The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 94 I, the Left Prime Minister, will serve as his deputy? (1/2)

A new day in the upper class of the Qingteng Empire begins with reading the "Long Live the Queen".

Timeliness has always been the unremitting pursuit of the Queen in running a newspaper. After the magic transmission logistics system was rolled out, this official and only designated newspaper of the Empire could appear on the bedside of the nobles on the southernmost island or on the dining table of the generals of the Arctic Ice Fortress before 8 o'clock every morning.

The nobles and officials of the Mysterious City are also accustomed to reading the latest news from the continent and the Empire to start a new day of work.

Today, the front page headline of "Long Live the Queen" is, of course, the Queen of Eternal Night personally took action to capture the capital of the Orc King's Tent, Sleina City, and wiped out the high-level officials of several major tribes.

The magic photo that occupies half of the first page shows that the Queen of Eternal Night appeared above Sleina City, set up a death carousel, and helped the orc chiefs separate solids and liquids.

A simple gray robe cannot cover up the Queen's beautiful appearance. The expressions of the desperate orcs behind her and the imperial army rushing up the city wall form a polar contrast, which doubles the strength of the Queen.

The second edition reported that after the crucial siege, Roger Charles, Marquis of Lacapas, took action to reverse the decline of Rommel's army being besieged by 200,000 elite coalition forces of the orcs.

He used his magic power to suppress the magic power of the entire orc army alone, sounded the clarion call for the imperial army's counterattack, and finally defeated the orc coalition forces in the pursuit.

"In this battle, the queen is as powerful as before, and the new generation of strong men in the empire are also revealed."

"The orc tribes in the Kambusak Desert are no longer able to fight, and Rommel's army is gradually completing control of the area."

"Long Live the Queen" finally summarized this battle.

The secret agreement completed by Roger and Tasica will not be made public.

The Empire had not taken the initiative to start a war for three years. Once the war started, it took down the orc tribes neatly and neatly. The results were brilliant. The Empire was jubilant from top to bottom, singing praises to the wonderful victory:

"It's a pity that these orcs didn't hold on for a while, and we won't see more of your Majesty's heroic fighting."

"What's the use of them being strong in front of the invincible Majesty?"

"No way, that notorious waste brother in the imperial capital has become so strong after not seeing him for a few days?"

"Next, will we fight elves or dwarves, or go to fight vampires, I'll donate fifty gold coins!"

"You're too stingy, I'll sell a manor!"

The victory greatly stimulated the war enthusiasm of the imperial people, especially the nobles.

The fruits of victory here have not been digested yet, and they are already looking forward to the next victory.

The feeling of winning streak is so wonderful that it makes the Qingteng citizens fanatical, forgetting why they are fighting, and just want to make some big news every day.

In the game, the Qingteng Empire can only use war to prolong its life in the middle and late stages, and forcibly diverting domestic pressure is also inseparable from this atmosphere.

Although the queen is reckless and warlike, the frequent wars are actually a sign of the decline of the control of the Queen of Eternal Night over the empire.

But as the queen, there are external forces that are promoting at all costs. She must take the blame for the continuous wars of the empire and cannot shirk it.

Xinghan Palace, the Council Hall.

Because the queen went to war yesterday, the cabinet meeting was suspended for a day.

So until today, the cabinet members saw the Star Throne that the Queen of Eternal Night had re-molded for the first time.

The combination of metal and bones, the hideous shape, echoed the eternal roar and howl.

It was obviously a hot day, but the cabinet members walked in and shivered, their backs felt cold, and their fists clenched unconsciously. They asked loudly in their hearts what was wrong with this queen?

What's wrong with your sudden dark style?

Did she learn the underworld style after watching some strange opening ceremony?

Only Margaret was so excited that tears almost flowed out when she looked at the blood-shining Star Throne: "Cool, so cool, I can't wait to see Her Majesty sitting on it!"

The other cabinets all showed disgusted expressions, vulgar demons!

Only guys from hell can appreciate this style, right?

Margaret was really fascinated by this throne, and took a step on the nine steps to see it more clearly.

Unfortunately, a warning lightning flashed, and her bangs were smoky, and she fell to the ground.

Angelina had not received professional training, so she couldn't help laughing out loud.

Margaret turned back and glared at her angrily.

Looking at the throne unwillingly, she sat back in her seat angrily.

No matter how curious she was, she couldn't break the protective spell set by the Queen of Eternal Night.

The Queen didn't want anyone to get close to the new Star Throne?

Because of the hard material and body-fitting design, this Star Throne would expose the Queen's body curves.

Although she didn't mind people admiring her proud figure, it was strange to be pushed back through the throne.

She couldn't put up a sign saying "No one is allowed to come up and peek at the queen's buttocks", right?

After much consideration, she could only set up such a protective spell.

Women's psychology is very strange. She can wear a bikini to go shopping, but if you see her in underwear, she will scream, curse, and call the police...

They are obviously the same, but they are so excited, it's outrageous!

Not long after the cabinet ministers arrived, the Queen of Eternal Night was teleported directly to the throne, sitting lazily, crossing her legs and saying lightly: "My dear ministers, let's start."

From the sitting posture to the tone and demeanor, everyone noticed the difference of the queen today.

However, the dark-style throne and the unpredictable expression created a more powerful aura.

Pressure was growing in secret, so naturally no one dared to comment on the Queen's manners and words...

Several male cabinet members subconsciously lowered their heads, not daring to look at the current Majesty.

Even though the Queen of Eternal Night acted casually and took off one of her shoes, she did not look sloppy. Instead, she made everyone feel that her already accustomed peerless beauty had reached a new level of charm.

Many people were asking in their hearts, will beauty also improve along with strength?

Just like a rough jade being carved into a tool, after a period of training in the field of inner demons, the current Queen of Eternal Night does not need to do anything deliberately, she is already a natural beauty.

The empire is too big, and a lot of things have accumulated in two days to be dealt with, and military and political events have been discussed one by one by the cabinet.

Soon the Secretary-General announced that the disposal of the orc tribe would be discussed.

Margaret immediately became energetic, rubbing her hands, ready to propose her carefully prepared forced annexation strategy.

At this moment, the Queen of Eternal Night said calmly: "There is no need to discuss this matter anymore. I have handed it over to Roger Charles for full disposal. Margaret and the Minister of Military Affairs will cooperate with him."

Military Minister: "Yes!"

Margaret's mentality exploded.

What, I will cooperate with him?

She said quickly: "Your Majesty, I think Roger's talent is not enough to take on this important task!"

What I hate most is the blue-haired Virgin Mary.

Now I am the left prime minister, but I have to be a deputy and a support for her useless brother?

I can't accept it!

If you don't give me the C position, I will hang up in the fountain and groan!

The Queen of Eternal Night glanced at her: "I have made up my mind on this matter. Margaret, what you have to do is to cooperate with the execution."

Margaret was about to say something, and the Queen of Eternal Night looked down slightly.

With just this one look, Margaret reflexively clamped her legs together, protecting her little butt, and nodded with tears in her eyes: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

She remembered the horror of being hung in the air that day, and the death carousel over the city of Srena. How could she dare to resist? Her voice was filled with tears at the end.

As long as it rotates fast enough, the small ceiling fan will also separate the solid and liquid...

But thinking that she will be ordered around by a useless brother and execute a bunch of stupid instructions...

Margaret felt wronged, uncomfortable, and extremely angry.

Wow, Your Majesty, you have changed. You actually threatened me for a Roger!

You still want me to be his deputy and listen to his command. Don't I, the left prime minister, have any face?

Margaret lowered her head, her expression was a little gnashing, and she was very dissatisfied in her heart.

Roger, for what!

Why can he climb on top of me!

Is he more handsome than me, smarter than me, better at fighting, or more loyal than me?

Will I, Margaret, be suppressed by the Charles family for the rest of my life?

Margaret did not dare to disobey the Queen's order, but secretly decided to make things difficult for Roger in the next cooperation!

Anyway, he is a waste and does not understand military affairs. It is normal that he messed up the affairs of the Orc Tribe with a blind command, right?

Then I will turn the tide again. By then, His Majesty will naturally know that I am the most capable and must trust Margaret... Hehehe!

Roger, no;

Margaret, yes!

Although the other cabinets did not react as strongly as Margaret, they were also confused and confused about Roger Charles being entrusted with important tasks after "The New Arcane".

Before, Dio Brando suddenly appeared as the Minister of History, which caught everyone off guard.

In the end, it was proved that Dio was quite capable. He caught the real murderer of the Bloody Night of Aodu in less than a day after taking charge of the city defense army and designed an ambush to kill him. Everyone was very convinced.

But Roger Charles created the "New Arcana", which made the imperial magic world a mess. Whether it is progress or a disaster is still undecided. How can he be qualified to guide the work of the cabinet ministers?

Your Majesty, if you dislike our incompetence, please fire us directly, and don't always torture us with this kind of routine of the sky-drop system.

Everyone didn't show it, but they were still a little bit angry in their hearts.

It was Angelina who kept silent and thought silently.

Managing a new territory is not easier than conquering it, and it may even be a more complicated, more difficult, and more long-term task.

The Queen of Eternal Night suddenly gave Roger such an important task, and she, as a sister, was unsure.

Can he really do it? Will he live up to the Queen's trust?

Angelina was very worried.

But on second thought, her brother could come up with such a genius strategy as "state-owned farms", and maybe he could really solve the post-war resettlement problem of the orc tribe.

She was thinking about it when she heard the Queen of Eternal Night say again: "Margaret, don't worry. Although you proposed to execute Roger, I won't tell him. You will definitely cooperate smoothly."

"What? Execute Roger?"

Angelina raised her head abruptly and looked at Margaret with sharp eyes, extremely alert.

You once proposed to execute my brother?

Everyone looked at Margaret in disbelief.

The left and right prime ministers are at odds and competing with each other openly.

But you, Xiaoma, are directly behind the other's family, which narrows the road!

Margaret almost cried.

I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!

Your Majesty, my good majesty, if you have any opinions about me, please punish me by law, don't say anything like this!

I proposed the execution that day, just asking for a sky-high price, thinking that you would finally dismiss him and make the Blue-haired Virgin lose face...

But now it is said at the cabinet meeting...

No matter how holy Angelina is, she is not a clay Buddha. She can still get angry and hold grudges!

What if we agreed to secretly cheat on her together? How did you put my strategic intentions on the table?

Margaret lowered her head, trying to reduce her presence, not daring to face Angelina's angry gaze, and swung her tail around listlessly.

Angelina snorted and said nothing in the end.

But she was ready to secretly supervise every decree and every measure in the direction of the orc tribe, just in case Margaret acted against the will and put small shoes on her brother.

This little devil has such a bad heart!

Margaret also understood that she had no chance to deal with Roger this time.

Now her enemy is not only the Blue-haired Madonna, but the two siblings...

Hey, it’s so difficult for me!

"Okay, let's move on to the next agenda."

Queen Yongye looked at the secretary-general and couldn't help but reveal a sly smile.

This is checks and balances, this is the means!

Please give the audience a standing ovation and praise the best bad woman in the world!

The cabinet is the core organ for her to manage the empire. It is inevitable that she will spend more time studying magic and managing the secret society, and she can no longer keep an eye on the internal affairs of the empire.

In this way, the power of the cabinet is strengthened in disguise.

If the cabinet members got together and coaxed her, she would be in trouble.

Therefore, if the relationship between the cabinet members is not so harmonious and they fight each other, the risk of collusion will be much smaller.

Just control the heat, let them fight and fight, and don't make fun of the empire.

Please have healthy competition and don’t hold each other back!

When everyone knows how powerful the Queen is and doesn't dare to make small moves, the Queen will be able to worry less about copying homework in the future...

"So controlling people's hearts is really a technical job!"

Queen Yongye lowered her head and seemed to be playing with her fingers. In fact, she had been listening carefully to each minister's speech, and then caught the mistakes and omissions in them to criticize.

This move is called loosening on the outside and tightening on the inside. It deliberately shows that you can crush the opponent at will, creating the mysterious authority of the emperor.

You guys hurry up and finish the meeting. I have to pick up Tasika and pick up a soul for the random boss in the inner demon field...

Drinking ice cream.

Roger woke up early and basically finalized the content of the first issue of "Arcane Miscellany" based on the information compiled by Little Joey last night.

Little Joey prepared a sufficient number of manuscripts, and listed the summary and quality rating of each submission at a glance, which greatly saved Roger's time.

Roger's task is to screen and determine the main direction of debate in this issue: "Is a magician a combat profession or a production profession?" The rest will be easy.

I'll revise it today, deliver it for printing tomorrow, and publish it the day after tomorrow.

According to the instructions of the Queen of Eternal Night, "Arcane Miscellany" only needs to recite the incantation "Everything unknown has an answer", and it will be distributed free of charge to every magician who subscribes to "New Arcana".

This is also a tactic to lure magicians into debate.

"New Arcana" is published once a month, and "Arcane Miscellany" is published once a week, mainly publishing discussions on new papers published in "New Arcana" that month.

"Don't work too hard, learn to share the work with others."

Roger encouraged little Joey, the editor-in-chief who was staying here, and teleported outside the military department.

Before entering the door, he suddenly felt a little worried.

Margaret is a petty person. She parachuted into her and became her boss. She wouldn't be angry, would she?

Thinking about her ending in the game, it was a tragedy directed by the players taking advantage of this...

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