In fact, similar plans have been proposed before, but there are too many sophisticated egoists among the immortal species, and no one is willing to take the blame.

"My dear, you will sacrifice too much by doing this!"

"Your Majesty, I just want to atone for my sins."

Nicole's eyes flashed with complex meanings that the Naga Queen could not see through.

The Queen thought that the saint's sin was the defeat, but in fact Nicole was regretting her past blind faith.

Since the gods have abandoned the Naga, the Naga naturally do not need to worship the gods anymore. In explaining the relationship with the gods, let the church play more value as much as possible!

As long as the reputation of the church is ruined first, the believers will leave the church, and the difficulty will naturally decrease significantly.

At the same time, let the vassal races join the battle, so that Nicole can regain the trust of the queen and better complete the layout of the empire. Killing two birds with one stone is also part of the plan discussed by Nicole and Roger.

Sure enough, due to Nicole's initiative to take the blame plan, the broken relationship between the monarch and the ministers was instantly healed.

The Queen really lacks talents like Nicole who "wholeheartedly" devote themselves to the Party and the country!

Within a few days, the Naga Palace announced that Saint Nicole was appointed as the governor of several surrounding provinces and left the capital to take up the post immediately.

On the surface, this was a heavy use of Nicole, and she would be in charge of military and political power there, but in the eyes of the Naga dignitaries, this was a blatant demotion.

A typical Saint Lady failed in the struggle and was driven out of the power center of Naga, so she could only play a role in the border.

Because those provinces were the territories of vassal races, the administrative orders of the Naga Empire had little effect there.

Nicole wanted to control the military and political affairs, but there was nothing she could grasp.

The governor-general had always gone there to mediate the conflicts among the various ethnic groups and serve as the first line of defense for the Naga to guard the border.

When the news spread, the church protested solemnly, and many loyal believers took to the streets to march, hoping that the Queen would learn her lesson and not embarrass our Saint Lady.

However, the Queen was very firm in her attitude. She even sent the Royal Knights to drive those believers back home and started a hair-trigger confrontation with the believers on the Royal Capital Avenue.

Finally, Saint Nicole came out in person to persuade those believers to go home. She was willing to complete the Queen's order.

"We have just experienced failure. For a happy life in the future, everyone should take more responsibility. As a saint, I am no exception and should take more responsibility."

Nicole stated her position with great righteousness, which moved countless believers.

The Saint sacrificed too much for Naga!

Seeing the fatigue and helplessness on the face of the Saint, the believers spoke up for her, but because they felt sorry for her, they couldn't make trouble anymore and returned home.

The Saint is so kind. She dedicated herself to the empire without regrets, and she had to bear the infamy and be calculated by the royal family. It's so miserable!

Nicole's performance greatly restored her reputation after the defeat. Although she took the blame, her support rate did not decrease but increased.

In the eyes of her supporters, Cromwell was the first to blame for the defeat, and the saint was just there to clean up the mess.

She was a believer, how could she know anything about fighting?

Don't blame our little fairy for losing!

After a series of shows, no one doubted that this was actually a big pit that Nicole and the Naga Queen had dug for the vassal races.

In this way, Nicole took the power of the church and a large number of outstanding military generals to the provinces where the border vassal races were located, preparing to use theocracy to force those vassals to the Naga royal power.

The process would definitely be bloody, but Nicole was fearless in order to fulfill the trust of Lord Roger!

"This is a test from Lord Roger!" She looked at the lifelike Roger figurine in her arms, Roger's medal in military uniform shining, and her eyes were firm and enthusiastic.



With the temporary calm of the situation in the Sea Country, the situation in the Qingteng Empire was also quite stable, and the entire country entered a low-key period of rapid development.

The scientific research wave led by magicians is advancing across the country, and the wave of national entrepreneurship is attracting more and more people with strength and financial resources to join with super high returns.

Especially for spellcasters, mastering magic is also mastering knowledge, which can more easily understand the truth of this world and have an innate advantage in research and development.

At this moment, most spellcasters have gradually withdrawn from the front line of the adventure team. Inventing and patenting is much more profitable than directly killing the dog-headed warlock.

The position of the former spellcasters is being replaced by the alchemical props and various magic crystal machines they produce.

The effect is stronger, the cost is lower, and you can use it whenever you want, without having to serve those eccentric wizards. The combat profession also expressed great happiness.

If you have hands, you can use guns with etched bullets to hit the boss with various magic damage and control effects. Who would still want a magician (whisper)!

It is precisely relying on the increasing productivity of the Qingteng Empire that even if the spellcasters withdraw from the ordinary front-line battles, the actual combat effectiveness of the adventure group, mercenary group and even the imperial army has increased instead of decreased.

As long as you have money to buy and carry enough magic weapons, the endurance can be greatly enhanced~

So a world where everyone is happy and only monsters are injured is complete!

Of course, technology is the first productive force in the entrepreneurial wave. Not only magicians participate, but also various professional craftsmen, business talents who are good at management and sales, also make excess profits in this booming market.

A great era full of opportunities is emerging.

While the empire is developing in a low-key manner, the entire world of Evernight is not at peace.

There have always been feuds between countries. The Ivy Empire, the number one threat on the table, gradually became invisible and hung up. The characteristic of history that has no memory immediately appeared.

In addition, at this time, there is still a tireless little devil who is instigating in various capacities to create conflicts in hot spots and disputed areas. Soon many countries are actively or passively entering a state of war preparation.

Small-scale skirmishes continued on the border, and preparations for a major war were underway.

The Kingdom of Terra, goblin merchants, and smugglers provide various arms, which strengthens the war determination of kings, dukes, and nobles.

Peace is impossible. Only war can bring more land, slaves and glory, and prove your faith in gods!

Whether it is for the great emperor or to eliminate those despicable and dirty heretics, the smell of war is getting stronger and stronger. Many countries have seen rapid increases in the prices of food and minerals.

The Imperial Ministry of Agriculture stated that due to over-investment of resources and manpower, the state-owned farms produced several times more food than was consumed, and finally found a way to properly dispose of it.

The Ministry of Industry also stated immediately that with the use of new mining golems, our output of various minerals has increased rapidly, coupled with the large-scale mining of seabed mineral deposits, it will also contribute to maintaining the stability of international commodity trade prices (^_−) ☆

It is precisely because the empire, a super big seller, quickly sells all kinds of materials through various channels, so the prices of all kinds of war supplies have never risen to an outrageous level. This also ensures that the great powers have the confidence to fight a more protracted war.

Victory must belong to me!

Then the whole world roared.

"His Majesty praised me again! I am indeed the most reliable little devil! No Lucky Cat is better at making money!"

At Maotai Villa, Margaret was wagging her tail proudly, and while having breakfast with Roger, she showed off the results of her recent work.

These battles cannot occur without her fanning the flames.

At the same time, she earned a lot of gold coins for the empire by conducting arms, steel and other trade through the channels established by the Nightingales.

The great powers that had survived the arms race found that after the war began, their opponents' weapons, equipment, and material reserves were no worse than their own, so they began to increase their investment and continued to purchase more equipment.

The empire, the largest arms dealer behind the scenes, naturally made a lot of money.

Roger could feel Margaret's happiness. The world of fans is just that simple. He smiled and said, "Yes, yes, no one knows how to fight better than you!"

"That's right, Angelina, can she do it?"

Margaret puffed up her chest and banged the bowl frantically.

"Add chicken legs and shut up."

Roger put a chicken leg in her bowl and made an expression as if he was dismissing a beggar.

"Hey, sister Zha is controlling!"

Margaret also looked at him with disgust and made a face.

If you don’t say it, don’t say it!

However, she was also used to the feeling of having breakfast with her "brothers and sisters", occasionally bickering, occasionally praising the Queen, and occasionally thinking of dirty tricks together, which was much more lively than living alone.

Soon after the meal was finished, Margaret simply cleared the table and excused herself, leaving Maotai Villa.

At the entrance of the villa, Angelina just got off the carriage and saw Margaret coming out of her brother's house.

"Lord Zuo Xiang, what are you doing here?" Angelina's pupils shrank instantly and she stared at her warily.

This guy had proposed to Your Majesty to kill his brother, and now he showed up at Roger's house. In her opinion, he was naturally suspected of being "sneaky".

After the five-year plan was launched, the empire developed vigorously, with numerous emerging industries. The allocation of various materials and the flow of wealth were more than ten times greater than before. Known as the great housekeeper of the empire, Angelina, who was in charge of internal affairs, was naturally very busy.

Therefore, the communication between the two siblings was less. Apart from socializing on government affairs and saying goodbye to each other, she had not had the opportunity to understand the relationship between Roger and Margaret.

Inevitably, there was a questioning feeling in Angelina's tone.

Suddenly Margaret was furious.

Although because of Roger's enlightenment, she understood that the key to gaining the favor of the Queen of Eternal Night was not to surpass the Blue-haired Madonna, ending the hostile relationship that took the initiative to find trouble.

But the two had been hostile to each other for so many years, and due to their differences in personality, she naturally didn't have a good impression of the Blue-haired Virgin.

She happily went out and was questioned and doubted for no reason. Margaret immediately sneered: "The door here is open, why can't I come?"

Angelina suddenly frowned:

"Don't talk like this, it's very boring."

"Oh, it's really boring for you to talk like this!"

"Margaret, tell me clearly, what do you mean by coming to see my brother?"

"Forgive me for military secrets, I can't answer, but that's probably what it means~"

Angelina was choked and speechless. She took a deep breath, and then took another deep breath before she could maintain her grace and mocked in a noble tone:

"If you can't manage the military department well and ask for help from Ajie every day, I suggest you give up the position of prime minister to him directly instead of coming to harass him at home. You are not welcome here."

"Please, this is not Charles Mansion, but Maotai Villa, right? You are not the owner here, why don't you let me come?"

"I'm his sister!"

"So what if I'm your sister? Can I tie my brother down for life?" Margaret looked at Angelina mockingly, then approached Angelina and whispered, "Let's not talk about him being an adult, and oh, you, a brother control, do you really understand your brother? Do you know what we did between us?"

The little devil's expression was quite arrogant and quite proud.

It refers to the fact that the two people were making trouble under the sea and provoked the melee of the powers at the moment.

Is there any reason not to be proud of this great conspiracy that was praised by His Majesty?

But from Angelina's perspective, a demon that she hated, with bad means and unscrupulous, asked her very proudly, do you know what I did with your brother...

She couldn't help but change her face suddenly and quickly became gray!

Ajie, don't!

More importantly, she did always have the worry that she didn't understand Roger well enough.

This was Angelina's reverse scale and hidden worry, and now it was pointed out by her old enemy directly, and that kind of thing happened...

Angelina's mentality exploded!

She pointed at the little devil angrily and called him by his name:

"Margaret, I didn't expect you to be such a shameless person! You actually resorted to such tricks!"

"Yes, I am good at such tricks, but unfortunately some people just fall for it~"

Margaret was talking about sowing discord among the powers, but Angelina heard that she had seduced Roger and played with people's hearts.

This little devil was not ashamed but proud. Angelina clenched her fists. If she could not beat him, she would definitely kill him with her own hands!

"You, you, you... Good, good tricks. If I can't control you, can't I control my brother? As long as I am alive, don't even think about entering my Charles' house!"

Angelina pointed at Margaret, and she, who was always eloquent, stuttered when she spoke.

This kind of thing is a love affair between a man and a woman, and both of them are unmarried. Not to mention the sister, even the mother doesn't seem to have much to blame the woman for!

"Again, this is Moutai Villa. Can you, the Duke of Charles, really control another Duke of Charles?"

Margaret looked like she was going to make me laugh to death.

Angelina stared at her, remembered her smug expression, and turned around and went into Moutai Villa without saying a word.

Margaret saw her leave like this, and laughed three times with her hands on her hips, feeling more proud than ever before.

Ah, in my lifetime, I can actually make the Blue-haired Madonna so angry that she completely lost her aristocratic demeanor.

Interesting, refreshing, so fun!

Such a fun thing, I have to talk to Roger about it... Hey, wait?

Blue-haired Madonna, that's Roger's sister, now I have to deal with Roger!

He is a sister control, I made his sister so angry, he won't be angry if he knows it?

Oh, my sister-in-law is so scary...

After all, my sister-in-law has helped me with many things, but I got him into trouble, what should I do?

Stop Angelina and comfort her?

It seems impossible. The blue-haired Madonna doesn't want to pay attention to me. I will only make her more angry.

Margaret still has some self-awareness.

Forget it, let's report to Roger first. Even if I make a mistake, it will make my mistake look a little lighter.

Margaret took out the soul-simulating bracelet and sent a message: "Lord Roger, I just met your sister when I went out. We chatted for a while. She seemed to have misunderstood something, and then she exploded (♦人♦)"

Roger: ? ? ?

My sister is so good-tempered, but she exploded?

Are you really not the one who caused the trouble?

Before I finished analyzing the message, a maid came to report: "Master, Lady Angelina wants to see you."

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