The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 171 Cat Slave Shana and the Soul-Simulating Bracelet (1/2)

The City of Mysteries, an educational district two blocks away from the Great Library.

Not far from here is the Imperial Magic Academy, and next to it are the academies of warriors, knights, thieves, rangers and other professions.

In addition to the teaching and auxiliary institutions that help young people get into these "imperial prestigious schools", and the corresponding textbooks and teaching aids stores, there is a very strong academic atmosphere here.

Because there are enough young people, it also looks particularly young and full of vitality.

However, in contrast, there will be more fights. Young and ignorant professionals will inevitably feel that they are the boss because they have just learned some skills, and then they will be taught a lesson by the city defense team stationed here.

Who was not a genius boy in the beginning? The city defense army is also very black-bellied. They are all geniuses of the year. Whether it is strength or pretending skills, coupled with the constantly upgraded equipment, they can easily kill these young guys.

The troublemakers were beaten by the seniors, and the physical damage was bearable, but the mental damage of being pretending will cause them more shadows. Over time, this place has become quiet and peaceful again.

Shana lives in a small house in the education area. The rent is not expensive. Anyway, she can earn several years' rent by participating in a commission at the Adventure Guild.

These rooms are arranged for professionals who failed the exam but are unwilling to accept it and are preparing for the exam next year. The environment is relatively clean and tidy. Most of the people living here are young students, and the atmosphere is quite good.

Shana reads books and studies in the big library every day. Inheriting the wisdom of Nalinel, she can actually read a lot of information in an instant, but in the beginning, she gave up the violent means of cramming and absorbed it. Instead, she reads ten lines at a glance like an ordinary genius.

She thinks that this "slow" speed is also a way to enjoy life.

Every day, she goes home to rest when she is late, and occasionally she will spend time decorating her small room.

She bought a lot of beautiful small decorations, planted three pots of flowers, and made a swing-she likes the feeling of sitting in a daze.

As time goes by, her dress and temperament are more and more similar to those of the students here.

In addition to her overly beautiful face, even though she was quite low-key and didn't contact other people, there were still some suitors who tried to create some youth stories.

But Shana's reaction was to cast a forgetting spell, easily getting rid of this entanglement.

The first rule for the little angel to choose a spouse is that the suitor must defeat herself. How can she fall in love if she doesn't have enough magic resistance?

Apart from some flies that fly from time to time, she is quite satisfied with her current life.

Although her so-called efforts are completely inconsistent with her strength and current situation.

With her strength, she can directly read the most profound magic theory and space conjecture, and understand it instantly, not to mention spending time reading those poems, essays and novels?

So reading is just a self-comfort, proving that I am still working hard and haven't given up. Fishing is the new normal that Shana has realized.

At that time, she was extremely angry and wanted to cut Roger into pieces. Now suddenly I feel that the emotion has become very vague.

As time goes by, she receives more and more information, and the degree of paranoia naturally enters a state of decline:

It's better to enjoy life than to be angry with that bastard!

The only eternal thing is the fear of the original body coming to her, which is engraved in the depths of her soul.

As a projection of Nalinel, she is one of the beings who knows Nalinel's various methods best. She knows very well that she is just lingering on now. If she is exposed to the Seven Gods, only death awaits her.

In order to prevent the arrival of this day, Shana secretly recorded a batch of information that she thought was a big blow to the Seven Gods in a ring she made, and then hid it in a place where no one can find it.

If she dies one day, the ring will be transmitted to Fengling Yueying Palace.

"Of course, maybe this world will no longer exist at that time, but I have tried my best!"

After completing this operation, Shana completely let herself go, and even considered taking the Imperial Magic Academy to become a top student to satisfy her vanity...

God knows how long she struggled, and finally gave up this easy opportunity to show off, and did not bully the children in her eyes.

In this way, she went back and forth between her residence and the library every day. Compared with the fulfilling life of the angel in the past, she was actually wasting time.

Even if she tried her best to seek revenge on Roger, it was also an effort!

But at this moment, in Shana's heart, enjoying this idle life before death was the greatest happiness!

This was very undemanding, and it was different from what she wanted to do in this world at the beginning.

But this was the life she wanted, the ordinary she wanted to have.

What did she like have to do with others?

Shana didn't know in her heart whether she had grown up or become childish.

She tried to find the answer in the book, but the book recorded 100,000 truths, each of which was very reasonable, and it was the same as not saying anything after reading it.

After reading for ten years, she still had no answer in the end.

She walked in the prosperity of the world, but she never stepped into it after all, with a certain vigilance, watching the joys and sorrows of the world.

In this way, she mixed until the New Year, and when she was touched by the whiteness of the world, she picked up the black cat that Ah Fu turned into, and named it Xiaobai.

Because of the support of that weak life, Shana temporarily found the meaning of her existence and gained the motivation to raise it.

In that small house, she set up a warm and comfortable nest for Xiaobai, looked up various precautions for raising cats, bought the best kitten food, and various toys.

She had no childhood, so she especially hoped that Xiaobai would have a happy childhood.

Although Xiaobai was played by Ah Fu, as an Eris demon worm, he could easily control the soul of a cat and behave like a kitten without any flaws.

Besides, Shana had never raised a cat.

As long as the appearance was cute enough, she would not doubt it even if Ah Fu accidentally exposed some of the living habits of cicadas.

Because of Shana's wholehearted and caring care, Ah Fu also developed inexplicable emotions and was a little... addicted to the role of the black cat.

Every Eris demon worm is lonely. The existence of the inner demon field allows them to have self-protection ability and territorial awareness since birth. They go to the star realm alone to weave terrible traps and patiently wait for prey.

It was not until he experienced too many human emotions, understood the relationship between them, watched and yearned for their getting along that Ah Fu began to have emotions.

After seeing too many joys and sorrows, I found myself different and gradually realized that I was the only one in this era as a pioneer among the Eris demon worms.

I was the only one who opened up my spiritual wisdom and had my own self, and I could no longer look down on those of the same kind.

But the corresponding thing was that I became a unique existence in the world and felt an unspeakable loneliness.

Roger arranged for Afu to find Shana, in addition to finding an opportunity to bring Shana closer to the Anti-Ivy League, and also because he saw some similar characteristics in Afu and Shana.

In terms of age, these are two new problem children, but they both have wisdom and knowledge beyond ordinary adults.

This resulted in them not being able to have a normal growth period and childhood. How to cultivate and guide them, the Queen of Eternal Night directly threw the work to Roger.

But Roger had never taken care of a child, especially Shana who entered the rebellious period early, which was very difficult to deal with.

This wave of arranging Afu to come to Shana in the form of a kitten actually wanted them to come into contact with each other, perhaps some kind of chemical reaction would be born to promote each other's growth.

It is easier for people of the same kind to communicate. On the surface, an angel projection and a star monster are very different, but if you think deeply, maybe they can understand each other?

After a period of getting along with people and cats, they are unexpectedly harmonious as Roger expected.

Shana needs Afu, which inspires the tenderness and maternal nature in her heart; Afu also needs Shana, and the feeling of being taken care of is wonderful.

They have formed a state of dependence on each other, as a master and a pet, and also a "friend".

Shana is still a child. She has a willful and impulsive side, but also a simple and kind side.

Taking care of a fragile little life, from clumsy to skilled, watching Xiaobai grow up day by day, activated her good side.

And Afu, in this process, has gained unprecedented warmth.

The Queen of Eternal Night is Afu's nominal owner, but she has no hobby of raising pets. At first, she treated him as a test subject, and now she treats him as a special minister.

The most ruthless imperial family is not a boast. Afu has to face the exploitation of maximizing his value.

Roger treats Ah Fu as an equal friend, jokes with him, deliberately sees him blushing, and gives him some life advice.

But he doesn't take more care of Ah Fu. He knows the amount of knowledge Ah Fu has. It would be ridiculous to treat him as a child.

These are the two people Ah Fu can contact with his emotional side. When contacting other people, he is forbidden to show humanity.

When contacting ordinary staff of the secret society, he must pretend to be ignorant before to ensure the stable operation of the magician camp.

Of course, Ah Fu is not just here for vacation. He also wants to guide Shana to the path that Roger expects.

"Xiaobai, do you want this?"


On the still quite cold street, the black cat in Shana's pocket poked its head out and attracted the owner's attention with its claws. The big and small stopped.

They looked in front of a large billboard. The Queen of Eternal Night was wearing a two-inch crystal screen soul bracelet on her wrist, wearing a gorgeous robe, and a sentence "This is a new world you have never seen" was written next to it.

In order to attract the most users, Roger finally asked the Queen of Eternal Night to carry forward the spirit of "playful Eternal Night" and shoot related promotional materials.

After all, this is the most brainwashing.

There are several such exaggerated print ads, and there are also many versions of dynamic magic projections, which are being put on the more prosperous areas of the empire.

Shana was a little confused, and most of the other citizens who saw the promotion were also confused.

The soul-simulating bracelet and fearless space are completely unfamiliar to them. What are they for?

There are related introductions in the "Long Live the Queen" newspaper, but not everyone can read the newspaper, and not everyone can understand it.

The low literacy rate always makes people feel troublesome.

However, Her Majesty the Queen personally took action and took beautiful pictures of different styles, which does have the largest coverage in the empire.

Even if they don't know how to read, many people are curious and walk into the Amti Chamber of Commerce store to inquire about the details of the soul-simulating bracelet.

The specially trained store clerks will immediately warmly and kindly accept all customers' new products and invite them to try them.

Shana was also mixed in the dense crowd. She could afford the price of one gold coin per piece, but she didn't know what this thing was used for.

If Xiaobai wasn't curious, she would definitely not come to such a crowded store, but read a favorite book in a comfortable chair in the library.

Instead of listening to the chatter of the shop assistants who were tempted by the high commission:

"Our bracelet is a masterpiece designed by the master Frankenstein of the Secret Society. It uses an exclusive developed lifelike magic core, with four large cores and two small cores. It can create an extremely real world in the mind and enjoy life with users all over the world."

"Enjoy the services of sending and receiving letters, long-distance communication, etc. for free! Just like the camp of magicians, this will be a product that changes life. People who don't play with the soul-simulating bracelet will fall behind sooner or later!"

"We have a launch event now. As long as you sign in for 90 consecutive days, the purchase price will be fully refunded to you, which is equivalent to getting such a beautiful magic item for free."

The shop assistants are eloquent and introduce the simple and fashionable soul-simulating bracelet.

Without the big bangs that still exist in the 13th generation of a certain product, the soul-simulating bracelet uses a complete piece of flexible crystal to create a true full screen, and the thickness is only one imperial silver coin.

Even if the fearless space is not turned on, this bracelet can also be used as a very beautiful watch to display time, at least it looks much more fashionable than the popular pocket watches in the empire.

A rich variety of custom dials are designed by true art masters.

Coupled with the free combination of leather/metal/rubber/magic bone and other materials, and rich customization functions, each soul-simulating bracelet can be extremely personalized.

As long as you are willing to pay more, you can inlay it with gems. Every Amti store has high-level craftsmen processing on site.

From an aesthetic point of view, the soul-simulating bracelet surpasses most of the products of this era. One gold coin can buy a magic item of this quality and workmanship, which is simply the lowest price ever.

This is the price advantage brought by the industrialization of magic. Assembly line production will make the cost of the soul-simulating bracelet cheaper and cheaper.

It is not complicated at all. It just uses a little magic power to connect to the transformed inner demon field and guide the user's soul into it.

Add a very simple illusion magic dial, and this alien bracelet is complete, and the button-sized magic crystal can last for half a year.

Because the inner demon field is not the function of the soul-simulating bracelet, it is just a locator and guidance device, and the fearless space is consuming the magic power of the Eris demon worm.

Xiaobai used his little claws to grab Shana's clothes, and his big eyes were full of expectations.

There is also a beast version of the soul-simulating bracelet. After all, many monsters also have entertainment needs.

Shana is now a cat slave and doesn't care about money. In the end, he bought one for himself and Xiaobai.

"I wish you have fun in the fearless space and successfully earn back the purchase money." After making a deal, the store manager personally gave Shana a beautifully packaged gift box.

Although there are many people who come to ask, there are very few who actually buy.

This is an era that has not yet accelerated. People are not very receptive to new things, and they need someone to lead them to try.

As a result, Shana accidentally became the "shill".

Buying two at a time has strengthened many hesitant hearts. Anyway, they can get a full refund, right?

"That depends on my son." Shana rubbed Xiaobai's head lovingly, thinking that with this cat's patience, he would soon get bored, right?

The idle toys at home were proof of this.

Because she bought new toys, she did not go to the library next, but returned home, put on the soul-simulating bracelet with Xiaobai, and logged into the fearless space.

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