Military headquarters, the grand and luxurious office of the left prime minister.

Queen Yongye did not return to Maple Spirit Moon Shadow Palace, but teleported here, and was hearing Margaret reprimanding her subordinates who were not doing things well:

"I asked you to cripple a junior magician, but you can actually let him get away with such a simple task. Are you fools? No, you are big fools! Big fools, big fools, big fools!"

The little devil's voice was clear and sweet, and he was full of emotion when he was teaching people. The ups and downs of his voice gave him an inexplicable... pleasant feeling.

Those cowardly nobles who were just outsiders were suddenly inspired to dare to resist the undead army because of Margaret's angry rebuke. This was inseparable from Margaret's outstanding performance.

On the surface, all the subordinates lowered their heads and accepted the teachings humbly, but in fact they were afraid that their leaders would see their expressions of enjoyment.

As working hours get longer, many people have had strange symptoms of not being scolded for a whole day and feeling uncomfortable all over...

One of them was willing to be beaten, and the other was willing to suffer. Margaret scolded her to the point where she felt comfortable, and all the people with certain uterine diseases were scolded to feel comfortable and dispersed.

The Queen of Evernight said calmly: "Mary, is the junior magician you want to cripple named Roger Charles?"

"Ah, Your Majesty, when did you come? Shall I make tea for you?" Margaret turned around suddenly, her little tail wagging, and she poked her hands excitedly.

Queen Yongye snorted: "No need, answer my question first."

"This...Your Majesty, can you remain silent?" Margaret suddenly felt guilty. She also knew that Roger's status in the heart of Queen Evernight was extraordinary.

If I cripple him secretly and find a temporary worker to take the blame, of course I can.

But now this man was not crippled, but was caught by the Queen of Evernight...

The Queen of Evernight's mage lifted her up by her tail: "Of course you can, but you can't miss it!"

Looking at the pulled away ground, Margaret wailed: "Your Majesty, I am wronged, I am really wronged, it was Roger who took the initiative to ask me to help test the strength of his skills!"

"Help with the test, just click on it, why should I be disabled?"

"It's not crippled. Those idiots' subordinates didn't even break their shields. They just used up a little mental energy?"

"Yeah, use up some mental energy..."

The Queen of Eternal Night became more and more angry as she thought about it, and used another mage's hand to pat Margaret's little butt rhythmically, gradually accelerating.

Do you know how much effort I put into coaxing him to meditate and actively restore his mental strength?

You have no idea! You have no idea how difficult it is for me!

You are no longer the Margaret who would share my worries, you are a stupid devil with jealous eyes!

However, the feeling of fighting idiots is getting better and better...

Margaret cried stormily.

Your Majesty, you are obviously not angry anymore, why are you still beating me?

I'm dizzy. I'm really dizzy. If I continue to spin, the solid and liquid will separate. Hey!

Drinking ice cream.

Shadow Puppet Roger began to compose the next issue of "Arcane Talk", and at the same time, "New Arcana" also began to select topics.

There is follow-up research on the previous paper, as well as new research content.

At this time when magic and technology have just begun to collide, it couldn't be easier to find out what makes magicians interested and quarrelsome.

Even if the tape recorder invented by Dean Hall cannot be made public for the time being, I believe that the Arcana Society will soon follow this idea and find inventions that have nothing to do with espionage work to prove that ordinary people can also use tools to perform magic.

Regardless of magic or technology, they should be tools for human beings to solve problems. There is no superiority or inferiority. Just use whichever is more convenient and cheaper.

While the shadow puppet was busy working, Roger's body returned to Charles Mansion to meditate and regain his mental strength.

There is higher fire magic in the thin wax nest. Although it cannot increase the recovery speed, it will make him feel more comfortable, and the magic accumulation speed is three times that of the outside world, and the passive growth is doubled while sleeping.

Moreover, Roger discovered that when he entered the meditative state, he could just ignore it and continue to do whatever he needed to do with the shadow puppet, which greatly reduced the boringness of practice.

I would like to thank classmate Xiao Joey for his obedient cooperation. Not only did he handle the work of "New Arcana" perfectly, but the preparation of the Night Guard was also very smooth.

The Queen of Eternal Night supported ten legendary powerhouses, fifty magisters, plus outstanding newcomers who had just graduated from two major magic academies.

Roger is recruiting strong men one after another according to the list. A small part of them cannot be found yet, and there are still a few that have not yet grown up, but they can also join the Night Guard for training.

The basic military resources are elites drawn from the main battle corps. It is expected that the first battalion of the Night Guard will be filled with a total of 1,000 people within three days.

This is the mobilization ability of the Ivy Empire in the early days of its establishment. Strong men emerged in large numbers, and the newcomers were also quite outstanding. The most important thing was that everyone dared to fight for continuous victories. The young people were full of enthusiasm and were willing to serve the wise and powerful queen.

So in comparison, Queen Evernight always feels that Roger is really difficult to control and has too many ideas of her own.

Fortunately, as the two of them came into contact more and more, Roger became more and more aware, recognized the empire more deeply, and gradually became more proactive.

Sometimes, Roger couldn't tell whether it was because of time that he had developed feelings for this land, but because the sunk costs he had invested were increasing, he was unwilling to let it be destroyed by the Seven Gods, and wanted to do his part. force to help it go further.

But after all, this country is getting better and better, right?

Roger believes that what he has done will definitely help people in this world who have nothing like himself in the past.

Cut off all those rotten, old things that bind humanity, even if the process will bleed, but when the wounds are healed, we will always go further with light equipment.

Time passed by, and night fell.

Roger walked to Joey's office and forcibly pulled up the girl who was working hard: "It's time to get off work!"

"There are still a few documents that have not been processed..." Joey complained in a low voice, but still did not dare to go against Roger's wishes, and began to pack up and prepare to get off work.

We agreed to a "date" tonight.

Thinking of this, the energetic girl also became happy, cleaned up her desk, and went to touch up her makeup.

Roger sat in the room, patiently waiting for the lady to appear, but suddenly frowned and remembered something.

His appearance and clothes fluctuated slightly.

Soon, he became Dio Brando.

Because of today's Princess Half Sky prison break, even the Queen of Eternal Night appeared in person, and everyone knew that Roger Charles was involved.

Therefore, many people also knew about his return to Charles's mansion.

And this farewell to Tasica, Roger's script was "private action to let the important hostage escape", which is ultimately a negative event.

At this time, if Roger appeared in public with his face, some blind people might jump out.

Although it was a performance, and the public information would try to downplay Roger's presence, there are always some well-informed people who have "real information".

This mixed news of true and false is actually for the Orc Kingdom and other religious countries to see, in order to increase the credibility of the prison break.

But it is not ruled out that there are patriots with an excessive sense of justice. After knowing part of the truth, they will have a bad impression of Roger and preach loyalty to the emperor and patriotism after meeting him.

Especially behind him are those nobles who are already dissatisfied with Roger's limelight.

Although they were scared last night, there must be many people who couldn't let go, and they would inevitably say bad things about him behind his back.

Roger was not afraid of trouble, but he didn't want to ruin his rare date with Joey because of these rubbish, so he thought about it and decided to use Dio's identity tonight.

Anyway, Joey knew the secrets of the two identities, and she shouldn't be opposed to dating with this face...

emmm, maybe she would be more surprised, after all, the one she threw herself into the fire with was "Lord Dio".

Without waiting for him to wait, Joey changed into a very casual long skirt, put on a very light makeup, and casually draped her blonde hair, revealing the purity and vitality of the girl.

Roger's eyes lit up, it seems that it's the beautiful school girl tonight~

Joey was stunned when she saw "Dio", and then she smiled shyly and touchedly: "Lord, you are thoughtful."

Obviously she misunderstood that Roger was taking care of her first date, so he deliberately dressed up as Dio to get back the feeling of the first meeting.

Although the girl accepted Master Charles' excellence, the tormenting time when she chose the common people's new rich without hesitation was also the highlight of her life that would never fade away.

She gambled on the flash of her future life, and she still went forward despite thousands of people blocking her. Now looking back, she also admired her courage at that time.

Roger really didn't expect that this girl could think of this direction, and at the same time he felt guilty to find that it was really their first date.

He really ignored her efforts a little too much.

The world seen by the love brain was so beautiful that he couldn't bear to break it. He stood up and raised his arm for her to hold him, and kissed her on the side of her cheek: "Sorry, this day is too late."

Little Joey's eyes were full of bright smiles, and he said seriously: "It's neither early nor late? I want to be with adults for a long, long time, not competing for the day and night."

Roger's heart trembled slightly. He was familiar with every little expression of this girl and knew that she was not making excuses for herself, but really thought so.

He didn't say anything else, and the two of them were directly teleported to the high-end restaurant booked tonight.

Maybe the taste here is not as good as the Duke's kitchen that I personally instructed, but the happiness presented to the world also has a different meaning for girls.

Even if no one has blessed their relationship, the little Joey who blooms for love is also qualified to enjoy the envy of the world.

Roger will make up for the treatment that a noble girl will receive when she falls in love.

And the news that Dior reappeared in Aodu has also been observed by some people.

The mysterious city, the port area.

The port area is a newly planned high-end residential and commercial area around the port of the Rose River. Compared with the aristocratic area south of the Xinghan Palace, it is more favored by the emerging rich.

The streets and houses here are more fashionable and full of romanticism. Compared with the aristocratic manors of the rich and powerful, it seems much more relaxed.

A beautiful three-story building, nominally belongs to a new fishery noble, but in fact it is an industry arranged by the Sea Country for its own spies.

After discovering many suspicious points about Roger, Tianming mentor Xia Di Veronica became more hesitant to act, and turned to a protracted war, preparing to make more careful plans before taking action, in order to avoid the tragedy of being fooled by old Joestar and acting hastily and getting nothing.

Because of the turn to a protracted war, the prince of the Sea Kingdom, Shak, was naturally dissatisfied with the environment of the inn over there, and took the initiative to contribute this small building.

Whether it is comfort or concealment, it is more convenient for the Tianming army to act, and Xia Di has no reason to refuse.

The Sea Nation’s infiltration of the coastal areas is even worse than that of the City of Mysteries, so tonight they have sent back their investigation of Dio Brando:

There is no such person in that so-called hometown, and even the family with the surname Brando cannot be found!

Seeing this investigation result, Xia Di’s eyes flashed with a light similar to "there is only one truth", and she laughed softly:

"I know there is something wrong with this Dio. He is a play performed by Roger and the Queen of Eternal Night. As long as we know why such an identity is fabricated, we may be able to create an opportunity and easily trap Roger!"

Just when Xia Di was happy that the preliminary preparations for capturing Roger had made a breakthrough, a subordinate of the Tianming Army came in to report: "Teacher, the trace of Dio Brando was found!"

He took out a magic photo, which had a precious picture of Roger and Little Joey eating in the restaurant.

Xia Di frowned slightly. Dio had not appeared in Aodu for a while. Now he suddenly came back. Does it mean that the Queen of Eternal Night is going to take some action?

Can I make some arrangements while taking action?

She felt that she had found an idea.

Roger is heavily protected, but Dio's selling point is that he is a civilian cabinet minister, and the surrounding forces are quite empty.

Especially since his residence is in a commercial area with relatively weak defense forces, and there is no defense force set up, maybe he can be used as a target!

She confirmed that Roger and Dio are the same person, and her thinking became much broader, and she had several...

dozens of new ideas on how to seize the opportunity!

Xia Di tapped the table lightly with her fingers, just out of usual caution, and casually confirmed: "By the way, what is Roger doing now?"

According to her inference, since Dio appeared, Roger must be nowhere to be found now!

Unexpectedly, the subordinate gave a very confident answer: "Roger is meditating in Charles's mansion."

"I knew Roger wouldn't show up... Wait, what did you say, he's in Charles's mansion?" Xia Di's train of thought was suddenly interrupted, and he grabbed the collar of his subordinate, "Wake up, I'm asking where Roger Charles is now? I want to confirm reliable information!"

The subordinate said with difficulty: "Replying to the mentor, our people are very sure that Roger Charles has not left since he returned to the mansion. He has been meditating. There are very obvious and unique magical fluctuations in the room."

Xia Di let him go. She didn't doubt the loyalty of her subordinates, but she doubted the current situation: "Where is Dio now?"

The subordinate contacted and asked: "He has arrived at the opera house."

So, Roger and Dio, aren't they the same person?

Is my perfect reasoning wrong?

Xia Di's heart was instantly confused.

Then, which stone crack did this Dio jump out of?

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