Multidimensional plane system, a tiny half plane.

This is a magnificent hall with only one infinitely vast room. From the walls to the ceiling, there are magic mirrors in the room, playing different planes and different angles.

The noisy voices merged into an irritating torrent.

This is a different world controlled by the God of Knowledge. The secular person in charge of herding lambs is making a work report, telling about his achievements and difficulties.

The sound is very chaotic, and normal people can only hear a chorus of frogs.

The six-winged angel Nalinel stood quietly in the center of the hall, and had long been accustomed to it.

Some world leaders have more than one, and even hostile to each other. She needs to find lies from these mortals' chatter and make the right judgment.

The simultaneous statements of thousands of people do not cause any burden to her. She also remembers the situation of all planes and gives the most correct response accurately and quickly.

This is the daily work of the first angel under the throne of the God of Knowledge, who is in charge of the world.

Suddenly, Nalinel's attention was cast on the 25th plane.

This is a beautiful and prosperous world, with four seasons like spring and fertile land.

Just sow the seeds, without much management, and in a few months there will be enough food for everyone.

There are tall trees with long fibers that are particularly suitable for weaving, there are docile livestock with bright fur, and there is a church that controls wind, rain, thunder and lightning...

There are no disasters here, and mortals can live and work in peace as long as they work moderately.

The only political force, the "Church of Wisdom", will adjust the conflicts between them and avoid fighting.

Today, three billion mortals have multiplied here.

Compared with most worlds, it is easy to meet the needs of food, clothing, housing and transportation here. Everyone has a beautiful house, there is no hatred, no war, no dangerous monsters, and it is like an ideal place for mortals.

However, the female pope who is in charge of the 25th plane and wears white sacrificial clothes gave the power of faith harvested this year, which is lower than that of ordinary planes.

Nalinel's emotionless voice came: "Are there more and more fallen people?"

The female pope lowered her head in shame: "The fertility rate is declining, and the believers don't want to pray or work. They just spend their time in a daze and even attack their companions..."

Nalinel was silent for a long time.

She spent countless efforts and time to observe the needs of mortals, transform the environment of the 25th plane, and find high-yield crops from different worlds, almost meeting all the needs of those mortals.

She also specially trained a wise and powerful female pope to manage them.

But after the initial prosperity and population explosion, the beautiful world that everyone should praise the God of Knowledge did not come into being.

The world has been running smoothly for decades under the management of the female pope, and the lambs in the greenhouse began to degenerate. They have everything, but they waste their lives, and their happiness shows a tendency to self-destruction.

Nalinel was silent for a long time, and finally spoke: "I have given you an extra year."

The female pope knelt on the ground: "Your Majesty, please give me another three months, I still have some ways to try..."

"My Lord is unwilling to wait any longer." Nalinel's voice is still emotionless, and the female pope can't see that she has gently closed her eyes, "The flood program is activated."

Each plane has a faith power indicator to be completed. The more you invest, the more you should gain.

The transformation of the 25th plane was not a rootless duckweed, but consumed a huge amount of faith power.

But its performance was not ideal, and the God of Knowledge was very dissatisfied with it.

Because of its excellent performance, Nalinel bought it an extra year.

But a year later, the situation of the 25th plane did not improve, but became worse.

In order to make up for the previous deficit, she had to start the sacrifice procedure and use the life essence to supplement the faith power that mortals were unwilling to hand over.

Otherwise, she would be the one to be sacrificed.

The God of Knowledge was more rational than the other six creatures, but it did not mean that he was kind.

He was willing to make concessions and be more patient in order to obtain higher benefits.

But patience is not unlimited. Nalinel is his most trusted angel, but not an irreplaceable angel.

The pope did not argue and bowed and left.

A moment later, a flood that was enough to kill one-third of the mortals on the 25th plane came.

The Church of Wisdom, led by the pope, organized rescue work.

She even rushed into the gap, burning herself and calling for miracles, temporarily blocking the flood.

Until the life burned out, the higher accumulated flood doubled!

But it also bought some time for mortals to escape.

In the end, the church priests suffered heavy losses, but also saved hundreds of millions of mortals who should have died.

Nalinel looked at those sad mortals, carrying the body of the pope and walking through the gradually drying land, her eyes became complicated.

The quiet pope, who was as quiet as sleeping, had a face that was 90% similar to the Queen of Eternal Night.

More gentle, less resolute.

The six-winged angel sighed softly: "Shelley 4396, you know, the God of Knowledge only wants results..."

At this time, she could completely launch a new flood.

This time there is no pope to save those mortals, and she will successfully harvest enough life essence.

But Nalinel did not do so.

She took out a part of her savings to make up for the deficit of the 25th plane.

Then she wrote down the assessment comments for this year: The experiment encountered some setbacks, and adjustments have been made. Please look forward to the results.

She took a light step, crossed the space, and came to an extremely huge peach tree.

A ripe peach fell in front of her, split open, and a beautiful girl walked out of it.

Just like Octavia Shelley's untouched appearance.

"Shelley 4397, please inherit the wishes of the predecessors and cultivate more power of faith for my Lord."

Narinel stretched out her finger and touched the girl's forehead, transmitting the memories of the previous clones.

"I... I refuse..."

With a bang, the girl's head exploded and her body fell.

The blood was blocked by Narinel's passive shield, but she herself was stunned.

Obviously, Shelley 4396's memory had undergone some changes, which remained and affected the later ones.

She raised her head, her red hair flying without wind, her six wings spread to the limit, and the tips of the feathers were trembling slightly.

They seemed to question this eternal fate.

Why can only ugly wars give birth to the power of faith, but happiness can produce depravity?

Mortals, what do you want?

Nalinel only exists on the perfect face of a fantasy creature, with a slightly raised lip line, which seems to be mocking, but also seems to be relieved.

Another peach fell.

"Shelley 4398, please try to explore further."

Memory input, command change, successful acceptance.

"Thank you for your blessing, angel."

Shelley 4398 turned around and walked towards the 25th plane.

Nalinel came to the gap between the ten thousand dimensions and walked into the first thatched house.

A boy in a simple white robe was struggling to move a very heavy book onto the table.

Nalinel knelt in front of him and held out a white light: "My Lord, this year's grazing harvest."

Zhengtai stretched out his chubby little hand and looked at Nalinel with a smile: "You came a little later than before."

"My Lord's military fortune is prosperous, and he controls more planes. I need more time to deal with them."

"Really? I hope you don't sympathize with those plane creatures. Summer insects cannot talk about ice. Remember, we are different from those ants trapped in small cages."

Zhengtai's eyes lit up with a burning light, and his short arms shook in the air, "Our journey is the plane ocean!"



The City of Mysteries, Fengling Moon Shadow Palace.

Although a lot of things happened yesterday, Roger was not surprised that he could get a random treasure chest.

After traveling through so many days, he has mastered the operating rules of the system, and then self-hypnosis and psychological counseling, he can ensure that most of the situations are calm and even contented.

As long as he can maintain this calm mentality of "the goddess of fate has lifted her skirt, but I am too lazy to take a look" and exceed a certain proportion, he can successfully obtain a random treasure chest.

Although the system is powerful, it is ultimately a program, and his is not particularly intelligent. It has a single function and can be easily figured out.

If he doesn't even have this kind of sense of smell, he can't survive in the game area and have a stable fan base.

Now a billboard falls down and kills nine out of ten people. They are up masters, and one is a big hand of a certain music.

If you are so involuted, who will watch you if you don't have some unique skills!

In short, through repeated suicide and summarizing experience, Roger has already turned the lying system into a sign-in system.

So the first of the two tips is expected, but the second one is worth thinking about.

Guaranteed bottom line, this is a must-have setting for new-era krypton gold games since I don't know when.

With a guaranteed bottom line, players who are hesitating between krypton and not krypton can be more determined to become stronger by charging money.

Compared with the previous krypton gold system without a guaranteed minimum, it may earn less from a certain big R, but the overall profit has become much higher.

Players think they have earned money, but game companies never lose money.

Every time a benefit is given, it is carefully designed by a lot of highly educated data and operations after observing the changes in each number.

The ultimate goal of increasing daily activity and stickiness is to squeeze the potential of players with different consumption abilities.

It's like the birth of every commercial app is not to make your life better, but to increase your traffic.

So his lying flat system followed the trend and came up with a wave of upgrades. Roger did not relax his vigilance, fearing that there would be traps and hidden pits waiting for him to step on.

However, after searching around, he found that the system panel was still so simple, and there was not even a krypton gold entrance. He was both fortunate and disappointed.

Fortunately, the system did not have the opportunity to cheat krypton.

Disappointing that the system even disdains to cheat krypton!

I am playing Evernight OL. If I can krypton gold to speed up the game process, wouldn't it be great?

But having an extra guaranteed minimum function is a good thing after all.

There have been some useful things from random boxes these days, but there are also a lot of useless things. After all, the system pool is too big, and everything can pop out.

He has been waiting for a magic power enhancement since the server was launched, but it has not come yet...

The magic power increases when sleeping in Xila Xiaowo, but it is not as quick and neat as the instant enhancement of the system!

And even if you have magic power and mental power, there are still magic spells, casting skills, super magic expertise and other contents that need to be enhanced.

It is still very tiring to learn the magician industry by yourself. Those spell models are so complicated that they are overwhelming. They are not simpler than advanced mathematics at all. If you can't learn them, you can't learn them.

A dignified time traveler has fallen to the point of studying magic hard by himself. That picture must be very miserable, right?

He obviously has more things to do, and he can't learn now!

System, I advise you to learn from your mistakes and stop forcing me...

Kneel down and beg you!

The good news is that you don't need to beg now, the system has updated a new function.

The bad news is that this guaranteed function still depends on luck.

Putting aside the new term "world integration degree" for now, Roger looked at this guaranteed function and inexplicably thought of a certain boat tour's public recruitment:

There are now four more labels above the interface of the lying system to open a random treasure chest.

Different terms such as "attack", "defense", "warrior", "control", and "rare" will appear randomly.

Roger can select any number of terms, and then open a random treasure chest, and there will be a 10% probability of opening a guaranteed reward that matches the specified term.

For each additional non-guaranteed treasure chest opened, the probability of obtaining a guaranteed reward is +1%.

There are three ways to refresh the four random labels: free refresh once every seven days, wish card, and guaranteed reward.

And every time the label is refreshed, the probability of obtaining a guaranteed reward will be restored to 10% and recalculated.

This is why Roger feels that this guaranteed bonus function is a bit of a scam. It just reduces the probability of getting a random treasure chest, but it is still a game for the lucky ones.

If he is unlucky enough, it is very likely that he will get a guaranteed bonus once every three months.

However, there are still ten years before the main storyline is officially launched, so he can get at least forty guaranteed bonuses...

"Anyway, it is a free function, which is always a good thing."

As a newly refreshed function, Roger now has benefits.

He now has a chance to refresh for free every seven days, and the probability of getting a guaranteed bonus in the next treasure chest is 100%.

Unfortunately, he is now used to opening treasure chests as soon as they are available. The one he just got has been opened, and he got a prop that he thinks is suitable for the current situation.

The four entries on the guaranteed bonus page are: "Melee", "Demon", "Mind", and "Defense"

Roger's first reaction was that this is all garbage, and he should get rid of it quickly!

After experiencing the magic of the Queen of Eternal Night, he now really wants to become a powerful magician who dominates the battle situation.

But when he looked at the "Mind" entry with a gold frame, compared with the silver frame of "Demon" and the gray frames of the two entries "Melee" and "Defense", he felt a little bit sorry.

Obviously, entries also have different rarities.

Although he is not sure whether there is an entry like "Senior Senior Operator" that does not exist at all, but considering his average luck, what if there is no gold entry after this refresh?

Wouldn't that waste the 100% guaranteed probability?

He knew that his luck was not very bad, but he was definitely not the emperor of luck. The probability of continuously refreshing gold entries was emmm...

Now in front of him, there was a 100% guaranteed gold, and a magic entry that was only likely to appear...

He chose the inevitable!

Stay steady, don't waste!

Roger lit up the "Mind" and "Defense" entries. He thought that this should give him a skill or item similar to the Mind Firewall, reducing the risk of his mind being read.

In this dangerous magical world, the risk of his identity as a traverser being exposed would be much smaller, right?

Wait until tomorrow, tomorrow we can get the guaranteed result, great!

After waiting for a while, Roger was summoned to the inner hall by the Queen of Eternal Night.

This inner hall was not the real bedroom of the Queen of Eternal Night, but a more casual reception room than the conference hall.

The Queen leaned on the soft couch, wearing only a loose black robe, revealing half of her calves and a pair of small feet.

Each toe was as crystal as a bean, showing a healthy pink color.

The Queen's sea of ​​magic power was consumed in transforming the inner demon field. At this moment, she was a little tired, rubbing her temples and closing her eyes to rest.

Hearing Roger's footsteps, she was too lazy to open her eyes, just raised her hand slightly, pointed to the single sofa opposite, and indicated that Roger could sit there.

Roger realized that this was actually a very good "viewing position".

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