There is no way, after all, the previous five historians did not finish writing, and ran away when they smelled the danger.

Or try to cover it up, try to use the style of the Spring and Autumn Period...

Failed to try, and ran away again.

The historian's office did not feel relaxed after the work was over, but the atmosphere was solemn.

"Lord Brando, we can actually help beautify it, and change some places to hints..." Chief Historian Freeman said tentatively.

Other historians also looked at Roger expectantly.

They have already liked this new historian.

Although his foundation in history is not so good.

But he always has a lot of strange ideas, bringing new forms to historical records.

Give them the greatest degree of freedom and let them restore the truth to the greatest extent.

It's just that the restored truth makes these dull and fearless scholars who only focus on history itself a little creepy.

They are scared by the results of their work.

If this kind of thing is leaked, they may be able to save their lives by following orders, but Lord Brando will definitely be in trouble.

So everyone gave Roger suggestions, hoping to make a seventh version, and everyone tried to beautify it.

As a historian, there are many ways to prevent the Queen of Eternal Night from directly seeing the deep meaning behind these words.

This should help Lord Brando continue to sit in this position.

Because no one can guarantee what kind of person the seventh historian will be.

If he is a flatterer, fawning, and only wants to lick the queen, their work will become boring again.

"That would be meaningless." Roger rejected the request of the historian consultants.

These people are too bad, aren't they?

They actually want him to keep editing history here?

Since yesterday, he has not been able to get a new treasure chest.

The most controversial history from the Manu City Incident to the defeat of the Kingdom of Walbruga has been completed.

The subsequent work has become boring, uninteresting and repetitive, and Roger can feel that his interest is rapidly fading.

After all, he doesn't really like history, otherwise it would be up in the knowledge area.

It's just that the black history of the blood mother triggered his muscle memory.

After the excavation, the blood mother killed randomly, which turned into boring praises, and it was also shown in the game.

He suddenly couldn't enter the flow state, and became an ordinary clock-in to work.

He was now waiting for the queen to review the results quickly, and then angrily dismissed him as the historian.

After confirming the depth of the system, he had many new lying positions, ready to try his own strengths!



At the same time.

The Queen of Eternal Night was invited to the Great Library again to review the newly compiled textbooks:

"Not bad, catchy, lively and interesting, and the most words were stuffed into the limited volume. Thank you for your hard work, adults.

She praised it.

The whole country's efforts to compile enlightenment textbooks have indeed been fruitful.

"Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission."

Director Rodney personally took charge of this matter and returned the courtesy with a gentlemanly and reserved manner.

The Queen of Eternal Night put down the newly compiled textbooks, and thought of something else, and asked: "How is our newly appointed historian's work status recently? "

If that brat Roger is still thinking about slacking off, she can just give him a warning.

Unexpectedly, this question made Rodney look strange.

"Lord Brando works very hard."

"Oh? Director Rodney speaks his mind, there is no need to cover up for him."

"He does work very hard, and has won unanimous praise from the historical advisory group, but the current results are a little bit, uh, bold..."

"What do you mean?"

"I dare not say."

"I forgive you! Speak!"

"Lord Brando's attitude towards the incident in Manu City is very straightforward and too in-depth..."

"Shut up! "

The Queen of Eternal Night suddenly snorted.

An irresistible storm of magic burst out from her slender body.

The gorgeous conference room suddenly looked desolate as if it had been robbed by bandits.

Director Rodney immediately opened the shield to protect several consultants with weaker strength.

But a line of nosebleed slowly flowed down the face of this veteran magician, his face was pale, and he was standing unsteadily.

Your Majesty's strength has improved again, but the magic vortex bursting out by his emotional excitement almost took his life...

"I lost my temper. The maintenance funds and pensions will be put into the palace account. "

The Queen of Eternal Night said this lightly, and her figure had already teleported away.

"Alas, it's a pity for Dio..."

Rodney sighed.

He's a good young man, why is he so depressed?

Although her majesty is as broad-minded as the sea, that incident was her Achilles' heel.

The historian in front of him tried to avoid it gently but failed.

Now this Dio is repeatedly poking the Queen's Achilles' heel with a big awl, trying to see what big treasure is hidden underneath...

Who can protect him if he is so stubborn?

"I'm afraid my poor library will be in trouble..."

Thinking of the Queen of Eternal Night's reaction just now, Rodney felt a chill in his back.



The historian's office.

The surging energy fluctuations suddenly appeared, alerting everyone.

It seems that an epic monster is about to raid the material plane!

Then, everyone saw the peerless figure of the Queen of Eternal Night.

But at this moment, her face was as cold as ice. She didn't look at the historians who were kneeling on the ground, but walked straight to Roger:

"Dior, I heard that your editing work has yielded results?"

Roger's eyes suddenly lit up!

He took out a thick stack of manuscript paper and handed it over respectfully: "Reporting to Your Majesty, I have presided over the compilation of the Manyu City Incident and the achievements of your defeat of the Wabruga Kingdom!"

"Hmph, let me take a look!"

Queen Evernight took it and opened it.

The historical consultants present were so nervous that they even forgot to breathe.


Mr. Brando really dares to say that we have written down all the things His Majesty has done.

I'm afraid the word "merit" needs several layers of quotation marks, right?

The greater the expectations you place on His Majesty, the more tragic the outcome will be for you!

Different from the nervousness and worry of his men, Roger was respectful on the surface, but he was more happy in his heart.

[She's anxious! She's anxious! She used to transmit without any energy leaking out, but now her power is astonishing, and she may have gotten wind of it from the curator. 】

[It seems that this wave is very stable, I want to be freed from this office! Thank you Manyu City! Thank you to the Kingdom of Wabruga! 】

The Queen of Evernight was no longer too lazy to listen to Roger's thoughts, and her attention was entirely on the first draft of the tenth volume of "History of the Ivy Empire" in front of her.

The more he looked at her, the uglier her face became.

Breathing became increasingly rapid.

Those bloody nights that she had almost forgotten were brought back by the lines of gorgeous, smooth and well-organized words.

The fourth brother who taught her how to use a bow and arrow, and the brother who guided her step by step to shoot the first rabbit, kidnapped her and wanted to use her to marry and please the crown prince of the Kingdom of Wabruga...

The empire is in turmoil, the bones of my parents are still cold, the dinner at the uncle's manor is still luxurious, the dancer is so beautiful, and the staff are talking about the spices and tea coming from the East...

The sallow-looking refugees looked at her, begging the little princess who once had a reputation for kindness to reward them with even a little food to survive this long summer...

Before the civilians of the Wabruga Kingdom died, their eyes eager to live were no different from those of the Imperial people...

In the past, countless civil servants and military generals tried hard to cover up the stains on the Queen, but now they have been dug up and written down in a fair and ruthless tone!

She raised her head suddenly and glared at Roger 1

You don’t understand, you don’t understand what I’ve been through, you don’t know that I had no choice!

Those stupid people will not understand, and the enemy will use these things to attack me. I have done so much for the empire, but I still have to bear the infamy...


boom! !

boom! ! !

A terrifying magic storm filled the entire room, then exploded, affecting a wide area.

One-third of the Great Library collapsed!

Countless people were swept out, facing the apocalyptic scene of a natural disaster.

Immediately, they saw the Queen of Eternal Night floating in the air, her long golden hair flying in the wind, and complex three-dimensional magic patterns appearing on her snow-white skin.

A class above the legendary, the Queen of Evernight, with full combat power!

She looked down at Roger like a god:

"Dio Brando, how dare you write like this? Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Roger was only injured by the aftermath of her momentum, and blood was already flowing from the corner of his mouth.

But he just touched it gently, raised his head slightly, looked into the Queen's deep eyes that were sweeping through the violent tsunami, and spoke calmly:

"Your Majesty does not dare to kill me. You cannot kill me. You will only depose me because of my lack of ability."

He described her as embarrassed, like a firefly that could be extinguished by an angry storm at any time compared to the bright moon.

But he naturally showed a confidence that no one understood.

The Queen's reaction and the situation at this moment were as expected.

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