The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 131 The intelligence war on the entire map went exceptionally smoothly (1/2)

Hicks Quick, the legendary swordsman.

He was the one-eyed man who questioned Roger's overconfidence before the Night Guard attacked Fergus Castle during their first action.

After that battle, Hicks was completely impressed by Roger's inhumane... ah no, leadership charisma, and was ready to work for the Night Guard until retirement.

He was born a civilian, not a strong man trained by the military system. He had been a mercenary, had been to the Underdark, and explored ancient ruins.

With thousands of battle experiences, continuous practice, and a little bit of luck, he was successfully promoted to a legend.

Perhaps it was related to his upbringing, he had some hatred of evil in his bones, and he was very disdainful of nobles and officials.

This man was originally the core figure of a branch line in the game. After completing the task, the protagonist will have a choice of three swords, all of which are powerful.

From this, it can be judged that Hicks's combat effectiveness will only be stronger, so Roger wrote his name on the recruitment list and gave it to Joey.

In the end, he was really recruited.

It is interesting to say that Hicks had not retired during this period. He was adventuring and looking for opponents worthy of challenge.

This is a hard, dangerous and expensive job.

As the active challenger, he would seek treatment from a priest if he lost and pay the other party if he won, which caused him to be really short of money recently.

The salary offered by the Dark Night Guard was not low, and the "Long Live the Queen" said that this organization would supervise the nobles, so even if Hicks rejected the official organization, he finally decided to get some salary here.

There was no way, the commander gave too much.

First, he sent equipment, then destroyed the noble castle, and then publicly tried the noble master. A series of operations made Hicks dumbfounded.

Especially when sweeping the scum among the nobles from south to north, Hicks suddenly realized that he could not change anything by relying on personal bravery and revenge.

Only by relying on the huge state machine of the Qingteng Empire and under the correct ideological command can we truly create a new era and give the people a better future.

Only when the empire is strong can life get better and better.

The Dark Night Guard may be the best way for him, a warrior who only knows how to destroy, to build the empire.

Because of this awareness, Hicks gradually became serious in subsequent actions, and no longer had the mentality of getting a salary.

In addition to individual combat power, he gradually showed good command ability and insight, and his personal charm also convinced many people.

When the Dark Night Guard was reorganized, Roger personally asked this sword master who had the feeling of an oriental ranger whether he was willing to be a golden sleeve.

Hicks was flattered. He didn't like those entangled mundane affairs, but he was reluctant to let the situation of the empire, which had finally been clear, deteriorate again.

The work of the Dark Night Guard gave him a sense of mission that made him feel that his life was meaningful.

In the end, Hicks agreed and became a golden sleeve.

And because he was bold and fearless, he was in charge of the intelligence system of the Secret City.

By the way, he also took over a group of intelligence personnel, related industries, and top-secret files from the military...

There was a struggle for power within the empire, but the Queen of the Eternal Night had already confirmed the handover, and Margaret was not convinced, and she didn't dare to make things difficult for Roger again.

The threat of solid-liquid separation made her unforgettable for life.

As Hicks's authorization rights in the Night Guard system increased, he could access more and more information.

He not only witnessed the changes in the empire's politics, the supremacy of imperial power, the abdication of nobles, and the rise of civilians.

As he got more and more new equipment, he felt the real vitality of the empire in secret.

There were more and more equipment props that made him incredible, and they were not expensive.

At least, they were not expensive for the Night Guard and could be purchased in large quantities.

If these equipment were fully deployed, they would definitely increase the combat effectiveness of the regular army of the empire several times.

Even if Hicks killed hundreds of magicians, he had to admit that the magicians were the darlings of this world, the group that could truly change the world and lead the times forward.

From high-level weapons and equipment to the meditation practice method of warriors advancing to sword masters, tracing back to the source, they are inseparable from the casters.

In the empire after the release of "New Arcane", the outside world may not know yet, but Hicks can see the updates of a series of equipment of the Night Guard and the military.

There are also various minerals that are consumed in multiples, the production growth brought by state-owned farms, and new buildings called "factories" that quietly appear and attract a large number of workers...

These changes appeared in every corner of the empire in a very short period of time, so fast that Hicks was a little afraid to recognize this world.

For example, the reconnaissance auxiliary props of the Dark Night Guard were updated three times a month.

First, there was the "Druid's Eye" used by Roger, which was a detector of a modified creature.

This set of equipment has now been popularized to every Silver Sleeve team, allowing them to gain unlimited intelligence advantages before taking action.

Then there is the "Justice Gaze" series of alchemical cameras installed in a fixed position, which can obtain vision but without magic fluctuations. Now it has gradually been installed in the streets and alleys of the Mystery City.

To ordinary people, there are just some cute little sculptures on the roofs and street lights.

But in fact, the Dark Night Guard is watching you.

Justice Gaze has raised the control of the Dark Night Guard over the entire imperial capital by several levels.

Many cases that were previously committed by extraordinary powers and impossible to solve can now be solved in minutes by looking at the surveillance.

A week ago, the latest generation of eavesdropping equipment, the "Whistle Bee" series, was first popularized among the Night Guards in the Aodu area.

Each of his Silver Sleeves teams has several sets of Whistle Bees that look similar and have similar functions. According to the Secret Law Society, there are various subtle differences.

"Forget it, you don't need to worry about the specific indicators. Just tell me which set is the most stable and durable in a month."

The head of the research and development of the Whistle Bee looked at the expressions of Hicks and other combat professionals who were as if listening to a book of heaven, and gave up continuing to introduce the differences between the several models of his masterpiece.

Although he didn't know how powerful it was, Hicks still recognized the function of the Whistle Bee.

Its receiver is about the size of a magazine and looks like a tablet.

Electromagnetism is used as a transceiver, but the core control and storage are still magic, which is a fusion of two technical systems.

The transmitter is a pure technological creation, but it is the size of a button, with a quick-drying sticky substance on the back, which can easily stick to the target's carriage, room furnishings, or even personal belongings.

This operation is much simpler for a clever high-level thief than taking a secret letter from the interlayer of the opponent's clothes without anyone noticing.

The transmitter of the whistle bee is a completely electronic device, without any magic fluctuations, pure electromagnetic waves, and will not cause the target to be alert.

However, there are many disadvantages, such as limited power and a signal transmission radius of only one kilometer.

This is still a theoretical value. In Aodu, it is still interfered by various inexplicable magic devices, the wall material is affected, etc., and the actual use distance is shorter.

But with this size and this function, what else do you need?

A group of foreign spies who detected the magic aura in the room and opened the soundproof magic circle to discuss confidential matters, but every word they said was clearly monitored by the dark night guards outside several rooms because of the whistle bees arranged in advance.

Who dares to say that this intelligence advantage is not big enough?

In one month, they can miniaturize pure electronic equipment to this extent. Roger must admire the alchemists in this world. Their hands-on ability is simply ridiculous.

Which of the real alchemy masters is not a fierce man who stacks more than a dozen layers of magic circles in small daggers, brooches, and magic rings?

On Earth, the handcart industrial mother machine and the senior technician who carves patterns on rocket fuel are just like this.

In terms of the manufacturing precision of human hands, there may really be no upper limit in this world.

After all, the manufacture of purely electronic structure equipment only requires no magic fluctuations during operation, and there is no need for the manufacturing process to be purely physical. Alchemists can still use various magic assistance.

As long as they are patient enough, it is not a dream for these wizards to rub integrated circuits by hand, and the spirit of the instrument can also defeat all the artificial idiots on the earth.

After all, the artificial intelligence played by earthlings is essentially a program.

But the spirit of the instrument may have been a real person before his death.

In this era, the concept of human rights and scientific research ethics have not yet appeared, and wars of all sizes will never stop. Magicians play more unscrupulously than scientists.

Let’s not talk about how the necromancy school has developed and grown. Even the druid school, which claims to be the most natural, do you think they have enough anatomical accumulation when they are converting between human bodies and magical creatures so that they will not be stuck into abominations?

So, don’t think about what a great magician has done, don’t think about it.

Electronic equipment made by magicians may sound incongruous, but if you understand that there is no limit to the manufacturing process, the difficulty will only be lower than knocking out an extraordinary equipment.

Of course, the current Whistle Bee has not yet reached the level of mass production. It is only equipped with a small number of Dark Night Guards to test the effect, and there are a series of processes such as collecting feedback and improving the finalization.

After that, it is time to assemble the production line, mass manufacture, and apply it to more intelligence personnel.

The Chapter of Imbalance is still very happy to make arcane equipment, at least from the perspective of the required raw materials, it is much easier.

They are all common minerals, and there is no need for strange feathers, blood of special monsters, and mysterious plants...

Alchemists often encounter the embarrassing situation of having a peerless formula but not collecting all the materials after hundreds of years.

The big difference between modern industry and high-tech magic equipment is the difficulty of obtaining raw materials and the convenience of standardized processing of raw materials.

In fact, whenever Hicks explores new equipment, the magicians in his mercenary group will automatically appear in his mind, because they are having fun with a certain experiment.

These magicians of the Empire should be inspired by the new ideas of "New Arcane", and with the unlimited gold and materials of the Empire, they continue to make new attempts, and enjoy it, right?

For them, it's like a game that has been in the dormant period, and suddenly updated with DLC, with new maps, new plots, new wives, and even new mechanisms...

The enthusiasm that had been extinguished was instantly rekindled.

According to the commander, the dividends brought by the new wave of ideas, these wizards can "think" of many interesting new things by playing the exhaustive method with their eyes closed.

Of course, the new equipment that the Night Guards constantly get also needs training and running-in. They need to spend time to make more attempts and conduct targeted training to fully master and adapt to the new equipment, familiarize themselves with this working mode that seems to have opened the whole map, and maximize the advantages brought by the new equipment.

[A group of people have played too much in the purgatory mode, and micro-manipulation and positioning are engraved in their DNA. They will not rush without thinking when they suddenly open the cheat, but instead become inefficient and stupid! 】

The official complaint of a commander.

While getting familiar with the equipment, one of Hicks's men, Bronze Sleeves, overheard a conversation between several suspected members of the Tianming Army.

Every imperial citizen is extremely alert to this terrorist organization that once committed a massacre in the empire and claimed responsibility.

Without any additional instructions, the copper sleeve immediately reported the situation and followed secretly from a distance.

The Tianming Army that was discovered was actually just a peripheral member, not a strong one, so naturally they did not realize that they were exposed.

They have been dormant for a long time, and recently finally waited for the order from Master Tianming to round up Dio, and then they began to be active in the imperial capital to make preparations.

The discovery of the copper sleeve was reported along the way and received more and more attention.

The nobles are class enemies, and they still need to distinguish between good and bad, but for the remnants of the previous dynasty like Veronica, it is absolutely okay to kill a group of them directly when you see one.

No one wants to see the tragedy of Asiford City staged again in the Secret City.

Even in the eyes of the imperial people, that place is the core hinterland of the former Veronica, and if something happened, it was just the settlement of the traitors of the previous dynasty by the rulers of the previous dynasty, and it was just infighting.

But the culprit who created the commotion came to their doorstep, and the imperial people would definitely not let them walk around casually.

When the intelligence about the Tianming Army arrived at Hicks' desk, he immediately arranged the action himself, and selected five of the fifteen silver sleeve teams guarding the Secret City to follow them throughout the process.

It was required to investigate the reasons and action targets of the Tianming Army's appearance in the capital of the empire without alerting the target.

Finally, report to the commander-in-chief to decide on the next step.

So far, this intelligence station has been extremely smooth.

Electronic equipment is completely a blind spot in the thinking of the strong in this world, which makes the tentacles of the Dark Night Guards invisible, covering the members of the Tianming Army and monitoring their every move.

No matter how cautious Xia Di was, she would not have thought that her actions were still in the preparation stage, and the other side had already opened the full map to observe and analyze all their actions.

As a believer of the God of Knowledge, everything about her was beyond prophecy, and her subordinates also arranged a cautious code of conduct, and before the action, it was super hidden.

Just like before the suicide action, who knew that a cute little girl was tied with bombs?

But all the conversations of this kid's parents were monitored, and they didn't shy away from madly triggering sensitive words such as 911. Who else should they target?

So the next day, Roger learned that the Tianming Army was going to capture Dio.

In addition to feeling wronged, he also felt confused, and after being confused, he also became angry.

Before, Joestar wanted to kill him, and it was still a subsidiary target after the bloody night in Odo.

Now the Tianming Army has been holding back for so long without any new actions, and they have nothing else to do but to capture him?

Isn't it a bit too much? There are so many people in Odo, and they think I'm easy to bully?

"It seems that I have to turn the tables and give old Gou Sheng some fun."

After working for Xia Di for several weeks, Roger can easily come up with a lot of countermeasures, backup countermeasures, and backup countermeasures for backup countermeasures against her style and methods...

Open a spy war on the whole map, tell me how to lose?

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