Speaking of which, Roger has been slacking off in the library for several days, but he has not received the random treasure chest awarded by the lying flat system.

Today, he saw the "Long Live the Queen" and knew that the Empire was carrying out the operation of pretending to be the Restoration Army. He has basically confirmed:

The disappearance of his treasure chest is the butterfly effect caused by contact with the Queen of Eternal Night!

Because he made a tree hole, he helped the Queen of Eternal Night to sort out her thoughts, which made the world produce variables that should not exist.

Although it is mainly due to the Queen's intelligence.

But because the Queen of Eternal Night has a huge impact on the world, he was implicated.

It's like an agent sold a courtyard house in the imperial capital, and the performance was only raised by one point, but that was also a huge sum of money...

As a result, Roger did not meet the standard of lying flat.

Blood Mom is a harming spirit!

And because the operation of pretending to be the Restoration Army is still being carried out, the subsequent cause and effect are constantly generated, so Roger naturally has no use lying flat.

He can only wait for the end of this Restoration Army operation and the impact will be smoothed by time.

Then use Dio's identity to keep a low profile and slack off, so as to ensure the smooth progress of the lying flat cause.

But Dio was captured by the Queen to compile the history of the empire.

Not only is this work very arduous, but it may also have a huge impact on the world after it is compiled...

So this historian must not be a role!

Originally, Roger was ready to take a risky move and stage a small episode in which Dio bumped into the playboy Roger Charles and was hacked to death.

But that would put Roger at the center of attention for a long time, and Angelina might even be killed for the sake of justice, and suffer the punishment that the nobles should not have to bear for killing civilians...

So he has never made up his mind to "kill myself" because the consequences are a bit big.

But now that he has learned about the real Manu City Incident, Roger feels that it is unnecessary to go through so much trouble.

Five historians were forced to leave, which shows how difficult this period of history is.

If we dig deeper into the Manu City Incident, it is easy to deduce that the Queen of Eternal Night "gained the country unjustly".

After all, the little princess is a very late heir, and the Qingteng Kingdom has never had a queen.

If the empress did not gain the throne legitimately, her achievements would naturally be tainted and greatly discounted.

The empress has many advantages, but no one can deny that she has a strong desire for control and likes to hear people praise her!

Otherwise, she would not be so concerned about compiling textbooks.

For this matter, she invited no less than a hundred magic shadow photographers to record her infinitely charming figure, to select the most beautiful cover, and to help young people establish a correct aesthetic.

The current empress of Eternal Night is still young after all.

She is not yet the peerless emperor who can laugh at the wind and clouds, face the gods' alliance calmly, and survive from death ten years later.

She succeeded to the throne at the age of sixteen, swept through seventeen countries in five years, and led the Qingteng Empire to work hard and govern in three years, and it was at its peak.

There are setbacks, difficulties, and desperate moments.

But you can always laugh to the end.

Such an outstanding young woman of twenty-four years old, who can be said to be at the peak of everything, will allow someone to belittle her proud achievements?

The answer is imaginable.

So as long as Dio behaves disobediently and insists on writing "real history".

The Queen will never tolerate the existence of such a historian.

"Bring all the intelligence and clues you have now, and let's restore the truth together!"

Roger did what he said, full of motivation.

The sooner this history is written, the sooner he can get rid of this job!

And soon Roger saw a large number of precious and detailed historical materials.

They are all well-documented, true and accurate information, and are definitely not groundless.

The compilation of imperial history has been going on for more than two years. Although the chief editor historian has been replaced again and again, the relevant work has been going on.

The dozen consultants here are all talented, and they are good and nice...

Well, in short, they have studied the Manu City Incident to a very in-depth level.

Every military intelligence briefing, every letter, and a large number of survivors' records...

They are pieced together into a magnificent picture, presenting the Qingteng Kingdom, which was in turmoil at the time, in front of Roger.

Unlike a few words in the game, the Queen's counterattack is written in a very cool way, from then on she will never die until she becomes a super god.

The real history is heavy, bloody, and mixed with countless dangers and conspiracies!

The sixteen-year-old princess grew up to be the current Queen, took control of the scattered Qingteng Kingdom, and then counterattacked. It was really a feat made with blood!

Shelley IV died, and the enemy envoy persuaded him to surrender, kill!

The brother intended to surrender and wanted her to be a bargaining chip for marriage, kill!

Asked for help from the uncle, and found that he was a coward who lived in a corner, kill!

The governor of the three southern provinces held a strong army and wanted to take advantage of the chaos to become independent, kill!

The local nobles made money from the national disaster and hoarded goods, kill!

She defended the Sorenko Line of Defense. In order to ensure the supply of rations for the soldiers, she sent troops to plunder the last grain reserves of the fourteen towns in the southwest, resulting in the starvation of nearly 20,000 people!

She counterattacked into the Kingdom of Wabruga, sacrificed 100,000 enemy civilians, and achieved the core talent of her legendary profession, which led to her narrow victory and killing the enemy's national mage...

The achievements of the Queen of Eternal Night are brilliant and dazzling.

But they are also bloody, cruel, and ruthless!

The road to the emperor has always been one person's life, and the rest are sacrifices.

Players call her Blood Mother because in the late period of the empire, she swept through 100,000 Tianming troops alone, covered in blood, and unparalleled domineering.

But seeing the transformation of the little princess, which there is no space to show in the current game, even the Yongxue scholars are extremely shocked.

How is it okay to kill 100,000 people?

Have you ever seen a blood mother who went crazy after experiencing the destruction of her country and her family?

Power ensures strength, and dictatorship maintains dignity.

She didn't have time to distinguish between good and evil one by one, so she used the most straightforward method to force everyone to surrender to herself.

At that time, the blood mother's strength was not at its peak in the game, and she only had a group of old, weak, women and children, so she had to use bloody methods to make up for it!

Be cruel to your enemies and show no mercy to your own people!

Octave Shelley used the most extreme iron-blood and the most extreme concentration of feudal imperial power to create the great Ivy Empire.

She combines in one body all the greatness, all the praise, all the glory of the human empire.

But there are also piles of bones and rivers of blood behind him.

By modern standards, this is an out-and-out war criminal.

She killed her enemies, her relatives, her civilians, and even indirectly killed innocent Ivy people.

But Roger didn't think she deserved to die.

At that time, the Ivy Kingdom was already at the end of its dynasty's decline.

But if the blood mother hadn't been born, more people in the Ivy Kingdom would have become slaves of the subjugated country, living a life worse than death.

Right and wrong?

Good and evil?

He doesn't deserve to say it.

Even if he had the most authentic and comprehensive historical data in front of him, he would not dare to comment on the merits and demerits of Queen Yongye.

The Ivy Empire has never been destroyed, and this matter has not yet been finalized.

On the contrary, after reading it, Roger admired how the Queen of Evernight almost fell into darkness, but was able to come out without going crazy.

She had power that was no less than that of a god, but she did not abuse it. Instead, she tried to use her kingly charm to make the empire truly strong and explore an imperial system that could be passed down.

Her level of governance and attitude towards civilians are better than most rulers of this era who only know how to use violence and bloody suppression.

It turned out that Roger was planning to dig deep into the black material about the Manyucheng incident, make the Queen of Evernight angry, and then dismiss her from office and leave.

Later, he discovered that he didn’t have to put in so much effort at all, and the dirty stuff could fill a table all by itself.

Of course, her accomplishments could fill an entire office.

The magic clock goes to nine o'clock in the evening.

Roger and his men initially restored the full historical picture from the Manyu City Incident to the defeat of the Wabruga Kingdom.

He spat out twelve words heavily:

"True record, no deletions, no comments."

This is his editing plan.

The plan that the fifth official historian dared not reveal even to death.

The simplest and the most difficult.

What a bold decision?

The historical consultants all felt that Mr. Brando was crazy and seeking death.

But they didn't persuade because they liked this plan very much.

Although they knew that such an imperial history would never be seen in front of the world, they still tried hard.

This is their deep-rooted paranoia about academics.

As long as we can restore the true history as much as possible, what if we accompany this young historian to go crazy once?

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