The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 112 The Love Notes of the Queen of Eternal Night (1/2)

After that night, the Queen of Eternal Night said she was retreating strategically, but she knew that she was a bit of an escape.

To forcefully extend a book in this way is to interrupt it and prolong its life, which is definitely not a fair and just way to do it...

But what bad intentions did the Queen have?

She just rushed forward habitually, and found that this was not an enemy, and it was not as simple as rushing to death, and then she was at a loss holding the meteor waterfall.

Last night, she tossed and turned for a long time and couldn't enter meditation, so she simply went to the chapter of imbalance to continue supervising the creation of a prop that she had arranged for a long time and now finally collected all the materials.

A night passed like this, and she used work to divert her attention, and then went to the magician camp to watch the fun.

When I was happy, I couldn't help but think, if I called that little guy to watch and complain together, it would be happier, right?

Girls don't have complicated thoughts, they just want to share all the things they like, are interested in, and think are good with the people they like, so that everyone can get the same happiness.

If it were in the past, the Queen of Eternal Night would have just used the magic beacon to issue an order, but today she suddenly hesitated.

If she was so aggressive last night, would she be thought to be a casual person and not cherish him?

If that guy continues to make unreasonable demands, should she agree, agree, or agree?

Master Tai said that men are always greedy and pushy creatures.

Therefore, I can't just invite him into the palace casually, I have to prepare for war beautifully!

Although the Queen of Eternal Night is confident in her beauty, she also hopes to become more beautiful through various means.

There are still many new clothes she made before that have not been worn, and this is when they come in handy!

When changing clothes and putting on makeup, she was thinking about how to plan her daily progress and not to advance directly to the finale.

She knew clearly that she was easily overwhelmed.

If you can kill enemies in a wave, of course you can be casual, but if you want to maintain a long-term relationship, it will be troublesome!

Thinking of the complex transformation from theory to practice, the Queen of Eternal Night began to be timid again, and took out the love notes she summarized from reading "Anecdotes of Tai Bella".

Here are the thoughts on the final chapter that Old Joestar added for her, recorded in Tai Bella's profound understanding of the relationship between men and women that is ahead of the times:

[A real good girl is a girl who is afraid of being hurt and waiting for love. She always lacks a sense of security and waits for twenty years to confirm the relationship. No matter how handsome a man is, you must insist on treating him as a good friend. Even if you talk about everything and sleep with him fifty times, you just want to treat him well as a friend.

A good girl never expresses her needs directly. She will not say what she wants directly, but will say "I have never owned this before." When he wants to buy it for you, remember to say no, it's not good, don't make it too much trouble.

A good girl should not care whether the other person has a partner or not, and should not expose the other person's lies. If he says that he disappeared for seven days because he is working, remember to say "Oh, you are so tired, you must pay attention to rest."

Remember to be the final winner. Don't take the initiative to compete with any woman, but become a firework different from those coquettish and slutty women. No one will buy two identical vases to put at home...】

In addition, there are a variety of small details, and the Queen of Eternal Night records her observations and summaries of Roger at the back.

Adding them all together, it becomes a very complicated application problem with no definite answer.

"Why can't one violent charm solve the problem? If not, then two!"

The Queen of Eternal Night sighed and began to think about the women Roger would come into contact with.

Angelina, Little Joey, Tashika... Margaret?

Compared with them, I am really different, right?

Because I am the Queen of Eternal Night!

They can't beat me!

But the Queen of Eternal Night is invincible, doesn't need good friends, and doesn't lack a sense of security...

Yeah, it's not easy for Taibella to become the goddess of war!

The Queen of Eternal Night threw the notebook back into her own storage demiplane. She decided not to meet in private. She would meet again when she had something serious to do.

If it was just a casual chat, after she figured out that she could actually skip the confession guide...

She was afraid that the scene would be quite ugly.

Be reserved.

Be patient.

Play with him again!

The Queen of Eternal Night returned to the chapter of imbalance and asked the person in charge here, the third consultant of the Secret Society, Frankenstein: "Is there anything I need to deal with immediately?"

Frankenstein is an alchemical mechanical girl with cherry-colored hair and a golden horn.

She was originally an excellent alchemist. She lost an arm and a leg in a crazy experiment and replaced them with a mechanical construct she built.

Then she discovered the convenience of the mechanical body and made more extreme changes to herself, replacing other organs of the body step by step.

Now, except for the original biological structure of the brain, this mechanical girl who likes to wear pure white wedding dresses has silver-white metallic luster on both legs.

She also has the strength of a top legendary wizard, a mechanical spirit class, and has powerful combat power.

She has advantages that other magicians cannot replace in terms of secret society management, project and material management.

Frankenstein replied respectfully: "Your Majesty, the shadow puppet has been successfully corrected and is waiting for your inspection; in addition, Dean Hall has just sent a set of equipment, which also needs your personal inspection."

The Queen of Eternal Night nodded, summoned the two groups of responsible alchemists, and listened to their reports.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?"

As he listened, Frankenstein discovered that the Queen of Evernight was distracted.

"Huh?'s all good."

Queen Yongye came back to her senses and showed a mysterious smile.

Isn't this a serious matter that needs Roger and his wife to handle together?

She used a magic beacon to send a message to Roger: "Come to the Chapter of Imbalance to discuss matters."

The influence of the magician camp began to spread among more magicians.

Although it was first released through "Arcane Talk", you don't need to subscribe to the magazine to enter the magician camp. You only need to know the coordinates and learn the simplified magic of the Queen of Evernight.

Roger can learn it quickly, which means that most magic apprentices can also perform it smoothly and enter this virtual space exclusive to imperial magicians.

Low-level magicians can't challenge the Endless Tower yet, but this does not prevent them from browsing the message area, reading jokes to relax, or worshiping the places where the bosses have fought.

Not only Odu, but magicians from other parts of the empire also entered the magician camp one after another, understanding and discovering the joy of this new way of chatting.

When magicians from other countries enter, they can only browse but cannot speak.

Of course, too unrestrained communication while wearing a vest will inevitably lead to many disputes.

If you are too excited, it will progress from a theoretical argument to confirming the identity and position of the other party, suspecting intellectual disability, and finally to unintentional insults such as greeting the whole family and relatives.

This situation will naturally happen if both parties do not disclose their identities, but it is inevitable that a fearless boss who cannot control his temper will reveal his identity and openly invite a fight.

Or an old rival finds out the true identity hidden behind the vest, and the two parties confront each other in private, confirm their identities and start an offline date.

After all, anonymity is only a function chosen by users. The strong care about dignity and face and do not bother to hide their heads and tails.

Although such unpleasant things happen, most magicians agree with the emergence of the magician camp and praise Lord Kaz as one of the best magicians in the world. This comment area is the greatest this year. invention.

Climbing the tower is a bit lackluster because it is too difficult, but filling the water is so fun!

If you are not a magician, you still have to work to maintain your life, practice, and experiment. Some people spend time here without wanting to leave, and there are endless new messages waiting for them.

This is already the beginning of Internet addiction, and I'm afraid I need to use thunder and lightning spells to alleviate it slightly.

Judging from the acceptance level of magicians, the magician camp can be a great success at this point.

It is foreseeable that as the message area grows and more and more users participate, it will usher in a period of rapid user growth.

But personally, Queen Yongye felt a bit regretful.

The Endless Tower that she had worked so hard to design was not as attractive as an ancillary function that Roger casually mentioned, which made her very unconvinced.

At first, she saw that the enthusiasm of the magicians to break through the levels was getting lower and lower, and she felt that she had set the difficulty too high.

Later, I quietly made some adjustments, but there were still far more people chatting outside than climbing the tower to fight monsters.

In the end, there was a headcount difference of more than ten times.

Even if there is no reward for chatting, everyone is still interested;

The Endless Tower, which rewards legendary weapons, is getting more and more deserted. Are you angry?

The message area is developing like a snowball. The more people participate, the more interesting content, and the more in-depth topics there are, it will form positive feedback and attract more and more people.

Releases that are too low-cost can stimulate human beings' hidden desire for expression.

Compared with Endless Tower, it is a difficult and boring stand-alone game. It does not have growth attributes and relies solely on accumulation and operation. Its competitiveness is really not on the same level.

Only those core mages who like to challenge themselves and push their limits will continue to challenge tower climbing.

Normal magicians actually prefer torture games and don't like to improve themselves through being tortured...

Queen Yongye was angry for a while, but she thought about it.

So what if it was the function suggested by that guy Roger? The magicians still praised Lord Kaz.

After all, he is just making suggestions, and it is up to me to implement the functions.

I created this virtual world!

This time I took a detour and just verified that the copied homework is YYDS. I spent my time inventing inventions for these magicians who don’t understand appreciation. They don’t deserve it!

The national policy of Ivy League is to resolutely copy homework for a hundred years without wavering!

What belongs to the minister is the queen's, and what is the queen's is still the queen's. In the end, all glory will belong to me!

Please praise Lord Kaz as much as you like, people!

After some psychological counseling and appreciating the good data of the magician camp, the Queen of Evernight was quite satisfied.

The Eris bug she named Zero was also quite happy.

It is a natural monster that feeds on negative emotions. The endless tower breeds pain and despair, and the message area breeds anger and arrogance.

Although it is not as pure and delicious as pain, it is also a great tonic for Eris demon insects.

Before, I was tortured by the crazy transformation of the Queen of Evernight, and now it is finally the harvest season.

You must know that there are a large number of legendary mages and magisters active in the field of inner demons. These people usually have to work hard to trap one of them, but now they consciously dig in, it is simply a feast!

The stronger the mental power of a person, the stronger the emotion of birth will be. It is the ultimate delicacy.

With these emotional nourishments, the Eris Demonic Insect replenished the consumption of its previous transformation, and then the extra emotions flowed into itself hidden in the void, flickering with light, stimulating changes that it had never experienced...

Zero is ignorant. It actually has only the IQ of a child. It instinctively submits to the strong, but cannot think about too complicated problems.

The Secret Society has set up a new department to monitor, record, assist and study the magician camp day and night. It is called the Spiritual Space Management Department.

At first, it was referred to as the Spiritual Management Department. Colleagues teased that it should go to work in the Abyss Mill. After controlling the output of those guests, it began to call itself the Air Traffic Control Department.

The members of the Air Traffic Control Department record the changes in Zero at all times, find abnormalities, and try to analyze the mode of condensing emotions to strengthen itself. What kind of truth is hidden behind it.

"Similar to the collection of beliefs in gods, a weakened, primitive, and very limited deification?"

The data was summarized in the hands of the head of the Air Traffic Control Department. He frowned and analyzed it and thought of some documents and research he had seen. He had doubts but was not sure.

He chose to report this discovery. If the empire mastered the method of deification, or solved the mystery of the early birth of gods, it might provide some reference for fighting against gods.

In the void, half plane, chapter of imbalance.

Roger received an invitation from the Queen of Eternal Night, and arranged the affairs of Yinbingzhuang first, then teleported to Fengling Yueying Palace, and then came to the chapter of imbalance through the teleportation array.

Now he was led by the steel construct waiter here, and he was going around and around, and he didn't know where he was being taken.

Whether in the game or after crossing, it was the first time for him to enter the most powerful alchemy laboratory in the Eternal Night World. It felt quite novel and his eyes were not enough.

The corridors here were clean and dust-free, and the rooms were arranged according to a certain pattern that he couldn't understand.

The style was not the chaotic look he imagined, with potions bubbling and smoking, san falling all over the floor, and terrifying evil magic circles, and explosions and alarms in the whole tower from time to time.

On the contrary, this is a picture of order, cold and ruthless style, which looks a bit sci-fi!

In the corridor, he accidentally met a magician who was hurrying on his way. Although he was not wearing a white coat, there was also a scientist's rationality and indifference in his eyes.

Roger felt that when the path of magic reaches a certain level, it is the same as science. Both use wisdom to analyze the rules of the world, summarize them into theorems and formulas, and then strengthen themselves and turn them into the power to change the world.

It is still very hard to be a magician. Those who can become one by relying on blood and sleeping are called warlocks. They are the tall, rich and handsome, white, rich and beautiful among the wizards.

Warlocks are the model of conquering magic power by super high charm, and then mastering magic in a muddle. It is also the realm that Roger yearns for.

He who awakened the blood of the phoenix, combined with some suitable passives, is not just jealous of the convenience of the warlock, but really has a chance.

Sometimes Roger even doubts that a reckless man like the Queen of Eternal Night should be a warlock.

But she is really a pure magician, with a body of magic and thousands of spells, all of which are obtained by her own practice and research.

Soon, he arrived at a huge laboratory, where magicians of different levels were busy, using various spells and strange alchemical instruments to test an iron box as big as a laptop.

The Queen of Eternal Night sat on a swivel chair at the end of the room, legs crossed elegantly, toes tapping on the ground as she turned to look at Roger, with a sly and complacent smile on her face:

"My dear Roger, does this look like the tape recorder you mentioned?"

ps. Some of Taibella's opinions come from Weibo user @人五's "Bitch Guide"

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