let go of many obsessions...

But now it seems that Tashika has let go very successfully.

The Queen of Eternal Night thinks that this should be the result of Roger's negotiations.

He not only negotiated a treaty that the Empire needed, but also made the enemy leader willing.

He really deserves to be the one I chose, and he performed very well!

This kind of diplomatic talent, in the future, if there are similar situations, I will send him to fool, and then I will copy the homework!

The Queen's trip to the alien space was "full of gains" and left with satisfaction.

She did not realize that Tashika's "good impression" of the Empire was essentially... just a good impression of Roger.

After Tashika regained control of her body, she was directly teleported to the Imperial Military Department by the Queen of Eternal Night.

There, she was warmly received by Margaret, who claimed to be the Left Prime Minister of the Empire. She was so thoughtful that it seemed like a dream...

The people of the Empire are not as vicious as imagined!

In the eyes of Princess Tashika, the legendary Majesty who killed countless people and intended to wipe out the orc tribes did not feel like a demon king of hell or born from dirty blood...

She was beautiful and broad-minded. She was proud, but this kind of pride was like that of a traditional powerful magician.

The whole world was their laboratory, exploring mysteries to satisfy her curiosity.

Especially, the free and easy nature of the queen made Tashika, who had always been helpless, extremely envious.

Now that he met the Left Prime Minister of the Empire, he was supposed to be below the two of them (the Right Prime Minister of the Empire was slightly higher than the Left Prime Minister), and he was also kind and gentle to her, a prisoner.

He also prepared delicious food for her and asked about her needs, which made her feel respected.

These big men must have been so attentive to a princess who had lost her country and family, and they must have been the efforts of Lord Charles...

Wow, Lord Charles is so kind and great!

Not only did he give the orcs a ray of hope, he even considered the dignity of a little girl like me. He is really the most considerate and gentle person in the world...

Tasika unconsciously showed gratitude in her eyes.

Margaret had been observing Tasika's expression. Seeing the change in her eyes, she couldn't help but slap her thigh proudly!

Ah! It's done! I did it!

She was going to assist Roger in establishing the Orc Kingdom, so naturally more information was opened up.

For example, the content of the secret treaty, such as Roger personally discussing this matter with Tasika...

Now Margaret had something to think about. Roger was qualified to be responsible for this matter because he fooled the simple and ignorant orc princess!

Humph, a petty trick!

At that moment, Margaret came up with an idea.

She wanted to take advantage of Tasika's stay in the Secret City to try to get closer to her.

Even the simple princess who could fool that dandy, she could play her same-sex power and behave approachably, and she would definitely become a close friend!

At that time, Tashika proposed that she would connect with Margaret, which would naturally squeeze Roger out of the game?

So Margaret was very nice when she saw Tashika.

Knowing that she must be hungry after being trapped in the alien space for a long time, she arranged a sumptuous meal to entertain her.

As for the communication between girls, those who understand can understand.

As long as there is no grudge, the first meeting can be as warm as the reunion of old friends after ten years.

But the gratitude in Tashika's eyes is genuine, which makes Margaret think that the direction of her efforts is right!

You see, this simple princess is beginning to be grateful for my friendly attitude, right?

To this extent, can Roger, a stinky man, do it?

Seeing that there is a chance, Margaret's attitude becomes more earnest, and she is busy running around.

To a certain extent, she feels like a...

particularly humble little licking dog.

But as long as she can suppress the bastard of Charles's family, she will go all out!

At this time, a guard ran over and whispered in her ear: "My lord, Roger Charles has entered the military. Do you want to deal with him?"

"No, let him come!"

Margaret said confidently.

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