The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 11 Margaret wants to share His Majesty's worries!

Maple Spirit Moon Shadow Palace.

The Queen of Evernight, who was teleported back to her room, was still proud and strong, and her gestures showed a domineering attitude that looked down on all living beings.

She was very happy, finally finding a way forward for the empire.

But if you look carefully, you will find a hint of panic in the Queen's eyes.

Running away after flirting is a bit overstimulating...

She had killed countless people, but she had no experience in love. At that time, she was just thinking about how to reward Roger for solving the empire's dilemma this time.

money? Title? Weaponry?

It seems that the boy doesn't care too much.

Give him a magical weapon, only to end up calling yourself a bad guy?

The queen was puzzled and aggrieved.

Or, art?

When thinking of this word, the Queen inexplicably remembered the book "The Queen's Feast" that Roger had read before.

It's obviously such a vulgar thing, but I don't hesitate to save it even if I burn my hand...

He also said that those women were similar in figure to him...

Bah bah bah!

I have never seen the world!

Then Queen Yongye suddenly had an idea, why not let him see the world?

The Queen of Evernight remembered a scene from a play she had watched when she was a girl.

When they first met for dinner and parted ways, the heroine leaned over and helped the hero wipe the coffee stains from the corners of his mouth.

It was just a very ordinary action, but it became an indelible glimpse in the memory of the hero.

The queen felt that the love story was very cliché and she couldn't even remember the plot.

But this scene never fades for a long time.

The actress is not a top-notch actress, but the combination of movements, atmosphere, scenes, and expressions is so beautiful that people forget their worries.

So the Queen decided to follow suit.

Judging from Roger's reaction, Queen Evernight was convinced that she had not imitated Dong Shi.

She shouldn't be any worse than that famous actress in the imperial capital, right?

After all, I am a hundred times more beautiful than her!

"The real person here is not here to please you, but you read those bad books. I will cure your blindness!"

The Queen faced the air and made a blinding movement.

Then he covered his mouth and snickered as if he had done something bad.

She hadn't been so relaxed and happy for a long time.

Listening to that bastard's unscrupulous complaints, I always felt like I was young again and had returned to my girlhood.

She is no longer the lofty queen who killed countless people, but the carefree little princess of the Ivy Empire in the past, talking empty talk about state affairs with her classmates in the college.

Those beautiful slow times!

A trace of trance flashed in the Queen's eyes, and she stopped smiling.

When you are in a good mood someday, I will help that boy improve his aesthetics!

Now, we have to work!

The Queen rested for a while and changed into more comfortable regular clothes. Queen Yongye ordered Margaret to come to discuss matters.

The policy of unification can be launched later, and the actions of pretending to be the Nationalist Army should be arranged secretly first.

Margaret is full of ideas and is best suited to take on this responsibility.

Zuo Xiangfu.

Margaret was thinking hard over the map and military newspapers, trying to find a way to resolve the turmoil in the Seventeen Kingdoms.

To be honest, her feelings for the Empire were not deep.

But she couldn't bear to see Queen Yongye sad.

Moreover, Angelina was very proud of herself these days, and she felt that she had to regain her status.

At this moment, she received the news that Queen Yongye announced her entry into the palace.

"Is everyone having a meeting?" she asked the Queen's personal maid.

"Only you."


Without that blue-haired Virgin as a light bulb, Your Majesty will summon me alone!

Margaret cheered up.

She quickly changed into a cute Lolita style outfit and jumped into the palace.

Sure enough, Your Majesty still has me in his heart!

When you encounter the most annoying things and the most difficult problems to deal with, you think of me, Margaret, first!

Soon, Maple Spirit Moon Shadow Palace.

"Your Majesty, your Margaret is here!"

"Well, sit tight and I'll tell you to remember."

The entire empire's territory was projected in front of Queen Yongye, with dense markings on it.

She reconsidered herself and changed it into a serial plan of "pretending to be a Nationalist Army" and told Margaret.

Margaret was stunned.

Those peach blossom eyes that are always watery are glowing with bright light, and looking at Queen Yong Ye, her heart almost melts!

Your Majesty, she is so great!

In one afternoon, he actually came up with such a wonderful chain plan!

Pretending to be a Restoration Army to collect money from the Seventeen Kingdoms;

Fish out those survivors and catch them all;

Also received benefits from the Seven Gods Church;

The most important thing is that this move called "Catch the Thief" directly pushed the people of the Seventeen Kingdoms into the arms of the empire!

This is a top-notch strategy that kills four birds with one stone!

It just so happened that in the old land of the Seventeen Kingdoms, the atmosphere of cherishing the motherland had already arisen, and it was logical to establish the National Restoration Army.

The implementation of this plan should not be too simple, and the rewards should not be too high!

When the time comes, an arrow will pierce the clouds, and thousands of troops will come to meet you!

Who would have thought that this was a little trick by the Queen?

Explain all the important points quickly.

Queen Evernight asked:

"Have you remembered everything?"

"I have all remembered it."

"How sure do you think you are?"

"I am fully confident that I will use your majesty's ingenious plan to deal with the remnants of the seventeen countries, and then let the Seven Gods Church's conspiracy fail!"

Margaret replied with overwhelming certainty.

"Okay, I believe in your ability. This must be done quickly and secretly. You are directly responsible to me. During the operation, you have the right to enter the palace to meet the saint at any time!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I don't understand something right now!"

Margaret pretended to be serious and said, "Your Majesty, what's wrong with your brain? I have been racking my brains for an entire afternoon and couldn't think of a new method. You have come up with such a fantastic, simple, beneficial, and murderous plan?"

The Queen of Eternal Night certainly heard that the little girl was using the question to flatter.

Flattery can never be worn out.

But she was in a good mood now, so she happily didn't expose it.

Because this is indeed a good plan.

She also contributed quite a lot of details.

At least she can account for 40% of the credit, right?

However, the Queen of Eternal Night still told the truth: "I was not the first person to propose this plan."

"Could it be the Marshal?"


"Is it Dean Hall?"


Margaret's face suddenly changed: "Could it be that Lan..."

"Okay, don't guess blindly, you are the prime minister after all, can't you be more tolerant?"

The Queen of Eternal Night shook her head helplessly, "It's not Anjie, it's a civilian magician I met in the library."

Margaret said unexpectedly: "Commoner? Then why doesn't Your Majesty recruit him to serve as an official?"

The Queen of Eternal Night suddenly looked strange.

She gave Luo Jie the opportunity to serve as an official, and Angelina also arranged it.

But that guy found a lot of excuses to avoid it.

He just wants to lie down!

The Queen felt a little embarrassed about this matter. It was because she was not charming enough and couldn't invite the Crouching Dragon and the Phoenix to come out of the mountain.

So she could only sigh with regret: "He said he was still young and wanted to study more in the library before becoming an official."

"What a pity." Margaret sighed.

The civilian came up with such a plan, which was smart and vicious, and it was very much to her taste.

I am willing to give the title of "The First Poison in the Empire" to this person!

He really plays with people's hearts.

Margaret left the palace.

In addition to pretending to be a restoration army, she also remembered the three key words of the library, young, and civilian magician.

The civilian magician was unwilling to serve as an official in the court. From the look of His Majesty, it was a pity!

She, Margaret, the smartest, most considerate, most beautiful, and most lovely prime minister around His Majesty, of course, would take the initiative to share His Majesty's worries!

She decided to go to the library as soon as the action was over.

If she had the chance to meet this civilian magician, she would persuade him to serve His Majesty as an official in the court!

Even if he still doesn't want to be an official, as long as he has a good relationship with me and gives me some advice, I think he can perform well in front of His Majesty, right?

Then, let's see what the Blue-haired Virgin can do to compete with me?

I have a peerless staff, and she only has a useless brother!

Meow ha ha ha!

Margaret was very proud and thought she had mastered the winning code!

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