The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 147 Do you want to be the father of the imperial princess? (1/2)

In the void, there is a hidden secret room filled with mirrors.

The six-winged angel Nalinel stood quietly in the air, sitting cross-legged in meditation, silently sensing the existence of her projection, and then continued to actively call.

After a long time, she opened her eyes and sighed softly.

Judging from the time, the projection has no response now, and there is a 98% chance that it has been sent.

But this... shouldn't be!

Nalinel was puzzled, she was still quite confident in her own strength.

Obviously, she just went to find Xia Di, the little leek, to collect a debt, and the strength of the Eternal Night World was so weak, and she directly invested the strength of the upper limit of that world.

With this configuration, the top creatures at the top of the pyramid can still have accidents?

And now the fact in front of her is that the projection she sent just disappeared in the universe without giving her any answer.

Because of the successful application of the imperial power declaration, Nalinel's projection could not use the main body to obtain divine support, and the main body could not sense what the projection encountered in the Eternal Night World.

So the projection's experience during that period became a black box that Nalinel could not know the process of.

The only information she had was: sending the projection through the sacrifice channel, the timing was perfect, and it was ready to receive Shadi's body and Roger according to the gambling agreement.

Then, the projection lost the message and has not been heard from since.

When asking the believers of the God of Knowledge in the Eternal Night World, they responded that there was no earth-shattering battle in this plane, nor any special major events.

However, all the believers who held sacrifices on the nameless island, including Shadi, also lost their responses.

Because someone took revenge on Shadi, his incarnation and all the believers were affected by the way, and they were directly wiped out?

Based on the known situation, Nalinel analyzed an accident that often occurs in the exploration of the multiverse in the conventional sense.

But this kind of accident happened to her for the first time.

Her strength is quite terrible. The talent skill [Anti-God Armor·Time Stillness] can be called a magical skill that can be used for both attack and defense because of its extremely high immunity difficulty.

Even when facing those powerful demons at the bottom of the Endless Abyss, they could defeat Nalinel, but she could always escape successfully by relying on the time spell that ignored divinity.

Now something interesting happened. Her projection was killed without even using the time stop.

Now she didn't even know any information about the battle. This was unprecedented.

"Interesting, Xiao Ao's original body is very good at making trouble!"

Nalinel showed a playful smile, and in her heart, she bolded and marked the name of the Queen of Eternal Night in red.

The enemy of Xia Di and her Tianming Army is the Qingteng Empire. If there is anyone who can kill her projection in one move, it is only the queen of the Qingteng Empire.

Nalinel paused and bolded the sacrifice Roger that appeared in the sacrifice ceremony.

She was going to send believers to investigate. If Roger was not dead, it could be confirmed that the Qingteng Empire had dug a pit for her.

At that time, she would have a reason to go to the Eternal Night World again to investigate how she disappeared... No, to investigate how her projection was silently killed in seconds.

Nalinel secretly accumulated the power of faith, and she didn't care about the loss of a projection at all.

But she was very unconvinced and unbelievable about such an inexplicable and unpredictable loss.

It's impossible, those mortals can't do this.

It must be a special time, or her projection made some stupid mistakes.

Just now, she dealt with the God of Hope and was free to enter and exit his kingdom. How could Nalinel accept that she would overturn in a small ditch like the Eternal Night World?

There must be a big problem here.

Maybe there is a hidden powerful existence who made a move, and those indigenous creatures alone can never do this.

This matter must be followed up and investigated in depth!

Because of her unconvinced and curiosity, Nalinel's attitude towards the Eternal Night World fell into a very dangerous state.

Angels should not have these emotions. As the sharp swords of the gods, they should not even have thoughts or self-awareness.

Find troubles, solve troubles, and report the unsolvable troubles to the gods they serve.

But Nalinel has long been intercepting more and more troubles, thinking about them, solving them, and digging out profit-making space from them.

Her eternal and immortal long life is just an endless repetition of herding the lambs of faith.

But when she stared at mortals, her heart had unknowingly been imprinted with many traces of mortals.

The gods have ways to ensure the purity of angels' consciousness, but even the gods have not analyzed all the mysteries of the soul.

Over time, what kind of hidden information is frozen at the bottom of Nalinel's huge memory iceberg, and what they will be superimposed and combined, and what will eventually be born, even the God of Knowledge cannot predict.

He just habitually confirmed with his most trusted angel whether she sympathized with those short-lived mortals like ants.

Just like Xiao Ao's generation after generation of replicas, the accumulation of memory and consciousness has accumulated a huge amount of information that conventional logic cannot analyze.

Uncontrollable unexpected situations have occurred, and Nalinel is now unable to solve them directly. She can only intervene by restarting, restoring to factory settings, or even remaking them.

The control of the God of Knowledge over Nalinel is actually similar.

Normally, there won't be any problems. If something goes wrong, it will definitely be a big problem. It is impossible to repair it, and you can only go back and rebuild it.

However, after a long period of cooperation, the God of Knowledge has a high degree of trust in Nalinele, and she has always completed the various tasks assigned to her extremely well.

In the end, she became stronger and no longer pure.

Nalinel secretly carried out many things that were detrimental to the interests of the Seven Gods, but these things were either not discovered, or were stuck within the limits allowed by the God of Knowledge.

So she was always safe and sound, and even took on more and more responsibilities.

An angel who relies on making rules to play with others, when he wants to do something small, he is inevitably also a gray field survival master who steps on the line and plays with the rules.

With constant success and never a failure, Nalinele's courage has become bigger. The range of operations she dares to operate is getting wider and wider, and she is becoming more and more indulgent in her emotions.

She was curious, she was unconvinced, and she began to pay continuous attention to the world of eternal night.

She has written it down on her schedule to go there one day to find the reason why the projection disappeared out of thin air.

Nalinele thought about many possibilities, but she didn't think about it. Her projection was cut off like a kite, fell and stranded in the world of eternal night, becoming a time bomb dedicated to her.

What kind of chain reaction will occur once the projection of self-awareness meets the ontology and influences each other?

Her faith and loyalty are already in danger...

However, having said that, no one can be sure whether this angel is subconsciously at work, deliberately ignoring certain sexual possibilities, and then passively starting some kind of attempt that he has been longing for?

When God's creatures gain humanity, they will automatically realize the master-level expertise of self-deception.

In the world of eternal night, above the sunken nameless island.

Queen Eternal Night and Roger each retreated a certain distance, but still maintained a flanking state, looking at Nalinelle's projection.

After she called for negotiation, she never took the next step, and the situation remained awkward.

But neither Roger nor Queen Evernight were surprised.

Strictly speaking, from the time the declaration of imperial power began to operate until they completed the third solution, the person who descended into Shadi's body was no longer the Seraph Nalina.

She is a special life form that possesses the past memories of Nalinel, inherited Shadi's body and memory, and is not bound by divine power or belief. Her body has been modified by the magic of the Queen of Evernight, and can exist for a long time.

In other words, the projection comes alive.

In a sense, Roger and the Queen of Evernight joined forces to create a "newborn baby".

Although she looks like a big girl, just like a certain wife who is only one year older than her daughter, she can only play games for one hour a day based on her age!

This "little projection" of Nalina has Nalina's intelligence and part of her memory, so it will definitely not be as simple as a newborn baby.

But the confusion of suddenly "coming into the world" is really no less than that of a newborn baby.

After calling for negotiation, Little Projection did not start talking about countless exciting terms like before.

She stood blankly on the sea, thinking with confusion:

Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?

She kept asking, but there was no answer.

The only clear thought in my heart was the fear of death under the attack of Roger and the Queen of Evernight.

If you no longer want to be a tool, if you can make your own choices...

In short, I don't want to die!

Queen Eternal Night and Roger did not rush the messy little projection, nor did they take the opportunity to make a sneak attack. They were communicating with each other through brain waves through the magic beacon.

It was only after Roger saw the little projection's state that he thought of a very serious question: "Your Majesty, is she human now?"

Queen Yongye thought while answering: "With a human body, the consciousness can completely control the body. The body will also affect the soul due to birth, old age, illness, death, joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. The two are interdependent... They are no different from human beings."

Angels are not afraid of death and rely on pure faith. After death, their souls will naturally reunite in the Kingdom of God and become petitioners.

If the gods need it, they will become new angels by giving them power, which is quite environmentally friendly.

But if Little Projection dies now, she will really die.

Having lost the characteristics of God's creation and falling into the mortal world, it should and can only be a human being.

Roger followed the thoughts of Queen Evernight: "If she is a human, should she be considered our prisoner, a trophy, a citizen of the empire, or... Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

There are many magicians in this world who are indifferent to the relationship between men and women. They would rather treat and cultivate their creations as children than actually get married and have children.

According to this line of thinking, it is not wrong for the Queen's "daughter" to be called Her Royal Highness.

After hearing this, Queen Yongye narrowed her eyes dangerously and sneered in her heart: "Roger, my dear, are you anxious to become the father of an imperial princess?"

Roger was stunned for a moment, then blushed.

He just took action, and to round things off, he was really her "father".

One mother, one father, and to round things off, she and the queen became husband and wife?

This is blatantly taking advantage of the Queen, this wolfish ambition to be the prince of the empire, this will talk but not listen...

In an instant, cold sweat broke out on Roger's forehead, and he quickly explained:

"Your Majesty is aware that I have no such intention... No, I have intentions towards Your Majesty... No, I just... just... you understand!"

In desperation, Roger fainted.

He really forgot that he had his own business here, so he just ate a melon. As a result, the melon field was directly connected to his home.

But if he said this too thoroughly, it would seem that he had no feelings for His Majesty.

Is it possible that the popularity that has finally been generated recently will return to the level of "innocent and harmless little Roger"?

"Okay, no need to explain, I won't be angry over this trivial matter."

The Queen of Evernight interrupted Roger's incoherent words without anger, and she was even a little proud.

The heart of a certain vindictive queen is: Hehehe, look at your panic, have you finally been teased by me?

Isn't it just a princess? It's not a big deal. Even if there are seven or eight princesses, the empire can afford to support her.

Dear Roger, please be more bold, I don’t mind!

Roger carefully observed the expression of Queen Evernight and found that she really didn't care. She quietly changed the subject: "Your Majesty, we might as well try to absorb this projection as an empire citizen first, which will bring the highest benefits..."

He briefly talked about his thoughts and ideas.

The Empress of Evernight went to great lengths to leave this small projection, not because she wanted to force her to death, but because she wanted her to cooperate as much as possible and contribute information.

In fact, things are not bad now.

A wave of small projections broke out, but after being suppressed by force, she was just confused and did not show too much excitement.

Angels are supposed to be the most fanatical believers. At this time, it is normal to risk death and live to be loyal to your faith.

The small projection didn't do this, which already explains a lot.

There's definitely something wrong with her faith, and it's a big one!

In this way, in fact, as long as the little projection can feel the beauty of mortal life and strengthen the belief in living, the empire may have one more gold medal fighter.

After all, neither Nalinel nor the God of Knowledge could tolerate such a high-level angel being out of control.

With the information she knew, even if it was just a projection and her memory was incomplete, it would be extremely dangerous.

If this little projection is discovered by the Seven Gods camp, they will definitely pursue it with all their strength, and it will be a more brutal and unstinting pursuit than they did in the Eternal Night World.

This is the treatment of a "traitor", even if she has not revealed any secrets now.

So as long as she wants to live, sooner or later she will realize what kind of desperate situation she is in.

Sooner or later she will figure out that the enemy of her enemy is her friend, and she has no choice but to join the Empire to have any chance of survival.

Because of this reality, Roger and Queen Evernight don’t have to worry. All they need is a procrastination trick and a gentle policy to let this little projection slowly accept the reality, accept themselves, and accept the empire...

"Okay, let's deal with it according to your ideas. Aiqing must entertain our princess well."

The Queen of Eternal Night snapped her fingers and teleported Roger and the little projection back to the sky above the Mysterious City, and then she went to the Secret Law Meeting on her own.

This battle has actually yielded a lot of information, and she can't wait to conduct further research and analysis.

"Ah, Your Majesty, I was just going to say that you are a girl, so you will be more popular..." Roger was stunned.

This queen is too lazy to copy her homework, so she just asks herself to write the papers for her?

The little projection over there who was in a daze blinked his big blurred eyes and looked at Roger in confusion.

Xiao Ao brought himself to the capital. Aren't you afraid of causing damage?

Hey, why is she still leaving?

Dear fellow student, do you have anything to say?

Roger and Little Projection looked at each other, feeling very panicked. He might not be able to beat her!

But on the surface, the rounded Prince Charles is still very calm, looking like a life mentor:

"Guess I don't need to introduce myself. What you should do now is to think of a name for yourself, because you are no longer Nalinelle."

The little projection repeated in a dreamy voice: "I am no longer Nalina, then who should I be?"

"That's your decision. In this world, you can be whoever you want to be."

Roger's voice was as seductive as the devil.

The little projection looked at Roger, and felt that he was radiating infinite light. He looked at him lovingly and encouragingly, his body trembling slightly, as if he had realized something.

"I am who i am!"

She clenched her little fists firmly.

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