In the game "Eternal Night", Princess Windsor's side quest is actually a tragedy.

Five years later, when the main story of the game begins, Princess Windsor has already developed an unbearable resistance to her mother's control.

But in that world, there is no Roger, and no one can help Windsor get out of her mother's control.

The social status of the game players is not enough, and they can't participate in the replacement of the elven dynasty at all. They just watch a beautiful princess who is often sad.

In the game, the Qingteng Empire will launch a direct war against the elves, and because the God of Nature takes action to end the invincible journey of the Queen of Eternal Night, the strategy of relying on war to prolong the life of the empire has twists and turns, and the empire has since entered the process of collapse.

For well-known reasons, the seven gods in this world will not work voluntarily, and every time they take action, it is profitable.

The God of Nature descends to the world of Eternal Night, and it must require a sacrifice. In the game plot, this sacrifice is Princess Windsor herself.

If the spirit wants to play the God's Descent, it will cause a lot of noise. The Empire will definitely find a way to stop this God's Descent. That was the first time that players faced the Empire's front and fought wits and courage with Margaret to ensure the progress of the God's Descent.

However, because the players were not at a high level at that time, the originally scheduled sacrifice was destroyed by the Empire. The CG in the cutscene was Windsor sacrificing herself to attract the incarnation of the God of Nature.

This is because of her sense of responsibility for her country, and because every action and every performance of hers is under the control of her mother. She has long lost the joy of life, and no one can lead her out, so she has a tendency to self-destruct in her heart.

The doctrine of the God of Nature does not allow suicide, but if Princess Windsor chooses to sacrifice herself to protect the people when the Qingteng Empire invades, this is not suicide, but a good story for the country and the people.

A beautiful female character attracts the righteous God's Descent in order to resist the brutal Empire. This is also an important scene in the early plot of the game to shape the image of the Empire.

But those who dig deep into every detail will slowly find that the princess' sacrifice is not only for faith and racial justice, but also for serious psychological problems. The relationship between her and the Elf Queen is not as harmonious as the surface propaganda.

It is precisely because of this secret that Roger uses Princess Windsor as a breakthrough to intervene in the internal affairs of the Elf Empire.

At this time, although Windsor was also uncomfortable because of her mother's control, she had just awakened her self-awareness and had not reached the level of self-destruction.

But when she talked to Roger, she was happy and relaxed, and many of the emotions revealed in her conversation were already quite negative.

There is a saying that you may not tell the truth after drinking, because it may be a routine of pretending to be drunk, but what you say unintentionally is the most reflective of your true state of mind.

So the Elf Queen was immediately upset when she heard it.

The story of Windsor, simple and lustful players will be depressed for a long time if they know the truth, let alone her biological mother.

But before this, she had heard the eldest prince persuade her to discipline her daughter too strictly, but she always thought that this was all-round protection, and she never thought that this protection would have such a huge impact on Windsor.

"The closer you are, the more careful you should be when you get along with each other, instead of venting your emotions wantonly and making up for your regrets." Roger said to the dazed Elf Queen.

She frowned. Although there was Windsor's painful confession, Roger's previous layout could be said to be an emergency surgery to save their mother-daughter relationship and pull Windsor out of the shadow of adolescence, but he was the culprit who caused the Elf Queen's passive situation at the moment!

"I will take good care of my daughter, and I don't need you, a single dog, to point fingers!" The Elf Queen said domineeringly that she didn't need your help!

Roger's face froze. His Majesty was also a topic terminator. He was talking about something else, right?

He was just depressed because he failed to trick another queen, but he was specifically disliked because he didn't have a child.

Seeing Roger depressed there, the Elf Queen finally vented a little and quietly put away the information crystal.

Although she knew that Windsor would have negative problems if he was over-disciplined, she was not a parenting expert after all, and she was not sure whether there would be hidden dangers in the future.

She planned to use this recording, in the name of "my friend has a daughter", to ask experts in this field and consult on Windsor's situation.

Elf Queen Gladys sorted out her mood. Since it was no longer possible to settle accounts with Roger, she ended this foreshadowing and started to talk about business:

"The commander has never made useless arrangements. You have come to the Leaf of Yas and spent a lot of effort to make arrangements. What exactly is your purpose? If there is a need, I will fully cooperate with you."

After this incident, the Elf Queen also accepted her fate and confirmed that Luo Gong's control over his "allies" was quite terrible.

Compared with being calculated by him, it is better to cooperate directly. As for the face problem of the ancient and elegant immortal species?

The Eternal Night hangs over her head every day. She can come and go as she pleases. She is freer here than that XX. Who dares to care about the so-called face at this time?

You have to live first to have face!

What's more, the Elf Queen is also a woman. She can clearly feel that Windsor's attitude towards Roger is not simple.

Any woman would not have a plain friend's perspective towards the man who saved her from what she thought was hell, but...

Alas, so if she can separate Windsor and Roger from contact, the Elf Queen is willing to sell out the interests of the elves.

As long as it's not too harsh, she will choose her daughter!

After the consul meeting, the Elf Queen was a little frightened by Roger's methods, and was determined to feed the tiger with her own body if necessary.

Let me clarify here, Roger is not as dirty as Her Majesty the Queen thinks. He has never lacked confidantes around him. The arrangement of Windsor's affairs is firstly for the imperial strategy, and secondly, it coincides with the meeting. There is absolutely no such thing as being interested in other people's daughters. Misunderstand.

Yes, it must be clarified here, that is not a misunderstanding.

Although it is not a misunderstanding, someone's ultimate goal is to increase their favorability with His Highness Windsor, but this matter should not be rushed.

Even if Windsor offended her mother severely during her rebellious period, it would not be conducive to the long-term development of the relationship between the two, because the perfect princess is still a well-behaved child at heart.

Otherwise she wouldn't be able to play such a role for hundreds of years.

Only when the feeling of being a puppet reaches a certain level will she develop a rebellious heart. When the Elf Queen adopts a gentle approach, the relationship between Windsor and her mother will slowly improve again.

Yes, it is such a dynamically balanced and entangled relationship.

Therefore, in an intimate relationship, if you just cheat for a while and then run away, you can use the other person's parents to stimulate you. But if you stay together for a long time, you still need to turn this power into promotion, otherwise it will be very difficult to control this variable.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Elf Queen, Roger was very wise and agreed without hesitation:

"Since His Majesty has this intention, I don't need to think about ways to break the situation with His Majesty Windsor. Let's work out a strategy to deal with the dark elves' revenge battle!"

"Those underground garbage?" The Elf Queen's expression suddenly changed slightly.

Although she said she was disdainful, she still valued those underground masters in her heart and knew how good they were at fighting.

What's even more frightening is that the surface world has been reduced to a pot of porridge. The accumulation and power consumption of the Elf Empire has been serious, but the races in the Underdark must complete a certain degree of unification before they can rush back to the surface...

"It is them, and with the support of the Dark Goddess, now the most powerful matron of the Dark Elves, Yavinsari, has become the God of Vengeance."

"How does the Qingteng side view this war?"

"The underground race is insidious and cunning and the public enemy of all intelligent life on the surface!"

Roger replied righteously.

But the Elf Queen knew that this was just diplomatic rhetoric. The Ivy Empire was looking for an excuse to intervene in the war between the surface elves and the dark elves.

But to be honest, it was precisely because of the Ivy Empire's participation in the war that the Elf Queen felt the pressure on her head suddenly loosen.

Luo Gong penetrated it well!

Now that the sky is falling, there must be someone tall to hold it up, otherwise she is really worried that the Elf Empire will be crushed to pieces by a wave of dark elves in its current state...

Because the Elf Queen's guardian daughter was eager to leave Roger quickly, the Ivy Empire gained considerable dominance in the ensuing war.

As long as he made sure that Roger didn't want to sacrifice the surface elves as bait to fight with the dark elves, the Elf Queen basically had no intention of playing a different tune.

After all, from her perspective, the support provided by the Ivy Empire is very sincere. The weapons and equipment, supplies of food and grass, some basic technologies, and the combat experience they accumulated in the undersea battlefield will definitely greatly improve the actual combat effectiveness of the Elf Empire. .

...But in fact, this is just because after the showdown of the Ivy Empire, the undersea battlefield was temporarily suspended, and the unsold backlog of arms needed a buyer to clear the inventory, and then the Elf Empire took advantage of it.

The Elf Empire is indeed short of cash now, but the Empire can provide loans!

Directly bind it with the future taxes of the elves, and then start to help the development and construction of the elf empire, ensuring that the productivity of the ingenious elves will increase!

In terms of weaving, forging, and magical talents, elves do have talents that surpass those of most human races.

This is a pretty excellent race. If the growth and development cycle were not too long and there were various pretentious problems that caused the fertility rate to not increase, they would be qualified to compete for world hegemony.

In fact, there are many worlds where elves were the absolute protagonists in the early and middle stages of magical civilization, and many extremely aggressive elven civilizations were born.

But the surface elves in the Eternal Night World are already half disabled. Their fighting will is not high, and they prefer to engage in such things as production and art that have nothing to do with fighting.

In the eyes of Queen Yongye, a long life is like living on a dog.

But you are not a dog, how can you know the joy of a dog?

In terms of average quality of life, serious pure-blood elves have the best living standards on the continent before. They receive relatively high levels of care and education, and their resistance to the illusion of bliss is relatively high.

But there is still the issue of fecundity. Pure-blood elves actually account for only 20% of the current elf empire. The main population is supported by half-elves, vassal races, slaves, etc., and they are also the main force supporting the operation of society.

A true pure-blooded elf is either enjoying himself or holding a management position.

It's just that the elves' bloodline is strong enough, they have possessed military force, and they have tens of thousands of years of cultural propaganda. Those races are eager to join the elf empire. Therefore, without the problems of small tribes and large countries, the rule of the Moonwalker family has always been quite stable.

When fighting orcs, there should not be too many pure-blooded elves on the battlefield to avoid attrition.

But now that the dark elves are coming, the Elf Empire is facing a battle to defend its territory, and it is necessary for the pure-blooded elves to go to the battlefield.

The empire also unlocked a strategic-level technology to the elves: the virtual magic god.

This was the plan Roger first proposed. The original idea was to train soldiers by playing games, and to turn civilians without talent into magic turrets.

However, the development process was bumpy, and practice also proved that the magic talent supplemented by the background was far less sensitive than the original one, and the sensitivity of the magic control effect would also be greatly reduced.

There is also the energy problem of the virtual magic god. If the magic crystal energy is used directly, the magic crystal machinery seems to be more useful and more efficient than the virtual magic god plan...

This is why the development priority of this plan has been continuously lowered. It was only because of the face of the commander that it was maintained.

Until Xia Di completed the conversion of divine energy and found the way to use and charge divine power, the empire pointed out the technology equivalent to controlled nuclear fusion, and came to the era of nearly unlimited energy, the virtual magic god project suddenly became popular again.

Moreover, Xia Di verified that the conversion of divine energy is not only electrical energy, but also more efficient when it is directly converted into magic power.

Even consciously using the divine energy directly, wouldn’t the loss be lower?

Gods are the top existences in this world. Their power has been cracked, but it is only used to boil water and generate electricity. That is just a low-level stage of resource utilization.

At this low level, it can play a role that surpasses previous technologies. This can actually explain the wandering of divine power.

The virtual magic god project, which directly uses the incarnation of gods for energy, seems to confirm the word "god" in the name.

However, the planning of the entire technology is different from Roger's original idea.

His initial idea was to create a professional system with only a limited number of skills like MOBA games, and then let civilians and soldiers without training talents master it and use it directly, so as to play the role of professionals on the battlefield.

Later, after practice, the magicians of the empire found that with the improvement of productivity, the cost of training dropped significantly, and the number of professionals increased rapidly.

Not everyone has magic talent, but if you can break your physical strength and have a combat level of one or two, even if you can't prolong your life, you can be more energetic and more energetic at 996, right?

So Roger's original idea was a bit of a waste of resources. Forcibly designing a set of skills may not match the user's own abilities, or the two may not complement each other. In short, it is not flexible enough...

So the smart imperial wizards absorbed various combat routines in the fearless space and created a new system specifically for the virtual magic god:

Ability card system.

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