The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 163: Gravity Master's Path to Super Godhood (1/2)

"Some people are born to change the world, but until that moment comes, she doesn't know how terrible her talent is."

——"Long Live the Queen", presented to Aissary Newton by the Queen of Evernight.

The brown-haired girl who was always timid, stuttered when she was too anxious, was the one who gave Roger a huge scare from the moment her name was announced.

Later, he comforted himself that just as you can't judge a person by his appearance, you can't judge a person by his name either.

So even though he heard that the other party's talent had caught the attention of Galilei and went to the Chapter of Imbalance in person to ask Frankenstein for Aesari to work beside him, Roger didn't take it too seriously.

In other words, he can't change anything.

The butterfly's wings are already flapping, and what a terrible storm it will bring in the end is beyond his control.

What's more, he and this little butterfly are in the same camp, and the changes he brings will only help him. Thinking about it this way, there is nothing to be afraid of, right?

Roger consoled himself and waited to see what would happen.

But he didn't expect that the changes would be so drastic, as if Pandora's Box had been opened. The addition of Elshari would speed up the process of finding the Origin Sea so much.

She first relied on her mathematical talent to provide a variety of new mathematical tools, which greatly accelerated Galilei's modeling of that area.

Then a new analysis magic was designed, which can analyze the light projected in the star realm from different planes into a detailed spectrum through special alchemical products. It can remotely measure many attributes of a plane at an ultra-long distance, which greatly speeds up their scanning. area speed.

Originally, they were using the teleportation channel as a method of movement, and the factor that limited the movement speed to the upper limit was the scanning speed.

Now that this problem has been solved, the speed limit of Tianhai Tower is directly lifted.

The last and most critical step was that with enough information and data, Miss Aissary Newton analyzed the attraction between the planes.

All the planes in this universe do not have fixed coordinates, but rely on these attractions to interact with each other and move around a point with infinite mass.

It's just that the speed of this movement is very slow, and the coordinates between the planes are relatively unchanged. Therefore, the plane creatures are in these moving worlds and cannot sense them at all.

Magicians had discovered similar patterns before, but they did not dare to be so bold as to assume that the entire multiverse was moving. They thought it was an error in observation, and naturally missed the "law of inherent gravity of the plane" boldly summarized by Elsari at this time. .

This law completes the last piece of the puzzle for Tianhai Tower to calculate the coordinates of the Source Sea, and provides a theoretical basis for locating the Source Sea.

More and more magicians are investing in Tianhai Tower for the final attack.

After a series of difficult and tedious calculation projects, Tianhai Tower finally announced that they had found a new formula, improved the plane's inherent gravity law, and constructed a new system that could answer many previously unsolved mysteries.

After Asari completed this law, her interest quickly shifted from the Source Sea to a new direction.

"This may be the beginning of using mathematics to analyze all magic." Galilei provided her with the greatest support.

Of course, for the original intention of setting up this project, the task assigned by Queen Yongye has also been completed.

Tianhai Tower updated its latest plane modeling and calculated the point considered to have infinite mass, the center of the rotation of the multiverse——

That is Yuan Hai.

With theory to guide specific exploration, the difficulty will plummet.

Because of the calculations based on the tens of thousands of plane data they had previously mastered, they finally successfully calculated the possible coordinates of multiple Origin Seas. After verification, they finally arrived at the Origin Sea.

In this wave, Azali went crazy. Although she was the last junior to join, she made the highest contribution.

From the moment she entered Tianhai Tower, she never stopped having sex.

The extraordinary mathematical ability and intuitive theoretical insight not only discovered the source of the sea, but also greatly advanced the level of understanding of the multiverse by the imperial magicians.

As a reward for her contributions, Elshari was hired as an advisor to the Arcanum, despite her lack of magical power.

Now in the Tianhai Tower, Asari's permission rights and treatment are second only to Galilei.

She is not the youngest advisor of the Arcanum, but she is indeed the weakest.

But this also shows how talented she is in theory.

At the same time, Asari was also qualified to be recommended as a member of the Imperial Parliament, but unfortunately she refused.

Her ambition is to continue to explore the mysteries of magic and the universe, and is not interested in political confrontations, even if it will bring her countless benefits and wealth.

In Elshari's heart, what really made her love the world was not wealth, but the sparkling thoughts she saw when she read "New Arcana" for the first time.

It is the courage to explore all the unsolved mysteries of the world that guides her to keep moving forward and open up a wider universe.

After determining the coordinates of the source sea, how to carry out the exploration work was mainly taken over by the Chapter of Imbalance.

To practice the method, you must use the help of new alchemy tools.

However, limited exploration and just gathering intelligence were enough for the empire to understand the horror of Yuanhai.

Almost no life can survive directly in the Origin Sea. Even if a legendary mage enters, his magic power will be exhausted in half a minute at most, and he will be assimilated into the crystal clear water of the Origin Sea.

This is still the result of not entering the sea surface and only floating on the source sea.

The mist that seems to have existed since ancient times and the bizarre properties of the place itself are full of malice towards all life.

Because the conversion between matter and energy in this multiverse is much easier than that of the earth, the nature of the origin of everything in the world in the Source Sea is naturally more terrifying than an ordinary black hole.

According to the calculations of the imperial magicians, even most gods who enter the Source Sea are at risk of falling directly.

After the early exploration, it was found that only the Source Sea Ark provided by the Queen of Eternal Night is the only alchemical item that can carry limited life into the Source Sea and retreat safely.

The imperial capital is currently unable to copy more Source Sea Arks. Even the Queen of Eternal Night does not understand the special energy it uses.

The exploration limitation of the Source Sea Ark is that it carries limited energy. Before a round of energy is exhausted, there is only about four hours of safe exploration time.

Moreover, the charging of the Source Sea Ark is not automatic. At present, it can only be manually operated by magicians above the advanced level to charge it.

It is necessary to drain the magic power of a human-shaped power bank equivalent to thousands of legendary magicians to drive the Source Sea Ark again.

This has led to the exploration of the Origin Sea becoming a periodic activity limited by the efficiency of charging.

But this is already very lucky.

You must know that the Seven Gods Camp paid the price of the God King being tied to death here, consuming a huge amount of faith power to make Nalinel resentful, and the possibility of falling at any time, so that limited information in the Origin Sea can be read.

After famous mages such as Galilee saw the Origin Sea with their own eyes, only Roger and the Queen of Eternal Night were qualified to enter the Origin Sea Ark for a new round of exploration.

Roger also has the Origin Sea Telescope and the Origin Sea Anchor, which can more efficiently determine the direction of exploration, and can help save/read files, so that the exploration efficiency is further improved;

The Queen of Eternal Night has the highest perception, the ceiling of magic power in this world, and can also serve as a temporary power bank for the Origin Sea Ark to extend the time of each exploration.

So the two of them together are the most efficient combination for exploring the Origin Sea.

In fact, there is another very important point. The consumption of magic power in the Origin Sea Ark is very terrible, and even the Queen of Eternal Night may be drained.

In that weak state, she was worried about anyone appearing around her except Roger, so the two of them were a fixed exploration team.

The continuous source sea, the birthplace of the multiverse, actually had a very simple harvest:


Anything that can be called information may emerge in the source sea.

Since the birth of this universe, all the historical traces, images, consciousness, skills, and technologies that have existed are hidden under the surface of the source sea in a chaotic state.

For the source sea, all creatures have no secrets.

Even the most fundamental laws and operating laws of this universe are hidden in the deepest part of the source sea.

However, the source sea is too vast, and the storage of information is completely irregular.

At the same time, each exploration has a limited time and no navigation, which makes the final harvest full of uncertainty.

It is possible to harvest a lot of new technologies that can change fate in one exploration, or it is possible to only see useless history in multiple explorations.

Or the kind that is scattered in between, even the world in which they occur is hidden in the thick fog.

Roger felt that the seawater between energy and matter in the Source Sea was like a cup of ultra-dark liquid mixed evenly with all the vegetables and fruits in the world.

One sip was already deadly;

It was impossible to drink only the orange juice contained in it!

So now they were trying to go to new sea areas as much as possible, and then pick up information along the way like casting a net to catch fish, and finally drag it back to analyze slowly.

Limited by the efficiency of the secret method to charge the Source Sea Ark, the Source Sea can be explored about once a week. After about five hours each time, the Source Sea anchor must be dropped and ready to return.

Captain Roger's job is to throw shoes to determine the next direction of travel.

Anyway, this place is extremely vast, and 99.999% of the area has not been explored. Wherever you go, it is a new discovery.

Most of the information salvaged is garbage, and even dangerous.

There are many terrible evil gods in this world. Information about those evil gods does not need to be accompanied by any magic. The information itself is quite terrible and polluting, which will cause the spiritual degeneration of the knower and horrible mutations on the body.

Even this mutation has the potential to spread further.

The Secret Society, which was unaware of this at first, rashly arranged ordinary magicians to decipher and organize the information, which caused a lot of chaos.

Later, the interpretation of the information from the Source Sea formed fixed safety regulations. Although the efficiency was a little low, the safety was greatly improved.

Convenience and safety are always contradictory attributes.

In general, the Empire's exploration of the Source Sea is like spiritual ascension, and the benefits are definitely huge compared to the past.

Even if it causes some negative effects from time to time, the Empire cannot refuse to continue exploring it just because of the temptation to discover ancient technology and understand a lot of strange information.

Some of the lameness is compared with other routes, and the Empire has no choice now.

They can enter the Source Sea, which is already the thigh of the system and solves the most difficult step.

It is obvious at a glance which is more difficult, finding where the volcano is or taking a bath in the volcano.

So in fact, the Empire has no qualifications to enter the Source Sea at all, but it relied on the system to help it, so it sneaked in.

For a stowaway, the Empire actually lacks a lot of pre-techniques, so naturally, seeing a lot of information in the Source Sea will be very practical, and a lot of homework will be copied from here.

Especially now that the Empire is rolling out magic industrialization, various new technologies are being applied, and the strength of magicians is also advancing by leaps and bounds.

With the Source Sea as a new technology supply channel, it has made up for the lack of talent in the Empire to a large extent.

The difficulty of studying a certain technology from scratch and restoring ancient technology and copying technology is naturally very different.

And chance is inevitable, because of the vastness of the Source Sea, Roger and the Queen have not encountered the God King who lives in the Source Sea for so many times.

Without this only variable, except for the countless information flowing outside, all they see is the same cabin and similar scenery.

No matter how strange and magnificent the scenery is, you will get bored after seeing it too much.

Especially after many updates of the Secret Law Society, the work of collecting information has been completely automated, and Roger is too lazy to choose a direction.

The mysterious cannot save the innocent, and krypton cannot change fate. No matter how bizarre the exploration route is, even if a middle point is drawn in the source sea, it will not change their gains.

So Roger, who had long anticipated that he would be bored, cleverly suggested that the Queen of Eternal Night bring Ah Fu with him.

Of course, it is not to find a light bulb to illuminate the cabin, but they can use the time they are on the road to fill the fearless space.

The magician camp has a message area and an endless tower. This time, the fearless space for ordinary people is not attractive.

The simplest point is that the illiteracy rate in the empire is as high as 90%. The magicians in the message area are discussing heatedly. What can ordinary people do there?

That is to say, they can look at the pornographic pictures... This attraction is still enough.

But is the establishment of the Internet just to facilitate everyone to look at pornographic pictures? This is not possible!

At least we have to add videos, right?

Ahem, although lsp has this idea, he dare not expose it in front of the queen, otherwise he will be warned by the meteor waterfall directly.

The proposals reported by Roger are two "virtual games" proposed by him.

The first one is that one hundred professionals are thrown into a deserted island, and then pick up weapons, equipment, props and various mounts.

The safe zone on the deserted island is getting smaller and smaller, and only one person can survive in the end.

The second one is based on a five-person team. The two adventurers fight around their respective bases. During the period, the characters can upgrade, buy equipment, and various props. The ultimate goal is to destroy the opponent's defense towers and crystals...

Yes, that's right, this is the magic world version of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and MOBA, and someone is also copying homework.

Compared with RPG and open world with long manufacturing cycles, these two types of games that rely on rule-based gameplay are much simpler and faster to develop.

It is stimulating enough, and fighting with others will increase endless freshness.

As long as you get started, it will definitely attract enough users to stay in the fearless space.

"At the same time, these two games will also be a shortcut to train the imperial reserve soldiers." Roger smiled and told the Queen of Eternal Night another intention of these two games.

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