To be honest, Nalinel was a little disappointed.

She originally wanted to trick some god into sending a projection or incarnation to test whether the Qingteng Empire was really solid.

After all, she originally wanted to receive the gambling benefits when she sent a projection down.

In the end, she didn't even know what happened, and the projection disappeared without a trace. Nalinel still felt very uneasy.

Although she could afford to pay that little faith power with financial means, the loss of no feedback would still bother the vampire angel, okay?

In the end, the sea god and the goddess of war took the task. Their believers were so capable that they didn't even use the two gods to do it themselves, and they completed the harsh conditions she deliberately set.

But being able to gain intelligence was still a great help to her judgment.

After all, this intelligence was jointly compiled by Nicole and Tashika, and it was all true when it was sent out.

It's just that because the empire is developing rapidly, Nalinel used it to judge the strength of the Qingteng Empire. When it really came, there would definitely be many wonderful deviations.

It was true enough that even someone as smart as Nalinel could not see any problem with the intelligence itself.

He determined that the investigation mission was completed and distributed all the rewards.

This was originally Roger's arrangement.

Nicole's new analysis of Nalinel made Roger interested in conducting a small test.

This test is of course risky, but compared to the end that this world is destined to be destroyed by the Seven Gods, the risk is completely within the acceptable range.

This is why Nalinel received detailed intelligence of the perfect level.

Although Nicole was kicked out of the Anti-Ivy Alliance, she also became an important undercover agent of the Empire in the Eternal Night World, so she could talk to Tashka again.

Because Tashka pulled her into the fan group of Lord Charles.

Before, the two believed in different gods and were good girlfriends with similar personalities. Because of their identities, there was a huge gap.

But now, everyone is Lord Charles's running dog.

As long as you like giegie, we will be good sisters for life!

The relationship was instantly brought closer to the level of intimacy.

With the end of the underwater war, the Empire also joined the war, which was just the right opportunity to complete the Empire's intelligence collection mission.

So Roger gave them the information they needed and checked all the long task lists.

The information was very huge, and Nalinel read it for a full... five seconds.

Don't doubt the information processing ability of the six-winged angel.

She is the shepherd of time, the CEO who manages the revenue of countless worlds' faith power for the God of Knowledge, and has to deal with more matters than an ordinary king in his lifetime.

Continuous training, coupled with the ability bestowed by the God of Knowledge, naturally has super information processing ability.

"It's really an interesting change..."

After reading the information of the Qingteng Empire, Nalinel showed a thoughtful look.

Corresponding to the efficient information processing ability is the computing ability. Seeing this information, she can simulate many "futures of the empire".

This is a change that has never happened in the entire multiverse, a rapid transformation spontaneously evolved by those mortals.

Under the intervention of the gods, the strong of professionals and bloodlines shrouded this world of magic, and the world has been evolving at an extremely slow speed.

The relationship between the bottom and the upper is almost constant, and the noble game is maintained unchanged.

But now, the power of the Qingteng Empire is in the hands of the Queen of Evernight, and the noble game has become centralized. The resources and technology of the entire country have begun to flow rapidly, and a new picture has appeared that Nalinel has never seen.

There is no need to become a professional. Even ordinary people without any talent only need to learn to control the magic crystal machinery to control the huge power that ordinary professionals cannot have, and change, control and even destroy the surrounding environment.

In the Qingteng Empire, this is called the new arcane, which is powered by magic crystals outside the body, and all people can be regarded as craftsmen, spellcasters, and soldiers.

It seems to be just the decentralization of power, and professionals can get more benefits in this process.

For example, it is easier to obtain magic equipment, alchemy props, and potions that assist in strength growth, and personal combat power has a greater improvement than ordinary people.

But Nalinel found through deduction that in the end, the benefits of professionals are not as good as those of ordinary people.

Because the order of magnitude is completely different.

Talent is a bloodline mutation that cannot be stably inherited. Even the children of two strong men may not necessarily have the talent to become strong.

Therefore, the number of powerful professionals in the universe is definitely increasing as time accumulates, but because of the consumption of battles, adventures, etc., the overall number has not fluctuated too much.

However, the magic crystal machinery that the Qingteng Empire is producing is a stable, mass-produced means that can be copied as long as there are resources, allowing ordinary people to have the destructive power of professionals.

The new arcane that has just emerged has not yet reached the height of magic civilization.

But as time goes on, this technology may change the existing pattern of this universe.

To a certain extent, this will become a more meaningful change than killing gods ten thousand times.

Even if all the existing gods are killed, it is just a reshuffle. Soon there will be new strong men who will ignite the divine fire and go back to the old path.

Just like what the seven gods have done before, they have killed many more gods than mortals.

But the new arcane will change the multiverse. The mortals who were once like ants now have the possibility of sitting at the gambling table.

Nalinel seemed to see a magnificent picture, a spark of fire became a prairie fire, gradually sweeping the entire universe and bringing new changes to this universe.

But she could also see the possibility of the fire being extinguished.

Even though mortals hold the possibility of the future, the Seven Gods are already carrying out the plane cleansing, with too strong a first-mover advantage.

As long as Nalinel reports her deduction to the God of Knowledge, the fire will be easily extinguished.

The Seven Gods camp is determined to wipe out the Qingteng Empire. No matter where they escape to in the universe, they will be hunted down to death.

No, there is no need to hunt them down to death. It only needs that the fire does not have enough fuel - ordinary people cannot burn the Seven Gods.

"Xiao Ao, you really know how to surprise me, but this surprise comes too late... There is not much I can do for you."

Nalinel sighed helplessly.

She extracted the information she had obtained and the memory of related deductions, and then pushed them to Universe No. 25.

In this way, she would forget this information, and would be at a loss even if the God of Knowledge asked about it.

And this could ignite the flame of hope, which would bring immeasurable changes to Universe No. 25.

As Nicole said, Nalinel was not a pure believer.

During the long process of grazing, she had too much contact with mortals, understood their joys and sorrows, felt their emotions, and sympathized with their experiences...

In other words, Nalinel had fallen and no longer regarded executing God's orders as her only and noble pursuit.

But as the most perfect and beloved creation of the God of Knowledge, she had no possibility of getting rid of the God of Knowledge.

As long as she took that step, the God of Knowledge would sense it and then completely destroy her.

All her small actions now were secretly completed with the excuse of "having stronger strength to assist my Lord".

As long as it harmed the interests of other gods, rather than the interests of the God of Knowledge itself, it was tacitly permitted.

Nalinel likes this universe. She has no pursuit for the scenery outside the universe or the so-called "truth".

She feels that the joys, sorrows, anger and happiness of those mortals are real enough. As long as they agree that this is a crazy delusion and virtual world of some existence, so what?

Just experience the joys and sorrows, have your own life, and create your own value. Why live so hard?

So sometimes, she envied the God of Hope's recklessness.

She would pit him to the point of demolishing the Kingdom of God. It may be a deliberate revenge out of jealousy.

At this moment, she also had some guesses about the projection she lost in the Qingteng Empire, but she didn't think about it.

If that projection still exists and has Xia Di's body, it will have more possibilities than her, right?

If possible, I hope she can taste the taste of freedom instead of me...

The time shepherd who holds the power of birth and death of countless planes in the void ended his fluctuating thoughts.

A huge ball of light lit up in her palm. This is the power closest to the origin in the world:

The power of faith is continuously generated by countless worlds.

The harvest of her herding, the piety she wants to offer to the God of Knowledge.

She should not have her own wishes, should not have her own emotions, just need to complete the mission set at the beginning.

Angels, messengers of the gods, have always been just tools, and should not have the "human" side.

But she has, and it is out of control.

This is destined to be the source of irreconcilable tragedy.

Fearless Space, an independent space established by individual users, is called "Qinggong Education".

It looks like an online school and educational institution, and the density of students entering and leaving is like a subway station in later generations.

Since its establishment in the fourth year of the Eternal Night Calendar, after nearly five years of development, Qinggong Education has become the largest qualification examination training institution in the empire.

Counseling various adults to pass professional qualification certificates, skill qualification certificates, research and development qualification certificates, etc.

And the most popular and successful counseling topic of Qinggong, the imperial civil service examination.

Since the imperial officialdom is open to civilians, all those who want to be officials, regardless of their background, need to undergo a unified administrative test, and be selected to obtain interview qualifications.

"Imperial Civil Service Examination" has become the second largest way for ordinary people in the empire to change their fate.

The first largest way is of course to learn magic.

Even though spellcasters are now superior to others, they still have unlimited possibilities and are the backbone of the empire's technological progress.

Although the soul-like bracelets have been upgraded from generation to generation, they can also provide combat power equivalent to that of magicians in the past with magic crystal machinery.

But now magicians, as the most important R\u0026D talents in the empire, have completely different ability requirements from the past.

In the past, magicians pursued powerful magic power and tried to cast spells with huge direct destructive power. Now the core pursuit of magicians is control accuracy.

It's a bit like what Roger said to the Queen of Eternal Night, weakening a magic by 10,000 times.

But it is more complicated and more precise than that, which has fundamentally changed the professional positioning of magicians:

Magic power is no longer a means of directly casting spells, but a medium for magicians to transform the world.

Rough work such as opening mountains and filling the sea can be done by magic crystal machinery.

As for fighting? If the wizard takes action, what are the warriors, thieves, and archers for? Are they eating rice for nothing?

The values ​​of Red Dragon Lady Che Guevara were exported to all magicians through "Arcane Chat" and were widely accepted.

Today's wizards are scientific research talents, engineers, designers, and scholars...

They are the new aristocracy who rely on their own knowledge and thinking to receive the most awards from the Queen!

The main factor is that detection and analysis magic have made rapid progress in recent years.

This type of magic crystal machinery is expensive, and the higher the precision, the higher the cost, and it is also necessary to add various intelligent recording and analysis crystals...

But the actual effect is not as good as the feedback from a magic apprentice.

Under the premise of the vigorous development of the new arcane, the most important task of the magician is the super-intelligent and super-precise detection machine during research and development.

Only a few magic-level spells are needed to measure various material science data such as temperature, humidity, hardness, and sensitivity.

This is convenient for production, research, and analysis.

Even the weapon of exploring the microscopic world, "Magic Microscopy", is only a third-level magic, which can be mastered by a fifth-level magician.

In terms of strength, this is only the first level, which belongs to the level that can be achieved by magic talent now.

But when developing, you can directly perceive the microscopic world, as well as the parameters of materials, etc., and the advantage is even greater.

Not to mention the legendary magician, who constructed a "micro-magic accelerator" and deeply explored the essence of the world...

These are things that ordinary people cannot do easily and can only be done with the help of complex instruments.

Therefore, native magic talent has become a major threshold in the field of research and development.

Unless you are a genius with super mathematical ability or thinking ability, ordinary talents may be able to compete with those magic masters in the frontier field.

If you can't be a magician, you can do combat duties with good health. In addition, the best way out is to serve as a civil servant of the empire.

The empire has a vast territory, and the administrative management system is still being established step by step. Many new positions are created every year, and talents are urgently needed.

Stable work, high social status, great room for advancement, and you can personally participate in the construction of the empire, etc.

Civil servants have quickly become one of the most popular professions in the marriage market.

It's just that the administrative assessment was previously monopolized by the aristocracy because they had better educational advantages and the "scoped" preferential treatment guaranteed by the Glory Oath.

But in the past few years, the cheap education cost in the Fearless Space has enabled ordinary people to catch up quickly and become eligible to take the exam.

Institutions such as Qinggong Education have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and even hired young officials who have really passed the administrative test as part-time lecturers with super high salaries.

The improvement of the level of candidates has naturally brought about a change in the passing line of the written test and interview every year.

It can be said that the empire's administrative test has been rolled up.

The Queen of Eternal Night has proposed to suppress such educational institutions, but was stopped by the cabinet.

Because everyone rolls up, it is easier to emerge hardworking talents.

Now the empire's development momentum is extremely rapid, and the civil service team does not need geniuses, but only hardworking screws.

The harder the education rolls, the smart, obedient and self-conscious candidates who stand out in the end.

A cram school lesson on Imperial Current Affairs has just ended.

"Hey, let's go to the Star Bar for a drink? I'm curious about the winner of this year's Queen's Award!"

"Another awards ceremony? We have to go!"

Tom and Jerry, two young men who are preparing for the 9th year of the Eternal Night Calendar Administrative Test, left Qinggong Education and teleported to a futuristic sci-fi style bar.

ps. More updates are coming (6/18)

The last day of the plan to add more updates due to typos, go for it everyone!

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