In the eyes of Roger and the Queen of Eternal Night, the killer weapons of Fearless Space to increase the number of online users are the two games "Dimension Survival" and "Empire Guardian".

A magic version of Battle Royale, a MOBA, these are the types of games that have been proven to retain countless players on Earth.

Directly giving them to Empire players who have not experienced the test of rich games is like a super antibiotic traveling to the Jurassic period, which is guaranteed to give those players who have never seen the market a stronger stimulation.

The result is that Roger thought too much.

After logging into Fearless Space, Empire players think that the first game they come into contact with is called "Earth OL"...

The Dream City they see is a scene created by Roger to guide Empire people who have never been exposed to the Internet to quickly get started, imitating the technological world of the Earth, adding some science fiction elements.

The Dream City has a tutorial for this virtual network, and at the same time places the entrances to open office, entertainment, and games.

It looks powerful and cool, but in Roger's eyes, this is actually the Windows desktop!

At most, it is a desktop with wallpaper installed, which is a bit nice, but it can't be more.

To guide players to learn the basic operations of Fearless Space, he just instinctively thought of such a design, and naturally built a city he was familiar with, and had no other ideas at all.

It's just that in the brainwave game world, the whole world seen by the player is real, and this desktop becomes three-dimensional.

Double-clicking the icon to start can be like pushing open the door to open a new world, or you can have a real computer in your hand to double-click the icon.

At the same time, because of the characteristics of the inner demon field, the Dream City contains many of his memories and imaginations, so it looks full of details, more like a real world...

Or, that is a real world, a projection in Roger's mind, and it also has many functions such as socializing and entertainment, which are cleverly integrated into the Dream City.

When the Empire players logged into the Fearless Space and saw the Dream City for the first time, they were amazed and naturally regarded it as a new world to explore and raid, and they enjoyed it!

This is a path Roger never thought of.

He would not feel that daily life on Earth was so novel, but he would feel that the style of painting in the other world was strange and the imagination was extremely huge...

In short, this was a wonderful misunderstanding.

Because the Dream City was huge and real, and there were too many blanks to explore, so he and the Queen spent a lot of time to make two killer games, killing lonely.

The few players who logged in could not even support the ranking system, and the computer AI was almost exhausted by them.

Since the Fearless Space was built by the Eris Demon Worm, the real identity of the computer AI here was those fallen souls. Their intelligence and ability were stronger than the strongest artificial mental retardation in the Earth game. The disadvantage was that they would feel tired and have emotions like real humans.

It’s just that the Heart Demon Realm originally absorbed their negative emotions to grow stronger, so this is a normal reaction and will not cause any negative effects.

On the contrary, it will make these AIs more motivated and intend to abuse the players with all their strength to make them feel the pain they have endured.

If Roger hadn’t restricted their output, these violent fallen souls would have abused the new players to doubt their lives.

"…The above is the operation status of Fearless Space. Although the road is tortuous, the result is still beyond expectations. This important project of universal Internet access has a good start... right?"

Roger finished the report to the Queen of Eternal Night with a strange expression.

"You can look forward to the performance of the content we prepared in the future." The Queen of Eternal Night was also quite helpless.

She was also very uncomfortable with the feeling of punching into the air with all her strength.

I thought I would fight the final boss for 300 rounds, but in the end, I didn't even use any skills, and I killed the boss with a flat attack...

This is the current operation status of Fearless Space.

But what can I do with the login interface I made?

Keep it!

Not only do I have to keep it, but I have to let the development team continue to fill in the details and really develop "Earth OL".

Let the exploration area outside the city, which is still blank, have content, monsters, and events, and try to slow down the speed at which players get tired of this world!

Fortunately, the underlying architecture of Dream City is the real world, and now it is completely possible to add more complete game functions and economic systems.

It's just a matter of implementation and workload, but the developers of the two games "Dimension Escape" and "Empire Guardian" can be transferred here first.

At present, players have not discovered the charm of those two games, and only "Earth OL" has attracted most of their attention.

Roger only needs to keep up with the development progress here and not make a big fuss. Fearless Space is still a very successful project...

Maybe if Dream City is made more open and free and turned into Sin City, it can be sold overseas directly!

He was happy to think that only 100 million players were online at the same time. With the charm of the Internet in the Earth era, this indicator can be easily achieved.

Because Fearless Space is not just a game, I hope you can actually wrap up all the functions of this Internet.



In fact, just as the Empire is optimistic about Fearless Space, its development is unprecedentedly rapid.

After understanding what the soul-simulating bracelet actually does, the people of the Empire gradually eliminated their doubts about this new thing. The rush to get the "limited-time freebie" has not ended yet, and the daily limit is rising.

In fact, the so-called limited time is just a psychological hint to the buyer.

After the success of the routine of signing in and returning the full amount of the purchase money, Sophie has decided to reincarnate this activity after the expiration, and perform the same function in a new form and under a new name, and continue this financial management game.

Whether it is sold within the Empire or sold to other countries in the name of the Terra Kingdom in the future, the same idea will be followed.

The soul-simulating bracelet is just a byproduct. Its existence is only to promote the fearless space. The value that the virtual world can create and the energy it attracts are the real killer of the Empire to increase its influence on this world.

The more and more lively fearless space, while the players are exploring outside, the entire space is also being developed and built, and the world outside the Dream City is equally exciting.

Even if they didn't discover more fun in the game, just one "Earth OL" is enough to make the players of the Empire linger.

Especially now that the wilderness outside the city is finally open, the world is becoming more and more real.

Of course, outdoor exploration is much more difficult than in the city, and the risks and penalties are terrifying.

Outside the sci-fi dream city, the wilderness is a wasteland-style world without opportunities and dangers.

There are ancient ruins with super equipment and new skills, and there are also mutant beast nests full of dangers.

It's not as beautiful as the dream city, but it's more exciting, and it can also photovoltaically become a new dream city, and even establish a transition for players.

At first, players will complain that the upper limit of human enhancement growth here is too low, and there are no various extraordinary abilities.

But after adapting to the rules here, experiencing various experiences in a well-fed and peaceful world, and then mastering new hot weapons and combat methods, they found that the enemy's ability is also limited.

This is a world that requires brains to pass, and players need to unite together. It is impossible to go too far in the wilderness with personal ability alone, but if players in the whole city unite, they can really sweep the entire wilderness.

Of course, not all players like fighting. Many people just like the ordinary life in the Dream City.

Meet new friends, share and get advice on social networks, indulge in endless sand sculpture videos on the Internet, and the imperial people are quickly attracted by the convenience of the high-tech era and the richness of spiritual and cultural entertainment.

Just like the attraction of the simple function of the message board to magicians, the Dream City has the instant messaging software "Juxin" on Earth, the "Dongci Daci Danmu Video Station" that plays various two-dimensional animations, the "Dou Shou" short video platform, and the "Fenbo" social media.

When these software have enough users and spontaneously produce new entertainment content, they become a magic weapon for killing time.

The imperial people have never tasted this. Their brains are almost numbed by the torture of life, and they are affected by the stimulation of the colorful world, and they love the Dream City more and more.

Especially the electronic product called "mobile phone", which should be the magic weapon of this world? The various processes in it are so interesting!

Although it is a world full of real details, the truth is to increase the sense of experience and substitution, and all the disgusting things are eliminated.

For example, the mobile phone in Fearless Space does not need to be charged, with unlimited energy, saving power banks, and no fear of red batteries.

And except for special areas, the signal is always full, there will be no lag or hot hands. This experience is naturally super perfect. It is not an exaggeration for players to say that it is a magical tool in this world.

Many people log in to Fearless Space just to play with their mobile phones!

Of course, because the players' weird operations cannot be fully predicted, the mobile phones here will also crash.

But this is a problem of program interaction in the entire world, not an Easter egg designed specifically for mobile phones, and the developers can fix it soon.

Under the super-real charm of the Dream City, even Shana is gradually losing herself in one cute cat video after another.

She has to play here for two or three hours every day. At a time flow rate of 10:1, it is already longer than her stay in the real world.

Like Ah Fu, she also tries to be in a daze here, but he is actually analyzing this world from a deeper level, analyzing its grand framework rules and internal materials, to see what can be used in the magician camp.

After the awakening of spiritual wisdom, he also has a stronger desire to become stronger.

Especially knowing that the Qingteng Empire has blocked the way of the Seven Gods and will be destroyed if not careful, Ah Fu is willing to do his part to defeat the Seven Gods.

After all, based on what he has done for the Qingteng Empire, he will definitely not escape the reckoning of the Seven Gods, and his life has been tied to the empire.

Finally, Ah Fu also mourned for those fellows who were deceived by him.

Unlike him supporting the magician camp independently, because the fearless space is too huge and there will be many people logging in in the future, no single Eris demon worm can bear it independently.

In fact, this is a spiritual space composed of quite a few heart demon realms.

The heart demon realm is actually the body of the Eris demon worm. After splicing, the real bodies of those worms are meaningless and are no longer independent individuals.

To a certain extent, they are already dead.

Of course, the existence of the Heart Demon Realm can become stronger and stronger. To a certain extent, they will never die, but the incarnation world accommodates the joys, sorrows, anger and happiness of countless people.

Ah Fu's sentimentality is only a moment. From the perspective of life level, he, who has intelligence, is no longer the same kind of creature as those ordinary demon insects who are muddle-headed.

Their sorrows and joys are not connected.

Because they are not strong enough, they are reduced to materials for building the world. This is also the usual law of this world. I don't know how to feel.

Those intelligent lives that are not strong enough and are swallowed by the Heart Demon Realm have also become nutrients and materials for Eris Demon Worms, right?

So the strong prey on the weak, even if he is the bait, he will not have more emotional fluctuations.

"Xiaobai, let's go eat!" Shana finally raised his head from the phone.

Fearless Space also has a hunger setting, and provides a variety of delicacies, with different prices according to taste and quality.

Eating in the spiritual world is really eating for the brain, and the pleasure is the same, so it is actually very suitable for people who are losing weight. Come here to enjoy a feast that will not make you fat.

Relying on the knowledge she had learned these days, Shana obtained the [Erudito] certification, and then after a quiz game, she became an official of some size, receiving a considerable salary every month.

Today is Sunday, so she doesn't have to go to work and can spend her time in her room.

There is a school in the Fearless Space, where you can learn many skills, and the memory efficiency is 300% of the normal world. This is the means by which the Eris demon worms arm the souls of the fallen to pretend to be other characters.

However, the secret method will limit its transmission speed, which will not cause severe pain, and the corresponding learning process will also be prolonged.

Xiaobai caught up with Shana, and the two walked in this space.

Seeing that this place is getting more and more lively, Shana also finds it interesting.

A lot of inner demon fields have finally become a paradise for ordinary people.

This empire has really created something extraordinary.

And the chief designer of this space is none other than Roger, who she has been thinking about.

Some people are really haunted and can't be avoided!

Thinking of how happy she was in his spiritual space with unknown purposes, Shana suddenly felt very bad.

Will he arrange a backdoor here, secretly observe me, and then laugh at me?

I clearly said that I would take revenge on him, so confidently, but in the end I became a salted fish...

Isn't this bad?

In extreme anger, Shana ate all kinds of delicacies worth half a month's salary.

Then he felt better, but he seemed to have forgotten something...

"Hey, you Xiaobai, you won the prize?"

Shana held her belly and enjoyed the feeling of fullness, and suddenly saw her son running over.

Xiaobai dropped a thin plate between illusion and appeared beside Shana, looking at her proudly.

"Super-dimensional drawing board?" Shana played with this thing, and after investing her spiritual imprint, she joined a mysterious chat organization.

They were actually discussing in secret to subvert the Qingteng Empire!

"But you want to subvert the Qingteng Empire, but how can you put the prize in the fearless space?" Shana raised his question.

The user named "Jostar" explained: "Because we have high-level spies in the empire, with the guidance of the gods, we will find strong people who are suitable for our plan."

"Interesting... I will join your alliance!"

In order to stop being a lazy fish, Shana at least put on a hard-working attitude and volunteered to join the Anti-Qingteng Alliance!

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