The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 20 A precious scene of the king and his subjects working together

[Wait, Your Majesty, isn't that history your inner demon? Don't force yourself! ]

[If I edit your dark history like this and publish it, I don't know how many people in the Empire will curse me, or even assassinate me, okay? ]

[You are broad-minded and suddenly open-minded, but you accidentally took my life. Those barbarians in the Empire will not be as calm as you...]

Roger's voice trembled: "Your Majesty, do you mean that I can continue to be a historian?"

"Not only that, you will be my historical advisor in the future. Enter the palace to record my words and deeds truthfully, and then compile history books in the future."

She waved her sleeves heroically, revealing a smile that was no longer confused.

I have a clear conscience and let the world comment!

The queen not only said it, but also dispersed the weapon that deceived people.

She began to rise with the kingly spirit of tolerance and fearlessness, and faced all the eyes of the world calmly.

At this moment, the realm and strength of the Queen of Eternal Night actually broke through a little bit.

But Roger only heard her say that she would not only continue to be a historian, but also join the Queen's cabinet, and he immediately became anxious.

He disguised this identity to stay away from Blood Mom and avoid being cheated by her for the treasure chest.

As a result, he suddenly became a cabinet minister who had to stay by her side all the time?

Isn't this going in the opposite direction?

Roger hurriedly advised: "Your Majesty, the empire is in trouble. Publishing this history may be used by the Seven Gods Church!"

"It doesn't matter. They have been slandering me for a long time. Sooner or later, one day, they will be killed one by one, and the empire will be safe!"

She swore domineeringly.

Roger wanted to persuade him again, but suddenly found that the fog around him had dispersed.

The magicians and guards of the Great Library, as well as the Imperial Guards who came after hearing the inquiry, looked at him with shocked, curious, and inquiring eyes.

The Queen of Eternal Night blew up one-third of the Great Library in anger. This was something that too many people saw and could not be concealed at all.

At that time, she seemed to be talking with the historian Dio Brando. Naturally, many people attributed the reason for the Queen's anger to this young man.

Could it be that he did something wrong, or there was a problem in compiling the imperial history, which caused His Majesty to lose her temper so rarely...

The inquiring eyes were full of hostility.

If the Queen gave an order, we would spit and drown this kid!

[It is no coincidence that the fog dissipated. The Queen who was so angry at everything actually manipulated public opinion to coerce me? Damn! Insidious! Cunning! ]

[Yes, she is a fierce person who came up with a plan to kill four birds with one stone, and she understands people's hearts very well...]

Roger's excuses and reasons all turned into grievances, and he dared not say any of them.

In desperation, he acted like an actor, performing to the people around him with a hint of excitement in his respect:

"Thank you for your majesty's trust. I will do my best to compile the history of the empire for you!"

"Sir Dio, just do it. Don't worry. With me here, even if the goddess of war comes in person, it can't stop you from making the truth public."

The Queen of Eternal Night is also an acting talent, with her little hand on Roger's shoulder.

This precious picture of the monarch and his subjects working together to fight against the Church of the Seven Gods moved countless people!

The Queen also gave a reasonable explanation for the sudden explosion of one-third of the Great Library and her previous anger.

It was because the goddess of war sent an apostle to sneak into the mysterious city to destroy the compilation of the history of the empire!

The Queen of Eternal Night was keenly aware that the apostle of the goddess of war was fighting stubbornly.

Although the Queen of Eternal Night won in the end, both sides of the battle could not control their power, and the aftermath caused the partial collapse of the Great Library.

Dio Brando and the historical advisory group present were all witnesses of the battle.

The next day, the headline of the "Long Live the Queen" newspaper was:

Your Majesty personally broke the conspiracy of the Goddess of War, and the Great Library blasted and killed the apostles!

Imperial nobles: Damn the Goddess of War, we want war, we want to fuck her asshole!

Imperial people: Long live the Queen, your Majesty is the best in the world!

Church of the Goddess of War: I said I didn't do anything, will you believe it?

Roger: The more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to lie. I was at the scene and saw with my own eyes that Blood Mom made up this lie out of nothing, without even blinking an eye...



Because there were many magicians and guards in the City of Mysteries as witnesses, Dio Brando continued to serve as the historian.

He will also serve as the Minister of Historiography Advisor.

A civilian became the cabinet staff of the emperor, which is the first case in the empire.

Many nobles protested against this.

However, for the time being, no one dared to use conspiracy and trickery against Lord Brando.

Because the Queen of Eternal Night publicly declared that she would protect this civilian minister.

Anyone who dared to touch him would be openly declaring war on the Queen, and would definitely investigate to the end.

This is a magical world. With the blessing of various incredible abilities, the difficulty of committing a perfect crime is many times more difficult than in the real world.

Even if Roger wants to use the trick of "I kill myself" to get away, he has to consider the consequences.

Is the identity of the right prime minister's younger brother powerful enough to publicly slap the queen in the face?

After some consideration, Roger felt that if he did this, the queen would not be angry, and his sister Angelina would first kill her relatives for the sake of justice and escort him to Fengling Yueying Palace.

Therefore, he will continue to be the historian for the time being, and the minister of historical consultant will probably not escape.

Although this staff position was temporarily arranged by the Queen of Eternal Night, the king was not joking, and immediately a whole set of cabinet ministers' clothing, identity medals, and treatment standards were drafted by the right prime minister.

In order to complete the show, Roger quickly lived in a small apartment in the wealthy area of ​​the mysterious city as Dio Brando's residence.

He gave the landlord an extra six months' rent and asked her to prove that she had lived here six months ago.

Naturally, the landlord would not refuse a huge sum of money from heaven.

Roger then met Angelina at his residence as Dior and received the appointment document from her personally delivered by the right minister.

This is also a performance for the nobles.

In addition to being the Right Chancellor of the Empire, Angelina is also the head of the Charles family, the Duke of the Empire, and the top nobleman.

Her willingness to accept a civilian staff member into the Queen's cabinet would affect the attitudes of a considerable number of nobles.

This is also a signal that the Queen wants to promote more civilian officials.

The empire is now too large and needs many officials.

Just relying on the nobles of the Ivy Empire, I am afraid that in the end, I don't know how to become the governor.

The queen did not want to see such a scene.

Therefore, we can only replenish fresh blood from civilians and establish a more complete and professional administrative system.

Especially now that the "restoration army" is in full swing, the problem of insufficient numbers and capabilities of local officials in the empire has become increasingly prominent.

This became an excuse for the Queen's faction to strictly select officials and improve the overall level.

Roger used "a thousand pieces of gold to buy bones" to defeat the Yongye Queen's army. The Yongye Queen didn't suffer in vain, so she simply turned the thousand pieces of gold into ten thousand pieces of gold and pushed him out as a living target.

A cabinet minister with a steady grip of hatred.

After struggling for three or four days, Roger finally solved the many loopholes in Dior's identity.

In the short term, he can only be Dior during the day, and he can be the young master of the Charles family at night.

This kind of life, which was completely contrary to his original vision, did not feel happy at all.

Naturally, his lying treasure chest disappeared again.

What's even more troubling is that even Roger, a clever little kid, can't think of a way to break the situation for a while.

He is tied to the identity of Dior!

I can only work as a historian for one day. Under the pressure of the Queen, I must finish the work at hand first and then think about other things.

So, ten days passed.

The actions of the "restoration army" have reached their peak. On the homeland of the Seventeen Kingdoms, the rule of the empire is in great turmoil.

In the imperial capital, there was an undercurrent among the nobles as to whether they should allow civilians to serve as officials.

At this time, the ten-volume "History of the Ivy Empire" was completed and published to the entire empire.

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