The city of mystery, Yin Bingzhuang.

It was late at night, and the magic crystal lamp was on in Little Joey's office. He was sorting out the manuscripts he received today, and he showed a knowing smile from time to time.

Sure enough, everything was as the bad guy expected.

Although he bullied himself so hard that he feels uncomfortable walking now.

But seeing all the magicians in the Secret City being fooled by his arrangements, little Joey still had a strange sense of superiority.

I know that I was bullied by that bad guy, but these idiots don't know it yet, and they are still so complacent!

The little woman who is in love sees pink heart-shaped bubbles popping up all over the world.

But there's nothing wrong with little Joey's complaints.

Magicians who are usually all-powerful, no matter how high their status, are now successfully attracted by "New Arcana" and have joined this big discussion that is likely to change the meaning of magicians' existence.

As the bad guy said, a gentleman can be bullied.

These magicians who have delved into magic to the highest depths may not care about fame and fortune, but when it comes to discussions about the "way forward," they are all like chicken blood.

Dean Hall took the lead in resisting the tower, and the Chonggu Faction flashed to follow!

And unlike the essays required for "New Arcana", submissions for "Arcana Essays" only need to be meaningful.

Little Joey here sent someone to send over the invitation to write a manuscript. In half a day, he got hundreds of eloquent masterpieces.

I don’t say every word in detail, but it is well organized and well-argued.

Coupled with those prominent names, it will definitely be very effective when released——

I guarantee that the water in the magician world will be a little more mixed!

The only headache for little Joey is that the space of "Arcane Miscellanies" is limited, and so many wonderful discussions cannot be accommodated, so choices must be made.

"Isn't the bad guy coming back yet? Forget it, there's nothing to do when we go back to the house anyway, let's continue working..."

Little Joey looked at Roger's office, which was still dark. He felt empty and could only turn his attention to work.

It's just that unlike yesterday, when she felt uneasy and disappointed between her eyebrows, when she thought of that person today, she was happy and satisfied.

It seems that the whole world has become beautiful because of Lord Roger's existence, and the air is sweet!

The work is tiring and boring, but as long as she thinks that this is a career created by two people, it will benefit the entire empire, and even Queen Yongye pays personal attention to it, she is very proud!

Look what I like, what a great genius boy!

It's just that falling in love with a genius also has troubles. He is too busy and will have much less time to accompany him...

Although it does not mean that the more abilities you have, the greater the responsibilities, but obviously with the abilities that Mr. Roger has shown now, he should not have the opportunity to be like an ordinary civil servant, just complete his job, go to get off work on time, and then spend the world with his girlfriend, right?

Little Joey sighed softly, inevitably feeling a little sad.

Just like today, I slept until noon, only to wake up and find that Roger was no longer around, leaving only a note that he went to the front line to watch the battle.

At that moment, little Joey felt really uncomfortable. After such a crazy and intense intercourse, she woke up without her boyfriend's hugs and sweet words, and just stayed in an empty bed alone...

If Montgomery finds out, he will be laughed at again, right?

But actually, I should be content.

At first, I just wanted to be in a position where I could see him, but now I've seen everything that should be seen and shouldn't be seen...


Mr. Roger's life may be ups and downs in the future, but as long as I keep Yinbingzhuang running normally and share his work pressure as much as possible, when he comes back here, he can spend more time with me. La~

The plan is perfect~

The vitality girl quickly adjusted herself and showed a bright smile.

She never asked for much from the world, and she asked for very little from her lover.

As long as she has a place in his heart, even a very small place, and he can still see that she is working hard and give her a pat on the head to encourage her.

A hug would be even better!

An owl jumped out of the old magic clock on the wall and made a cooing sound, reminding her of midnight.

Only then did Little Joey realize that he was thinking about that person, and he was lost in thought for another half an hour. He quickly knocked on his head:

"I have received much more pampering than I originally wanted. Don't be too greedy, Joey-chan!"

She didn't say good morning or good night. She wouldn't be able to sleep when she went back, so she decided to continue working.

In fact, I'm not sure if he will come here.

On the twelfth hour when I couldn't see Lord Roger, I missed him, missed him, and still missed him.

I wonder where he is now, is the battle going well, is he injured, and is he in a good mood?

Different space, Tasika's ocean of consciousness.

Roger didn't leave.

It wasn't that he lingered in the body of the half-dragon princess, but that the Queen of Evernight gave him a one-way ticket and didn't tell him how to return to her own body.

A rookie magician like him would not dare to cross the ocean of consciousness on his own.

What a shame if you can't return to your own body!

He still couldn't show that he couldn't help himself. After all, he pretended to be a strong man in front of Tasika, so that he could guarantee the orc tribe.

If he is revealed to be a good-for-nothing brother, Tasika will inevitably be doubly worried about whether Roger has enough energy to bring them a glimmer of hope...

So after answering Tashika's question, Roger pressed the magic beacon on his leg, and quietly called the Queen of Eternal Night to pull him back.

But the response he got was: "Your Majesty is busy, please try again later."

Press it again, it's still the same response, but it's changed to ancient Elizeswen.

At that moment, Roger just wanted to dig out the word "正" on his leg.

Damn, why?

The queen can post selfies and make trouble when I sleep, but now I can't even send a message?

I've finished talking about everything I should talk about. I'm going back to the city, Your Majesty, why stay here?

Talking about things that shouldn't be talked about with the Half-Dragon Princess?

He just felt that this scum queen was getting more and more outrageous and unreasonable.

But he really had no way to do anything.

This is the magic beacon cast by the Queen of Eternal Night, and she has absolute control.

At this time, the Queen of Eternal Night was building a large-scale construction in the heart demon field of the Eris Demon Worm, and wanted to transform it into a spiritual space that could allow other magicians to conduct virtual battles!

The cross-space signal was not very good to begin with, and she was tired of listening to it, so she simply blocked all the magic devices and constant spells that could contact her temporarily.

Look at me, concentrate on experimenting with some bold ideas!

Before being trapped in the inner demon realm and tortured, now that the Eris worm has obediently handed over the highest permission, the Queen of Eternal Night immediately found that the creative mode is really fun.

Infinitely large and infinitely real, you can build a wonder-level building in one second with your imagination, plus various magic special effects MOD "Minecraft" do you like it?

Here, as long as she wants, she can really create an infinitely vast world!

The Queen of Eternal Night only regretted that she had liberated all the lost souls at that time, otherwise the NPCs in this world would be several levels smarter.

But it doesn't matter, she can slowly feed this stinky cicada in the future.

Eris worms are also rare species in the star realm, and the one chosen by Xia Di is even more powerful.

These little things that are about to become spirits are cautious by nature, first-class at cheating people, and first-class at escaping.

As long as they hide in their own demonic realm, no one can catch them.

That is to say, Xia Di has accumulated countless years of knowledge in the Church of Knowledge, so she knows how to control the Eris Demon Worm and use it for her own use to a certain extent.

When the Queen of Eternal Night broke through the demonic realm head-on, she spared its life because she was thinking of the Eris Demon Worm and was going to catch it alive, and locked its demonic realm coordinates.

Just now, she stretched out her hand and used the terrifying magic power to scare it to death, and easily caught it back.

The Eris Demon Worm also wanted to cry without tears. If it hadn't been blinded by Xia Di's magic circle, it would never have offended this woman!

Looking at the legendary strongmen in the multiverse, the strength of the Queen of Eternal Night is also ranked first.

There is not much fancy, highlighting a simple and rough fighting ability.

After that, even if it pretended to be dead and was seen through, it could only listen to the command of the Queen of Eternal Night and cooperate with the transformation obediently.

Delving into magic is originally a major interest of the Queen, otherwise it would not have such strength.

Now that she has obtained materials that she has never played with before, the Queen of Eternal Night is so addicted to it that she has long forgotten that she blocked the signal and is concentrating on preparing some fun for the magicians.

"When the time comes, throw the wretched man who descended on Tashika in as the final monster, and let the imperial magicians torture him three thousand times a day!"

The Queen of Eternal Night has a sly smile on her face and praises her bold idea.

Old Joestar, who is trying to crack the alien space, feels a chill in his back for no reason, and his hands move faster.

The Queen of Eternal Night can't tell whether he is working or playing too much, but it's hard for Roger.

Without her help, he would really be stuck in Tashika's ocean of consciousness.

Moreover, the Queen is not an operating service provider, and does not distinguish between calls, text messages, and traffic. Once blocked, everything is blocked, and he can't even leave a message for her.

Roger can only send a message from time to time to see if His Majesty is still busy, and at the same time he has to keep smiling and find topics to chat with Tashika.

This chat can't be too awkward, at least there must be a serious topic, and Tashka can't see that this "young strong man" was forced to stay here with the queen because the queen's transmission was late.

Fortunately, Roger had done live broadcasts, and his chat skills were already quite high.

He painted a rosy picture with Tashka, describing the grand prospects after the industrialization of magic.

After this topic was unfolded, there was really a lot to say. Just put the rabbit's development achievements over the years in a magic punk skin, and you can fool the half-dragon princess who already admired and believed in him.

Unlike the Queen of Eternal Night who prefers war weapons, the orc tribe has been poor for so many years, and Tashka is obviously more concerned about people's livelihood.

Magic-enhanced rice, solar magic collector, spirit assistant, interconnected dream world, anti-gravity magic train...

Roger talked nonsense about the possibility of using magic to realize technological products. Tashka was stunned, and her beautiful eyes looked at Roger with only admiration.

Lord Charles is really 10,000 times greater than those blood-sucking gods!

He is also different from the ordinary strong men in this world.

Ordinary strong men only think about being faster, higher and stronger, and usually pay attention to their fellow magicians.

They never waste time thinking about how people without magic talent can live better.

But Lord Charles is born with a saintly compassionate heart, and he sees the birth, aging, illness and death of ordinary people.

Tashika feels more and more that Roger is a miracle that appeared in response to her prayers.

She is lucky to meet him, and the Orc Tribe is lucky to meet him, and they are like a rebirth...

Roger's story was just about common inventions in later generations, but to Tashika, it was also a manifestation of his wild and unconstrained creativity.

As long as Lord Charles was willing to talk, she would never get tired of listening to him for three days and three nights!

But he just didn't talk, and she couldn't get tired of looking at Lord Charles for three days and three nights...

By accident, Roger's most loyal fan, the number one fangirl, was born.

Tashika was grateful, dependent, worshipped, and admired Roger, and regarded him as a saint in her heart, and would execute every order without hesitation.

As long as Roger gave an order, she was willing to sacrifice everything and believed that he would never harm her.

Unlike Joey's obedience to Roger, Tashika's feelings should not be considered love between men and women.

It was born out of dependence from redemption in despair, but because Roger's thinking was very different from that of this era, and many of his inspirations started from "weak people without magic", it naturally seemed different.

It just fits Tashika's long-cherished wish to make the orc tribe stronger together, so she is more determined and regards Roger as the miracle rewarded by God.

Roger is the kind of person who is good at chatting, because he not only talks himself, but also gives Tashika the opportunity to speak in an inspiring way, allowing her to participate in the process of magicalizing the wonderful ideas in future life.

Some boys like to brag endlessly, and girls just keep saying you are great, but in fact they may just agree.

Only when both parties are excited to chat can they make each other comfortable.

The progress of civilization will make the soul fit more intoxicating than the physical fit in many cases.

Roger and Tashika found a common topic and talked more and more speculatively.

Tashika gradually became serious, and she didn't just nod. She dared to refute the logical loopholes of Sir Charles.

She gradually showed her intelligence and wisdom, which made Roger appreciate her more than her initial timidity.

In the ocean of consciousness, a man and a woman sat on the ground, imagining delicious food and drinks, and not worrying about getting fat. The atmosphere of communication was quite good.

Both sides forgot the passage of time until the Queen of Eternal Night finally responded. Roger was already a little reluctant to leave.

"Wait for your Highness to come to Odu, and we will continue today's topic."

When Roger said goodbye, he also invited her for the next time.

"As long as it does not delay Lord Charles's arrangements, I can do it." Tashika responded with a lowered eyebrow.

She did not show it on her face, but she felt even more uncomfortable with the sudden farewell.

After all, Roger is a modern person, with chat tools, it is easy to find people with the same interests.

But Tashika was surrounded by nobles who only thought about war and robbery, or poor people who could not even eat enough. It was the first time she talked about such a topic with someone...

It was very special, very different, very happy...

And when Roger left, she would be alone here again, turning into a cage-like seabed.

But the good news is that Charles promised her that his majesty would solve the problem of old Joestar.

And she will also go to the Secret City to study for a while, and then go to the leader of the Orc Kingdom.

Then, she will be able to see Lord Charles again, right?

In the past, Tashika naturally hated the Qingteng Empire. It was a powerful enemy that the Orc Tribe could not get around. It occupied the rich land and blocked the Orcs' way to the east. They could only dig for food in the barren sand.

Now because of Roger, she began to believe that the people of the Empire were not all war criminals and arrogant.

Among them, there are also strong people like Lord Charles who are kind-hearted, noble, far-sighted, and good-looking!

Tashika Caccini's favorability towards the Empire +99!

Secret City, Fengling Moon Shadow Palace.

When Roger woke up from the clean and soft bed, it was already a new day.

Although the Queen of Eternal Night pulled him back, there were still some things to deal with, so he asked him to wait in the palace for a while.

Roger was helpless.

After returning to Aodu, he looked at the time and was a little worried about his little woman. Would she wait for him to come back foolishly?

But only she could teleport to the Queen's bedroom, so Roger had no chance to attack with flying shoes.

He could only check the two system prompts he received after returning to his body:

"Ding, the lying system detected that the host was emotionally stable yesterday, and a random treasure chest was obtained. Do you want to open it?"

"Ding, the lying system detected that the host's integration with this world has improved, and the new function "guaranteed minimum" has been unlocked."

Two prompts in a row were somewhat beyond Roger's expectations, but they also gave rise to expectations.

This dog system has been doing nothing for so long, and it has been issuing various cooking skills every day, making him proficient in French, Japanese, brewing, and Mexican molecular cuisine.

He even suspected that he had traveled through time. Could it be that he came to improve the food for the Queen of Eternal Night?

This time, the dog system should finally give me a surprise and strengthen me, right?

He was still quite looking forward to the guaranteed minimum function.

Ps. Ahem, it's finally the system's turn to appear.

Bounty Progress (40/51)

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