After Xiaoying's moment of determination, she fell into confusion.

Although I am myself, who am I?

The memory of her existence as "Seraph Nalinael" lasts for tens of thousands of years, but as an independent projection, it took less than an hour for her to have self-awareness.

It is too luxurious to have such things as ideals, goals, and beliefs.

She only had part of the memory from Nalinael, and the memory carried in Shadi's body.

Even if she didn't want to admit it, she couldn't escape the shadow of these two people.

Little Projection finally made a decision: "Then, how about you call me Shana first?"

Forget it, I can't think of anything and I need a name, so I just add these two names together.

"Okay, as long as you like it."

Roger immediately understood the naming method and nodded with a smile.

Immediately, he subconsciously thought of the "mom and dad" joke he had just made with the Queen. He was very lucky that the little projection did not look for inspiration from the creator and named himself "Luo Ao" or something...

If word got out, he wouldn't be able to get rid of it even if he jumped into the Rose River, and then he would be hunted down into a quark by the fanatical fans of the Queen.

"Then, now that I have a name, what should I do next?" Shana looked at Roger, with fear of the unknown in his eyes, but also hidden expectations for infinite possibilities.

At that moment, Roger felt like he was giving guidance to a pure newbie who was playing the game for the first time, someone who didn't even know how to defeat monsters, level up, or take on quests.

She longs for adventure and has countless curiosity about the world, but she is also afraid that she will be too clumsy and not be able to do anything well in the end.

Such an angel lady is inexplicably cute.

In fact, just in terms of appearance, the Shana in front of him is also a rare beauty who can make Roger feel as good as the Queen of Evernight just by her looks.

In order to adapt to the divine power that came with the arrival, Shadi's body made slight adjustments: the ends of her silver hair were dyed with a few strands of red, her pupils were as bright as gems of dark purple, and her facial features were more three-dimensional and beautiful, with a sculpture-like beauty, and A little more childish.

Of course, her biggest change should be that she gave birth to three pairs of wings, but they were all cut off by Roger.

It can be said that the current Xia Na combines the advantages of Tianming Mentor and Nalina's appearance, and is at its peak when leaving the factory.

However, Xia Na was often confused and distracted, and her movements and tone were as careful as a young deer. She did not have the confidence that a beauty should have, and looked more like an artistic, aristocratic girl with mild social fear.

This is also what makes Roger feel cute, not beautiful.

"If you don't have any arrangements yourself, let me take you to visit the Mysterious City first."

Roger was as polite as a dedicated guide, "If you have any plans, needs, or taboos, you can tell me at any time and I will try my best to arrange it, Miss Shaner."

Shana hesitated for a moment before she realized that the name was referring to herself. She responded a little shyly but also happily: "...Ah, okay! I don't have any special needs. Let's take a look at this city first... Well, So be it!"

Although she has ambitions in her heart, "I want to be a free and unrestrained angel," in fact, Shana has no idea what freedom is.

Roger wanted to take her to visit Austria, but he agreed without feeling repulsed.

At the same time, she was not thinking about destroying or escaping.

Even because Roger called her name and asked about her needs, she felt relieved and happy that she was respected.

Nalinele is a proud, extraordinary, powerful angel who does not need to bow to most gods.

But Shana is just a small projection, created by the Queen of Evernight because of the failure of the mission. In fact, he has a very low self-esteem in his heart.

As a projection, she was supposed to live and die.

In the normal process, after completing the task through means such as projection and clone, it must be recycled. It is a one-time consumable prop.

Even due to differences in information and time flow rates between planes, there will be situations where the consciousness of the projection and the ontology are out of sync, giving birth to a "differentiated" new individual.

But when the recycling action is completed, this consciousness returns to the original body, which is called fusion. In fact, it can also be considered that the new consciousness has been killed.

The small difference in the separate consciousness will only be like a cow in the sea when faced with the huge consciousness and memory of the god-level creature, and will not have any impact on the personality of the body.

Just like losing love, a girl in her 16s and 17s may seek life and death, and an old man in her 60s and 70s may smile slightly without feeling any emotion in her heart.

Especially angels, creatures who are born for war, do not have a normal growth trajectory and their life experience is incomplete.

The memory carried by the projection of the mission is not comprehensive. It is only the information she must know for this mission. If she needs more information, she can get it from the main body at any time.

This resulted in Shana having many conclusions in her head after being disconnected from her main body, but she didn't know how these conclusions were drawn, and she didn't know much about her past.

Of course, she is even more confused about the present.

Coming into a body to perform a mission and truly living as a human being are two completely different experiences.

Shana was really overwhelmed by the completely unexpected drastic changes and the sudden freedom.

negotiation? It is true that she has a lot of information that is important to the empire.

But what will she get in exchange for this information?

Is it as simple as just not getting killed?

Shana is actually very smart. Queen Yongye spent a lot of effort to create herself and give her life. As long as she doesn't seek death too much, she will never kill herself before the empire gets everything it wants to know.

So, what does she want to get with the chips in her hand?

Money, power, things, people?

She discovered that because she had no goal, even if she held the sky-high price chips, she would not get anything useful to her in the end.

Because angels never have a life of their own, they just perform tasks one after another for the gods.

Freedom is something they never dare to hope for or expect.

There is no need to think about how to plan the next life, the gods have already arranged everything.

She doesn't know how to use this freedom and even wants to go back to her old life.

Just like a person who has spent decades in prison, from youth to old age, he is simply unable to adapt to the outside world after being released from prison.

The extreme ones will choose to commit suicide after being freed.

A very ordinary street in the urban area of ​​the mysterious city, with ancient neighborhoods that have been in existence for decades and lack repair and maintenance on both sides.

The chaotic, mottled high and low buildings without any planning are like the broken lines drawn by urchins at will, and there is no sense of beauty at all.

The cramped alleyways are filled with a lingering odor, and half-clothed children are running around. Parents are busy working during the day, and the unfettered little ones are as happy as the wind.

Leaky windows, cheap food lacking in oil and sugar, and rotten wooden stairs will make a harsh creaking sound when people step on them, but catching a strong cricket in the weeds can also bring them a number of benefits. Unclear happy topics and expectations.

Roger originally planned to take Shana to visit the wonder-level surface buildings in the Mysterious City, and then visit various bustling and luxurious places where nobles gathered.

But this angel didn't follow the routine. After visiting a few scenic spots, he proposed to visit a densely populated civilian area.

Roger didn't know the reason, but his mission was to accompany Shana and let her find happiness as a mortal, and it was not easy to go against her choice.

The Night Guard made preparations like crazy and swept away the dregs that were too annoying and restless.

Roger then took Shana into the civilian area.

Shana's expression didn't show much emotion along the way. She just looked around curiously and smiled back at the children who were stunned by her and Roger's clothes.

To be honest, the materials and colors of her and Roger's clothes were incompatible with this area - in the era when the textile industry was still a handicraft industry, the brighter the fabric, the more expensive it was.

Moreover, civilians only have a few sets of clothes for work. Dirability and durability are the first choice, and they will not waste extra money on appearance.

She was also very interested in the children's cricket fight. After watching it for a while, she marveled: "It has nothing to do with life, death or profit competition, just to kill a long time?"

These little brats were so poor that their clothes couldn't even cover their butts, but they grinned widely as they celebrated their invincible general's victory all the way to the end.

This is a life that is completely unimaginable to angels.

In her limited memory, she was busy with the mission of the gods every minute. In her rare leisure time, she had to constantly sing the praises of the gods.

Roger looked at her with some sympathy: "This is childhood."

"Childhood... was so good." Shana murmured, remembering this term that brought her beautiful reverie.

Angels are perfect beings from the moment they are created and naturally do not have childhood.

Roger suddenly found this scene interesting.

A strong man who was born to stand at the top of the world and could level the entire neighborhood at will was envious of a child who rolled on the ground like a mud monkey.

Is this a siege?

The clothes and food these children wore were worthy of being called refugees by modern standards.

But in this world, their parents are still free people with dignity, and their living standard is about the same as that of yeoman farmers.

Even the old people on the street, bent down by hard work, still see hope in their eyes.

Their originally numb expressions suddenly felt the possibility of a better life from the recent changes in the empire, and a smile appeared on their lips involuntarily.

In fact, compared to these people who seemed to be already very miserable in Roger's eyes, tenant farmers, serfs, and slaves, these are the real bottom class of this world.

They are engaged in the most dangerous jobs on the verge of death, but have no income. The last bit of vitality is squeezed out by the violence of the strong, and the road ahead is also facing the darkness of dawn.

On Earth, slaves can still rebel, but the existence of magic in the Evernight World makes the gap in fighting power between the proletarians and the proletarians unimaginably large.

If characters like the Queen of Evernight and Roger hadn't appeared, the world's ruling structure might have remained stable for tens of thousands of years.

Roger sighed softly: "Actually, their happy and carefree childhood is short-lived. If they are one or two years older, these children will have to help the family work until they reach adulthood, and then they will worry about starting a family and raising their own children."

Xia Na's long eyelashes fluttered, and doubts flashed in her eyes as bright as purple gems: "Is this a continuous cycle of mortal life?"

"Most people do."

"Then raising children is the meaning of their lives?"

Roger was stunned for a moment by such an innocent question that wouldn't even appear in a barrage.

After all, barrage still requires typing. If you can read, you will basically be handed over by the teacher. What is the purpose of living, right?

Shana is naturally literate and knows the languages ​​of hundreds of worlds, yet he is asking such idiotic questions...

But Roger also understood that angels once lived only for the gods.

Shana asked, sounding like he was curious about the lives of these civilians, but actually he wanted to find the meaning of his own life.

If Queen Evernight were here, she would probably say that she lives to fight against all the invincible enemies in the world.

If Margaret were here, she would definitely take the opportunity to instill in Shana that people live for Sakura... ahem, Queen of Evernight.

But Roger is not a traditional imperial man. He rationally analyzes this issue from a modern perspective:

“For most people in this world, reproduction is the meaning of life, because they are still struggling on the edge of survival, and all their actions are just trying desperately to satisfy their animal nature and satisfy their hormone-controlled desires.

Only when life goes beyond the survival line and has enough knowledge and thinking, the meaning of life for intelligent races will become the pursuit of spiritual perfection. This should also be the case for a strong person like you who is at the top of the pyramid. "

Xia Na seemed to understand, and said distressedly: "In other words, I shouldn't live like an animal. In addition to eating, drinking, urinating, and reproducing, I have to think about other things."

She thinks this must be because she is full, right?

"Humans always transcend animals and pursue abstract things."

"But I don't know what to pursue."

"Then go and see, read books, people, and everything in the world."

Roger looked at Shana, whose face was about to wrinkle into a bun. He resisted the urge to rub her face and comforted her, "Don't worry, everyone's answer is different. You still have a long life, you can slowly discover it." ”

Xia Na sighed softly: "It sounds very troublesome, and I suddenly don't want to live anymore."

Roger's forehead was throbbing with veins. What the hell was wrong with this?

Do you know those people who are risking their lives just to survive, would they want to beat you to death when they hear that a top expert like you is so sad?

Oh, they can't beat you, and I can't beat you, that's okay.

Roger settled for the next best thing: "It's normal not to pursue things. You can choose to protect them at this time."

"Protect your family, your nation, your country, and even the world you live in?" Shana remembered the Queen of Evernight's previous answer and smiled bitterly, "I'm sorry, I don't have those things. You can't let me continue to lead the Tianming Army and revive Veroni. Is it stuck?"

"What you have to protect is yourself." Roger said seriously, "If you want to live or die, you are free. But many people want to live but are too hungry to have the strength, and want to die but their bodies are controlled. Keep working, you want to be successful, but you find that the way forward is blocked, you want to explore, but you are stuck in place... I know that you are now disgusted with the freedom that His Majesty has imposed on you, but if there is a god, you can take another breath of air in this world. They are all guilty, and when you are put on trial, you may regret the loss of your freedom.”

Anger rose in Xia Na's eyes, and he clenched his fists and bit his lip, obviously aroused.

But suddenly her body relaxed again, an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she suddenly flashed in front of Roger, her big eyes almost touching his nose, looking at him with interest.

"You..." Roger didn't have the intention to kill, and the magic power flickered between his fingers, but it was not activated for the time being.

Shana laughed playfully: "The judgment of the gods will come at any time. It is too troublesome to find a pursuit beyond animal nature. Just be a happy little animal first!"

She held Roger's hand ready to cast a spell to dispel the magic. She pulled Roger's collar with her other hand, and then kissed him hard.

Roger's eyes widened in shock: Have I violated my core values?

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