At the same time, Charles House.

After the Queen of Evernight left, Roger immediately teleported home, asked the maid to serve him, and took a comfortable hot bath.

The big library was turned into an ice cave by Blood Mother. He finally escaped because he was afraid that he would catch a cold!

Roger put himself in the hot spring at home, and the chill that penetrated his bones was driven away bit by bit, and he couldn't help but squint his eyes in comfort.

My previous dream was to have a bathtub in my home.

However, after struggling for several years, I found that freelancers are not free. Living in a small rental house, which landlord would install a bathtub for the tenant?

Now that we've traveled through time, the Duke's Palace has its own private hot spring?

There were also two young and beautiful maids, surrounding him and helping him massage with their little hands.

Roger is really satisfied with this kind of life.

How nice would it be to just lie there peacefully for ten years and open a treasure chest every day?

But he didn't know why, but he still felt uneasy.

There is always an intuition that something is going to happen.

"Obviously, when I met Blood Mother this time, I wasn't knighted, and there was no public toast or artifact... It shouldn't be a big news again, right?"

He just used it as a tree hole and chatted with her for a while.

Such an ordinary encounter and separation shouldn't interrupt his great career of finally getting back on track, right?

Roger thought about it again and again and thought that his performance in the afternoon was quite "excellent".

He bluntly stated that he was not worthy of serving the empire, and he pretended to be dumbfounded in response to all the questions and talked his way through them.

What a complete bastard!

No matter how much Blood Mother likes the Charles family, she should think that he is a piece of trash.

So even though I was frozen, at least in front of the blood mother, I created another wave of characters, and then I was forever insulated from the word "reuse"...

In the end, he will give himself a wave of small benefits, which is obviously because he believes that he is a greedy and lustful person!

This is a great thing!

As long as the good-for-nothing character stands firm and is no longer worried about the Queen of Eternal Night, in the mysterious city of Nuo, who else can pull the right prime minister's brother up and tell him not to lie down?

Therefore, Roger believed that his uneasiness was unfounded and should not exist.

It’s just that after being tricked by Blood Mother too much, some wrong conditioned reflexes will develop.

However, in order to prevent similar incidents from happening again, he is also prepared to take some measures.

After playing in the hot spring until dinner time, Roger reluctantly said goodbye to the two beautiful maids and climbed ashore.

The happiness of rich people was truly unimaginable before.

Dining room.

Angelina is still handling government affairs at the official office and has not returned yet.

Roger was the only one at Nuoda's restaurant for dinner.

A little empty, a little lonely.

“There are downsides to a house that is too big.”

Compass sighed.

Normally it would be nice to have my sister by my side, but now that I was alone, the Duke's Mansion suddenly seemed too deserted.

After dinner, Roger called the housekeeper and asked him to buy a few things.

The butler said hesitantly: "Young Master, you have no money anymore..."

I had received a one-month Marquis salary of 5,000 gold coins, but I spent it all just to cover the two-way teleportation array from Charles Mansion to the Great Library.

Roger was a little unhappy. "Use the money from the government first. This is the tuition fee. Sister, she will definitely approve it. If it can't be done, wait until I receive my salary next month and then make up for it."

"Okay young master."

Seeing that he lost his temper, the housekeeper quickly responded.

Looking at the butler's back, Roger snorted!

I'm a dandy young man, and I can't even spend money lavishly?

How unreasonable!

If you still have to look forward and backward when spending money, is that still called lying flat?

After all, we don’t have dreams that require saving money to realize.

It was night, and Roger had insomnia again.

Closed, it’s the face of Queen Yongye that’s approaching, it’s really hard to determine...

"I'm just going to say that this queen is a pest, right?"

Roger was just so damn annoyed.

He never imagined that the majestic queen would do that and help him wipe the dust off his face!

But it's also... really good.

No, how could she be so well?

This is so beautiful!

Why do some people have such incredible looks and amazing figures at the same time?

Human beings are creatures that feel itchy the more they know they can’t get something.

The more you tell yourself not to think about it, the more you won't stop thinking about it.

Otherwise, why would there be such a saying that a wife is worse than a concubine, a concubine is worse than a thief, and a thief is worse than not being able to steal.

In Roger's previous life, there was a son named Wang who was worth tens of billions, but he also had a domineering drama with a strong-willed lesbian.

No one knows whether it is true or false, which only shows that people will always have relationships that are unrealistic and persistent.

After all, the relationship between Roger and the Queen of Evernight is a "rushed" relationship.

Now that the virtual character came to him and turned into a real person with flesh and blood, and also showed the side of the little witch under the domineering and ruthless mask, he became increasingly unable to bear it.

Just like this, my mind was in a mess, flipping pancakes over and over until it reached zero.

"Ding, the lying flat system has detected that the host's words and deeds yesterday did not meet the reward conditions. Please arrange the host's work and life reasonably."


Roger's overheated brain was like a tropical fish falling into the Arctic Circle. Thirty-nine days after the first menstrual period, Xiao Zhi broke into a water-cooled i3 to dissipate heat. It felt so cool!


What kind of plane are you doing?

My words and deeds yesterday were not low-key and lying down enough?

Faced with a blood mother, she insists on taking the waste route unswervingly. Can you tell me how I can lie down with the dog system?

He questioned silently in his heart.

Unfortunately, his system was like an indifferent goddess, just saying "we are not suitable" every day, and never explaining anything more.

What kind of words and deeds should be considered lying flat, Roger had to figure it out and analyze it himself.

"Who is the peak at the end of lying flat, and everything will be empty when I see the blood mother?"

Roger wanted to cry but had no tears.

Could it be that because the Queen of Eternal Night has such a great influence on this world, any contact between him and her will produce a butterfly effect, causing the cause and effect on him to continue to rise, and ultimately not meet the standard of lying flat?

However, he was tricked by the blood mother again and lost a treasure chest, and Roger's previous heat was dissipated.

The life-saving system had problems again, and the sexual desire naturally dissipated.

He confirmed again that only one of the lying flat system and the Queen of Eternal Night could survive.

Then who should I choose?

"Goodbye, Your Majesty. We are destined to be apart. I really can't serve you!"

Roger closed his eyes in boredom and soon fell asleep with a heavy heart...

But the good news is that he has already made preparations for this possible situation.

Although it may not be effective, it is definitely better than doing nothing...right?


The next morning.

The butler has prepared all the items Roger needs.

After all, he is the Prime Minister's subordinate, and his ability to do things is still good.

The new equipment Roger bought this time is:

Illusion Treasure Box: A disguise human skin mask can be randomly generated every month, which fits the user's face perfectly and does not carry magic fluctuations.

Super large mana crystal: additionally enhances the maximum magic power equivalent to that of a high-level magician.

In addition, there are the most popular magician robes in the imperial capital and a medium-to-high-level magic staff.

In addition, there are some equipment commonly used by adventure groups.

The above pile of things cost a total of 2,000 gold coins.

It can be seen that the teleportation array is really a very expensive "stationery".

It's probably similar to building a subway specifically to avoid being late for school.

After the butler left, Roger immediately used the illusion treasure box to generate a human skin mask.

Another change of clothes.

Roger looked at himself in the mirror and nodded with satisfaction.

Except that this random mask was a little too handsome and not ordinary enough, everything else was perfect!

Now, he is no longer a famous noble waste young master in the imperial capital, but a civilian magician with a little talent!

While working hard in the mercenary group, he worked hard to practice and finally broke through to a high-level magician!

Now I have to study in the big library!

No matter how smart the blood mother is, she would never have thought that someone would pretend to be a civilian and keep a low profile, right?

This wave, this wave of uncle, I don’t see who can interrupt my lying flat!

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