Maotai Villa, safe house.

Many castles and manors will have one or more secret rooms, set up super-powerful protective magic arrays, and use space magic to blur the real location.

Even set up rule-based magic that only allows entry but not exit within a time limit, waiting for people to come to rescue.

This can help big people provide sufficient security protection at critical moments.

Roger is engaged in intelligence work and understands how fast the alchemy equipment of the Secret Society is improving. He also understands that the creativity of magicians is like Pandora's box. Once opened, it cannot be stopped.

As the first minister of hatred in the empire, Roger attaches great importance to his own safety. Maotai Villa also has a similar secret room as an emergency safe house.

In the secret passage, after Roger came in with Angelina, the entrance was automatically blocked, and various magic lights flashed continuously, indicating that the protection measures here have been activated.

Although you can't see the battle situation above, you can still vaguely feel the vibration of the ground, and the battle looks very fierce.

In fact, it's just that the Dark Night Guards, under the arrangement of Director Roger, bombarded the ground to create panic.

This can better highlight that this is a safe and confined space, and how wise Angelina's decision to let Roger enter the secret passage was.

Angelina gradually recovered from the dizziness and felt that there was nothing wrong with her body. She pulled Roger and said:

"Okay, you can put me down."

"Sister, if you feel uncomfortable, tell me in time. When the battle slows down, we will go to the life ritual to check."

"Puff... It's really unnecessary, it's just a fall!"

Angelina punched Roger. She didn't feel it before because the situation was very "urgent", but now she was being carried by her brother like a princess, but her face blushed inexplicably.

Although they are siblings, there are only two people here, and it is completely closed, so she feels a little uncomfortable.

In her brother's arms, she is as light as a toy. She ordered him to put her down, but she dared to refuse!


But not completely angry.

If it weren't for this attack, the siblings wouldn't have such alone time.

Maybe they had already finished talking about things and were busy with their own things...

In the short secret passage, Angelina had a lot of thoughts in her mind.

Fortunately, they soon arrived at the destination, and Roger put Angelina on the bed in the bedroom.

Although it was underground, Roger had money and connections, and he invested no matter the cost. The area was large, and the ventilation, lighting and decoration were comparable to those of a five-star hotel.

He found a scroll for treating minor injuries from the spare supplies in the room, and healed Angelina's surface injuries in minutes.

He also used the health automatic detection device produced by Life Ritual to conduct a more comprehensive test on Angelina.

Except for a slightly faster heart rate, all other physical indicators were normal.

"It does not look serious, but you still need to rest for a while to prevent any sequelae." Roger held Angelina's shoulders and prevented her from sitting up.

"It's fine, I'm not a porcelain doll!"

"Sister, if you get hurt in the process of saving me, I'll feel bad and blame myself."

"Tsk, you just say it, when have you ever thought about your sister?"

Angelina didn't dare to face Roger's serious gaze, she turned her head away and didn't forget to show her disdain.

Roger poured her a cup of warm water and sat down on the bed naturally.

Angelina took it and found that the brother-sister relationship that had been unfamiliar before seemed much closer.

Charles and his sister's parents died early, fortunately Angelina was sensible early, it was like a sister who raised Roger, who was still a little kid at that time.

She is a sister, but she is also like a mother in many ways.

She has a personality that is dedicated to others, and she is overly flattering. She is afraid that she will no longer be useful to others.

Just like when a child comes back from college, the mother sees him grow up, mature and independent. While she is relieved, she will also find that she does not understand what the child thinks.

It is very uncomfortable to not be able to keep up with the times and help children.

This kind of discomfort is hard to describe and explain. If you are not careful, it will become friction in life and disgust.

It can only be said that some people enjoy being served, while others enjoy being needed.

Angelina is the latter.

Roger grew up from a little guy who needed to take care of everything by himself to an imperial minister who could stand on his own. He shone with a brilliance that he could not understand. Angelina was actually panicking.

She felt that she was losing this brother.

Even though Roger promised that the relationship between siblings would not deteriorate, she remembered more that she could not help her brother.

Sometimes she still needed Roger to solve her own problems.

That's why she was stimulated by Margaret's unintentional words.

But she just "saved" Roger once, and she was only injured. Roger was so well-behaved and patient to accompany her, so she naturally felt much more comfortable.

Thinking about the fact that Roger just asked her about her doubts in government affairs, she was even happier.

I can still help him and protect him, and he doesn't dislike his sister.

It's just that I'm too busy on weekdays.

It was Margaret's instigation that made me misunderstand my brother!

In short, the sky is clear, the rain has stopped, and Angelina feels that she is fine again!

She is in a good mood, and naturally the more she looks at her brother, the more handsome he is.

The empty-nest sister holds the water cup, feeling warm in body and soul, showing a happy and relieved expression.

Roger silently felt the change in Angelina's expression and knew that a family emotional crisis was over.

Angelina's emotional changes were all at the rhythm arranged by Roger. During the ups and downs, the barrier between the two people was broken.

It's a bit arrogant, but it's a shortcut to resolve Angelina's inner demons and bring her siblings closer together again.

And he has laid so much groundwork, not only to close the distance, but also to follow up.

Angelina's happiness only lasted for a moment. When she returned the water glass to Roger, she couldn't help but sigh worriedly: "The job you are doing now is really dangerous."

Although she always said that she hoped that her younger brother would dedicate everything to the country, she never expected that one day the defeated Congress would come to take revenge on her younger brother. His life was threatened, and Angelina was reluctant to let him go.

"Today was just an accident. Under normal circumstances, no matter how many believers there are, they can't hurt me. I'm very powerful now."

"Bragging, my brother and I don't have much talent in cultivation..."

"But I have the magic power borrowed from Your Majesty. Sister, you don't know that I am in the sea country, directing real battle scenes, directly blasting away the mermaid's palace, which is much more tense than this."

"I don't even know how to brag. If you think I don't know that Hai Guo is a mermaid, then you attack your own palace. Isn't that a mistake?"

Angelina pouted, not bothering to show the expression of a little girl, and poked Roger on the forehead.

"Sister, the empire supports the mermaid prince, and we support him all the way until the coup is successful."

"Ah... I didn't know there was such a thing..."

"It doesn't matter. Sister, what do you want to know? I'll tell you slowly. This is your brother's career."

Roger smiled with a very patient and gentle look.

"Career, not work?"

Angelina did not ask about Haiguo anymore, but thought about these two words over and over again, as if she had gotten to know Roger again, and looked at him in ecstasy, "Do you like what you are doing now? You won't find it hard or troublesome. And just want to lie down?”

"There are definitely hard and troublesome things, but I really like it, and I will be happy because the empire and the world are getting better and better."

"It seems that my brother is also a very kind person?"

"It's not that kind, but I have never forgotten that I am just a small person. Even ordinary people can empathize."

Roger paused for a moment, seeming to be thinking about the changes in himself, and took his sister's hand.

"Although I have always believed that the saying that with great power comes great responsibility is quite blunt. But there are some things that people really need to do so that more people can sleep comfortably instead of trying their best to survive."

"So no matter how hard it is, even if you risk your life, you still have to persevere?"

"It's not persistence, but love, so I don't feel that the journey is so far away at all."

"So that's it... He is indeed my younger brother. In fact, I, my elder sister, also love my current career!"

Angelina's eyes suddenly lit up, and she felt that her brother who could say these words had become even more handsome!

He did not enter the political arena because of his own push, nor did he establish the Night Guard to revitalize the Charles family, but because of the cause he longed for in his heart.

In this way, Angelina felt less guilty, and instead felt more and more proud of Roger.

My own career and Roger's career complement each other. The two siblings are always working hard for the same end!

The distance between us has not increased because the time we spend together has become shorter. On the contrary, we have reached the same destination by different paths, and we have both found something worth pursuing...

"Sister?" Roger asked curiously, lowering his head.

"It's nothing, it's just that you didn't seal it properly and got sand in your eyes."

"Here, tissues."

"Come here and lend me your shoulder."


Angelina snuggled on Roger's shoulder, closed her eyes, and suddenly asked in a low voice: "Tell me the truth, did you arrange this attack yourself?"

"Sister, what are you talking about..."

"There are too many coincidences. Your arrangement, huh, is nothing more than that!"

"Well, it seems there is no way to hide this from my smart sister."

"Of course, you were raised by me. You would never want to try to deceive your sister, do you understand?"

Angelina scolded Roger, but she didn't mean to blame him, but she looked a bit coquettish.

Although they were deceived, if there was no such environment, the two siblings would not open up and talk about these topics, right?

So she was still grateful to her brother for growing up and smoothing the relationship between them in this way.

Instead of arguing and quarreling like ordinary families, who obviously care about each other but end up breaking up on bad terms.

Deception increases favorability, and people's hearts are really strange!

Angelina leaned against Roger and fell asleep.

She worries too much about the empire, and there is no one around her who she can completely trust.

I'm afraid there are very few times when you can completely relax like this, right?

Roger gently helped Angelina to the bed, covered her with a blanket, looked at her sweet sleeping face, and whispered:

"You are the hero who always protects those ordinary people, I am just a porter who takes advantage of others."

Roger knew very well that he could accomplish many things, thanks to the help of the system, the dividends of the times, the advantages of being a time traveler, and a lot of luck.

If she hadn't stood up, the empire would have been Angelina. Angelina used all means to maintain the living standards of ordinary people in the empire. That is the kind and wisdom that is truly admirable.

A good warrior has no glorious achievements. When people talk about the empire, they always talk about the unparalleled bravery of the Queen of Eternal Night.

But they rarely remember that it is because Angelina is in charge of logistics that the Queen of Eternal Night can gallop on the battlefield without restraint.

So, if I do more, my sister will be more relaxed, right?

Thinking in this way, he feels that what he has done is indeed meaningful.

"So, in fact, I have also been changed by this world... Do I really want to pursue it, or can't I give up the sunk cost?"

Roger laughed at himself and didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

He likes the current life and the current career.

Even if you are a small person, you can choose your own life. If you don't take longevity as the only goal...

Even if you have fought with the gods, what's wrong?



In the void, Conqueror Canyon.

Nine golden dragons pulled the majestic chariot to soar in the sky. Tai Bella lazily lay on the wide seat of the chariot, smiling as she watched countless brothers fighting under her feet.

Because the God of Hope worked hard, the Four Gods Alliance has recently achieved good results and has captured multiple planes in succession.

According to the instructions of the God of Knowledge, some have become breeding farms to supply faith, and some have been molded into void planes.

As one of the main forces in the battle, Taibella also got a lot of faith power.

The believers lost in the war and the new strongmen captured will become the petitioners and holy spirits in the Kingdom of God.

More and more brothers are fighting, and the area of ​​the Kingdom of God has also expanded by 30% under their bloody battles.

Taibella is of course happy that his career is so smooth.

"Great! The task of investigating the Qingteng Empire has suddenly been completed!"

Suddenly, the little bitch sensed that another amount of faith power had arrived in the void, and she couldn't help but reveal an extremely relieved smile.

Nalinel felt that there was something fishy about the Qingteng Empire, so she arranged a task for other gods to go to the mines. In the end, the Goddess of War and the God of the Sea jointly took over the task of investigating the Eternal Night World.

The Goddess of War didn't spend too much time on it. She arranged for Tashika to meet Nicole, believing that with their piety, there would be a good result.

As a result, they actually completed the task by themselves, satisfying Nalinel's long list!

"Well, the orcs fought a battle with Qingteng, and Qingteng supported the ocean and fought with Naga... Although they lost the war, they also got information that satisfied the vampire angel!"

Taibela saw the process of completing the task and couldn't help but smile proudly, "It seems that my believers are more capable and easily did things that Naga couldn't do!"

Taibela earned a lot of faith power for nothing, and was very satisfied with Tashika's performance.

He raised his hand and took 1% of Nalinel's reward and gave it back to her in the Great Temple of War in the Kingdom of Terra as a reward.

In the future, all professionals who prayed and received blessings in the Great Temple of War will obtain a "military weapon mastery" expertise.

Depending on the amount of contribution, the level of proficiency is not less.

This is based on divine power, directly infusing the combat experience of the brothers in the Conqueror Canyon, and the highest proficiency can reach the legendary level.

It can be said to be quite practical.

The Sea God also gave Nicole some rewards.

With the rewards coming down, the status of the two saints became more stable.

Correspondingly, after receiving the information, Nalinel once again turned her attention to the Eternal Night World.

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