Speaking of which, Roger also developed the habit of making videos and live broadcasts.

When a new game is released, there are new melons and new memes. In order to attract attention, it is inevitable to make a video to complain in various ways.

Sometimes there is not much content to talk about in a video, so the up-host has to use his ability to find topics to make up the time.

It's not bad to make a living.

Over time, Roger can infinitely extend any topic and turn it into a stand-up comedy.

After crossing, he knew that he couldn't talk nonsense.

But he always encountered painful situations, and he couldn't help but complain.

He thought, I just muttered a few words in my heart, is this okay?

Is there someone who is always staring at me with mind reading?

So he appears to be respectful and honest, but his inner activities are very rich.

It can even be said that he is unscrupulous and overly active.

For example, when the Queen of Eternal Night asked how to make the Seventeen Kingdoms completely return to their hearts, Roger felt that it was really a waste.

Any middle school student from Dragon Country could answer 100 points.

Because we were born in a unified country that has never existed in the Western world!

The background of the Eternal Night world is based on the European Middle Ages. No matter how talented the queen is, she cannot understand the wisdom of the East.

[The same track for cars, the same writing, the same ethics, unified weights and measures, create a fast and convenient post road system, a consistent document system across the country, and establish a true centralization! ]

[To make the seventeen countries completely united, the core is to create a unified cultural belief, and keep the language, writing, living habits, and festivals consistent. ]

[And make it clear that the Qingteng Empire is the "Heavenly Kingdom", culture, goods, clothing, utensils... all respect the empire! ]

[In addition, compile enlightenment textbooks based on Qingteng culture and the queen's achievements, and enforce them. When the new generation of the seventeen people grow up, who doesn't yearn for the empire? ]

[Given the environment over time, without orders, the people of the seventeen countries will take the initiative to integrate with the empire. This is cultural invasion! 】

"The Qingteng Empire is the Celestial Empire? Let the Seventeen Kingdoms respect the Empire? Write my achievements into the enlightenment textbooks?"

The Queen of Eternal Night listened to the ideas proposed by Roger and felt refreshed and unheard of!

The people of the Empire are quite pragmatic.

Those who disobey are either suppressed by force or bribed with money, and they are both straightforward.

Angelina and Margaret's strategies and policies have changed over and over, but they have not gone beyond the scope of these two tricks.

The Queen is also a violent maniac who believes that the big fist is the truth.

How can they understand what public opinion is, what is controlling people's hearts, and what is cultural invasion?

It's just that you can get the world immediately, but you can't rule the world immediately.

Not to mention the third year of the Eternal Night Calendar, even in the thirteenth year of the Eternal Night Calendar when the plot begins, the Empire has not solved the problem of the people of the Seventeen Kingdoms being disunited.

If this problem is solved, the Tianming Army will not be able to develop smoothly.

And Roger, with the wisdom of the East, cuts in from culture and reveals the key points of the Qin Dynasty laying the foundation for the great unified empire.

Even a naturally powerful woman like the Queen of Eternal Night was astonished!

This was a collision of completely different thinking systems!

Many of her puzzled questions suddenly became clear!

This was to cut off the traces of the past seventeen countries from the root!

The Queen seemed to see the grand scene of the Qingteng Empire coming to the court one day!

But there was a problem...

The method Roger said was almost perfect and could lay the foundation for the prosperity of the empire for thousands of years.

But it would take longer than Angelina's plan.

The Queen of Eternal Night sighed with regret:

"It's a pity that even if such a good method is found, it may not take effect immediately. The empire can't wait..."

"Your Majesty, you must be strong. Believe that the empire can do it. There are always more solutions than difficulties...!"

Roger felt that if the Queen treated him as a tree hole again, she would not be able to talk enough!

Although lying down was good, it was also very uncomfortable to see idiotic questions and not be able to put them in the cup!

So he could only direct and perform a small drama in his mind:

[No way, Blood Mom will also feel sad and unconfident about the future? ]

[Now the contradiction between the Empire and the gods has just begun to emerge, and the unrest in the Seventeen Kingdoms has not reached its peak. It should not be difficult to solve this trouble! ]

[It is just that there is no time to unify, but in this blue world, as long as it can prove that it is better than the old country, isn't it enough? ]

[Humans always have a filter for the past, and they value the past and despise the present. The solution is also simple. Just reproduce the memory of the old country for them. There is no harm without comparison! ]

[The Empire sent people to pretend to be the Restoration Army, and the propaganda slogan is to restore the old country without paying taxes! ]

[When the Restoration Army really comes, they will collect heavy taxes, smash and loot, and even ask for the right of first night... Hey, I guarantee that the people of the Seventeen Kingdoms will bleed and open the city gates to welcome the Empire to rule! 】

After eavesdropping on Roger's thoughts, the Queen of Eternal Night could not help but slam the table and stand up:

"Mr. Roger is right, there are more solutions than problems!"

Pretending to be the Restoration Army? Propaganda not to pay taxes?

This sounds outrageous, what will the Restoration Army eat if they don't pay taxes?

But people are always greedy, and if someone makes a wish, someone will believe it.

When hope is shattered, that will be when those people hate their homeland the most!

At that time, they will find... hey, the Empire is still good!

What a good saying that there is no harm without comparison!

The Queen of Eternal Night has also experienced countless struggles. At this time, her mind is open, and she has embedded a series of large and small schemes on the basis of "pretending to be the Restoration Army".

Smashing, looting and robbing for real, to fill the economic deficit of the empire!

Use the Restoration Army to conduct a fishing enforcement, gather the survivors of the 17 countries who yearn for their homeland the most, and wipe them out in one fell swoop!

You can also use the name of the Restoration Army to ask for various benefits from the Seven Gods Church!

"Ah? Your Majesty, have you thought of a solution?"

Roger was startled by the sudden rise of the Queen of Eternal Night.

He looked at her excited expression and bright eyes again, and unconsciously looked away...

The Queen of Eternal Night, who regained her confidence, was as beautiful as the bright moon on a clear night, and it was impossible to look at her closely.


The Queen of Eternal Night smiled and nodded.

It's not that I thought of a solution, but I copied the answer from you, young man!

"Then congratulations, Your Majesty."

Roger's voice was sincere.

After all, he is in the empire.

The stronger and more stable the empire is, the safer he will be when he lies down.

It's also good for him that she can sort out her thoughts and solve the troubles of the empire.

"I'm happy for you. I also want to thank Lord Roger for reminding me."

"I'm just a little tree hole, I didn't do it..." Roger was halfway through his polite words when his eyes suddenly widened.

I saw the Queen of Eternal Night resting her elbows on the table, leaning forward, and reaching out a little hand to wipe off a stain on Roger's face.

Your Majesty, what do you mean? I can't stand it!

The Queen's strong and beautiful face was only a fist away from him.

The mysterious fragrance from an unknown source lingered around the tip of the nose, making people feel distracted.

But even so close, he couldn't find any flaws on that little face.

What's more fatal is that the Queen of Eternal Night's long skirt is a low-cut design!

The action of leaning over just happened to show Roger a beautiful landscape!

[Fuck, your majesty is so magnanimous, no, the mountains are so white as snow...]

[Those cosplayers are rotten fish and shrimp, they can't even compare to the little finger of the blood mother! 】

[Oh no, second brother, hold it in! I'm going to suppress my gun... I can't! 】

[It's over, it's over, so rude, I'm going to be wiped out, right? 】

The Queen of Eternal Night received Roger's explosive voice, and tried to change her sitting posture in a panic, but she didn't get angry, just looked at Roger with interest.

This look made him wonder whether this was the human world or heaven.

Suddenly, she smiled triumphantly and stood up gracefully.

The wide sleeves of her robe blocked Roger's sight.

When his sight was restored, only the faint light of the teleportation array remained in front of Roger.

The Queen's fragrance was gone.

Roger was a little confused and thought:

Could it be that His Majesty suddenly gave me a welfare praise because I was doing a good job as a tree hole?

Is this the Queen or the witch?

Even the real devil Margaret can't seduce people so well, right?

Roger's heartbeat took a long time to calm down.

The Queen flirted and then ran away, how irresponsible!


What kind of rubbish is "The Queen's Feast"!

Those mediocre fans are nothing, Blood Mom is the real beauty!

But Roger had a hunch that he would never forget the scenery he just saw.

It must be admitted that Blood Mom...

she understands people's hearts very well.

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