The life of the Sea Country Prince Shak suddenly became busy, but he was in a very good mood.

Because Xia Di was finally going to catch Roger, and he finally felt the hope of returning home.

The sea is calling!

Xia Di is worthy of being Tianming's mentor. His IQ completely crushes his existence. Since "seeing through" Roger's true identity and establishing the goal of arresting Dio, their preparations have been completed very smoothly.

An ordinary civilian cabinet official, the security force he enjoys is completely different from that of the Duke's brother and the commander of the Dark Night Guard.

Even if Dio must have arranged a secret protection force, the secret force must be hidden in the dark after all, and the absolute number will be greatly limited.

Moreover, Dio's residence, daily activities, and security standards are more lax than Roger's.

"Because his greatest protection is the hidden true identity. If a large number of troops are mobilized, it will arouse suspicion." Xia Di concluded.

After the series of operations that the Dark Night Guards made on the noble class, Roger's reputation in the hearts of the people of the empire was at its peak, but there were also a large number of nobles whose living standards had seriously declined and hated him to the core.

These people could not take revenge on the Queen of the Eternal Night, but they might be a little upset and try every means to take revenge on Roger.

There were also those who escaped from the Qingteng Empire, who were displaced outside and missed their good life in the past. At that time, they might also want to trade with Roger to the extreme.

As an exiled princess of the former dynasty, Xia Di could empathize with the thoughts of these nobles.

In the black underground world, the bounty on Roger's head has reached tens of millions of gold coins, but no killer or organization dared to take it.

The powerful combat power shown by the Dark Night Guards and the great reputation of the Queen of the Eternal Night are enough to deter legendary assassins.

There are many ways to make money, why take the risk to make money that can kill you if you are not careful?

But even so, the bounty is there, and Roger's travel will inevitably be affected.

The security provided by the Queen of Eternal Night and his sister made his life somewhat inconvenient, and he would be more careful when going out.

In Xia Di's opinion, the Queen of Eternal Night was very shrewd and had arranged a fake identity of Dio for Roger early on.

So those nobles were really a bunch of idiots, and they fell into the calculations of the Queen of Eternal Night without knowing it.

Without the restraint of the nobles, the Queen of Eternal Night directly managed the Qingteng Empire, and the difficulty of the Tianming Army to start an uprising increased significantly. Xia Di also had a headache for the subsequent actions.

It was all because of these damn nobles, who collectively fell into the chain of tricks arranged by the Queen of Eternal Night.

A queen who was having fun: Chain tricks? Meow meow meow? said

In short, Xia Di felt that Roger's caution was quite similar to her own style to some extent.

On the surface, a magic puppet with super strong magic was used as bait to attract the attention of the enemy, and those who really took action would inevitably be frustrated.

The real Roger was active as a civilian, living a carefree life, and was minimally affected.

Unfortunately, we have seen through everything, and Dio must have nowhere to escape!

Xia Di had already made sufficient analysis of Dio's surroundings, security forces, and daily activity routes.

The final plan to capture Dio was also relatively simple, divided into three steps:

The first step was to open the refrigerator door...

Sorry for the confusion, let's start again.

The first step was to sneak into Dio's residence while he was attending the cabinet meeting at Xinghan Palace to make arrangements;

The second step was to create a riot to attract the attention of the Queen of Eternal Night;

The third step was to disintegrate the security forces around Dio, pick him up and sprint a hundred meters, and then find a suitable place to sacrifice him to Nalinel.

Of course, it looks simple with only three steps, but there are many details to be changed in the specific implementation.

For example, what additional resistance might be encountered when sneaking into Dio's residence, what kind of riots would attract the attention of the Queen of Eternal Night, and the choice of the location to sacrifice Dio, etc.

These are all technical difficulties!

And most importantly, the escape route of the Tianming Army after the operation is completed.

Although the Tianming Army has been defined as a terrorist organization, Xia Di does not want to lead her men to carry out a self-destruction attack.

She just wants to get Nalinel's interest-free bet agreement to reduce the burden of the Veronica Dynasty, which is already under a heavy burden.

Otherwise, the interest will be compounded, and she will not be able to bear it even if she really becomes the queen one day!

Constantly permuting and combining, investigating and arranging various plans and backup plans, Xia Di did not know whether she was too well prepared or lucky, and found that the preparations were carried out exceptionally smoothly.

I need a nearby ambush location, and I happened to encounter someone selling a house near Dior Villa;

I want to create a commotion to attract the Queen of Eternal Night, and I know that the Secret Society is exploring the abyss, and I found the traces of a team, and they can mobilize the Queen to support;

I want to arrange an escape route, and I happened to find a confused official who only cares about money and doesn't know what loyalty is...

Such a smooth process made Xia Di a little confused, and she couldn't help but sigh: "Why is my luck so abnormally good?"

Shaq couldn't help showing an expression that you have been played: "Your Highness, you also call this good luck? We often try more than 30 options, and there are only one or two that have a chance of success. There is no escape from the rule of ten sensitive words in life, okay?"

Xia Di frowned and thought, and found that it was really the case, so he let it go, and didn't analyze the little doubts that suddenly arose in his heart.

Little did they know that the conversation between the two of them just now scared the Dark Night Guards who were responsible for monitoring, and their heartbeats went straight up to 180.

This woman's intuition is really terrible, we almost exposed!

Fortunately, she discovered the abnormality because she often doubted herself, and her shortcoming was that she was very good at self-doubt.

A word from others offset the truth she accidentally caught, and now she began to rush into the big net woven by the Dark Night Guard without hesitation.

Outside the Mysterious City, the Star Hall.

Roger locked himself in the office, not allowing anyone to enter, and began to think about a very serious question.

Was his arrangement for the Tianming mentor too kind?

After learning that the Tianming Army was going to capture Dio alive, his original idea was to play along with the Tianming Army and act as if he was captured, and finally give Gou Sheng an unexpected reversal.

For the Empire, the Tianming Army got rid of Dio's identity, which was to help Roger get rid of his identity as the Minister of History. In the future, the Queen of Shit wanted to exploit him twice as much and there would be no room for him to display.

For Xia Di, even if she didn't cause the wrath of the gods, it would be considered a waste of time to capture a shadow puppet for sacrifice.

Even if Roger didn't know about the gambling agreement between Xia Di and Nalinel, he could infer that Xia Di was targeting him, and there must be traces of the Seven Gods behind her, not her true intention.

With Tianming Gousheng's character, after a big drama in Asiford City ended up with nothing, he must have learned from his mistakes and found a place to hide and reflect. He would never rush to the Mystery City seamlessly to target him, a weak and helpless historian.

Although he didn't understand why he was always remembered by big figures who didn't belong to this world, it should be a very fulfilling thing to mess up their plans, right?

Then, relying on the intelligence advantage of the Dark Night Guard, Roger knew every step of Xia Di's actions and guided her to minimize the impact of this action on the Mystery City.

As a result, the Tianming Army's plan to capture Dio went smoothly, and his plan to capture Dio also went smoothly.

But such success did not bring happiness to Roger.

Instead, I felt it was boring, and my intuition was wrong.

My plan seemed to be very, very unprofitable!

Xia Di was going to sacrifice herself, and I had to send her out of the city safely?

Then I just had to wait for the plot to start, and she arranged for the protagonists to destroy me and the empire?

Even if this scene ended with the shadow puppet saying "You guessed wrong" to the teacher Tianming, Roger felt that this was not enough fun.

Jumping out of his own perspective, he found that it was just some villains who beat the protagonist and let him go, and then the protagonist, wearing a godly outfit and leading his teammates, finally succeeded in slaying the dragon. It was a stupid [beep——] operation!

Even if I have already joined the villain camp, I don’t want to become a tragic villain because of this completely confusing behavior!

So after a series of intelligence battles of "I predict your prediction", although I have an absolute advantage on the scene, Roger suddenly realized that his current operations are simply asking for trouble and ineffective output!

Because the current situation is completely different from when the Tianming army first appeared outside the city of Sleina.

At that time, he dissuaded the Queen of Eternal Night from moving the Tianming Army for two reasons.

First, it was troublesome and resource-consuming to chase and kill, and as a core believer of the God of Knowledge, Xia Di had many ways to save her life, so there was definitely a possibility that she could kill the Queen of Eternal Night.

Second, he knew the character and flaws of Xia Di Veronica, the Tianming Saint. With her presence, it was easier to control the direction of the game plot and serve as a reference for the growth of the protagonist.

But now Roger found that with the continuous butterfly effect, the second reason no longer existed.

According to the current strength of the empire, there is no basis for the game plot at all.

The Qingteng Empire, and even the pattern of the Eternal Night World, have been twisted by him and the Queen of Eternal Night into a completely different appearance from the original plot.

Originally, the third year of the Eternal Night Calendar was the peak of the Qingteng Empire's national strength, and it was a critical moment from prosperity to decline.

In this year in the game, the empire suffered a great loss of national strength due to the forced suppression of the Seventeen Kingdoms Rebellion, and domestic production recovery stagnated.

In order to maintain the operation of the country and the interests of the nobles, militarism in the Qingteng Empire was on the rise, and the Queen of Eternal Night had no choice but to start the militaristic mode.

It seems that the territory is constantly expanding, but in fact it is a false prosperity brought by plunder.

The empire's population is constantly decreasing, the elite soldiers and generals have suffered heavy losses, and the production cannot keep up. It is completely over-consuming national strength and accumulation.

And because of the continuous battles, the hidden dangers of the Queen of Eternal Night are getting bigger and bigger.

At the same time, the endless barbaric conquest of the Qingteng Empire has caused panic in the surrounding countries, and the power of the church has expanded unprecedentedly.

As the first-line organization against Qingteng, the Tianming Army has received support from many races and has been able to develop rapidly.

In the end, the protagonist group successfully completed the layout of killing the Queen of Eternal Night and disintegrating the Qingteng Empire.

Looking back at the chess game of the gods, they directly used very little of their own power.

Only in the key battle of the Qingteng Empire's conquest of the Elf Empire, the God of Nature descended on the incarnation to protect the World Tree and injured the Queen of Eternal Night, who was already at the end of her strength at that time, causing the empire's army to be demoralized and unable to fight again and could only retreat.

It seemed like just a failure, but the Qingteng Empire could not afford to delay any longer at that time. The bitter fruit of failure led to unprecedented intensification of various domestic contradictions, and then it was inevitable to destroy it.

However, after Roger traveled through the Qingteng Empire, the Seventeen Kingdoms Rebellion was easily resolved. Not only did it not lose national strength, but it also made a lot of money and accumulated wealth, and won the hearts of the people.

As for the aristocratic class, which is a hidden danger of militarism, it has now basically announced that it has completely withdrawn from the political stage of the empire.

The empire has achieved centralization, and whether to fight or make peace depends entirely on the mood of the Queen of Eternal Night.

"New Arcane" was released, and the industrialization of magic is gathering momentum. The various indexes of the empire's agriculture and industry are snowballing...

The battle against the orc tribe was won cleanly, and no country around dared to take the initiative to invade the empire.

During this period, the Queen of Eternal Night only wanted to accumulate national strength and prepare to win a big battle after it has developed well.

With the above conditions added together, the national strength of the empire will only flourish, and there is no sign of decline at all.

Therefore, in the third year of the Eternal Night calendar, the empire will no longer decline from prosperity, but will become a key node from prosperity to greater prosperity.

Compared with the early launch of the Tianming Army, the popular foundation is very poor.

The surrounding religious countries have no sense of crisis, so there is no reason to support the Tianming Army.

The most important thing is that as time goes by, the Empire becomes stronger and stronger, and the Queen of Eternal Night becomes stronger and stronger after she reaches the extreme self.

In the plot, the protagonists face an empire at the end of its strength, and they have to pay the price of several weeks before they can find the perfect ending of overthrowing the empire.

Now the empire is in its heyday, but the Tianming Army is in a state of disrepair. As one side grows stronger, the other side loses strength, and the protagonists have no chance of reproducing the plot of the game.

In summary, under the butterfly effect, the Tianming Army will inevitably be abandoned by the Seven Gods, and Roger will not be able to use Tianming Gousheng as a reference...

As the strength of the empire increases, it is possible to face the Seven Gods directly, or it is possible that as Roger expects, the Seven Gods will feel that this world is too difficult and give up.

Then think about it again, it seems that there is no point in keeping Tianming Gousheng?

The empire does not have diabetes, so taking metformin will only have side effects, with no benefits but only harms?

After some reflection, Roger became very interested in the suggestions of some of his subordinates:

The leaders and main members of the Tianming Army have appeared one after another, and a prince of the Mermaid Sea Kingdom has been given as an extra gift. This is a great opportunity to make delicious food in one pot!

Especially, the Dark Night Guard has an absolute intelligence advantage and is fighting at home. There is no reason to let go of this kind of credit that is delivered to their mouths!

The Tianming Army caused the tragedy of Asiford City and proved that they have quite terrifying strength.

If the Dark Night Guard can destroy their living forces in one fell swoop and make them unable to carry out further destruction, wouldn’t it prove that their strength is even more terrifying?

You want to capture me Dio alive, and you have even surrounded me?

Sorry, it was me Dio who surrounded you!

All of you come and be prisoners!

To be honest, thinking of this picture, Roger was moved.

But there is one thing, relying on the strength of the Dark Night Guard alone, it really can’t eat the Tianming Army.

He knows the strength of Tianming Gou Sheng very well, which is far beyond ordinary legends, at least one tenth of the level of the Queen of Eternal Night, right?

"So, we must call for strategic support!"

Roger stroked the word "正" on his leg and applied to enter the palace for a secret talk.



But at this moment, the Queen of Eternal Night is not in Fengling Yueying Palace.

She is not even in this world.

A certain layer of the Bottomless Abyss, a temporary camp built by magic power.

The Queen of Eternal Night is an elite team of the Secret Society. After she witnessed the dream of the Goddess of War emerging from the abyss, she was sent to explore the abyss.

But several teams spent a lot of time sampling many levels of the abyss, and did not find anything abnormal.

The demons generated by the power of chaos are still fighting each other, fighting bloody battles with the devil, coveting the material plane, and having random winds every day...

Powerful demon lords such as the Succubus Queen have a tendency to restrain their nature and shift to the Order camp, intending to learn the devil's skills to control ghosts...

After the evaluation of the Secret Society, the abyss is still the same as before, without any change, and no "traces of the activities of the seven gods" mentioned by His Majesty have been found.

Fortunately, the Secret Society is extremely loyal to the Queen of Eternal Night. After observing and finding no valuable information, they decided to go to the demons, hoping to exchange more information.

The fastest way to integrate into the demons is bloody battle.

No matter which plane you come from, as long as you want to fight, the front-line commander will welcome you with all his strength.

Oh, because this team encountered a four-armed snake demon.

Anyway, the bloody battle will never stop, and cannon fodder will never be enough.

The natives of the outer plane always have a bad taste and arrange the main plane travelers to the most dangerous battlefield to see those country bumpkins fall into the endless enemy army and show desperate expressions.

Fortunately, the Secret Society has enough understanding of the bloody battlefield, and the equipment has been strengthened in a targeted manner.

The ordinary intensity of war can't stop them at all.

Not only did they not die, but on the contrary they fought very bravely, with a sense of wanting to brush points.

Compared with Lord Kaz's Endless Tower, the intensity of this bloody battle is too low, right?

Everyone deliberately piled up military merits on one person, and in a very short time, a "main plane strongman" who rose rapidly among the demons was created.

Country bumpkins will be ridiculed, but strong people who become more and more courageous in battle will be respected in any world.

The legendary magician of the secret society who piled up the military merits of the whole team was promoted to a position similar to that of a division commander in a very short time.

He heard a very interesting news from an old demon lord: the abyss level where he was born has been inaccessible since some time, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

However, the abyss is endless, and demons are chaotic by nature. No one can accurately count how many levels have disappeared and how many new levels have been born.

Unless you are born in the place where you are born, you will pay more attention.

He asked some demons who are old enough and found that several of them also have similar memories. The level where they were born and some levels they have been to are gone.

But these demons will only be confused for a while. When the battle horn blows, they will forget about it when they join the battle.

Speaking of which, their lives are really random and happy.

The magicians of the secret society wrote down this news, and after further investigation, they found a neighboring level of a closed level.

But they couldn't get in either.

They could only set up a camp and call the Queen of Eternal Night for strategic support.

After the Queen of Eternal Night arrived, she carefully sensed the power of the seal and opened her eyes.

"Your Majesty, what have you found?"


The Queen showed a puzzled expression, "This is not the method of any of the Seven Gods."

"Then...what should we do now?" The Secret Society was also confused. Didn't the Queen have any solution?

The Queen of Eternal Night chose a simple and rough method of verification:

Break the door by force and see what's inside. Wouldn't we know?

A white and tender little hand was raised, and the magic resonance caused the entire level to vibrate. Countless demons were instinctively afraid and fled in all directions away from this camp.

The magic power of the near-god forcibly tore through the blockade of the weird law, revealing the hidden abyss level.

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