The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 211 The believers' hobbies are all unique! (1/2)

Nicole Qianxuan's problems are quite complicated. They are caused by a series of factors such as occupation, personality, and experience. It may take a long time to solve them.

There is also a hidden attribute that she is very private about, which is... she feels pleasure when she is treated violently.

She once tortured herself with the whip that whipped Collins to verify the piety of her faith.

This secret was told by Nicole herself.

Believers are completely open to the Lord. The more shameful things they tell, the more satisfied they will get.

Combining all the above factors, this led to her strange dependence on Roger.

Simply put, she is used to the mode of fanatics. She always has to believe in something to survive.

When Poseidon is unreliable, she chooses Roger as a substitute to draw warmth and nutrients from him.

For this reason, she can do nothing all day, just wait for Roger to come back in a daze, and she will be super happy to talk to him for a few words.

It sounds quite romantic at first glance, and the loyal dog attribute is full.

If Roger was a sadist and beat the beautiful girl to the point of stripping her clothes, she would be happier...

But from Roger's perspective, this twisted relationship is not happy.

After all, he is not a high god. Seeing Nicole's transformation from expressionless to surprised and relieved, this drastic transition is comparable to that of a mental patient.

Perhaps, believers like Nicole, whose incomplete minds after breaking their faith and excessive dependence on "external objects" should be treated as mental illness.

Roger is worried about her dependence. If he sees himself getting close to others, she will accidentally turn into a yandere and chop herself off with a hatchet.

So it's really not romantic at all. If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell (serious face).

Nico's problem of emptiness in the spiritual world is a bit similar to that of Shana when she first came to this world, but the difference is also very obvious.

Shana is a blank sheet of paper, an angel created by gods. Although he has no life mission, he is easy to guide.

Nicole is a sapling that has been raised crooked. She is kind, intelligent, and sensitive, but her perception of the world is distorted.

Shana can establish relatively correct and healthy values ​​by learning and contacting more of the world, but Nicole cannot correct it so easily.

Roger wants to help Nicole. She is his subordinate, and it can be regarded as a problem caused by himself. Nicole's moral kidnapping is not outrageous. He does have some responsibilities.

Anyway, this process will not suffer. If Roger wants, he can get full benefits.

Nicole's attitude towards Roger is more obedient than any other maid. It is complete dedication, sacrifice, and selflessness. It is conceivable how devout her faith was.

If there is no moral bottom line, he should have been able to help the saint unlock all postures at this time.

Also because of her hidden attributes, she can carry out scales that ordinary people can hardly accept.

But Roger is unwilling to take advantage of others. He has always felt that men and women are in love with each other, and there are too many deceptions and exploits for believers in faith.

When negotiating with Nicole, in order to confirm what she was thinking, they walked on the edge of ambiguity.

But later, he realized that it was just Nicole's disguise, a way to please him and get closer, so Roger did not ask her to do massage services for him.

Until he returned to the Mysterious City, his contact with Nicole was to treat himself as a part-time psychologist as a statue, trying to rebuild Nicole's spiritual world.

They discussed theology, studied history, explored the relationship between faith and depravity, and also talked about many things happening now.

Nicole is knowledgeable and smart, and has been in charge of the church for many years. Although her thinking perspective is a bit distorted, such communication is still very pleasant and can bring some inspiration to Roger from a new perspective.

Tonight they talked about Shana, and Nicole put forward her own views based on what a saint knows and learns.

Roger was thoughtful and said, "So, Nalinel is different from ordinary angels. Is she already on the trend of falling?"

Nicole was very sure: "The six-winged angel is indeed much stronger than me, the saint, but her mission is still to serve the Lord, and the control of the gods over her should be deeper. That Shana has transformed so quickly, as if she has never had faith. That is not her credit, but Nalinel has long stopped believing in God in her heart."

Roger frowned and corrected her:

"If that's the case, it's just a yearning for freedom, it shouldn't be described as falling, right?"

"If your heart is no longer pure for the Lord, that's already fallen."

"Nicole, you are no longer a believer."

"Ah... Sorry, I was wrong, I won't do it again!"

She immediately lowered her head and apologized with a panicked face because of Roger's slightly reproachful tone.

"You are no longer a believer... Well, let's talk about Shana."

Seeing her like this, Roger felt helpless and a little distressed.

Any dissatisfaction of hers would be infinitely magnified in Nicole's eyes, and then she would seriously correct it.

Patients like Nicole would definitely make doctors feel troubled. She would even act like a healthy person to please herself, so it was difficult to judge her condition by her appearance.

However, if the doctor was irresponsible and acted like a normal person, he could also declare her cured.

Who knows how many crazy people disguised as normal people are hidden in this world full of pressure?

Roger rubbed his temples with a headache, skipping Nicole's question, but he had a deeper understanding of the general state of angels.

Shana is not replicable. Even if there are more angels descending and performing similar operations, it is impossible to obtain a blank new individual and become the potential combat power of the empire.

First, Nalinel must cut off her connection with the God of Knowledge, and then Roger and the Queen of Eternal Night will have the space to operate her, otherwise they will only get a self-destructing bomb.

Another gain is that Nicole proposed a new idea for the little angel to serve the empire based on her understanding of Shana in the group chat.

"This is very useful." Roger praised her.

"It's good to be able to help adults!" Nicole looked happy and expectant. Roger couldn't resist her eye attack and rubbed her little head.

Nicole rested her head on his big hand, looking reluctant to leave, both well-behaved and pitiful, and there was a different kind of temptation.

Holiness was stained with the world of mortals, a beautiful girl who was completely open and ready to taste at any time, what kind of otherworldly plot is this!

Roger took out the super-dimensional drawing board and prepared to fool Shana to divert attention.

Anti-Ivy League.

Shana had been scolding Roger in the group for several days.

After Nicole was kicked out, Shana was the only one in the group who didn't know what happened, and asked for a long time in confusion.

Finally, it was Tashika who gave her an explanation: because they found out that the Sea Kingdom was defeated, Nicole was captured, and had defected to the Ivy Empire.

"If she stayed in the group, I don't know what information she would reveal, so I had to remove her." Tashika said with great regret for the sake of the alliance.

"The Empire is really insidious, and Roger Charles is not a good person!" Shana naturally accepted this explanation.

If it was someone else, she might doubt whether she could disintegrate the faith of a saint.

But if it was Roger, that guy had the most tricks, and the poor little saint must have been deceived miserably...

Shana felt sorry for herself when she thought of this, she once naively thought that guy was a good person!

After this incident, Shana's daily routine was to post Roger's black history for discussion in the group.

After all, Roger swept through the imperial nobles, killing people and causing bloodshed. I don't know how many people hated him to the core, and lived a life of greatly reduced quality in exile overseas.

Some of the black materials are real, and some are inexplicable black pots, but Shana is an iron "Roger hater", and he will use them all.

Bronzebeard liked this. That guy actually betrayed him to support Lydia, and he must scold him!

Whether it's a real pot or a fake pot, you can scold him!

Roger and Tashika are the kind of people who don't say anything, just casually agree with a few words, scaring Frankenstein to dare not say anything more.

NMD, someone is peeping at the screen!

But Shana has been enjoying it all the time.

Today, Roger took out the super-dimensional drawing board and flipped forward, and found that it was still Shana's daily economic discussions, which was a bit boring.

Nicole has been offline, it's time for Tashika to recruit new targets to fool!

But for now, let's solve Shana's problem first.

Roger used the routine he discussed with Nicole, and now complained in the group:

Jostar: Oh, damn Night Guard, we have sacrificed another comrade.


Bronzebeard:? ?

Shana: I know, it's all Roger's fault!

Jostar: What should I do, it's getting harder and harder to carry out intelligence work in Odu.

Tashika: Hold it off, don't work too hard.

Shana: Can I help?

Jostar: You haven't been trained in this area, isn't it?

Shana: I can learn! I learn things quickly! As long as I can make Roger look good!

Jostar: So... Going directly to Night Guard is definitely not an option, maybe you can start by submitting to "New Arcane" and approach him in another way, writer-editor-editor-in-chief, this way ambush Roger and provide us with intelligence.

Shana: I'm useless, this will make magic great again!

(This is the spell for subscribing to the New Arcana)

Afu provided feedback, and Shana did buy the New Arcana and started reading it, and then prepared to write.

Roger and Nicole smiled at each other, and the trick was successful!

Shana's combat power is strong, but the Empire is not short of strong people now, what it lacks is the intelligence of the Seven Gods.

Because of the previous coincidence, it is already difficult to let Shana directly serve the Empire, or it will cost a huge price, but it is not sure how many valuable memories Shana still has, so he is too lazy to do it.

Now Nicole's routine is to let Shana get close to Roger by writing for the New Arcana.

And if you want to gain Roger's attention and trust, you must write articles that are valuable enough and work very hard, right?

With Shana's strength and knowledge reserves, he can easily write high-quality articles and provide a different perspective from the Empire magician.

Then it will not be difficult to enter the editorial department of the New Arcana with a vest.

In this way, the Empire can make Shana exert 100% or even 200% of his work enthusiasm without spending much money.

Nicole's method is really clever, which fully satisfies Shana's psychological needs and maximizes his subjective initiative.

"Do you want any reward?" Roger asked Nicole.

Nicole summoned a whip: "My Lord, test me."

Roger took it reluctantly.

The hobbies of you believers are very unique!



One month later, Naga Empire.

The defeat made the whole country feel heavy-hearted. Terra's debt pressure and a series of treaties signed forcefully made them feel humiliated and helpless.

At this time, Saint Nicole, who everyone thought had died on the front line, took a group of senior generals of the expeditionary force and returned to the capital of the Naga Empire from another direction.

This is actually a similar arrangement to the "Tasika Prison Break Case" at the beginning, except that Saint Nicole is the real Holy Saint of the Sea, and can directly use the excuse that they were saved by miracles and teleported by the Sea God to a direction far away from the Qingteng Empire.

However, the Naga people did not have a good face for Nicole and these defeated generals.

It was they who dragged the Naga into the quagmire of war and were about to decline.

Only the Sea God Church supported Nicole as always, and the protection of the Sea God on her did not change, which showed that her faith was still as pious as always, that is, a qualified religious leader.

In fact, it was the piety to Roger's hand-made figure in her arms!

But the judgment of right and wrong by believers is so plain and boring.

Those who believe in God are good brothers and sisters, and those who do not believe in God are heretics.

With the support of the church, Nicole is still a saint, and she has taken in military generals such as Kami and temporarily lives in the church.

Queen Naga is of course very dissatisfied with Nicole, but she has no choice.

The city construction of Naga cannot be separated from the Church of Poseidon to appease the volcano, so she cannot break with the church, and she has to publicly welcome Nicole's return.

So, very tired.

Later, Nicole went to the palace to have a secret talk with Queen Naga, explaining to her that now is a good time to change the attitude towards vassal races.

From now on, for a long time, Naga will no longer expand outward, but will take a defensive stance. It is time to boil the frog in warm water, let those who are used to it contribute to the empire, and even shed blood and tears for the main ethnic group.

Those who are not of my race must have different hearts. Loyalty is not cultivated by luxurious life, but they must also participate in construction and continue to contribute to the country, so that they can share honor and disgrace.

Anything picked up for free will not be cherished unless you spend money on it later.

This is the truth that Roger told Nicole. He gave the example that the Empire can give out soul-like bracelets to the people of the Empire for free, and the improvement brought to the people can fully recover the cost, but it still has to set a price.

Even if the purchase price can be fully refunded after signing in for a certain period of time, the price of that gold coin has not been cancelled.

It's like the first charge of the game, you are deceived into spending six yuan, but you can get an extremely good reward.

Because big data will tell the operation that users who have spent these six yuan are more likely to spend more.

The Empire is not cheating money, but just wants the people of the Empire to use the soul-like bracelet seriously, instead of buying it back as a watch.

The Naga conquered the vassal race not to support the uncle, and keeping them with welfare preferential policies is definitely not a long-term plan.

The vassals must make corresponding contributions to be considered as the increase in the population of the Naga, otherwise it is an increase in burden.

Before, the Queen of Naga naively wanted to use time to influence these vassals, which was risky and time-consuming.

Now Nicole has taken the initiative to stand up and say that the church is willing to be the villain, to make the vassals miserable, to take away the accumulated wealth, and then Queen Naga will stand up to win the hearts of the people.

This is actually a variation of the Qingteng Empire winning the hearts of the 17 people, except that the role of the Restoration Army is played by the Sea God Church.

Queen Naga was moved. The saint who is willing to take the blame, love love!

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