When the magicians present first heard that the queen was going to assign them tasks, they were all very excited.

It is our duty to serve the queen and spread the glory of the empire!

Then I heard that they were assigned to compile the history of the empire...

Suddenly they lost interest.

In this era, fighting is the main responsibility of magicians.

The Queen of Eternal Night swept through seventeen countries and completed the greatest expansion of territory in the history of the Qingteng Empire.

Her fans naturally hope to become human turrets or bombers to fight for the queen, rather than wasting their lives in a pile of old papers.

So the mentality of the magicians became: Let's see which unlucky guy the queen likes?

Oh, it's Dio!

But some people were secretly unhappy.

The queen said "It doesn't matter who you are, the capable one will take the job", which made a few radical nobles uncomfortable.

In this era, there is an unbridgeable gap between the common people and the nobles.

No matter whether you are an official of the empire, you have to be a noble first, whether you are a legacy of your ancestors or you marry into some aunt's family and don't want to work hard.

Even if a commoner has cultivated to the level of a high-level magician, he can either join the army to fight for a title or just hang out in an adventure group, and it is impossible for him to enter the political arena of the empire.

But today, the Queen of Eternal Night is going to appoint a commoner magician as an official, although it is an insignificant historian who is not valued by the people of the empire, this is also an unprecedented initiative.

In everyone's opinion, Dio Brando himself is not important, but the symbolic meaning of this move is important!

Could it be that the Queen of Eternal Night wants to use this person's identity to test the bottom line of traditional nobles and let commoners enter the court in large numbers!

But what they don't know is that the Queen of Eternal Night's move was originally intended to punish Roger for his "rude voice".

The Queen looked at Roger, who was standing straight in a daze and still a little stunned, and said with a smile:

"Could it be that this is our young and promising Mr. Dio Brando, are you willing to serve as my historian?"

"I am not talented, really..."

Roger was ready to refuse.

However, before he finished speaking, he felt the eyes of the magicians around him suddenly become fierce.

You are just a commoner. It is the Queen's mercy to give you a position. Are you going to refuse?

If you dare not give the Queen face, don't blame us for not giving you face!

Some people are impatient and took out white gloves, ready to throw them at any time.

[Fuck, brother, are you right? If I dare to say no, will you duel with me immediately? ]

[Is the Queen's prestige so terrible? What should I do? I don't seem to have a chance to refuse this kind of public appointment? ]

[The Queen said I can do it, even if I really can't, I have to do it! ]

The Queen of Eternal Night was not impatient at all. She stood there quietly, like a great monarch with a broad mind, waiting for the answer of the talents she wanted to conquer in an unconventional way.

Face the reality!

There is no need for me to take action. Countless good men in the empire will tell you how to choose!

You are not the right prime minister's brother now, but just a commoner. If something goes wrong, no one will protect you!

Facing the countless hostile eyes around him, Roger had to change his words:

"I am really... that is, I am really surprised that your majesty trusts me so much. I will do my best to improve the history of the empire for your majesty!"

"Okay, the curator will arrange your work later."

"As ordered..."

Roger was in a mess in the wind.

[No, it's settled? I will become a civil servant without an administrative exam or something? ]

[Your Majesty, you are too careless, right? I don't understand history at all. I am just a scoundrel! I can't take on such a big responsibility! ]

[Should I reveal my identity and say that I am Roger Charles? ]

[No, that would be a crime of deceiving the emperor, and I will definitely die...]

[Oh, I am so annoyed. This blood mother is poisonous. How come she chose me by chance? ]

The Queen of Eternal Night deeply remembered the tangled and twisted expression of Di Roger O in her heart, laughed loudly, and continued to visit the library.

Do you think you can get out of my hand by changing your appearance?

Young man, the water is too deep, you can't control it.



Soon, the queen returned to the palace.

Roger thought about escaping halfway.

But there was no chance at all.

The imperial talents don't care who is the historian.

But the historian appointed by the queen herself ran away on the first day. Wouldn't it make the queen lose face?

So whether it is the guards of the Great Library or the magicians who read books together, they are intentionally or unintentionally on guard against this Dio.

This lasted until the assistant of the director came to invite him.

Roger had no choice but to follow him to a large office.

There were more than a dozen historians who had studied hard, and there were piles of materials and messy drafts.

The director of the Great Library, Finn Rodney, was waiting for Roger at the door.

This was a middle-aged fat man with the strength of a magician. He always smiled and did not rush to do anything.

He took Roger to familiarize himself with the environment, introduced him to the scholars who studied the history of the empire, and said earnestly:

"The compilation of the history of the empire began in the first year of the Yongye calendar, but unfortunately the five historians were either sick or had accidents..."

"Wait, the accident you are talking about is not..." Roger's heart skipped a beat.

It's not that being a small historian is life-threatening, right?

"Don't worry, no one here dares to plot against the officials of the empire." Director Rodney said proudly, and then showed some helplessness, "It's just... well, you will understand when you ask the consultants about the editing progress."


“Anyway, this matter has been delayed until now, and His Majesty is quite dissatisfied. I hope Mr. Brando can come up with some results as soon as possible to repay His Majesty’s trust!”

Director Finn patted Roger on the shoulder and floated away.

Roger was a little helpless. This director was an old riddle man and only said half of what he said.

He had no choice but to ask those white-haired consultants:

“Dear teachers, where have we compiled the history of the empire?”

Roger’s attitude was quite polite.

After all, he really didn’t know how to compile history, and he had to rely on these old scholars to lead him in the future.

The chief consultant of the expert group was called Freeman, an old man with a face as black as coal. He uttered five words lightly: “The Manu City Incident.”

“It turns out that it is the eve of the Queen’s rise...”

The Yongxue scholar immediately understood.

The Manu City Incident was the tragedy that led to the fall of half of the Qingteng Kingdom and the little princess was forced to succeed to the throne as queen.

That year, the Queen of Eternal Night was sixteen years old. The neighboring Kingdom of Walbruga attacked Manu City, and the king, queen, crown prince and several children were all killed.

Instantly, the country was leaderless and almost on the verge of destruction.

At this time, the little princess Octavia stepped forward and killed the enemy generals with her powerful magic power to create chaos, giving the kingdom a month of respite.

Then she succeeded as queen, and used this month to condense the remaining power of the Qingteng Kingdom and kill the Walbruga Kingdom with a little blood.

This is the background information of the game.

It has come to the Manu City Incident. It is said that the editing of the imperial history has been nearly completed, and only the Queen's related deeds are left to be written into the history books.

But this work is stuck here, and even the historian is changed...

This shows that there is something fishy about the Manu City Incident!

Roger immediately communicated with his historical consultants.

In addition, they checked the secret letters, military intelligence, news records, etc. that they sorted out, and dug out many of the Queen's dark histories...

"The Queen was suspected of killing her brother and uncle to get the throne?"

Roger's eyes gleamed.

Rounding this out, it's the less tragic Xuanwu Gate Incident, right?

No wonder his five predecessors, in order to keep their official positions and titles, found various reasons to stop here and dared not move forward.

Some things can't be avoided at all.

It's as difficult as climbing to the sky to whitewash this history to the satisfaction of the Queen of Eternal Night!

But if you think about it in another direction, using this history to anger the Queen...

I'm afraid it's easy, right?

Does Roger want to be the historian?

One, I don't want to!

"As long as I make a big deal about the Maniu City Incident and dig up the black material, can I be dismissed immediately and return to my idle life?"

Roger, who had been in a low mood, suddenly became energetic.

He felt that he had inadvertently found the answer to get the lying flat cause back on track!

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