Margaret is an orphan. Her childhood was not beautiful due to her upbringing and the discrimination she suffered as a mixed-blood. She was also too wary of most "humans".

When ordinary children were still being cared for by their parents, she realized that only the winners after the competition could control limited resources and have a greater chance of survival.

When she was a little older, she was absorbed by the intelligence agency of the Qingteng Kingdom, which was the predecessor of Sparrow, and trained as a spy.

At that time, Margaret also stood out from her peers by actively showing herself and never being willing to fall behind.

Such a growth experience directly led Margaret to be like a fighter, with a sense of competition far greater than a sense of cooperation.

You always have to defeat everyone around you and become the best one, so that you can have a little more sense of security.

From an ordinary spy, she seized the opportunity of war again and again, and grew up to the left prime minister of the empire, which made her believe that her ideas were not wrong.

This is the most correct and suitable path for her.

So she is always competing with Angelina, and she doesn't care that she has no friends or comrades in the imperial capital.

Reason allows her to cooperate with colleagues in the military and political sequence, but in her heart, she has never thought about making friends with like-minded people, and has never thought about relying on anyone.

The Queen of Eternal Night is the sun in her eyes, and she pursues her fervently, but she is not dependent on anyone.

She just wants to become the most favored minister of His Majesty to prove her worth.

This is Margaret's short life.

It seems brilliant and wonderful. From an orphan to a prime minister, it is magnificent and smooth. It is an achievement that many people envy...

But the loneliness and struggle along the way are not something that ordinary people can bear. Margaret's deep-rooted competitive consciousness makes her very tired.

Always running, afraid of falling behind others.

Because the worthless little devil will be abandoned, and then wither and die...

But in the cabinet, Angelina always suppresses her.

Unconsciously, surpassing Angelina is Margaret's biggest obsession, and the chaotic desire that will overwhelm reason from time to time.

Commonly known as being on top, it leads to a significant decline in judgment.

This seems to be the sequelae of the demon's chaotic bloodline. The supernatural power is not as good as the number of days, and the intelligence is not as good as hormones.

As a result, the more anxious she is, the more she is suppressed by Angelina.

Later, Roger rose quietly and became a very trusted minister of the Queen of Eternal Night, and even had the potential to surpass herself.

This made Margaret even more uncomfortable!

It was agreed that the real woman 1v1 battle on the top road, she had been forced to shrink under the tower and develop in a wretched way.

As a result, the blue-haired saint was still shaking people frantically, and the top and jungle directly merged and frantically crossed her tower.

In this situation, who would not be angry, who would not be desperate, who would not collapse?

Although Angelina never thought of targeting Margaret, she was focused on doing her own thing.

But the little ceiling fan always aimed to surpass the people around her, and she was holding back a kind of anger in her heart.

Because of this anger, she was willing to put down her status and actively seek Dio as an ally.

If the opponent did not play according to the routine, she could only call for help from the jungler.

This is why Margaret sent Dior breakfast continuously.

However, she sent breakfast for almost a week and had a good chat, but she never asked for "alliance".

At first, she felt that the time was not right and the two of them were not close enough. In the past two days, she herself had concerns and hesitations that she did not understand.

After all, Dior treated her very well and Angelina very well.

He seemed to be neutral and did not help either side.

For a civilian who had just entered the cabinet, this attitude was actually very normal. There was no need to get involved in such disputes. With a civilian background, he could not withstand the struggle between the two factions.

It was precisely because of this realization that Margaret hesitated even more, fearing that if she asked Dior to form an alliance, she would be rejected mercilessly.

As long as she dragged it out and did not speak, and just had a normal meal and chatted, I would never lose face!

But it was not a solution to hold it like this.

Margaret was unwilling to give up just like that.

The pressure from Charles and his sister was increasing, and there was news recently that the Queen of the Eternal Night was preparing to promote Roger to the Duke.

Although the current duke no longer has vast lands, it is also a kind of honor and recognition, representing the Queen's commendation...

I haven't become a duke yet, and this Charles family is going to have two dukes?

Margaret was very angry and worried.

She was afraid that Angelina would take off directly and then suppress her madly, so she felt that she needed an ally who could advance and retreat together and help each other. Not to mention overthrowing Angelina, at least she could protect herself.

So every day she was ready to speak, but every day she came to Dior to have dinner together, chatting about all sorts of things, and finally did not mention the core topic.

This situation was a bit awkward.

Because of the "awkwardness", Margaret's confidence that she could easily win over Dior with her charm at the beginning was also dissipating bit by bit.

Hesitation will lead to defeat.

And the more afraid of defeat, the more hesitant she will be.

At this moment, the only thing Margaret can confirm is that eating breakfast and chatting at Dior's place will make her feel good.

Lord Dior knows a lot, speaks interestingly, and looks very pleasing to the eye.

As long as they find a topic that interests both parties, the atmosphere is still very warm, as if they are very familiar friends...

And so on.

Whenever this happens, Margaret will feel helpless, how can she have friends.

In her memory, she always ate alone, read alone, got sick alone, and faced every difficult decision alone...

Only here with Dio, a simple breakfast and a casual topic made her feel particularly comfortable.

Most of the time, she asked Dio for advice, and she always got a good answer.

Occasionally, she also talked about the exclusive information she had, or shared some of her little emotions, and Dio did not dislike or get impatient.

Of course, there was no special comfort or enlightenment, but some words would feel much easier as long as they were said.

This feeling is something Margaret has never experienced since she was a child.

It was just five breakfasts in five days, but for Margaret, it was a fragment worth imprinting in her mind and savoring repeatedly.

The angle of the sun shining on the dining table, the fresh smell in the room, the simple but comfortable furnishings, and the casual but graceful movements of Lord Dio opposite, and their topics from all over the world...

She seemed to like the feeling of eating together like this.

She seemed to hope that this state could last forever.

The half-blooded little devil looked up and could vaguely see Dio's figure from the window, flipping through some documents.

It would be great if time could stop at this moment forever.

She finally understood that she had never hesitated to propose an alliance because she was afraid that if she was rejected, she would not even have the opportunity to have a simple meal together.

In that case, she would lose the first chance to have a "friend" since she grew up.

"Maybe, this is fate..."

Margaret retracted her gaze with a complicated expression.

Anyway, I have been alone for so long, I have long been accustomed to it, and I won't feel bad even if I don't have friends.

That's right, brave Mary can solve all the problems by herself!

So when I come to eat tomorrow, I must talk to Dio about the alliance. The worst case is that I will be rejected, and then I will be an ordinary colleague again...

Well, tomorrow, next time!



Outside the city of mystery, the Star Palace.

This is not only the altar for the glorious oath, but also the base of the Dark Night Guard.

And the Dark Night Guard also undertakes the task of defending the Star Palace to prevent it from being destroyed and those who are interested in it from influencing the nobles of the empire.

After more than a month, the Dark Night Guard has continuously absorbed civilian strongmen and military elites, and has now expanded to a scale of 5,000 people, with a total of four battalions.

The number of strong people has decreased, but the newly joined soldiers are all professionals, and the proportion of magicians exceeds the level of the empire's front-line troops by more than 5 percentage points.

Even the Dark Night Guard stopped a heavy cavalry unit of 200 people, all of whom were knights above the middle level.

Two hundred may not sound like a lot, but it is already an extremely expensive and luxurious unit with a terrifying frontal impact.

In the era of cold weapons, heavy cavalry is the role played by tanks in later generations. If used well, it can cause devastating damage to infantry in field battles.

Roger handed the command of this heavy cavalry to Joey, believing in her talent, and that she can train it well and make good use of it.

Another very helpful point is that the Dark Night Guard and the Chapter of Imbalance have reached a long-term cooperative relationship.

Roger provided ideas to help Frankenstein replicate the earth's industry, agriculture and even daily necessities, and guide the direction of technological innovation. The two often open their minds to conceive various wonderful props.

Especially in the military, the fusion of magic has created a series of new equipment with outstanding effects.

A rather sad fact is that after the birth of civilization, any new technology must first be verified to see if it can kill the same kind more efficiently.

In order to distinguish it from traditional alchemical equipment, this type of weapons and equipment that integrates the characteristics of Earth technology are collectively referred to as arcane equipment in the empire, representing that it is a product of the "New Arcane" thought trend, and it tries to eliminate the existence of another world as much as possible.

In return, the Dark Night Guard can prioritize the installation of arcane equipment at the first time, experience the effect, feedback, and help the Chapter of Imbalance to make subsequent corrections.

The effect of the Dark Night Guard can directly determine whether a series is worth continuing to develop.

This is a win-win cooperation. The crazy alchemists in the Chapter of Imbalance got the test they wanted and made money with the experimental products;

The Dark Night Guard improved their equipment level and could have the most advanced magic props on the market.

When magic and technology are integrated, 1+1 is often much greater than 2.

At the same time, Roger's reputation within the Dark Night Guard has also reached a terrifyingly high level.

The Dark Night Guards were invincible, and the process was incredibly smooth, and Roger's command was indispensable.

Arcane equipment, especially those intelligence spying and detection methods without magic fluctuations, also had a decisive impact on the current combat system.

The source of all this can be traced back to their commander, Lord Roger Charles.

It is precisely because of Roger's existence that he made decisions that ordinary officials would never dare to do and would not do, and the Dark Night Guards became famous all over the world and became a sharp blade hanging over the heads of all nobles, with today's strategic deterrence.

Therefore, Roger has never shown his own combat effectiveness, but as a superior, he has also become the only leader recognized by the Dark Night Guards.

A leader who is capable, conscientious, determined, and dares to directly judge the nobles who have occupied the world for ten thousand years is not easy to find even with a torch.

After Roger's patient explanation, the Dark Night Guard understood that his series of actions accelerated the transformation of the empire to centralization and played a key role in the smooth establishment of the "Imperial Charter", which was equivalent to making a huge contribution to the empire.

All the guards were proud of it.

A sufficient sense of honor also helped this armed force to gather its military spirit.

Of course, with the publication of the "Imperial Charter", the aristocracy gradually withdrew from the political stage of the empire, and the duties of the Dark Night Guard were also adjusted accordingly.

After all, the power of the nobles has been caged, and they are willing to do evil, and their ability has also declined a lot.

After consultation with the military, they petitioned the Queen of the Eternal Night, and finally the Nightingale and the Sparrow shifted the focus of their work to the surrounding nations and countries to prepare for future wars.

Domestic intelligence work was handed over to the Dark Night Guard.

This is also the source of Margaret's sense of crisis, because Roger directly took the job from her, and she couldn't come up with a reason to object.

At the same time, the supervision scope of the Dark Night Guard has expanded from the imperial nobles to the imperial administrative officials and high-level professionals. Their illegal acts are recorded, investigated, arrested, and handed over to the officials for trial and conviction.

What's more interesting is that because the imperial system is not yet sound, compared with the same centralized country, the Dark Night Guard is actually a combination of the two powerful departments of the Jinyiwei and the Ministry of Personnel.

The intelligence collected and the review conducted by the Dark Night Guard will become the basis for evaluating the merits and demerits of officials during their term of office. It's outrageous to think about it.

In other words, Roger is now the father of the father of the imperial officials. As long as he leaks the news, I don't know how many officials are willing to come up to please him.

As for the supervision and control of high-end professionals, it is to give full play to the combat power and intelligence advantages of the Dark Night Guard and supplement the power of the city defense forces in various places.

After all, power makes people swell. Professionals have power far beyond that of civilians. It is inevitable to commit crimes and harass civilians in any era.

These professional criminals are highly mobile and have high combat effectiveness. If the city defense army fails to deal with them in time, it is easy to leave unsolved cases.

The Night Guard took the initiative to take on this time-consuming and laborious task, which was also a kind of training for their own combat effectiveness.

Due to the changes in the situation of the empire, the Night Guard faced changes in tasks and the organizational structure was completely reorganized.

Now the Night Guard uses the ribbons decorated on the sleeves of the uniform as a symbol, and is divided into four levels: sleeveless, copper sleeves, silver sleeves, and gold sleeves.

Sleeveless is the most basic member of the Night Guard, receiving training in intelligence, combat, analysis, logistics, etc., and has a division of labor according to occupation and talent.

Copper sleeves lead a combat team of five to ten people, and silver sleeves manage ten copper sleeves teams.

Gold sleeves lead five to fifteen silver sleeves according to their areas of responsibility, and they are generally only dispatched for real big cases and difficult situations.

After this internal reorganization, the levels are divided, the responsibilities are stipulated, and various treatments are improved. The Night Guard has also survived the initial rush, initially formed combat effectiveness, and has a complete reserve talent selection and training system.

In Roger's opinion, the Night Guard is now a little bit of a professional spy agency, and is working hard to grow.

The process of growth may be long, but it does not mean that the combat effectiveness of the Dark Night Guard is low.

For example, today, his subordinates unexpectedly confirmed a piece of information that almost broke Roger's defense and made him feel very aggrieved:

"Will those believers never stop? Why are they messing with me again this time?"

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