It was the first time that Roger saw the Queen of Eternal Night in this state.

She should have just finished bathing. Compared with her usual domineering and strong appearance, she was lazy and comfortable at this moment. Her eyebrows and eyes were softer, and she was more feminine.

Even though the robe did not show her figure, she could vaguely see the graceful ups and downs. Because she could only imagine and imagine, it made people imagine more.

In contrast, even with the blessing of binding, Tashika seemed too "green".

The Queen of Eternal Night did not need to open her eyes, but only listened to Roger's voice, and knew that this guy was peeking at her.

She was not angry, and cooperated with Roger to pose in a more enchanting posture.

Hearing his continuous praise in his heart, she was a little proud.

The queen must be solemn and high-ranking. No matter how beautiful she is, she cannot seduce her subjects casually.

Even if she has let herself go, she is ready to show the mysterious, strong, and unpredictable image of the queen in front of the world.

But who will praise the queen's beauty?

For this reason, she could only tease Roger in her room.

The unbridled voice in her heart was a bit vulgar, but it also seemed more real. His Majesty said that this wave of flattery was perfect.

Tashika is a rotten fish and shrimp. Isn't it natural that I am inferior to her?

At this time, after being amazed, Roger began to analyze further.

[Women, such creatures who care about face, will appear in front of you in such a casual state, which generally indicates two points. ]

[First, trust; second, they have no sexual interest in you and are too lazy to attract you. ]

[So your majesty is completely treating me as a child and has no thoughts in that regard, right...]

"Hey, Roger, tell me what you gained from the negotiation with Princess Tashika."

The Queen of Eternal Night opened her eyes and spoke, not daring to let Roger analyze it any further.

This man is good in every way, but he is too stable. Why do you think so much?

I just look like this after finishing the experiment and taking a shower. I am too lazy to change clothes, and I am absolutely confident that every side of me is beautiful.

You are obviously attracted, but you still think that I am too lazy to attract you. This is a ridiculous way of thinking!

Do you want me to be tied up like Tashika and sent to you?

The Queen also understood Roger's character at this time. Giving him some sweetness is temptation to increase the chance of confession;

But if you give too much and let him analyze blindly, he will start to suspect whether there is a fraud behind it, and then the favorability will start to drop from a high level...

It's so difficult, can't you just go straight to the floor?

I will set up an anti-fraud association in the future, and I will send you as the president!

She was really angry and funny.

Roger felt that the Queen was a little strange tonight, but now that he was asked about the negotiation, he quickly gathered his mind and reported the secret agreement he reached with Tashika.

He still hoped to make this happen.

It not only reduces the management cost of the empire, but also gives the orcs a chance to breathe, so he spoke eloquently and listed the benefits of this agreement to the empire very carefully.

All those who said that they could convince the queen with three sentences were just lies. If necessary, Roger would not hesitate to spend three days and three nights to brainwash her.

Therefore, he did not say a word or think much about the negotiation tips that had nothing to do with the agreement, such as hugging and chatting.

I am just an extremely upright minister who talked with the half-dragon princess about national affairs and people's livelihood development for a whole night, and then signed such a secret agreement with great difficulty.

I have a clear conscience!

Your Majesty, please take a look at my perfect KDA!

From the perspective of the Queen of Eternal Night, it turned out that he had really negotiated with her!

She saw Tashika's stubbornness with her own eyes, and she was willing to cooperate with the Empire as a puppet queen in the end. This is indeed a great thing.

Old Joestar, I will show you later that this prosperous age is what you wish for!

As for the pros and cons analyzed by Roger, she also agreed.

Compared with directly ruling the Kanbusak Desert, through indirect control by Tashika, the Empire only needs to send some strong men and soldiers to obtain an anti-God ally like the Orc Kingdom, which can be called a profitable business.

"Thank you for your hard work, Lord Roger. I am very satisfied with this agreement! You will be the Prime Minister of the establishment of the Orc Kingdom and will be directly responsible to me. The military will fully cooperate with you!"

The Queen of Eternal Night was also straightforward. She didn't bother two masters with one thing.

She could understand Roger's painstaking efforts, but those straightforward nobles in the empire might pretend to obey but actually disobey and drag their feet.

It would be the most efficient way to simply give Roger the highest jurisdiction over the Orc Kingdom and have the Eternal Night Order in hand.

As for someone who wants to make trouble? That's perfect. I can see who jumps out and strengthen the centralization of power again.

Roger thought about it and felt that with Tashika's intelligence and ability, she could gather the Orc tribes by herself. The empire only needed to provide support and cooperation, and the workload was acceptable.

And if he watched it himself, he could indeed avoid a lot of shit, so he humbly agreed.

Hey, your majesty is very satisfied with my performance!

Being directly responsible for this matter means that he can come to Fengling Yueying Palace to report directly. Isn't there a chance for contact?

And with this order, on the surface, the supreme leader of the Orc Kingdom is Queen Tashika, but in fact it is Regent Roger!

Seeing the pufferfish in front of her swell up again, the Queen of Eternal Night applauded him in her heart.

Come on, my dear Roger, you have been strengthened, come up and drive me!

Tai Bella said that men also need encouragement and praise. It seems that I have to cultivate the little guy's confidence next.

Then, I will give you another chance to show off~

Queen Yongye asked again: "The Tianming Army has stabilized the defense line in Asifo City, and the nobles have suppressed the advance of the undead army at the border of Yaman Province. What do you think, dear Roger?"

"I see with my eyes."

"I'm asking, do you think it would be better for me to deal with the Tianming Army?"

Why are you asking me this?

Roger frowned, feeling that this was too much beyond his duties as a small magazine editor.

[Yaman Province and the Tianming Army cannot be solved in one go. This is a big move played by the God of Knowledge, but it’s too big, so I’d better not get involved. 】

Roger evaded: "Your Majesty asked the wrong person. I don't know the situation of the Tianming Army and Yaman Province, so I dare not make false claims. I suggest that your Majesty combine the suggestions of the military department."

Queen Yongye snorted, noncommittal.

Did the God of Knowledge really take action?

It is said that he is the most difficult to deal with among the seven gods. The Tianming mentor he sent did make a big move right from the beginning.

But this guy’s bad habits have started again, right?

She didn't panic and asked: "Didn't Roger Aiqing guess the intention of Teacher Tianming before? Now you might as well continue to guess casually, it's okay if you are wrong."

"This... people's hearts are unpredictable, and the conditions are insufficient for me to judge. We still need to wait for more information."

Roger was quite embarrassed and thought he had answered the question perfectly.

[The empire is now strong. As long as it continues to win, the Tianming Army will have no basis for rule. What can Master Tianming do? 】

[I'm afraid that with her caution, Asifo City will not be able to defend it, and it will definitely turn to underground development after this wave. 】

[The Tianming Army will still secretly destroy and cultivate forces, waiting for opportunities to sacrifice the power of faith to please the God of Knowledge, and wait for the gods to turn their attention...]

Queen Yongye felt comfortable hearing his unconscious thoughts!

Isn’t this all back?

With this information, don't I know how to arrange that old woman Xia Di?

Since she is going to turn into an underground organization, I am not in a hurry to go to Asifo City and order the surrounding governors and troops to continue to hold on and wait for the Tianming Army to leave before taking over the reconstruction.

The next step is to find ways to infiltrate the Tianming Army, master their actions in advance, reduce their destructiveness, and wait for the gods to make their move.

The information revealed by Roger is still very important. If you don't know the true intention of the Ming army and judge that they will rebuild the Veronica Dynasty now and start a head-on annihilation operation, wouldn't it be a waste of power?

Now that we know that Xia Di also lacks self-confidence, and that the main force of the gods is still on other battlefields, the empire can choose to play a safe hand and hurry up to complete this wave of magic industrial upgrade.

Sure enough, for a small speaker like Roger, what he thinks in his heart is still different from what he says, so it is more reliable to listen to his heart.

Having mastered the correct way to deal with this guy, Queen Evernight will no longer blame him for not being loyal enough or not doing his best.

After breaking her inner demon, she wanted to understand many things and could understand the different thinking perspectives of the Queen and her ministers.

The Queen is responsible for every aspect of the empire and has to make decisions about everything.

The ministers only need to perform their duties well.

It is your duty to help yourself in other aspects, and it is your duty not to help yourself.

The Queen herself is no longer infinitely responsible for the empire, and has no reason to force others to be like her.

From now on, her court will be able to tolerate lazy people, lunatics, villains, research freaks, careerists, etc. She is confident that she can control them and guide them to contribute to the empire.

A mature queen does not make her ministers behave in the same way, but arranges everyone in the right position to exert their energy.

You can copy your homework, but you can't really ask someone to write all the papers for you.

So Roger was able to give out this information, and Queen Evernight felt satisfied and praised her: "Roger, my dear, you are always honest... I already know your loyalty, please continue to work hard in the future! Let's do this for tonight. "

"As you command, Your Majesty." Roger passed this test with surprise and some surprise.

I don’t know what I’m saying, but it’s loyalty and hard work. Can I still be praised?

Drinking ice cream.

Teleporting back to the yard here through the travel insole, Roger saw the light that was still on at a glance.

He sighed softly, it was almost two o'clock in the morning, and little Joey had really been waiting for him.

If she didn't come back here and went back to Charles Mansion directly, would she have to wait until dawn?

There are countless beautiful things worth pursuing in the world, but seeing the light that is just waiting for you in the dark night makes your wandering and lonely foreign heart feel warmer.

Angelina would not do such a stupid thing. If the lights are on, it must be working overtime too late.

The siblings are too familiar with each other to have such a sense of ritual.

Roger knocked on the door first, and after hearing the "please come in" that couldn't hide his happiness at all, he pushed the door open and entered.

A soft and warm body fell into his arms.

"Lord Roger~ You're back... ugh!"

Mr. Roger held his little woman's face, and with such unbridled aggression, she became weak and fell limply in his arms.

"You bad guy..."

Little Joey felt like his face was so hot that he could fry an egg.

But nestling in his arms is the warmest and safest support in the world, and I can't bear to leave for even half a second.

"A small gift for you."

Roger took out a necklace with an obvious orc style from the space ring, a necklace strung together by the teeth of an unknown ferocious beast.

"Well, did you think of me when you went to war?" Little Joey took it with surprise.

This necklace looked rough at first glance, but after looking at it for a long time, it has a wild beauty, bright colors, inexplicably coordinated, and a strong magical atmosphere.

Obviously, this is not only an ornament, but also a very precious and powerful magic item.

"Let alone going to war, even if I go to heaven and earth, I can't forget you."

Roger hugged her tightly to prevent her from hearing his guilty conscience.

Ahem, when I was with the Queen, it seemed... probably... maybe... maybe...

This necklace was just rewarded by opening the system random box, not specifically... Hey...

These are all trivial details, so let's not mention them!

But Little Joey still believes in him.

She is also an officer who has fought on the front line. She knows that the atmosphere is very tense, but there is no chance for any romance.

Unless he has the invincible power of the Queen and dominates the battlefield, it will be difficult for him to just survive, so how can he have the mood to think about those messes!

Little Joey admired the animal tooth necklace for a while, then took off an amulet given by Meng Ge Marie, revealing his snow-white neck, and whispered: "Sir, can you put it on for me?"

Roger said: "Of course. But if I wear this necklace, it will trigger the loyalty oath, which will restrict you..."

"You have to be loyal to the adults all the time, right?"


"Then come on, I like it very much!"

She closed her eyes, looking forward to it.

[Follower Necklace: A simple necklace made of more than one hundred kinds of animal teeth, but it exudes an extremely rich magical atmosphere. A certain generation of the chieftain of the royal tent used shaman magic to refine it. 】

The necklace is connected by dragon tendons, and there is a small line of ancient Elaize on it: Loyalty is rewarded, disloyalty is killed.

After querying, the system told him that the rewards for loyalists include multiple expertise and talent enhancements, and the higher the loyalty, the higher the reward.

This is a necklace that can greatly increase the growth potential, but it needs to be stimulated by the owner to the followers, and it is invalid if you wear it yourself.

Hearing the girl's unhesitating tone, Roger couldn't help but kiss her on the forehead and put the follower necklace on her.

Ancient and primitive breath burst out, and huge magical power enveloped little Joey.

[Loyalty check passed, target talent improvement success! ]

[Target awakens Fox bloodline, illusion magic, charm magic effect +5]

[Target masters master-level war song, master-level war dance skills]

[Target masters super magic talent joy aura, when you feel happy and happy, people around you will feel happy, improve the work efficiency of the whole team, and slightly increase the luck of the team. ]

The light of magic gradually dissipated, and little Joey didn't feel too strange, but felt that Roger in front of her became more handsome and more attached to her.

At the same time, some mysterious knowledge flowed into her mind, and her control over her throat and body increased exponentially.

But she found that Roger's eyes looking at her were wrong, unprecedentedly hot.

"My lord?" Her voice became more crisp and pleasant.

"What Fox bloodline... turns out to be a little fox!"

He reached out and grabbed the newly grown furry ears on the top of little Joey's head. The smooth fur felt great.

"Ah, sir, it's so itchy..."

Little Joey's body trembled slightly. The unprecedented sharp stimulation made her fall directly into Roger's arms.

"Okay, don't touch here..."

Let go of the ears and grabbed the girl's newly grown big tail.

Little Joey bit his arm angrily, without exerting any force. She stared at him angrily and threateningly, sobbing: "No, there's no way... wooo!"

But with that little expression, there was no deterrent power, it was clearly seduction.

Under the effect of the necklace, this little girl could actually turn into a little vixen, how could she let her go?

"I noticed that the desk in your office is quite big..."

"Woo woo, you, a bad guy, chose the desk too. You had planned to bully me, right?"

"Yeah, they are all traps, but a stupid fox jumped in by itself, and I... couldn't stop him!"

It was late at night, but a useless brother was still working overtime.

ps. The little vixen is probably the same as Xia Hui in Zhouyou. You can add more in your imagination. Anyway, the feeling of a lively girl is enough. In order to avoid review ganks, I can only post a conservative picture.

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