Yes, more than 100,000 people died in the battle to capture the city on the front battlefield. The magicians had exhausted their mana countless times. The battles with a large number of bows and arrows and magic equipment were just feints.

They were all feints to create opportunities for the hidden Collins.

Nicole never expected to rely on the soldiers in her hands to break through the Black Shark Fortress head-on.

The believers trust the Lord most, not their comrades.

The main force of the expeditionary force pressed forward, raised the bloody flag of slaughtering the city, and did not hesitate to expose the trump card of hydrangea in advance, all to show their determination to attack and attract Doyle's attention.

The destructive power of hydrangea can directly break through the walls of the Black Shark Fortress without any magic defense.

Therefore, Doyle and his court mage group must always concentrate on the hydrangea launched and reserve enough mana to prevent the sudden attack of the Naga.

This leads to their high mental tension.

And long-term tension will definitely cause fatigue.

Even though the physical strength and willpower of high-level professionals are several times that of ordinary people, three days of continuous fighting finally made the tense nerves reach a certain limit.

It doesn't take many people to fail. The casters of the Black Shark Fortress with anti-stealth ability, as long as one person is negligent, Collins can take advantage of the loophole and slip in.

A magical life given by the gods to act secretly, carrying fifty hydrangeas, entered the interior of the Black Shark Fortress.

The city was empty. Except for the wounded, ordinary citizens also went up to the city wall to deliver combat supplies to the fortress defenders and do what they can.

The battle was extremely tense. The Naga's attack never stopped. The continuous battle made everyone overly tense. The pressure of massacre was always hanging over their heads. Almost everyone's attention was on the city wall.

That was their life.

At this time, no one would pay attention to a stream of water, which was wandering around the important places of the fortress, sprinkling the stars in the body along the way.

The hydrangea was shrunk and put into Collins's stomach with spatial characteristics. After leaving, it was immediately restored to its original size and exploded at a specific location.

This was not because the Doyle Corps was careless, nor was it because Roger knew about it but because Nicole was too cruel.

She made a feint with a desperate attitude and risked everything, and she did not hesitate to kill people. Who could have expected this?

Even the Naga generals did not know about this arrangement, and even the priests under Nicole did not know. Even her brother Sacre Qianxuan was still racking his brains to think about how to capture the Black Shark Fortress.

Except for Nicole and Collins, the other Nagas only knew that this was a holy war for the Lord.

Under the blessings of the priests, they stepped onto the battlefield regardless of life and death and swung their weapons at the enemy with all their strength.

At the cost of more than 100,000 soldiers, they created opportunities for the magical life that was already good at stealth operations.

No matter how smart Roger was, he would never have thought that Nicole would put the winning hand on Collins alone, and he did not consider using the Tyrant Bacteria.

This is a judgment that normal generals would not make, because the situation on the battlefield is ever-changing, and everyone usually prepares multiple plans.

Only fanatics would trust Collins immensely because it was the power given to him by the sea god, and would be willing to invest heavily to create opportunities for him without leaving any backhands.

In the group chat, everyone's impression of Nicole is that she is a kind girl who cares about the living conditions of Naga children and cries because of malnutrition of small fish and shrimp.

Knowing that she is a fanatic who will do everything for God, but the preconceived image is too deep.

But even if I guessed it, I couldn't prevent it.

Could Roger still remind Doyle that you have to keep your eyes on every inch of the Black Shark Fortress during the seven-day war?

This is impossible, this exceeds the limit of human power.

And I don't know if it was self-confidence or Nicole had some mysterious premonition that she did not let Collins carry the Tyrant Bacteria.

Otherwise, it would be Yao Mei riding on Lanling Wang's head, afraid that others would not see his invisibility.

So when Collins put down forty-nine hydrangeas and finally moved towards the direction of Doyle on the city wall, a mermaid magician finally discovered this abnormal water flow.

"Everyone be careful, there is an assassin!"

The uneasy shout quickly spread throughout Doyle's guards. The soldiers drew their weapons, and the caster cast the Eye of Breaking Invisibility on himself, and finally saw the shadowy and vague figure.

But everything was too late.

"The glory of my Lord encompasses everything!"

A little starlight burst out directly from Collins' body, and he flew in the direction of Doyle, almost instantly tearing himself apart and expanding into a ball of scorching sun!

In addition to the shock wave, high temperature, radiation and other damage of conventional fission bombs, the thin divinity in Collins also exploded at this time.

"Protect His Highness!" The guards rushed towards Doyle with their last determination, and the magicians also fought hard, tilting their magic power outward to open the shield.

The light that could sweep the earth and purify all living beings rose from the inside of the city wall, directly destroying nearly half of the city wall from the inside out, and tore it into pieces along with the human bodies on it, and was swept into the boiling and turbulent water flow.

And this was just the beginning.

There were explosions everywhere in the Black Shark Fortress, and it seemed that a destructive disaster was happening in all directions.

More than 40 explosions directly destroyed the structure of the fortress. It was like a castle made of sand encountering a huge wave, the split bricks and stones collapsed, and the core even melted into speech.

I don't know how many desperate cries came to an abrupt end, and red turbid liquid oozed out of the cracks in the stone.

The total destructive power of the fifty hydrangeas certainly could not cover the entire Black Shark Fortress.

But Collins wandered around the city, and there were nuclear warheads buried in the key points from the fortress foundation to the seabed structure.

Like a pinpoint blast, the explosive power was released to the maximum in a closed or semi-closed environment, triggering a chain reaction, thus creating the collapse disaster that destroyed the entire fortress.

The result brought about by this is more terrible than a bomb with ten times the power hitting the city wall.

It's not a bombing, but an internal opening!

Of course, in such a powerful explosion, Collins had no time to retreat, so he directly rushed to the fourth prince Doyle, the current head coach of the Sea Kingdom, with a self-destructive attack.

The soldiers on the top of the city tried desperately to swim out. Whether they were mermaids or Nagas, under such a devastating force, they only had the instinct to escape.

But they were too close, and could not escape the shock wave from behind.

The gentle seawater on weekdays, under the energy released by the atoms tearing themselves apart, turned into the most violent and aimless artillery shells and sharp blades.

Even if only a few heavy elements fissioned, the energy released was too terrible for carbon-based life.

The Naga expeditionary army outside the city was also dumbfounded.

The wounded wrapped in bandages could not help but sit up, regardless of the cracked wounds, staring at this incredible scene with wide eyes, muttering the name of the sea god.

They had been attacking for two months in a row, and this time the fortress, which they had fought for three days, suddenly collapsed?

The soldiers of the Sea Kingdom and Naga could not escape at all, and they were mixed into a large mass of indistinguishable meat paste.

The mushroom-shaped water column that continued to rise was very similar to the explosive weapon they had newly acquired, called hydrangea...

The generals of the expeditionary army were also at a loss, their brains were blanked by the drastic changes in front of them, and they gradually recovered their ability to think for a long time.

A single nuclear explosion is not scary, but the scene of a single person destroying a city in such an invasion method, instantly tearing apart permanent fortifications, still shocked them.

They thought, could it be that the enemy prepared a means of self-destruction, ready to wait for us to enter the city to send us to the sky, but they accidentally sent themselves to the sky?


They seemed to be using the super weapons we bought with loans...

"Lady Saint, is this your... your arrangement?" Kami Blue Coral looked at Nicole, whose expression was always indifferent.

Nicole shook her head, her expression gradually became fanatical, and she raised her arms and shouted: "No, this is a miracle."

Kami: ? ? ?

Okay, this is what you did.

The military generals understood it in seconds, and then they were extremely angry.

This damn charlatan was really mean and dark. She didn't care about the Naga soldiers who didn't withdraw at all, and she didn't discuss with them at all, and directly carried out a nuclear explosion.

They took turns to charge, and the general who commanded the battle in this round has been buried in the Black Shark Fortress.

If I was the one leading the charge at this time, wouldn't it be...

"Don't think about it. I don't know when it will explode. This is God's method. How could he discuss it with me? I deeply regret the casualties of our army, but this is a necessary sacrifice."

Nicole's calm voice answered the doubts of the generals present.

No one knew whether it was true or not, so no one argued with her.

What's the point of arguing?

As long as we win, the Church of Poseidon will be the biggest contributor, which greatly highlights the incompetence of the military. The Queen of Naga will praise Nicole when she returns.

Nicole looked at the ruins of the Black Shark Fortress, which was already dead silent, turned around, and excitedly called to the entire expeditionary force:

"Soldiers, this is the victory given to us by our Lord. The enemy's fortress has been destroyed, and the enemy's commander has died in battle. At this moment, let us praise Poseidon and the ascetic Collins Summer Night!"

"Praise Poseidon, praise Collins Summer Night!"

The voices continued to expand outward from the center of the Naga Expeditionary Force's position.

Naga, who was originally full of shock and disbelief, suddenly nodded as if she had realized something when she heard that the fall of the enemy's fortress was a miracle...

Yes, it should be so. It is indeed only God who can do such a miracle!

Of course, this is just the idea of ​​ordinary people. Those military generals have certainly heard of the name Collins Xia Ye and know more about Nicole's operation.

This must be Nicole's arrangement. She tricked Lord Collins into entering the Black Shark Fortress to destroy it in a way that he could not come back!

A cold-blooded saint, a terrible religious leader!

As a believer, I have been terrified by some of Nicole's actions since then.

Collins Xia Ye, the younger brother of Marshal Cromwell, was actually more famous than Cromwell ten years ago.

Because he is the human spokesperson of Poseidon and the only son of God since the establishment of Naga's Poseidon Church.

He is also Nicole's teacher, who trained and supported her to step up to the position of saint step by step and became the new leader of the Poseidon Church.

After that, Collins became an ascetic monk and lived a secluded life.

No one could have imagined that after Cromwell's death, the former Son of God would come out and blow up the enemy's fortress in an incredible way!

What role did Saint Nicole play in this?

Under her kind, beautiful, and holy appearance, is she a completely black heart that can even send her own teacher to death?

As long as this is beneficial to the Lord she serves!

Nicole's voice once again rang throughout the army:

"Expedition warriors, let's rush through the Black Shark Fortress and head to the landing point to welcome the new era of Naga! All the lives you see along the way, whether military or civilian, are enemies; all items belong to the first person to see them. From now on, until the sun rises again, it is a carnival moment for warriors!"

"Praise the sea god!"

The Naga soldiers were boiling.

War has always been cruel. Even the soldiers on the winning side are under tremendous pressure all the time. The continuous accumulation will cause the distortion of the mind.

After a long war, many intelligent beings desire to release themselves through violence, robbery, sex, etc.

Especially in the era of cold weapons, soldiers are motivated by glory and money, especially to stimulate the blood in their hearts. The massacre has an attraction that normal people cannot imagine.

In the past, Naga soldiers were suppressed by military discipline and priests, but now the Saint Lady directly ordered the massacre and looting, and immediately broke out with unimaginable enthusiasm!

"Praise the Sea God! Praise the Saint Lady!"

The Naga army rushed out in a chaotic manner. The Black Shark Fortress fell, but the outbreak could not cover the entire city. There must be survivors and supplies worth robbing.

There is a prince stationed here!

Moreover, after rushing through the Black Shark Fortress, there are many villages, towns and cities scattered on the land, which are now open to them.

Nicole saw the ferocious faces of many soldiers who were excited, and a trace of pity flashed in her eyes, and she closed her eyes gently.

But when she opened her eyes again, she had regained her calm.

For the glory of the Lord, all sacrifices are worth it.

The Naga blockade line, the detachment led by Nicole, was fighting with Shak's troops.

At this position, they could see the water column rising from the Black Shark Fortress with their naked eyes. Both sides of the battle stopped unconsciously and looked at the drastic changes in the distance with doubt.

This was beyond the expectations of the commanders of both sides. No one was notified in advance and was shocked by such a movement.

The ground was shaking continuously, and a large area of ​​disorder that was unpredictable appeared on the magic sand table, which was large enough to directly cover the entire Black Shark Fortress.

"It's over, the Black Shark Fortress has fallen, the Sea Country is over, it's all over..."

In the Prince Whale Car, Shak squatted on the ground powerlessly, covering his head and refusing to accept this fact.

There was no response to any contact from Doyle, and I was afraid that it was a bad omen.

The reconnaissance guards operating covertly on the sea reported that the Black Shark Fortress collapsed directly into ruins under an unknown attack.

Just a second ago, Shak was still looking forward to working with his fourth brother to make dumplings with Naga.

As a result, they got the news that Doyle's troops might have been wiped out and the Sea Country had lost the front battlefield.

"Stop howling! This war is not over yet!"

The little devil gave Shaq a jab and angrily said, "The soldiers outside haven't given up yet. As the prince, what qualifications do you have to give up?"

After the shock, the soldiers of the Sea Kingdom's first reaction was to attack more fiercely, trying to break through Nicole's blockade and go to the front battlefield to find out.

"But Doyle has lost. I... I can't do it." Shaq covered the place where he was kicked and shrank into a shrimp.

Roger walked out of the noisy whale car and looked in the direction of the Black Shark Fortress.

He found that he was not surprised by this situation, and even felt a sense of relief that the other party finally made a move.

The unknown is the greatest fear. He has been worried about what Nicole is waiting for, and now this worry has finally become a reality.

"Arrange the staff, I want to go over there to take a look. Doyle shouldn't die so easily."

Roger said to the uneasy-looking Joey who chased him out.

At this point, he has roughly guessed Nicole's intention, and it's his turn next.

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