Dio Brando returns to the mysterious city, and the civilian cabinet that became famous in Beijing a few days ago appears again.

Not only Teacher Tianming paid special attention to it, but also the nobles and officials of the empire paid a lot of attention.

Although the young master of the Charles family has been the most popular recently, Dior compiled the "History of the Ivy Empire", joined the cabinet and became a trusted staff member of the Queen of Evernight, and captured the culprit of the Bloody Night of Odu at the speed of light. A series of big actions are enough to Impress everyone with him.

Now that he is back, does it mean that there will be any new turmoil in the ever-changing Austrian officialdom?

In the eyes of some, Dior represented the rise of the common people, in sharp contrast to the aristocratic class whose power was being restricted.

Whether the two forces will conflict, whether Dior will make new moves, or whether he will just keep a low profile as a minister of history, has become the focus of many people's expectations.

However, for the nobles who are in the game, they are not so calm about watching the show.

Southern part of the Ivy Empire, the Principality of Fergus.

This was originally one of the seventeen countries, bordering the Elf Empire and the Warcraft Mountains. Caravans and adventurers were active, so commerce was very prosperous, and it also gave rise to an extremely rampant slave trade.

The current Grand Duke Fergus, the elderly nobleman who had some strange stories with his daughter-in-law, had a gloomy face all day long after returning from the mysterious city, feeling that his dignity had been greatly trampled on.

In his castle, messengers from different forces came in and out like ants, and they didn't know what they were plotting.

In the past few days, the imperial aristocracy was as if a major earthquake had occurred. People were in panic and had trouble sleeping and eating.

Although the Queen of Evernight did not take any subsequent actions, after that night, most of the nobles remembered Her Majesty's decisive killings in the past, and the number of heads under her men was rolling.

But now she has become even more unpredictable, always smiling, and everyone couldn't figure out what the queen's attitude was until they returned to their own territory.

The more this happened, the more worried I was, fearing that the meteor waterfall would fall on my manor in the next second.

There is also the newly established Dark Night Guard, which is nominally responsible for supervising the nobles. It has also been making big moves these days.

One after another, strong men joined with high profile, selecting elite backbones in the army, making the nobles who once shouted to expel Roger tremble...

It seems that this Roger Charles is really the heart and soul of the Queen of Evernight. He has given her such great support. She secretly doesn’t know how many powerful people will appear in the Night Guard.

This power is definitely not something that any noble can counter with just relying on his private army, even in a territory that he has managed for hundreds of years.

The three fires of the new official's appointment were that Roger received strong support from the Queen of Evernight. I'm afraid that soon, this fire will burn on the nobles who want to offend him...

No one could have expected that the nobles, who had been arrogant for tens of thousands of years, were backed by the most powerful Ivy Empire in the world. They were supposed to be living a carefree life, but they were suddenly given a father by the Queen of Evernight. …

The most uncomfortable thing is that this father seems to have been made by themselves.

The triumphal celebration that just passed by drinking and dancing was deceived, and inexplicably it felt like it had become a turning point in their fate.

Who can I talk to to explain this matter?

The key nobles cannot afford to investigate!

Among the great aristocrats of this era, if they had not done anything illegal or violated the laws and regulations in their own territory, or had secretly engaged in business that was not allowed by the empire, few of them were clean.

Under this pressure, a considerable number of nobles, led by the Duke of South Carneton, chose to flee secretly.

With family and wealth, yo-yo!

Before the Queen of Eternal Night cuts the nobles into the sewer, let's save the last bit of dignity and property. Let's change our place and become a handsome rich man!

Of course, there are also those who are not convinced, such as Archduke Fergus, who is reluctant to give up everything he has now.

The property can be taken away, but the land cannot be taken away. You can live fearlessly in your own territory.

In a secret meeting room in the castle, more than a dozen richly dressed nobles finally made a difficult decision after two days of discussions:

"Just Ivy, totally unworthy of allegiance!"

Archduke Fergus united with many nobles in the south, representing those present and many more who were not present, to announce the formation of the Alliance of Free Principalities, and from then on the independent rule of the Ivy Empire.

The Alliance of Free Principalities called on a total of ninety-nine nobles from the southern part of the empire to participate, and was known to the outside world as the "Alliance of One Hundred Kingdoms."

Each noble territory has independent finance, law, and military affairs, and has signed a military watch and mutual assistance agreement.

The Church of the God of Knowledge, the God of Music, and the Goddess of War are allowed to preach in the territory. These three churches were all gods that were quite active in the southern kingdom of mankind.

Of course, the Free Principality Alliance only declared independence and separated from the Ivy League Empire. It did not declare war on the Ivy League Empire, nor did it shout slogans such as overthrowing the Ivy League tyranny.

They still knew how much they were worth, and they took this step just because they had a premonition that Queen Yongye would impose more and more restrictions on the nobles. They did not want to sit back and wait for death, and hoped to protect the inheritance of their family in this way...

Therefore, the Free Principality Alliance not only did not oppose the Ivy Empire, but was even prepared to proactively reach a trade agreement, offensive and defensive alliance with the Ivy Empire, and receive military assistance.

This reflects the hesitation and weakness of these nobles. They are independent, but not completely independent.

Not only did he want to maintain the unchanging power of the aristocracy, he also wanted to become a vassal state of the Ivy Empire and receive protection. He also wanted to get the support of the church and take advantage of all the benefits in the world.

They thought that the Empire had just defeated the Orc Tribe and was recuperating after a great war. They would not attack their former comrades so soon, right?

If they worked hard to develop, with the support of the Church and sufficient strategic depth, by the time the Qingteng Empire was free to deal with itself, the Free Principality Alliance should have already established a firm foothold.

The Church and the surrounding religious states also intended to support the Southern Principality Alliance to create trouble for the Qingteng Empire.

When the Qingteng Empire and the religious states came into conflict, they might be able to have a more ambiguous attitude and have the best of both worlds...

After some analysis by Grand Duke Fergus and his men, and with the Church's deception, they gritted their teeth and stomped their feet, and really announced the establishment of the Free Principality Alliance.

The Alliance established a Noble Council, with Grand Duke Fergus as the first speaker, leading a group of brothers to oppose the extreme policies of the Qingteng Empire.

Less than ten minutes after the Free Principality Alliance was established, the envoys of the Empire came to Fergus Castle and brought the edict written by the Queen of Eternal Night:

"Anyone who intends to split the empire will be killed without mercy."

Grand Duke Fergus took the edict and his hands were shaking.

It was not the content, but the date of signing the edict that was problematic.

The words and the Queen's signature were all written long ago, only the date was filled in today, the fonts were different, and it was a little wet.

Could it be that the envoy filled in the date casually outside the door?

Could it be that the Queen had already calculated that we would take this step and was waiting for us?

No, no, we are not walking into a trap, are we?

A great nobleman who served as a member of the Alliance asked the envoy in a trembling voice: "My lord, is it too late for us to announce the dissolution of the alliance and return to the embrace of the Qingteng Empire now?"

The envoy of the Empire answered gracefully: "That depends on the transmission speed of the Dark Night Guard."



Outside the Mysterious City, a secret camp.

Roger wore the stand-up collar uniform he designed for the Dark Night Guard himself, and his eyes swept across the first Dark Night Guard Battalion that assembled for the first time.

He found something very fulfilling. Not counting the Tianming mentor and the player character, the paper strength of the Dark Night Guard in his hands was comparable to the number of strong men in the early days of the Tianming Army.

This time, the Queen supported him, his sister helped him, and he also gathered strong men who would be famous in the future. The final result was a total of 26 legendary combatants, 130 magician combatants, and more than 300 senior magicians of the same level.

The rest were also elites drawn from various armies. They were all professionals with good growth potential. They were young, had seen blood, were extremely loyal to the empire and the Queen, and were willing to execute all orders.

Such an elite battalion with a high proportion of strong men can not only perform special operations and intelligence theft in groups, but also be assembled to fight a small-scale war.

After all, this is a world with a huge gap in personal combat power. A legendary strong man is equivalent to thousands of soldiers.

The empire, which is still at its peak, has many strong men emerging one after another. It has gathered the elites of mankind for hundreds of years. With a little integration, it can pull out such a team, which also makes Roger secretly shocked.

The empire already has such a foundation. How many strong men are hidden in those churches that have accumulated for a longer time and have immortal races?

Those arrogant nobles are just farces under their control, which is very different from real wars.

But such a stage is also a good touchstone, which can gather the military spirit of this force and test the effect of the latest equipment.

Roger came back to his senses. On the other side of the powerful combat power, these subordinates actually have some distrust of him, a weak strong man.

But he holds the Eternal Night Order, and can borrow the appeal of the Eternal Night Queen to make the entire Dark Night Guard completely obey his dispatch. At the same time, the strong men trained by the imperial military system are obedient.

However, if Roger wants to really hold this power in his hands, he needs a lot of time and some thoughts.

He spoke lightly, his voice reaching everyone's ears: "I believe everyone has already known what happened in the south. The so-called Free Principality Alliance has actually betrayed and split the empire. This is a huge damage to the empire's reputation. We must solve the enemy as quickly as possible.

The enemy is not strong, and it can be said to be quite weak relative to our strength. This is a battle that must be won, and you can win without me. However, the meaning of my existence is to lead you to win beautifully, win neatly, win to shock the world... Then, continue to win, be remembered by the people of the empire, and become the eternal nightmare of the disloyal!"

Excitement appeared on many people's faces.

To make achievements, be loyal to the country, and be famous all over the world, which good man can refuse?

But many older strong men will not be fooled by their own superiors, and they still have the idea of ​​taking one step at a time.

How far can this young, useless young master in front of them, who is said to have only the strength of a junior magician, lead them?

Without solid, independent military achievements, Roger Charles was still a child in the eyes of the proudest imperial people.

Standing on the high platform, Roger could see a thousand faces with different expressions, and showed a contemptuous smile:

"It doesn't matter whether you are convinced or not. We will gather in the banquet hall of Grand Duke Fergus in an hour to discuss it again."

"In one hour, to capture the territory of a Grand Duke?" A one-eyed swordsman showed an interested smile, "Boss, you set too high a requirement for yourself, right?"

Roger did not answer directly: "Now, let's go to the Chapter of Imbalance to collect equipment, and then teleport to the Principality of Fergus."

As soon as he said these words, all professionals, no matter what level they were, began to breathe rapidly.

Chapter of Imbalance, the holy land of the Imperial Alchemists.

And the alchemist represents...

The best weapons, the best armor, the best enchanted gear...even legendary items!

It is said that the welfare of the Night Guard is good, but now it is so good that they can directly go to Chapter of Imbalance to pick out equipment?

Roger maintained that this was just a gay thing, but he was also a little amused.

This is the benefit of fooling Frankenstein into lameness.

He talked a lot about industrial production with the mechanical girl, making her believe that the current alchemy equipment can be mass-produced through assembly lines in the future, and they are all worthless things.

Frankenstein looked at the good equipment he had hoarded, and suddenly looked worried.

So he agreed to give the Dark Night Guard more assistance on top of the standards provided by the Queen of Evernight.

Anyway, after it is taken away, it will be created a hundred times or a thousand times in the future, right?

The benefits that came with joining were kept by Roger until before the war and became a prop to boost morale.

So far, it seems to be working well.

The next step is to use victory as a footnote to his bold words.

The light of the teleportation array flickered, and Roger led a thousand night guards and appeared on a mountain thirty kilometers away from Fergus Castle.

The majestic castle in the distance has already lit up with the light of the defensive magic array.

They got the exact news that more than a dozen nobles with guards and private troops were guarding the castle.

The nobles are not stupid either. They know that the Night Guards are very powerful and will never let them go. It is unlikely that any single guard can withstand them.

But together, they may not be able to fight.

The south has always been rich, and naturally supports many strong men. This integration is the number of legendary strong men, and Roger's side does not have an advantage.

Moreover, the opponent is backed by a castle that is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and there is also a magic circle that Archduke Fergus has been tinkering with for hundreds of years. It is definitely a tough nut to crack.

The one-eyed swordsman observed the enemy's strength and said with a smile: "Boss, is it still an hour?"

"You can keep track of time."

Roger took out an hourglass, and the fine sand flowed slowly.

Several night guards opened a large cage, and a large group of birds flapped their wings and flew towards Fergus Castle.

The technicians of the Arcanum have many mirrors in front of them, showing what these birds see, as well as a lot of information scanned by invisible light.

There are no magical fluctuations, this is a fusion of biological modification and radio technology, coupled with multiple detection technology.

Soon, technical experts restored an accurate map of Fergus Castle and cracked the structure of the protective magic circle.

This night guard not only possesses powerful magic power, but also has technological equipment.

Its power on the battlefield should surprise those nobles who huddle together for warmth, right?

At the same time, it will also give these proud soldiers a surprise.

Roger looked at the continuous dripping of fine sand and was very curious, how far could he do it this time?

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