After a brief blur of vision.

When Shana saw the sea of ​​clouds in front of her, she initially thought she was in a floating city.

But when she walked to the window and looked down, she realized that this was not a city in the air, but a high-rise building built from the ground, all the way to the air.

There were probably hundreds of layers of densely packed windows that looked exactly the same, which made Shana feel dizzy.

In addition, there was abnormal haze in the air, so the high-rise where she was was directly in the clouds.

There was more than one such high-rise building. In the fog with limited visibility, there were more than a dozen high-rise buildings of the same style.

In the fog farther away, you can even see the shadows of taller buildings, forming a majestic skyline.

With the productivity of the Eternal Night World, this can be called a spectacular building complex.

But thinking that this is a virtual spiritual space, she didn't think there was any problem.

Anyway, how bold people are, how tall buildings can be born here, which at most proves that the designer has a good imagination.

This square, reinforced concrete and glass curtain wall architectural style is a style that has never been seen in this multiverse.

The densely populated city, the skyline formed by the steel jungle, the rail transit that shuttles through the air, and the flying cars that pass by like matchboxes, Shana thought they were all original to this space.

For example, the densely packed building like a honeycomb where she is now should be a centralized residence?

However, she is a little confused as to why people are squeezed into such a cramped place.

Is the land in this world not enough?

How many people will it take for the land to be insufficient?

Shana was originally just playing with her cat son, but because of all the amazing scenes, she began to be curious about this fearless space.

Because they landed together, Xiaobai appeared directly beside her, and also posed a very curious look, looking around, licking and rubbing the furniture and electrical appliances, and jumping around.

Although the fearless space was initially carried out in the heart demon realm of Afu, it was moved to other Eris worms after completion. He didn't understand the filling of art resources and the internal details of the decoration.

Now these things are combined to build a near-future metropolis without magic elements.

It is a very common sight for earthlings, which is a few decades more advanced than modern technology. Some new technologies have been applied, but it is not at the level of spaceships flying all over the sky.

But for the natives of the Eternal Night World, and even angels like Shana who have seen many worlds and have rich experience, the style of this technological world is a completely new landscape.

Just like the magic world is unfamiliar to earthlings, when the imperials land in the fearless space, they will also find that this is a completely unfamiliar style.

After a short period of adaptation, a cute blonde loli projection appeared in front of Shana, claiming to be her personal assistant "Xiao Ao classmate".

"Welcome, players with unlimited possibilities."

Although she is a loli, she has almost perfect aristocratic etiquette, so she looks super well-behaved.

This is designed based on the childhood Queen of Eternal Night, and the appearance is 70% similar, which is also to increase the sense of substitution for the imperials.

You can change the skin and buy a new assistant image as needed.

However, don't think about some particularly revealing costumes, they are directly locked. The Queen of Eternal Night will not allow loli control to do anything outrageous to her image.

Under the guidance of Xiao Ao, Shana quickly mastered the basic gameplay of Fearless Space.

She and Xiao Bai both have a new identity, called players, where they can do everything they want to do.

This technological city, called "Dream City", is said to accommodate a billion people, and the time flow rate is 10:1 compared to reality.

It is the birthplace of all current users of Fearless Space, and a large number of NPCs live there.

Some are virtual data, and some are the fallen souls in the bodies of Eris worms, which are very real and far stronger than artificial mental retardation.

Players can start learning, working, making money, strengthening themselves, buying items, owning weapons, exploring new worlds outside the city that have not been opened up, building their own countries, and even starting wars of forces.

In this world, crimes can be committed, but the crime is likely to be discovered by the monitoring of the Skynet system, so they will face wanted and arrest, and serious cases may even be sentenced to death.

Resisting arrest may also lead to a gunfight, with a small chance of being accidentally shot dead. The death penalty is the same:

Loss of a certain number of skill points, all equipment dropped, all money and reputation cleared, and returned to the place of birth.

Characters in Fearless Space have no levels, only a skill list.

This list can remember a hundred skills,

and these skills can be divided into "Talent Zone", "Mastery Zone", "Daily Zone", "Backup Zone" and "To Be Forgotten Zone" according to the player's adjustment.

The skill effect exerted in each area decreases in turn, which is 120%, 100%, 80%, 60%, and 40%.

Depending on the attributes, the number of skills that can be accommodated in these areas for each character varies.

Skills can accumulate skill points to upgrade, but depending on the area, the actual effect of the gun skill lv3 in the talent area may be stronger than the gun skill lv5 in the daily area.

Every night of sleep, players can rearrange the partitions of their skills, but each skill can only move up and down one area at a time.

A skill in the forgotten area may take four days to return to the talent area.

This skill list provides players with a realistic sense of character memory, because the human brain is like this. Skills that are not commonly used will slowly fade away, but they will not be completely forgotten.

If necessary, simple warm-up training can quickly regain the feeling.

In addition to the sense of realism, the skill list also simplifies the difficulty and playability of the game. Skills can be rearranged according to the situation, and then new combat routines can be developed.

In Roger's words, the preparation phase of the main world of Fearless Space is a card game, and the beginning of the battle is a real-time strategy.

In short, everything on this planet has just begun. As Xiao Ao said, players have unlimited possibilities, and more gameplay methods need to be discovered by themselves.

At this stage, most of the operations that players can perform are the daily lives of modern earthlings. Earthlings may be bored to death when they come.

But for players in a different world, such a life without magic and using various tools instead of operations places more emphasis on wisdom and skills. However, for people in the Eternal Night World, it is a completely different experience.

"It's so creative. How could the secret society create such a world without magic but full of reality?" Countless people from the empire were so amazed. The longer they stayed here, the more they felt the charm of this world.

Truth has its own power. The accumulation of details one after another, without the need for bizarre twists and turns of the plot, will be fascinating.

For the time being, there is no need to enter the two killer battle games developed by Roger. Just discovering all kinds of fun in this world with a high degree of freedom has already made players reluctant to leave.

Maple Spirit Moon Shadow Palace.

Sophie represents the Amti Chamber of Commerce and is responsible for reporting the sales of the Soul-like Bracelet to the Queen of Evernight.

"After sufficient warm-up and distribution, coupled with His Majesty's personal promotion, we have exceeded 3 million soul-like bracelets on the first day. It is expected that tomorrow, with the promotion of word-of-mouth promotion by buyers, sales will enter a rapid growth within a certain period of time. Expect."

"Thank you Sophie, please keep working hard." Queen Yongye was very satisfied with the first-day sales.

Three million pieces a day, if it can be maintained for more than a month, it will sell 100 million pieces. By then, plus overseas sales, we will know the secret layout of Roger.

"It's what I should do to share the empire's worries." Sophie gritted her teeth and agreed, with an unconcealable look of exhaustion on her face, and a sense of joy of escaping from death.

These days, she was tormented by the soul-mimetic bracelet to the point of depression.

Amti Chamber of Commerce is the white glove of the Queen of Evernight. It is already rich in capital and backed by the R\u0026D capabilities of the Arcane Society that transcends the times. Now it has completely left behind competitors of the same level.

It has overwhelming advantages in terms of scale, channels, funds, and products. Making money through arms business and magic equipment will make you laugh out of your dreams.

But there is no reason to just take advantage of the world. Amti Chamber of Commerce is responsible for the nature of some state-owned enterprises. The production and sales of soul-like bracelets with huge risks and uncertain prospects are the tasks that Sophie must complete.

In Sophie's eyes, the rich are the most profitable. She has always made excess profits by making luxury goods. When did she ever produce such things with small profits but quick turnover...

And at the beginning, she couldn't handle this soul-mimetic bracelet. What was it for? How could all poor people be equipped with magic equipment?

This is a completely unfamiliar territory for the cat-eared girl...

Fortunately, the size of the Amti Chamber of Commerce is there, building factories, running suppliers to reduce costs, conducting market research and writing marketing plans, and with the help of Roger, a time traveler, and the national-level tilted resources, the money she made before was enough. It was hard work, but it finally succeeded in getting the soul-mimetic bracelet to be launched on the market.

However, according to the indicators issued by the Queen of Evernight, excessive stocking still makes Amti Chamber of Commerce's cash flow extremely tight, and it will file for bankruptcy protection if sales fail.

The Amti Chamber of Commerce has tried its best to promote the bracelet in all its stores. From the appearance to the function, the Amti Chamber of Commerce has made the greatest efforts to fit the contemporary aesthetics of all ages as much as possible.

It has no competitors, but it also has no market. Ordinary civilians don’t know what this thing can do.

Many people buy soul-like bracelets as a substitute for pocket watches and as timers.

After all, the Empress of Evernight is the spokesperson, and she still has the ability to drive a group of consumers to buy without thinking.

The final price of a gold coin is slightly lower than the current production cost. It will be the same price when the fifth or sixth batch is shipped, and the final price will be profitable.

If the price is reduced or given away for free, everyone should suspect that this product is falsely advertised, and the production losses are too large.

The ambition of the empire is that everyone has a soul-like bracelet, and each purchase costs one gold coin. The hole of 400 million gold coins is that the empire has sucked the blood of the nobles, but there are so many projects to run that it cannot afford it at all.

1 gold coin is a large expense for most civilian families, but it is not impossible to get it out. As long as the function of this thing is sufficient, you can always get it out with gritted teeth.

Moreover, Roger also taught Sophie a business routine that was very common in later generations:

After signing in for ninety days, the purchase price will be fully refunded.

In later generations, this was a form of the legendary "financial management product". For a product priced at several hundred yuan, as long as you purchased it and signed in every day, the merchant would give you the full payment.

In many cases, you don’t even need to sign in. You just need to purchase after the specified time and the full amount will be refunded directly.

This is actually a cash-raising activity carried out with goods as collateral, which can greatly boost sales and alleviate the cash flow that Shangshang urgently needs.

For production and operation in the industrial era, even if the product is sold at a loss, as long as the production line is still running and the capital chain is not broken, there is still a chance to make a profit.

But if there is no money to start the machine, it will be a real failure.

Especially when new products are launched, competitors are strong, and there is no qualitative difference in everyone's functions, so latecomers can only exchange prices for the market.

Attract attention through the gimmick of "financial management", reduce the psychological pressure of buyers to pay, and let them think that this thing is just free, so there is money to continue production.

There are also those who are very brave to play futures. They take the advance payment to go to the stock market first, and start production when they make money. They disappear on the spot when the warehouse is liquidated. The routine is very tricky.

The soul-like bracelet is definitely not running away. The difficulty is that the imperial people don’t know what this thing has. Even if it is endorsed by the Queen of Eternal Night, most people are just curious and wait and see.

"Limited-time free" will become the most powerful driving force for them to buy.

For users, they can get an alchemy device for free by just signing in every day; for the Amti Chamber of Commerce, it has obtained funds for the next round of production, and finally it has not been dragged down. Sophie can sleep well tonight.

Roger, standing aside, listened to Sophie's report and found a problem exposed in the production process of the virtual soul bracelet.

Although the empire is rich now, there are also many projects to be completed. When it is fully launched, the amount of currency is insufficient...

This is not that the empire's finances have encountered a deficit, but that there is really not enough money, because the world is using gold and silver coins, and these precious metals are limited.

Born in an era where legal currency is in circulation and even paper money is about to be replaced by digital currency, Roger has never considered the path of the empire's development before, and he will encounter such an embarrassing problem.

According to the payment level of modern countries, both the Amti Chamber of Commerce and the empire are in a very good financial situation and can fully support higher expenditures.

A super-large economy without debt and leverage is too good in modern times.

Banknotes, that is, general equivalents based on the credit of the regime, Roger had ignored this aspect before.

Now it seems that it must be put on the agenda. I have to discuss with Angelina how to realize this thing and make the imperial people believe and get used to it...

It would be even better if the Eternal Night World could use the imperial currency to settle all international trade.

While Roger was thinking about this silently, Sophie had finished the report, and it was his turn to report the operation of Fearless Space to the Queen of Eternal Night.

"Your Majesty, the number of people who logged into Fearless Space yesterday exceeded two million!"


"But the two games we developed with a lot of money, the number of players entering only accounted for 1% of the total."


"More than 80% of the players have played for five hours."

"What are they doing without entering the game?"

"They have a strong interest in our login interface."


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