"Sir, I will take the people, or let the people of the Sea Country go, you should stay in the center."

Little Joey didn't want Roger to go to the front battlefield. This was not the war of the empire. Why should she let her man take risks?

She also sympathized with the Sea Country and believed that the invasion of the Naga was an unjust war, but she was most concerned about Roger.

"Don't worry, I'm still quite tough." Roger patted her hand and signaled her not to worry.

"Okay, sir, if you must."

Seeing Roger's insistence, Little Joey had no choice but to go down and make arrangements immediately.

Soon, a total of 19 legendary strongmen were arranged, two silver sleeves of the Dark Night Guard, and the rest were all people from the Sea Country.

They were also worried about the Black Shark Fortress. When they heard that Roger was going to cross the blockade to explore the situation, everyone signed up enthusiastically and soon gathered the number of people.

"I also want to advance to the legend!" Little Joey, who could not accompany him, was indignant and secretly angry in his heart.

This feeling of being unable to help is too annoying.

Just because she has always been an assistant to the adults, it doesn't mean that she doesn't have a heart to carry.

Margaret and Prince Shak beside her looked at each other strangely, watching this team of strong men set off.

Margaret just mocked Roger for being so arrogant that he actually took risks for the Sea Country people, but was killed by Roger's words: "If Your Majesty knew that the Naga might be slaughtering civilians, what would you do?"

Nicole raised the bloody flag of the city massacre, which was public information, and Margaret certainly saw it.

The Sea Country people are not imperial now, but they will be sooner or later.

It is understandable that the two armies died in the battle. Next, they bully the weak and fear the strong to deal with civilians. The Queen of Eternal Night will never sit idly by and watch such a thing happen, and will find a way to stop it.

So once again, it proves that this guy understands the Queen better than herself!

The little ceiling fan was not convinced, but he had to be convinced.

Prince Shak was worried, and there was a little grievance in his worry, and there was some emotion brewing that he didn't understand.

At that time, Shaq was so scared that he sat on the ground and wailed, and was hit. Unfortunately, even the captain of the personal guard, Stilwell, looked at him indifferently, and did not come to help him, but participated in the subsequent strategic discussions with the staff.

Shaq could not help but realize something.

At this time, fear is useless. The building is about to collapse. Every mermaid is trying her best to find a way to save the decline. How can there be time in the desert to comfort a prince who has no courage and responsibility?

When Roger said that he would go to the Black Shark Fortress to search for Doyle's traces, Stilwell signed up and took the initiative to participate.

At present, there are countless things that are more important than the happiness of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

He is not a child, he is an adult. Tears and wailing cannot exchange for any sympathy, but only for others' contempt and ridicule.

In the adult world, if his father is not the Sea King, who will take care of his emotions.

The country is about to perish, and the Sea King is naturally unstable. This so-called prince is even more meaningless. Everyone is busy saving themselves!

In Shaq's eyes, the heaviest blow came from Roger.

Shaq could actually feel that the Imperials, and even many of the generals around him, looked down on him.

But he didn't care.

He felt that he had different ideas from them, so he looked down on them.

Roger was different. He always looked at Shaq with a very tolerant attitude.

When Margaret mocked and despised Shaq, Roger would comfort him and teach him to grow up.

Stilwell would die to protect his master, but he didn't respect Shaq either, just because he was loyal to his mother's family.

Shaq was not smart, but he had a sensitive and sensitive heart.

The prince of the Sea Kingdom was rich and had as many lackeys as he wanted to please him, but the recognition of the soul and identity still needed people with enough status and wisdom to provide.

Roger just met Shaq's demand for recognition. He was a big man with a decisive influence in the empire.

What's more interesting is that Roger was once known as a useless brother in the Secret City. He was a spoiled child who followed his sister and waited for death.

He grew up in the last two years, gained the trust of the Queen of Eternal Night, and then did one feat after another that shocked the empire and even the whole world.

Shak saw the possibility of turning over in Roger, and then Roger took him to win the first battle, lighting the torch that illuminated the haze of failure of the Sea Country.

That was the first time since Shak could remember that he felt that those ordinary people of the Sea Country had expectations of him, and his parents smiled at him with praise...

That taste was really great, and he was smiling when he recalled it now.

If it wasn't impossible, who wouldn't want to be the first in the class every time they took an exam!

But when he returned to the front line and watched Margaret issue orders to command the army in his name, Shak immediately fell back to reality.

It turned out that those honors and expectations only belonged to him in name, not created by him.

He was just a spokesperson, and the empire needed to use his status as the prince to do things.

When Shak was depressed, it was Roger who encouraged him again and told him that he could learn to do things he didn't know.

Shaq has systematically learned command, management, and morale-boosting. It's just that he hasn't practiced for too long. But if he has the opportunity to practice, he will remember it quickly and develop confidence.

Gradually, Shaq has integrated into the front line and unconsciously developed a kind of dependence on Roger as a teacher and a friend.

Although Roger is younger than Shaq in real age, he is much more mature than Shaq psychologically.

Shaq felt behind his other dude, hoping that maybe one day, he could become a real prince and be admired by thousands of people.

However, this beautiful wish seemed to be shattered just like that?

He was frightened by the news of the fall of the Black Shark Fortress, lost his composure, and gave up the battle earlier than those most basic soldiers.

When the incident happened, Roger did not look at him more, did not give him the comfort he had in the past, and announced that he would go to the Black Shark Fortress to search and rescue the fourth prince Doyle.

Does this prove that Doyle's position in his heart is more important than himself?

It's ridiculous to say that the Sea King dotes on Doyle, and Shaq has always been indifferent.

But when he heard that Roger was going to take risks for Doyle, he felt abandoned.

It can only be said that it's better to come at the right time than to come early.

The image that Roger has been shaping has helped Shaq complete the great success of his first military operation, allowing the prince to hear sincere praise for the first time in his life.

This is the first time that he has attracted the attention of the entire Sea Kingdom because of something he has accomplished.

Instead of him doing something stupid or making a joke, which was spread all over the country.

This was very meaningful to Shaq, and he felt that he was good again.

But the battle situation took a sharp turn for the worse, and Roger ignored him again, and Shaq's sky was once again overcast.

He was afraid of being abandoned, but he felt very wronged to be abandoned like this.

But now the situation was urgent, and he had no chance to explain or promise anything to Roger.

Shaq felt that some emotions were surging in his heart, urging him to do something.

A person who did not belong to the Sea Kingdom was thinking hard and taking positive actions to save the Sea Kingdom.

The real prince of the Sea Kingdom was lying on the ground, unable to get up because of fear.

Although he was indeed kicked by Margaret and it hurt a lot, the more painful injury was actually in his heart.

Could he disappoint the last person in the world who trusted and expected him?

It turned out that it was not the world that abandoned him, but he did not keep up with the times.

It is difficult for a person to recognize his mistakes.

But if a person realizes his mistakes and is determined to correct them, it is very simple.

The fear caused by the fall of the Black Shark Fortress at the beginning has passed.

His body has recovered its strength, and he walked out of the whale car, watching Roger set off with a team of strong men. The 60,000 people under his command are launching a more crazy attack on Nicol's blockade line. He suddenly realized the heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

Even if the Sea Country is going to end, he is still the prince of the Sea Country. He would rather die standing than live on his knees.

He is the commander of this second line of defense. No matter how scared he is, he cannot abandon these 60,000 soldiers. The courage to let them continue to fight in desperate situations is worthless because there is no command.

Even if the Sea Country will really lose this battle, it cannot lose so badly that the prince will be scared into a cripple.

He has to stand up, he has to stand up.

He shoulders the responsibility equivalent to his bloodline and status, and strives to find the possibility of a comeback when the Sea Country is at a disadvantage.

Before, he thought that these big things had nothing to do with him. He was just a mermaid without ideals who just wanted to lie down.

But now, looking at the back of another person, he knew that he had no way out and could not escape.

Even lying down needs to be in a safe environment.

But now that Naga has penetrated the Sea Kingdom, can he still pretend not to see it, keep retreating cowardly, and be a useless prince?

He can't!

Even if the whole world doesn't think highly of him, as long as there is still one person who believes in him, he should give him a miracle!

The complexity and hesitation in Shak's eyes gradually disappeared. He gently closed his eyes, recalled his life that could be called a failure, and then compared it with the taste of victory.

Then he opened his eyes, showing desire, and looked at the battlefield that was like a meat grinder.

Those most ordinary soldiers have not given up yet, so he can't give up even more.

Those warriors who fought for the Sea Kingdom are willing to do their best to fight for a possibility until this moment, guarding the wider territory of the Sea Kingdom behind them and protecting the old, weak, women and children.

That was his country, and the luxurious clothes and food he enjoyed all came from the output of this country.

Now that the country was in trouble, how could she still stand here trembling like a coward, waiting for God to send down a miracle?

He was the prince of the Sea Kingdom, and he had to fight for that miracle for the people of this country who were still alive and had not given up resistance!

In the past, he could be looked down upon by the world, but at this moment, he did not want the person who believed in him to be completely disappointed in him.

He wanted to prove that he could do as well as his fourth brother, or even better than him!

"Put on armor for me."

Shak suddenly said to the guards around him.

"Your Highness? What did you say?" The guards looked puzzled.

"Put on armor for me, I want to go into battle to kill the enemy, break the enemy's blockade, and rescue the Black Shark Fortress!"

"Your Highness, the battle situation ahead is very tense, and you..."

"Do as I say!"

Shak's voice was not loud, but he had a firmness that he had not had in the past, and because of his firmness, he was majestic.

He had been influenced by his ears and eyes since he was a child, and he knew what a big man should be like, but he was too lazy to pretend before.

"Yes!" A group of personal guards got busy and put on a full set of armor for him.

Shak is a 13th level warrior, and he also has the innate spell-like ability to control the waves. With the armor and weapons specially made for him by the Sea King, he is a very capable third-level professional.

However, the equipment was placed at the bottom of the luggage and had already gathered dust.

Everyone in Haiguo knows that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is not lacking in talent or strength, but only in courage and a goal to act on.

Now, he has found that goal, and found the figure he wants to pursue and imitate.

He brushed off the dust on his sword, straightened his back, pressed the hilt, and swam out of the whale car with a flick of his tail.

Margaret looked at the figure rushing out in confusion, and asked incredulously: "Is that our Crown Prince?"

Little Joey replied: "Yes."

"He seems to be a little different?"

"Maybe... maybe this is another miracle of a little person?"

Little Joey tilted his head and showed a rather expectant smile.

Some of the light that burst out from Shaq made her feel very familiar, and she guessed that her master's intentional or unintentional layout finally came to fruition at this moment.

But she would not say it out loud, the person that Prince Shaq yearned for was not a hero, but a big villain with a belly full of bad water...

Lies are sometimes good things.

At least in this performance full of lies, Shaq became a better prince, right?

The other side of the blockade established by Nicol.

Originally, this line of defense was already in danger under the continuous attack of Shak's troops.

Although Frankenstein gave them special killing weapons, their killing efficiency was high, and the production rate of the biochemical fish school was even higher.

Even if it was a special killing weapon, facing the seemingly endless number of biochemical fish schools, it would also run out of energy, reagents, gears, and then be scrapped.

On one side were imported equipment copied by Naga, and on the other side were consumables that could be produced endlessly with the sea behind them. This was not a battle on the same level.

The poor blockade line that was dragged into the swarm ocean, Nicol could only desperately maintain it with the lives of his soldiers, completely shrinking back to the camp and defending the established fortifications.

He was simply unable to stop the small group of strong men who could quickly break through.

In fact, let alone the small group of strong men, even if Shak's troops really wanted to break through this blockade line to the main battlefield, they could do it now.

It just had to pay a lot of losses, and they had to face being attacked from the front and back by the enemy after a head-on battle.

In the second battlefield, Shak's troops had previously adhered to the policy of annihilating the enemy's living forces as much as possible. Doyle also reported that the situation in the Black Shark Fortress was stable, and there had been no forced breakthrough support.

The incident in the Black Shark Fortress was too sudden. Collins had hidden himself perfectly, and suddenly broke out, catching the Sea Country off guard. Shak's side was too late to support.

Going to investigate now is actually a very dangerous job, and they can't be sure whether the front has been completely controlled by the Naga.

But Roger was always unwilling not to take a look, especially because he thought that Nicole's only goal now was to cross the Black Shark Fortress to seize the landing point, and she couldn't take care of herself at all.

So the danger of this trip was not high. When they arrived, the main force of the Naga expeditionary force should have moved.

But even if they were really surrounded, Roger was not afraid.

Carrying the Shield of Dreams, he could retreat and defend again, and then call for fire support from the Queen of Eternal Night. He actually hoped that the Naga would focus on himself.

But he had a vague idea of ​​the Naga's plan, so he decided not to daydream about it.

Finally, he groped his way forward and encountered a small group of Naga reconnaissance troops. He directly annihilated them with his own strength, and bypassed the large group with his mobility. They easily rushed to the ruins of the Black Shark Fortress.

The ruins were shocking, with corpses everywhere, but the main force of the Naga expeditionary force had indeed left here.

Roger knew that his judgment was correct.

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