Roger was watching the demonstrations of the alchemists.

The iron box did not have any magical fluctuations, but it really managed to record the sound and then restore it and play it back.

Frankenstein opened the iron box and took out the core component: "This is a recording disk made of multiple materials. Under physical impact, a specific depression will be produced. Then, by running the pointer across the depression, the amplitude of the sound vibration can be restored. Continuous playback will record the sound."

Roger looked at the black recording disk. It was not big, the recorded track was denser, and it had the characteristic of being repeatedly erasable...

Isn't this just a phonograph that can read magnetic disks?

It just uses alchemical materials with higher strength and characteristics than those on Earth in the Eternal Night World, but the basic principles should be similar.

In fact, Roger is not sure.

After all, he is just a game up master, not a technical geek, and has not really studied the invention of the last century.

He did catch up with the tail of the Walkman and played with tapes.

"What is the power of this device?" Roger asked curiously.

"It is the interaction of the two element pools that produces electrical spells, which then drives these structures. After using magic to charge, it can work continuously for ten hours." Frankenstein admired the blurred brilliance in his eyes.

Roger personally operated this iron box, which was not exquisite, and recorded and played, which were very simple functions.

There was no other fancy, but it was enough to make him amazed by the creativity of the magician.

It has only been a week since the publication of "New Arcana", and the genius alchemist has already broken through the electrical energy and made a phonograph?

There must be the advantages of learning from known magic and understanding the origin of the world, and it does not involve those exquisite integrated circuits.

A simple structure of technological devices should be as simple as eating and drinking water for an alchemist who can carve countless magic arrays on a small amulet.

Making a phonograph may be said to be a basic operation.

But seeing this iron box also made Roger excited, and he felt that he might need to re-evaluate the potential of magic civilization.

It seems that if we only need to open a window for these magicians, their genius and spirit of research can directly push down the entire wall?

The magic civilization of this world has accumulated for tens of thousands of years and has reached an extremely sophisticated and profound level.

The power it has accumulated is as strong as a volcano, and it could have caused a huge upheaval long ago.

It was only because it was suppressed by the gods and bound by the secular world that it did not take the step of changing the world and creating a super civilization like the Arcane Empire.

The unification and prosperity of the Evernight Empire built this foundation.

"New Arcane" liberated the magicians' thinking constraints, and they took the road of industrialization from a high-level perspective. In the early stage, it should be able to burst out more terrifying energy than the two industrial revolutions on Earth.

Roger imagined a beautiful future, and when he came to his senses, he found that all the magicians of the Secret Society were staring at him, with a faint expectation in their eyes, like children waiting for praise.

He realized that as the first proposer of magic industrialization, although his strength was terrible, he already had a certain appeal among some magician groups.

Because the ideas he proposed, to some extent, also became the spiritual leader of the arcane school, one of the authoritative powers.

So his suggestions are also an important affirmation for these alchemists?

Roger cleared his throat thinking of this, and said seriously: "Although there are differences in structure, in terms of function, it can be called the recorder I described."

"Thank you for the verification, Lord Charles. It seems that your prediction of interfering with reality with non-magical forces is a feasible way!"

Frankenstein's eyes flashed with bright light.

The magicians led by her bowed to Roger, with undisguised respect and admiration in their eyes.

As an alchemist, she admired this small device very much.

It does not have the function of destroying the world, but uses various means that do not involve magic to do things that were thought to be only magic can do in the past.

Such a device, Roger "predicted" in "New Arcana", he boldly said that many of the magicians' work can now be replaced by ordinary people by making suitable tools.

A real magician should be liberated from war and manufacturing, and use his energy to continuously explore more unknown areas.

Frankenstein was skeptical about such a statement, but she liked the future described by Roger.

Because making those "appropriate tools" is not the full-time job of alchemists?

If there is such a day, the status of alchemists will definitely be greatly improved.

But like other magicians, she is used to magic as the only solution to achieve extraordinary because of the convenience of magic, and is not sure whether ordinary people can complete the work of magicians.

Now this recording device has successfully revealed the possibility of this path.

Roger was a little ashamed. That was not a prophecy at all, but just the technological path that humans on Earth have achieved.

He secretly glanced at the Queen of Eternal Night. She had been watching with a smile, and seemed to have no dissatisfaction with Roger's improved status in the hearts of magicians, but was very pleased.

Is this the look of an old mother who wants her son to succeed?

However, Roger has realized that as an advocate of "New Arcana", he must also show enough confidence to lead more magicians to observe his own ideas.

After all, the road ahead will be difficult, complicated, and long. The phonograph is just a simple device. To reproduce the productivity of scientific and technological civilization, the equipment that needs to be manufactured and the gaps that need to be filled are as numerous as stars.

This is not a job that can be completed by an independent individual, nor by any organization. It can only be achieved by gathering the strength of a country and mobilizing collective strength together.

So in the end, although he was a little uneasy, Roger still accepted the admiration of Frankenstein and others calmly, and smiled with relief like the leaders on TV: "The prophecy only provides a possibility. We must thank the efforts of the Secret Society for putting the ideal into practice and becoming a reality that changes the empire."

Hearing this, Frankenstein's expression became strange and he looked at the Queen of Eternal Night behind him.

The Queen of Eternal Night smiled faintly: "Fusi, there is nothing to hide from Roger, my dear. In the future, he will have the first-level permission in the Chapter of Imbalance."

"Recorded." A mechanical cold blue light flashed in Frankenstein's eyes.

Roger suddenly felt a little terrified. This woman's transformation of her body might be more extreme than outsiders imagined.

Many organs in that beautiful head are probably not original, right?

Before he could think too much, Frankenstein introduced: "This recorder prototype was not made by the Secret Society, but by Dean Hall."

Roger was surprised: "But doesn't he believe in the sacredness and irreplaceability of magic, and is the leader of the ancient worship school? How did he suddenly make a recorder..."

Frankenstein didn't say anything. Dean Hall was a senior, so she couldn't comment casually.

The Queen of Eternal Night had a playful smile on her lips: "The teacher didn't win the argument with someone in the message area, and he wanted to use experiments to prove that magic is irreplaceable. The theories in "New Arcana" are all nonsense. Then he sent someone to deliver this recorder."

"Is the dean... emotionally stable now?"

"I am in seclusion and doubting my life."

The Queen of Eternal Night smiled with curved eyebrows, trying hard not to laugh out loud.

Hall is a stubborn old man. After teaching and educating people for a long time, it is inevitable that he is a bit craftsmanlike, and he must convince people with reason.

He was annoyed by the unreasonable discussion on the message board. After a long and eloquent speech, someone finally said, "You are right. After all, there was magic before there was heaven." He felt like he had punched the air with a heavy punch and vomited blood.

He won the argument, but he didn't win completely, which made him feel very uncomfortable...

So Hall was angry and wanted to use experiments to prove that magic is sacred and irreplaceable.

As a result, he worked like a tiger and made a recorder, which was considered to be digging out the foundation of his own theory.

"This... is a very sympathetic experience." Roger could understand Dean Hall's choice to retreat, and at the same time, he couldn't help but sigh that fate is really a magical thing.

The arcane school hasn't even made a move yet, and the sky of the ancient worship school has collapsed.

Dean Hall broke the defense Dean Hall, where can you go to reason?

The Queen of Eternal Night did not continue to dwell on this topic, but asked: "Now, do you think this little thing has any practical use besides proving the feasibility of magic industrialization?"

With the current living standards of Qingteng citizens, ordinary people cannot afford entertainment such as tape recorders, but nobles can afford magic photography.

So this thing seems to be quite useless?

Roger thought about it and found that there is no prosperous song market in this world, and developing the entertainment industry is not their top priority, so this tape recorder seems to be really not very practical?


Roger said seriously: "If this tape recorder can be modified to be miniaturized and convenient, and even add a radio communication module, it may be able to make outstanding achievements in intelligence work."

The Queen of Eternal Night can also be said to be a military genius. She understood it at a glance and reacted immediately, showing an interested smile: "Darkness under the lamp? This is indeed a direction that can be tried."

You must know that "New Arcane" is the most advanced theory at present. Non-magical means achieve the effect of magic. This is a controversial view that the most cutting-edge magicians cannot accept.

The priests who have been brainwashed by the gods and are more conservative than magicians are naturally unwilling to accept that humans can steal the authority of the gods one day.

The undercovers trained by the gods, when they arrive at a place to confirm that there are no eavesdropping or peeping methods, all use the skills of detecting magic auras and using various counter-prophecy spells.

They would never think of a recorder, and they would not believe it even if they heard about it.

Just put it on the cabinet to record and eavesdrop, and the enemy spies will not know that they have been exposed.

They subconsciously believe that there is no magic fluctuation in this room, which is absolutely safe.

Or when two armies are fighting, an artwork is snatched away by the enemy. There is no magic fluctuation on the beautiful statue. The enemy general hides it in his tent, but he does not know that there is a recording device inside...

Or the small gift sent by the nightingale, the exquisite jewelry hides a wonderful function emmm

In the past, the Secret Law Society also helped the intelligence department of the empire to create some special equipment, trying every means to reduce magic fluctuations and shield detection magic.

But the investment is huge, and the effect is very small...

If it is this kind of magic device that can work without using magic at all...


Spy equipment without magic fluctuations, great!

This is the blind spot of thinking. As long as we continue to develop recorders, cameras, wireless transmitters, etc. along this path and use them properly, the empire's future intelligence work will definitely achieve breakthrough results with its technological advantages!

The Queen of Eternal Night originally just got a new toy, and she restrained her expression when she called Roger to open his eyes. She said seriously: "Fusi, erase the memory of all people who know about the recorder, set up the fourteenth secret research and development department, and Roger, my dear, will serve as an advisor to be responsible for this research and development."

The Queen suddenly showed her full aura, showing a decisiveness beyond the world, suppressing the whole audience.

Even Roger felt a little breathless and said with everyone in the secret law: "Yes, your Majesty."

The Queen stood up: "I am going to talk to Dean Hall about confidentiality."

She opened the portal, suddenly turned around, and smiled sweetly: "By the way, Roger, my dear, remember to ask Fusi for the souvenir of your first visit."

Looking at that beautiful face, Roger's heart skipped a beat for no reason.

MD, this scumbag Queen is wise and powerful one second, and charming everyone the next second. I really can't stand it!

The most difficult thing in this world is how many faces a beautiful woman can have at the same time.

About an hour later, Roger secretly communicated with Frankenstein about the Zero Magic Device that he thought might be useful for intelligence work, and suggested the first version update of the magician camp, and then left the Chapter of Imbalance with his "souvenir".

After Frankenstein's introduction and mastering the usage, Roger knew very well that this was a carefully prepared legendary prop, and it was not a souvenir for everyone to visit.

On the surface, it was very inconspicuous, just a big-headed doll made of gray shadows, which could be hung around the waist and required magic power above that of a low-level magician to drive.

The effect was to summon a shadow puppet.

[Shadow Puppet: A consciousness carrier made of shadow power, which can simulate any appearance and inherit certain spellcasting abilities of the main body. It is immune to most anti-magic detection and can resist one fatal injury for the main body. 】

Actually experiencing this shadow puppet and putting consciousness into it, it feels like an incarnation outside the body.

The shadow puppet has five senses that are almost indistinguishable from the original body. It looks no different from a normal person to the naked eye. It can also simulate various appearances and shapes. Even magic can hardly determine that it is not a real person.

With Roger's mental power, he can actually do two things at once, controlling the original body and the shadow puppet to carry out activities at the same time.

It is quite embarrassing that the shadow puppet communicates with the shadow plane due to its own characteristics, and has the strength of a high-level wanderer.

Combined with several combat talents, it seems to be a little higher than Roger's combat power...

Normally, such a shadow puppet would be a magic close to legend, replacing the magician to explore some dangerous areas.

Now the Queen of Eternal Night ordered the secret law to solidify it into a prop, and also let Roger, who only has the strength of a junior magician, use it. It is obvious that it is specially made for him.

"The real purpose is not to let me work for her as Roger and Dio at the same time? This is too capitalist!"

Roger suddenly felt that a certain queen was getting more and more despicable.

But it didn't stop him from thinking that this item was really useful. As the number of things to be handled increased, it could solve his problem of being unable to split his attention.

He returned to Yinbing Manor as a shadow puppet to continue presiding over the work, while his real body went to the military headquarters.

Today there was a "special ceremony" to bid farewell to Tashika.

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