A mass of fog enveloped the collapsed area of ​​the Great Library.

In the core area of ​​​​the thick fog, which was the former office of the historian, neither sound nor light could penetrate.

Those people who curiously looked in the direction of the source of the magic storm and wanted to know what friction happened between the Queen of Evernight and the new Historian Dio suddenly felt a sharp pain in their eyes.

His eyes were red and swollen, as if he had been sprayed with pepper spray, and tears were rolling down his cheeks.

Magicians also have the means of healing.

But the Queen of Evernight's method was even better, using continuous effects to suppress their spells to a minimum, and the tears just couldn't be stopped.

Curator Rodney was not spared either, crying and feeling annoyed:

"Curiosity kills the cat. I know the Queen doesn't want people to see me, but I just can't help my mouth..."

Naturally, the more hidden many things are, the more people can’t help but be curious...

The historian obviously wrote something to make His Majesty so angry.

So, what exactly did he write?

I really want to know!


I guess I’ll never have the chance to see it again!

In the center of thick fog.

The historical consultants had all fainted. Queen Eternal Night took a deep breath and looked at Roger sarcastically:

"Tell me, why don't I dare to kill you? But I can't kill you?"

She thinks that Roger wants to reveal his past achievements, show off that he is Angelina's brother, or expose that there is a hidden organization behind him...

But the Queen has decided that no matter who is behind Roger, she will kill this bastard who wrote random history books to satisfy her hatred!

But Roger's answer was not what Queen Evernight had expected.

He responded calmly with a bit of a smile:

"I am nobody, I am just a commoner, a small commoner whom His Majesty paid for with a lot of money. Your Majesty used me to set a precedent for civilians to serve as officials, and he was killed in ten days. What will those civilians who are extremely grateful to Your Majesty and looking forward to it think? Do you think that His Majesty is afraid of the noble men in Congress?"

"I, who, am not, afraid!"

The Queen of Evernight hated Roger's calmness at this moment.

I just felt that this logical statement was even more hateful than his previous disrespectful complaints about her.

She was so angry that her starry eyes burned, and her hands lit up with terrifying magic light. In the next second, she could turn into a human-shaped turret and blast Roger into a scumbag.

But in the end, she didn't use any magic, but her anger subsided little by little.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for not killing me."

Roger saw her expression and took a small step forward.

General Luozi.

Plus arch fire.

The Queen is afraid after all.

She is afraid of what all the people in the world will say, afraid that her hard work will be ruined, and afraid of betraying the hard-earned trust of her followers...

The Queen of Evernight has no say in the empire and can force anything to happen.

But the matter of allowing civilians to serve as officials touched the interests of the nobles, and she encountered strong opposition.

The MPs loyal to her are at war with the traditional aristocrats, arguing endlessly, and it seems that important results have been achieved.

At this time, if she personally kills the civilians she has appointed as officials...

The previously mentioned "talents are promoted regardless of their origins" and the efforts to create a new era for the empire have all come to nothing.

The civilians would only distance themselves further from her.

Are you kidding us, Your Majesty?

So this Dio Brando really cannot be killed.

Not only could she not kill him, she also had to protect him from being killed by others.

In order to avoid giving people the illusion that the traditional aristocracy is powerful and the queen is powerless to protect her own people.

Otherwise, how could any civilians dare to serve in the DPRK?

This is the first time since Queen Yongye came to the throne that she wanted to kill someone but couldn't.

The Queen of Evernight stared at Roger, every word squeezed out from between her teeth, carrying the bone-piercing icy wind of the North:

"Dio Brando, you hate me?"

"I don't hate it. I am proud of His Majesty's achievements."

"Then you write down my negative history and smear my image?"

"I didn't mean to smear it, it's just..."

Roger puffed out his chest and said proudly, "I love Your Majesty, but I love the truth even more!"

"You...you actually..."

Queen Yongye looked at the historian standing proudly in front of her with clear eyes, and suddenly became confused.

This time, he was as consistent as ever.

What you say is what you think.

He really cares about the truth and wants to make it public at the risk of his life?

Isn't this the lazy, inconsistent boy she knew?

Why is it that after changing his identity, he is so tough, as if he has the character of a famous minister?

I know that I can't do it, but I do it. Everything I do and say is my wish.

The Queen seemed to see the flash of a hero in Roger!

Shocking blood mother!

She suddenly stopped being angry.

Even a little relieved.

Although such a person is not suitable to be her historian, he may be entrusted with greater responsibilities!

The Queen of Evernight decided to suspend Roger from serving as the Historian until she thought of a job suitable for him before reactivating him.

But at this moment, the familiar voice appeared in the heart of Queen Yongye again:

[I was so scared to death. I thought the blood mother would really kill me if she couldn’t control her emotions. In the end, I was the better one and deceived her! 】

[It is important to spread the truth, but it is more important to say goodbye to this boring job as a historian and unlock my new lying posture! 】

[It’s so funny that Blood Mother actually cares so much about a history book and her own reputation. This is a bit... so innocent and cute! 】

The Queen of Eternal Night had just calmed down, but she suddenly disliked the storm again.


She had been labeled as cruel, bloodthirsty, evil, depraved, crazy, licentious, and many other negative comments.

But this was the first time someone said she was cute.

These two words had an outstanding effect!

Instantly, the Queen's feelings of instability disappeared.

This bastard dared to say that I was cute?

She couldn't help but sneer:

"Dio, do you know how many people in this world regard me as an idol? When you announced the truth, have you considered the impact of this on them, causing their faith to collapse? Shame on the empire?"

This is to say that you are the most naive and the cutest!

Roger responded in a deep voice: "Of course I know, but I still believe that everyone has the right to know the truth. Your Majesty's attempt to cover up the truth is the work of a tyrant, and it is... guilty conscience!"

[No, isn't this Queen angry enough? Quickly dismiss me! ]

[Look at me continuing to add fuel to the fire! Scold her in person! Those who gain a country by improper means are most afraid of being called a thief, right? 】

【Women really like to think too much. If it is the Eternal Empire, the executioner will not hesitate to be cursed for her people; if the empire is destroyed by the gods, no matter how perfect you do, you will be criticized and have countless black spots...】

【Because victory is justice in this world, the loser is not qualified to write history! 】

【The queen I admire most dares to set up a monument without words in the world and let the world comment on her achievements. That is a truly great mind! 】

【You little girl don’t dare, so let me go back quickly, don’t delay my great cause of lying down here! 】

The Queen of Eternal Night was indeed angered by Roger again, but after listening to his voice, she calmed down miraculously.

Victory is justice?

The queen who set up a monument without words?

Let the world comment on achievements?

The Queen of Eternal Night suddenly felt heroic.

She dares, but I don’t dare?

Let's see who is the greatest queen!

She said in a long voice: "My dear Lord Dio, you are right. This imperial history will continue to be edited as you wish, and all the truths that you think the people of the empire should know will be published. Just write it, I will not change a word!"

Roger looked at the queen's confident and shining face, and he was completely dumbfounded.

(Today's victory or defeat: The queen accepted the imperial history that she didn't like, and Roger continued to serve as the historian because he talked too much, and both of them lost.)

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