The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 14 The person who reads the most history books in the library

Her Majesty the Queen of Eternal Night came to the library today, not to find Roger.

She came here to find a few old magicians who are familiar with the culture of the Seventeen Kingdoms to discuss the compilation of enlightenment textbooks.

Among the several policies of the Great Unified Cultural Invasion, this one is the one that she is most interested in.

Write textbooks with your own stories!

Thinking that young people in the future will all grow up reading her civil and military achievements, her mood can't help but soar.

This Roger has so many tricks, and they are so clever that they touch her heart.

Ninety-nine percent of the people in the Empire are fanatical fans of the Queen of Eternal Night.

When they heard that the Queen's version of enlightenment textbooks were to be compiled, they were also shocked.

This idea is great, a small change, a big gain!

Promote the power of our empire!

The plan was quickly finalized.

The Queen has made great military achievements throughout her life, and there are many things worth writing about, enough to support ten textbooks.

When the unrest in the Seventeen Kingdoms subsides, this will definitely be compiled, and then it will be promoted nationwide.

Before leaving, the curator sincerely invited the queen to visit and see how grateful the magicians were for her building this library.

"Your Majesty, you haven't visited your masterpiece yet after it was built." The fat curator nodded and bowed.

Hearing this, the Queen of Eternal Night couldn't help but look subtle.

Before, she secretly looked for Roger without telling anyone, not even the curator.

After all, the protective formation here was designed by her personally, and there are many backdoors that only she knows.

Looking at the curator's resentful eyes and the eager expectations of the magicians next to him, the queen agreed.

The Qingteng Empire is known as the strongest country on the continent, and the number and quality of magicians in neighboring countries are one of its confidence.

She attaches great importance to the training of magicians.

Magicians also respect and admire the Queen of Eternal Night.

This is the ceiling of this profession!

The Queen of Eternal Night has made magicians grow to the level of being on par with the gods.

Even the magicians of the original seventeen countries worship the queen.

This class also surrendered the fastest and most thoroughly after the Empire swept through the seventeen countries...

Before the tour, the Queen of Eternal Night took a special look and did not find Roger's special "0 magic coordinate".

Although the Queen tolerated Roger's disrespect many times, she was not a masochist after all.

She was the kind of person with a strong desire for control, otherwise she would not be the Queen.

She met Roger twice, and was complained more times than she had been on the throne for all these years!

If it weren't for the fact that what that boy said was really useful, he would have been crushed to ashes by the Queen long ago.

This wave of touring the Great Library, she wanted to listen to her subordinates cheering for her, and naturally didn't want to be disturbed by that bastard.

Sure enough, wherever the Queen went, the usually respected magicians were excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

Finally saw the living Queen!

The Queen of Eternal Night was relieved to see that her prestige was not as good as before.

Being repeatedly disliked by Roger, she thought she had retired.

Seeing the attitudes of these magicians, she felt that she was good again!

Just when the king and his subjects were enjoying themselves, the Queen of Eternal Night suddenly heard a familiar "jinx".

Tracing back to the source, she saw a strange face.

And Roger was mixed in the crowd, without having to face the pressure of the queen, and his inner activities were more "unbridled" than before:

[Oh, these magicians saw the queen, like brain-dead fans picking up a young man at the airport, are they so excited? ]

[Oh my God, there are people who are so excited that their magic power is out of control and they fainted. Did this blood mother brainwash her subordinates? ]

[Hey, she looked over here? She won't chat with me again, right? Oh no, I changed my appearance, I am Dio now! ]

In the crowd, Roger shrank his neck first, then confirmed that it was safe, and then straightened his chest.

Showing a fearless expression!

The illusion treasure box is a good prop, and the queen did not see through his disguise.

That was a unique voice broadcast, basically using a loud speaker to shout "I am Roger here", fearing that the Queen would ignore him!

The Queen of Eternal Night almost exploded.

I have been hiding from you, but now you disguise yourself and use a super large magic crystal to camouflage yourself, and sneak attack me in the crowd!

In terms of destroying the atmosphere, you are the best in the Empire!

And you complained about me, but now you complain about the loyal magicians of the Empire?

You put me on the same level as the young handsome guy?

You bastard boy, instead of learning from others' loyalty, you call it a stupid behavior?

How unreasonable!

You are too much!

You have no shame!

I really want to give him a meteor waterfall!

The Queen of Eternal Night smiled and greeted the magicians, and her fists in her robe sleeves were quietly clenched.

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, she would have made Roger bleed seven steps away!

The curator continued to introduce as usual: "The Great Library provides an elegant environment and thoughtful services, and strives to collect all the classics in the world. It is very popular among magicians. Not only various magic notes, but also historical books, social sciences, poetry and novels are becoming more and more popular."

In this era, magicians are the main combat profession, and everyone focuses on hard practice.

The Empire made the magic notes that the great magicians used to cherish public, which was naturally very popular, accounting for more than 90% of the total borrowing.

However, it is also a headache to read those obscure things every day. Occasionally, some people will borrow some extracurricular readings such as history books and poems to change their mood.

And this number has increased a lot recently.

The curator thinks that the behavior of magicians represents an improvement in the quality of life.

When the pressure is reduced, they will think about leisure and entertainment!

So he thought this was the Queen's merit in governing the country.

"Indeed, magicians should not only serve wars, their wisdom should shine in more places..."

The Queen of Eternal Night really got the point, nodded slightly with satisfaction, and then her eyes lit up!

Based on Roger's alias Dio, she used her backdoor permission to find out that he had borrowed a lot of history books these days.

Although they were not serious history books.

But it was enough.

Before, Roger was a useless person, and it was difficult for the Queen to arrange a job for him.

Now he has disguised himself as a senior magician, and this strength can already serve in many errands in the empire.

So comfortable to fish, lying flat all day, and still have time to complain about me?

Still have time to look down on the loyal magicians of the empire?

Hum, I will let you know what power is, and put the pressure on my work to the maximum!

The Queen of Eternal Night continued the topic just now by the curator and said with a smile: "It just so happens that I need an excellent young man who is familiar with history books to help compile the history of the empire. Curator, please help me check which magician has read the most history books in the past few days?"

"Of course, no problem, Your Majesty, wait a moment!"

The curator immediately opened the management backend and sorted the magicians who borrowed history books in descending order.

The first one was Dio Brando!

And he was only nineteen years old, which also met the standard of being young.

Magicians are equivalent to science students in this world. Reading history books is to relieve boredom, and there is no time to read more.

So Roger successfully stood out and became the person who read the most history books in the whole library in the past month.

"Your Majesty, please look at this. Mr. Dio Brando meets your requirements very well. The only problem is that he is a commoner..."

The Queen of Eternal Night and the curator did not control the volume of their conversation, and the magicians in the room could hear it.

Roger naturally heard it too.

Hearing the name Dio appear in the curator's mouth, he was gloating. Which unlucky boy was favored by the queen.

But the next second, his heart skipped a beat and he realized...

The clown was actually me?

[Old man, don't hurt me, I'm just here to slack off, I don't want to write history]

[Yes, I'm a civilian now, civilian status is a big problem, the empire didn't use civilians as officials before! ]

Unexpectedly, the Queen of Eternal Night waved her hand and said proudly: "Civilian? What's the problem? I have never asked about the origin of people when I employ them. The capable ones will be appointed. He will be the new historian of the empire!"

No matter the origin?

As soon as this speech that transcends the shackles of the times came out, many of the Queen's fanatical fans knelt down and shouted: "Your Majesty is wise! Your Majesty is the greatest emperor in history!"

Many civilian magicians were moved to tears.

Does His Majesty's words mean that they have a promising future?

Only Roger stood there blankly.

[I finally opened a vest and read a few more history books, but I was caught by the blood mother? ]

[Is there any privacy protection in this empire? I will appeal to the parliament! 】

【I just want to lie down quietly, why is it so difficult? 】

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