In the ice-cellar-like library, Roger was almost driven crazy by the Queen of Eternal Night.

But he had to put on an extremely grateful and honored look on his face despite his inner complaints.

The Queen of Eternal Night also wanted to test him at this time.

After all, this was someone who could see through the true identities of the gods.

He said that he just wanted to be a useless brother and he was just messing around, but the Queen didn't believe it from the bottom of her heart.

Before saying this, can you explain your terrifying mental power?

Without arduous training, it is absolutely impossible to have such a strong mental power.

She first talked about the frequent unrest in the Seventeen Kingdoms.

"Those were all defeated by your Majesty, and they were just minor illnesses, not worth worrying about." Roger pretended to be a die-hard fan of the Queen.

[This should be the butterfly effect of prohibiting the Seven Gods Church from preaching, right? The fools of the Seventeen Kingdoms are really stupid, and they don't know that they are being used as guns by the gods! 】

[Although they are a mob, they are troublesome if they make trouble. The Empire has to fight against the Church of the Seven Gods and suppress the rebellion of the Seventeen Kingdoms. The military force is probably tight, right? 】

The Queen of Eternal Night's eyes lit up when she heard this, and then she became a little angry.

This bastard is really playing me!

When I mentioned the unrest in the Seventeen Kingdoms, he immediately thought of the gods and analyzed that the Empire's military force was insufficient.

Ordinary generals in the Empire don't have this kind of overall view.

Obviously, his dandyism and waste are all pretending, but he is actually very smart!

He has a brain but doesn't use it, that's just slacking off, right?

What's his word?

Lie flat!

The Queen's mind flashed Roger lying on the bed, his eyes lost his dream...

Really vivid!

An eighteen-year-old kid, thinking about lying flat all day, thinking about being lazy, is this reasonable? !

Even if you want to pretend, we can also maintain a tacit understanding, secretly pass on information, and secretly help me build the empire!

The gods are not omniscient and omnipotent!

With me in front to hold them back, they will never notice you, little guy. Why are you so cowardly?

The Queen of Eternal Night became more and more angry as she thought about it.

She turned the tide, swept through seventeen countries, and had clear rewards and punishments. She was powerful, beautiful, and wise. Wasn't she worthy of assistance?

But she had to hold back her anger to prevent exposing the secret that she had eavesdropped on Roger's thoughts.

If Roger became alert because of her momentary pleasure, there might be no interesting complaints to listen to in the future.

Thinking of this, the Queen of Eternal Night could only temporarily not pursue Roger's deliberate concealment of his shortcomings, and she had to use Roger's tree hole on the surface.

She talked about the benevolent policy advocated by Angelina and other ministers.

The Queen concluded: "The Right Prime Minister has the people in mind and suggests taking it slow, but I always think it's too slow."

Roger respectfully advised: "Your Majesty, haste makes waste. It is impossible to succeed in governing a country overnight. You must not be anxious and ruin your body."

The Queen did not rush to express her opinion.

Because she knew that Roger's voice was the key point. In his chaotic thoughts, "finding gold in shit" was the most important thing in this question:

[Take it step by step? Let the seventeen countries appreciate the goodness of the empire and naturally submit? My stupid sister, go to bed, you can dream about anything. ]

[Besides, how can the empire have time to let you do it slowly now? No matter how strong your internal affairs ability is, you can't create something out of nothing and support the people of the seventeen countries! ]

[Use the method of giving benefits in exchange for the people of the seventeen countries to sing praises on the surface, when one day the empire really needs them, taxes and labor are added to their heads, and they will immediately turn their faces and refuse to recognize you! ]

[And if the people of the seventeen countries are treated so well, what will the local citizens of the Qingteng Empire think? After ten years of hard work, sweeping the world, in the end, they have to support foreign ancestors? Are we, the people of the empire, inferior people? ]

His analysis was earth-shattering, and made the Queen of Eternal Night figure out a lot of things in an instant!

Only thinking about the seventeen countries, but forgetting the thoughts of the imperial people!

After fighting with me for ten years, I was treated worse than a bunch of surrenderers...

This really shouldn't be right!

It can't be that whoever makes trouble can take advantage!

With Roger's analysis, Angelina's certification policy was directly rejected by the Queen.

And because Roger called Angelina "stupid sister", the Queen of Eternal Night smiled knowingly.

Someone is scolded together with me, it feels good!

This kid is really bold and unscrupulous, even his own sister is not polite.

"Sir Roger is right, I have understood it!"

The Queen was quite satisfied and was ready to return to the palace and announce the implementation of Margaret's tyranny policy!

"Farewell, Your Majesty, come more often when you have time!" Roger pretended to be reluctant to leave.

[Finally, I have coaxed this jinx away. Starting tomorrow, I will never come to this room again]

The Queen of Eternal Night snorted.

But this kid said one thing and thought another, never telling the truth, he is really dishonest!

But he is really smart and has a comprehensive view of the problem.

Otherwise, why not ask him what he thinks of the policy proposed by Margaret?

In fact, the Queen of Eternal Night is also dissatisfied with this policy in many aspects, otherwise there would be no conclusion in the discussion.

But if I ask this bastard for his opinion on everything, wouldn’t it make me look incompetent?

If I don’t ask, I will feel quite uneasy...

The Queen, who has always been decisive in killing, is rarely entangled.

When she looked up, she saw Roger curled up into a ball due to the cold, and her eyes suddenly lit up:

I am not asking him for advice.

I am just looking for an excuse to freeze him for a while to punish his disrespect for me in his heart!

Yes, that's it!

The Queen of Eternal Night praised her own wit.

So the Queen of Eternal Night stood up halfway, then sat down again and spoke softly:

"Sir Roger, what do you think of the practice of shaving hair and changing clothes, and dividing the citizens of the seventeen countries into different classes?"

"Ah... Is this Margaret's idea?"

"Yes, there is another supporting plan as follows..."

The Queen of Eternal Night spoke slowly.

Roger shivered and was messy in the wind:

[No, why doesn't this woman leave again? ]

[Didn't she get cold legs so soon? ]

[Oh my God, she started chatting again, women are really long-winded creatures! I don't want to hear what the little ceiling fan has planned! ]

[Shaving hair and changing clothes? Isn't that the magic trick used by the Qing Dynasty to enter the pass? It is indeed simple and straightforward, but it is too late to implement it now! ]

[The empire's policies in the first three years tended to be relaxed. The sudden implementation of such a harsh tyranny will only make people feel that it changes orders every day and lacks deterrence! 】

【And there are the survivors of the Seventeen Kingdoms and the Seven Gods Church instigating this iron-fisted policy, which may only intensify the contradictions and double the unrest in the Seventeen Kingdoms! 】

【The most important thing is that the Empire is now short of troops and is in the stage of recuperation, and cannot forcefully subdue the Seventeen Kingdoms! 】

Roger thought a lot of random things in his mind, and also complained about Margaret's policy.

But he said concisely: "Your Majesty, this plan is wise and effective immediately. It is really great to suppress the Seventeen Kingdoms with military force!"

The Queen of Eternal Night is used to his style.

When this kid opens his mouth, it's like farting, without any substantive content.

Just listen to his inner drama.

Look, Margaret's policy has also been picked out by him.

But in this way, both policies have serious drawbacks and cannot be implemented.

Next, how to solve the problems of the Seventeen Kingdoms?

The Queen of Eternal Night could not help but sigh: "Is there no way to make the seventeen countries submit to the empire forever?"

"I am a mediocre person, and I have no idea how to make the seventeen countries return to their hearts! But I believe that if I slowly look for it, there will always be a way..."

Roger said this, but he unconsciously said in his heart:

[Blood Mom's cultural level is not good, she doesn't even know "the same track for cars, the same writing for books, and the same ethics for people"? 】

Instantly, the Queen of Eternal Night became energetic, and her beautiful eyes stared at Roger.

The same track for cars, the same writing for books, and the same ethics for people?

Nine words, but they contain supreme philosophy!

The Queen of Eternal Night grasped something keenly, and she really didn't want to miss a word...

Quick, think about it!

Lord Roger, what are you doing, don't stop!

Let me hear what good ideas you have!

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