Qingteng Empire, the city of mysteries.

The Queen of Eternal Night did not return to the palace, but came to the Chapter of Imbalance, ready to negotiate the order for fleet expansion with Frankenstein.

Thinking that what was waiting for him was a real battle of killing gods, a battlefield that could really make the imperial people fight happily, Xiao Ao was very excited, so excited that he couldn't sleep.

But when he came to the Chapter of Imbalance, he got a clear rejection from Frankenstein: "The order is full, and all our shipyards will produce the fleet supporting the Eternal Night within two years."

"What about our expanded production capacity this year?"

"National major infrastructure, communications, energy, and transportation departments will seize the expanded production capacity. Your Majesty, I really can't do anything."


"Oh, by the way, should your Majesty ask Lydia?"

Frankenstein was really helpless. If she didn't really have no spare energy, could she push your Majesty to her old rival?

The Queen of Eternal Night also understood, and after hearing what Fran said, she also understood that she was really powerless.

Since being suppressed last time, Frankenstein dared not to do anything small.

Moreover, as the various industries within the empire became regular, the economic vitality brought by the Qingteng Coin increased, and the computing resources and information industries progressed, a new material coordination committee was established, led by the right prime minister Angelina and supported by all members of the cabinet.

This committee directly mobilized and allocated the empire's materials and manpower dynamically, and it was impossible for Frankenstein to copy the past operations.

Although Angelina did not have Frankenstein's management ability for research projects, and did not need to deeply understand the principles of alchemy, she only needed to estimate the time and resource consumption of her past development projects, and she could relatively accurately predict the project progress of the imbalance chapter.

This is the power of big data.

So Frankenstein was also helpless. With such a new coordination committee, she saved a lot of time in writing resource applications, allowing her to output with confidence, but also limited her freedom to a very low level, feeling like a robot in the entire system.

The coordination committee actually did not have much power. They could not directly command the work arrangements and production of any department, but they disclosed intelligence for discussion and deliberation, and had the right to let the Dark Night Guard conduct in-depth investigations.

Once you enter this link, even if you are not caught, it will be very troublesome. In addition, their suggestions are very referenceable, and they become more and more referenceable over time, so everyone is willing to follow the digital reference provided by the Unification Committee.

The big data module and fuzzy computing model used by the Unification Committee have now been introduced by the military to deduce and predict many strategies and battles of the empire at the macro level.

In conjunction with the prophecy spell, the empire is a macro free market on the surface, but it has moved towards a planned economy internally.

Especially for super projects at the national level, those that require the allocation of resources from the whole society, or those designed to meet the basic needs of people's livelihood, all refuse capital intervention and are controlled by the state to maintain the stability of the entire society.

The benefit of such adjustments is that the production costs of all aspects are rapidly reduced, resources are used more accurately, and the problem of widening the gap between the rich and the poor that should have arisen with economic development has been very effectively controlled.

Because of the efficiency and accuracy of domestic allocation of materials, the possibility of waste, hoarding, and profiting from the difference is avoided. At least in terms of domestic trade, it is impossible for someone to rely on monopolizing a certain thing and then lying down to make money.

If the Coordination Committee finds that the progress rate of a certain field is slowing down, it will suggest setting up corresponding low-interest loans to attract relevant experts to start businesses, ensure that everyone starts running, and there are enough people behind to catch up.

Even if the Chapter of Imbalance has a huge first-mover advantage, the pursuers behind are now becoming more and more powerful.

The Coordination Committee will take the initiative to create competitors for Frankenstein with various favorable policies, playing the tactic of ants biting elephants to death, which has brought considerable pressure to the Chapter of Imbalance.

If there is no industry leading position, the funds they allocate will also be reduced in the future. Alchemists who are used to a good life will definitely not want to return to the tight days in the past...

Well, they did not lack funds in the past, but now life is too comfortable. Everyone can sail freely on the ocean of imagination, and they really don’t want to say goodbye to this feeling.

The Queen of Eternal Night came out of the Chapter of Imbalance and had no choice but to go to the Life Ritual.

When the design of the Eternal Night was tendered, Lydia also bid, but because the appearance was too san, she was rejected.

But now the production plan for the expansion fleet is stuck, and he has no better choice but to come here.

"You really came to my place?" Lydia's attitude towards the Queen of Eternal Night was much more enthusiastic. "We do have the materials to build the prototype here."

"Did you know that I was coming?"

"Uh... Your Majesty, you heard it wrong."

"Tell me, who gave you a heads-up?"

"It was the commander-in-chief. She said you would come to me to ask about the new fleet core. I have to be prepared."

Lydia saw that the situation was not good, and immediately chose to betray her teammates.

"Hmph, you are honest. I will settle accounts with him when I come back." The Queen of Eternal Night narrowed her eyes, feeling that her whereabouts were completely designed by Roger.

Roger is a member of the Unification Committee. Maybe Frankenstein must have been sure that the production capacity there was tight, and there were traces of Roger secretly doing bad things, forcing himself to invest resources in Lydia.

Delia didn't want to participate in the intrigue between the two of them, and directly began to introduce the Titan-class floating fortress she designed here, the God's Sin.

As the name suggests, the core of building this fortress is a divine evil. Combined with His Highness Doyle who has evolved to a considerable degree, the transformation can be completed within half a year.

Then the warships can continue to evolve, and they can also produce supporting warships by themselves. The skilled production design team can participate in the assembly of new fortresses...

The cross-dimensional expeditionary force that the empire has now verified must have a strategic-level floating fortress at the core, and be equipped with warships of various levels for escort according to needs, so that they can have a fighting force when encountering various complex situations.

Their enemies are not only the forces of the other planes, but also the camp of the Seven Gods. Once the kingdom of God is opened, there are not enough fleets to transport troops. Relying on the fortress to build a defense line, a limited number of strong people are used for transmission, which is basically a waste.

Now that the production of the Eternal Night has been completed, the Chapter of Imbalance is not only assembling the next floating fortress of the same level, but other teams are fully producing the escort fleet serving the Eternal Night.

And Roger and the Queen of the Eternal Night agreed that the premise for going to war with the goddess of war is that the empire needs to build two more fleets of the same level.

Their strategy is to attract Taibella's attention to the Eternal Night World, and at the same time distract her attention, and find that the plane she controls is also under attack.

At that time, the Seven Gods Camp still has planes that must be attacked. At that time, Taibella will fight on multiple fronts and disperse her forces, so that the Queen of Eternal Night can sneak attack directly into her kingdom of God.

Just to maintain the offensive pressure, the core combat power of the fleet harassing Taibella behind can be one level lower than that of the Eternal Night, but it cannot be without a strategic core, otherwise it will not cause Taibella's tension.

The design that Lydia came up with here can fully meet the relevant needs. The most important thing is that within the empire, she is the only one who can complete the relevant manufacturing tasks before the battle begins.

"As long as the materials can keep up, although the strength of the God's Sin is slightly inferior to that of the Eternal Night, the cost and manufacturing time are definitely incomparable to that of the magic crystal machinery."

Lydia vowed that in terms of speed, her magic-modified creatures have always been as good as others.

The Queen of Eternal Night said in a tangled tone: "Everything else is fine, but can your fortress be more beautiful and domineering? If not, you can go to the Chapter of Imbalance to dig up some talent."

"Isn't this kind of pure natural beauty good?"

Lydia protested loudly, and she was very dissatisfied with this responsibility.

The organs and tissues needed are directly spliced, without any useless decorations, absolute pragmatism, this simple beauty, why does no one appreciate it?

But this rough design style of "because there is no need to consider aerodynamics, it doesn't matter if the internal organs are directly exposed to the air" is really more uncomfortable than the garbage splicing of the orcs.

This is a fortress several kilometers long, composed entirely of biological tissues, and soldiers are stationed in it.

After sailing for a long time, without others attacking, the elite of the family will become crazy.

The Queen of Eternal Night used a forced order to finally make Lydia accept that if she wanted to make the God's Sin, she must carry out relevant aesthetic design.

Your fortress can be a little gloomy, but it cannot directly lead to the underworld.

So the manufacturing plan was directly determined, and the evil gods were ready--

Thanks to the Seven Gods for opening the road to becoming gods, as long as someone is not developing well, they should not lack materials for building warships in the future.

She suddenly understood why Roger knew that she would definitely come to Lydia. It turned out that these strategies were all calculated...

"That kid has been very attentive for the empire."

The Queen of Eternal Night sighed softly.

The display was too long, and everyone in the empire had an indescribable sense of urgency. They were busy with their own careers like racing against time. Even the best friends in the past were busy with their own careers.

The feelings would not fade, but the oppression brought by the gods was too strong. Everyone always had endless preparations to make up for the gap in strength between the two sides.

The only thing to look forward to is that they are gradually gaining the upper hand now. With the advancement of technology, more and more allies are cultivated, and the Seven Gods are also under the pressure brought by the formal mortals.

I hope that after this long night, everyone in the empire can be more relaxed!

After returning to the palace, the Queen of Eternal Night thought for a while and found that in terms of production and internal affairs, she could only be an atmosphere group at most. Now that everyone is becoming more and more professional, she really can't help.

What she can do is to intervene in the front-line battlefield against the Seven Gods again through the Son of the System to help everyone get more materials back.



The Elf Empire, Yas Leaf, the mansion where Roger is stationed.

Not long after he was teleported here, the Elf Queen came to visit.

Yes, her daughter was calculated once. When the Elf Queen heard that Roger dared to come back, she couldn't help but want to settle the account.

This time, she was no longer willing, and finally prepared to expel theocracy in the Elf Empire according to the content of Windsor's proposal.

At the Archon Meeting, the Elf Queen changed her will and supported Windsor's proposal, which also meant that the previous queen would gradually give up power and prepare to let Windsor inherit the throne.

Although Windsor is more than 95% of the next queen, the current queen has no intention of giving up power before. It will take hundreds of years for her to ascend the throne.

The advance now is a very important signal for the Elf Empire, and many fence-sitters have begun to take sides.

Another very important point is that the expulsion of the Church of Nature will bring about a huge power vacuum. This distribution right will be in the hands of Windsor, which will bring her considerable political bargaining chips and establish her own direct lineage.

In the final analysis, the Elf Queen's concession this time was not proactive, but was calculated by Windsor's sudden attack.

Gladys not only considered the interests of the elves, but also for the image of her daughter.

It is very unfavorable for Windsor to succeed to the throne to put the conflict between mother and daughter in the open.

At the last moment, she was awakened to her identity as a mother, and did not let herself, who would retire sooner or later, become a stumbling block to Windsor's control of the empire.

And she was willing to attract hatred herself, complete the great task of expelling the Church of Nature, and hand over a purer Elf Empire to her daughter.

After the Archon Meeting, the mother and daughter had a secret meeting. The Elf Queen, who was forced to make a choice, was very angry, but facing her daughter who softened her attitude, she could not vent her anger, and only felt aggrieved.

So when she heard that Roger dared to return to Yas Leaf, she came to the door immediately, ready to ask what the Duke of the Empire meant and why he wanted to cause trouble for her family!

"Your Majesty, I am really surprised by your late night visit." Roger let the Elf Queen into the reception room, his attitude was very natural, and his expression did not show any surprise.

"Lord Charles is very smart, and all the elves are played in your hands. How can you be surprised?"

"Of course there are, for example, the deep mother-daughter relationship between your Majesty and the princess moved me very much..."


The Elf Queen slammed the table and stood up, glaring at Roger.

This guy, jumped in the face and attacked, right?

Relying on the support of the Qingteng Empire behind him, he has completely given no face to his queen?

Roger said calmly: "Is there anything wrong with what I said? For the sake of his daughter's physical and mental health, His Majesty took the initiative to give in at the Archon's Council and took the risk of offending the Church of Nature. This is indeed a touching motherly love. And Princess Windsor has been working hard according to His Majesty's teachings, growing stronger, and now has a real transformation. This is a very beautiful ending, isn't it?"

Elf Queen: "Don't beautify your behavior of destroying our mother-daughter relationship!"

"No, I think my timely intervention is a better ending for you and your daughter."

Roger took out an information crystal, which stored some of his conversations with Windsor.

Elf Queen only glanced at the beginning and was horrified: "That girl, does she really think so?"

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