Eternal Night World, Qingteng Empire.

After releasing the players of this world to ravage the front line of the coalition of gods, the pressure on the shoulders of the Queen of Eternal Night suddenly decreased a lot.

With the Fourth Calamity sharing the pressure of the front line, the utilization rate of the points of the Sons of the System suddenly increased a lot, and [Players] became the most cost-effective exchange item, nothing else.

Originally, the story of the Sons of the System was about revenge and leadership, but after the Fourth Calamity intervened in the battle, it quickly evolved into a planning flow.

Whether it is its own growth or training of indigenous troops, it is better to attract more players and let them mess around.

After the Queen of Eternal Night was able to withdraw, Margaret also cooperated with Tasika to get the intelligence of several planes with the highest control rate of Taibella.

According to their layout, the attack of the Seven Gods camp became more intense, and the Elf Empire and the Dark Elves fought a tug-of-war. At this time, the Queen of Eternal Night can personally control and lead the Empire's First Fleet to carry out her long-awaited expedition against the forces of the Church of the God of War in those planes.

Finally, it's time to fight again!

After so long of logistics construction, and being a nanny for those little guys, isn't this what we are waiting for?

Xiao Ao was very excited, and his administrative ability was off the charts, and he quickly prepared for the expedition.

With the Eternal Night as the core, the First Fleet, which was fully mixed with the main battle aircraft carrier, reconnaissance fleet, long-range strike warship, close combat small ships, etc., welcomed the inspection of the Queen of the Eternal Night outside the Chapter of Imbalance.

"Your Majesty, this fleet is ready and waiting for your order."

The captain of this fleet was Rommel, who shone in the desert war.

During the preparation stage of the First Fleet, the military generals secretly competed with each other to become the supreme commander of this fleet.

Everyone with a discerning eye knew that there was no enemy in the Eternal Night World that could become the opponent of the Empire. Their goal has always been the distant plane. Land warfare and cavalry may still play a role, but that must be the role after logging into the alien plane.

Finally, Rommel made preparations one step ahead because of his good personal relationship with Roger. In addition, he seemed to have a high affinity with the heavily armored mechanical troops, so he stood out among the arrogant soldiers.

I don't know if I was jealous, secretly complaining that Rommel got the position through the backdoor, and he had to start from Roger at least half a year earlier than others.

But such discussions will not change the result. Rommel performed the best in the virtual battlefield, and his performance was enough to convince everyone.

As for the process, who made you hold the wrong thigh?

In the void of the star realm, around the ten-kilometer-long Eternal Night, from the frigates of dozens of meters to the battleships of more than a thousand meters, they passed in front of the Queen of Eternal Night in turn, which could be called a steel torrent from another world.

"Good, good! With such a mighty army, Taibella will be caught by me sooner or later and used as a pig!"

The Queen of Eternal Night laughed happily, teleported to the control center of the Eternal Night, changed into a uniform that a certain duke said was necessary for driving a warship, and put on a navy hat. The style of the Queen of the Empire suddenly became sci-fi.

Before this, the Qingteng Empire did not have a navy. The countries in this world do not care about the hegemony of sea power, so the first fleet prepared for the expedition to the other plane at this moment, from the combat form, duration to clothing, are all very new things for everyone.

It is also the first time that the emperor has personally led the expedition after the deepening reform of the empire. Unfortunately, the number of generals who can participate is limited. Those generals and soldiers who practice day and night in the fearless space are full of regrets.

"Don't worry, soldiers, the empire still has two fleets under construction. As long as the reorganization is completed, there will be no fewer opportunities for fighting." Angelina comforted these generals on behalf of His Majesty.

Margaret pouted. She said that she was a step slower and her lines were taken away.

Everyone actually understands that as long as it is carried out, it will not stop. With the gods as the target, there is no battle that can be accomplished overnight. It is necessary to disintegrate their believers first before there is a possibility of truly killing into the kingdom of God.

It's just that the title of the first fleet is something that people who are competitive and competitive have obsessions, and it is a bit uncomfortable if they don't get it.

The empire is now politically clear and well-stocked. Angelina has arranged sufficient military supplies, and there is no need for any expedition ceremony. The Empire's First Fleet, led by the Queen of Eternal Night, opened the space gate to the target plane and started the jump voyage.

This time, mortals finally stood in a position close to the gods. They no longer just resisted the invasion of their country by those strong men, but led a powerful army out of the plane to liberate the people of the other world who were oppressed by the gods.

Maybe they don't think it's oppression, it's just because they have never seen a good life. The Qingteng Empire will open the blockade of the church and let those people see a wider and better world.

During the jump, the Queen of Eternal Night was overwhelmed, and suddenly saw some broken and distorted pictures.

She was slightly startled. It was a girl who looked very similar to herself, but with a completely different temperament, who conveyed some information to her.

"I'm really sorry, I can only leave all the burdens to you."

Before the Queen of Eternal Night digested the information, the picture was completely broken.

In her hand, there was a translucent, blue Rubik's Cube, which seemed to contain countless worlds, tiny but real.

But they were all fixed at a certain moment, accompanied by a terrifying amount of faith power.

At the same moment, the jump ended, and the strange wasteland of another world unfolded before her eyes.

The Queen of Eternal Night stared at the Rubik's Cube in her hand, savoring the information transmitted to her mind. She vaguely knew that the scene just now was inseparable from the red-haired angel who was paying attention to the Eternal Night World.

But perhaps, she would never see that person again.

She couldn't even remember when she had an intersection with that guy when she traveled through the planes in the past.

"I'm glad that the Empire is not so alone. I will also carry your expectations and keep going."

She didn't dwell on this incomprehensible thing for too long. She ordered the fleet to deploy the formation heroically. Knowing that the strength of the War God Church in this world is limited, she would just fight a blitzkrieg with absolute strength.

The power of faith contained in that blue Rubik's Cube is astronomically huge even for the gods.

If it falls into her hands, even if she can't use it perfectly like the Seven Gods, she can realize many wishes of the Empire.

This is a gift, but also a responsibility.

And she has already shouldered the weight of a country and a world on her shoulders, and she is not afraid of adding this responsibility.

As long as all enemies are eliminated and all tasks are completed, it will be fine.

A certain plane that has become empty and silent.

Roger used the bond between Afu and Shana to track down the world where the little angel quietly hid and prepared to quietly settle the feud with the main body.

He greeted the Queen of Eternal Night in advance, ready to borrow magic power at any time, and also reported the location to Lydia. If it doesn't work, the God's Sin will smash her face-

The advantage of biological weapons is that even if they are not finally completed, they can still be put into battle, and the combat effectiveness may be higher than that of the final completion.

Because of Lydia's crazy transformation, the final adjustment is actually stability and safety. At the beginning, the various equipment on the God's Sin must be of various output types.

But when he found the information and rushed to this plane, he found that it was much quieter than he expected, and there was no earth-shattering battle as expected.

"Will she not be killed instantly?" Roger guessed that the gap between Shana and the original body would be very huge, but she had worked hard for so many years in the empire and still had many hidden moves. If she was solved quietly, Roger would look down on her.

"She is still alive... but her mood is not right." Ah Fu and Shana have a very close connection. After all, he is the cat master and the shit shoveler, and it is a key link to guide Shana to integrate into the empire.

Soon Roger found Shana. She stared at the void dully, her face full of nostalgia.

"Could it be that you have been thinking about it until now, and Nalinel hasn't come yet?" Roger asked deliberately provocatively.

If it was before, Shana would definitely be angry and talk back, but at this moment she just raised her eyelids, glanced at him, and whispered: "I have been here."

"You actually beat her?"



Roger was full of confusion. Shana carried Nalinel's memory and knew a lot of secrets of the Seven Gods. In order to keep it secret, it is absolutely the most reliable to eliminate her.

Moreover, her independent existence itself means that there is something wrong with Nalinel. In order to destroy the evidence and protect herself, she has ten thousand reasons to kill Shana.

As a result, she left a message to meet Shana, but did not take action after meeting him. This is very inconsistent with the behavior style of that level of existence.

Could it be that she just chatted to see if her clone was having a romantic life?

Shana knew that Roger would definitely not understand. In the eyes of the Empire, the Seven Gods camp is an absolute enemy, especially Nalinel, who treats the other six gods as fools. She is the most cunning and difficult enemy, and it is not too careful.

She also understands the reason why Nalinel left these impressions on the world, and there is no explanation.

She only pouted her mouth and threw herself into Roger's arms with grievance: "From now on, I only have you!"

"You?" Roger tasted this word, unconsciously thinking of what happened between the two of them just now, and the girl's initiative, and inexplicably felt a little green on his head.

Shana noticed his gaze and immediately knew that he had misunderstood. She stepped on him hard: "You mean everyone in the empire... Is that the only thing in your mind?"

Roger rubbed her little head and was too lazy to argue with her: "So, shouldn't you tell me what happened?"

"Well, listen carefully and don't joke around!"

Shana looked very serious and stopped fooling around. She put her face on his chest and hugged him tightly, as if only in this way could she find her fulcrum in the world.

Afu immediately turned around and pretended to look at the scenery in the void.

Ah, the relationship between these two people is not simple!

If the hug just now can be explained as comfort between friends, the intimacy at this time must be explained by the special relationship between the two people.

I didn't see anything, I don't know anything, but if His Majesty asks in the future, I will definitely answer truthfully.

As the origin of the fearless space and the carrier of the Son of System plan, Afu is hidden in the empire as the "God of Hope" and has a very transcendent status.

Whether it is with Roger, the Queen of Eternal Night, or the magicians of various institutions, they all have very close contacts.

He often sees some things that are hard to explain, and has learned how to protect himself:

If no one asks, I will never tell.

If someone asks, then I will tell the truth, and any trouble caused has nothing to do with me~

Although he turned around, Ah Fu still pricked up his ears and sensed everything, trying to find out what happened in this space before they arrived...

In fact, the matter was not complicated. Nalinel, as the real body of Shana, came to see her, but she was not going to deal with her clone that was left outside, but entrusted more memories to her, pretending to say goodbye.

Shana was originally an unexpected product of the battle between the Empire and the Seven Gods, and the ambush set by Roger and the Queen of Eternal Night.

Of course it was not that kind of accident!

But in the final analysis, Shana did not have much sense of belonging to either the Empire or the Seven Gods, because she had no past and no future. She just came to this world suddenly like duckweed, and was caught between the two camps.

She knew that she could not return to the Seven Gods, but she had no good feelings towards the Empire for a long time. She just didn't know where to go, so she stayed here...

Then she was tricked into becoming one of Roger's own people by Roger's undercover plan, in every sense.

But she had to live anyway, so what else could she do?

Shana didn't care about many people or things. She just lived a life of curiosity and experience, and she was happy to get by. She was happy to get more wonderful things every day.

With this mentality, she lived a very heartless life.

Occasionally, she would think about whether the things she did would change the empire and leave her own traces in the long river of time.

If the Seven Gods won, everything in the empire would be wiped out, and then no one would know about her existence, right?

Of course, literature and art only occasionally came to her mind. Anyway, it was only a few years, and there was no point in being sad.

Nalinel wanted to settle accounts with her, and after she understood a cause and effect, she directly accepted the appointment.

She came with the intention of dying, but she survived.

As the original body, Nalinel did not pursue her fall and betrayal, and treated this clone very gently.

She was just more of Shana's memory.

After being created by the God of Knowledge, she grew up as an ordinary angel, became a time shepherd and managed different worlds, awakened her own consciousness, and began to think about her own position...

During this process, Nalinel was still the most capable angel under the God of Knowledge, but she had already become alienated from the Seven Gods.

She secretly made a lot of preparations, trying to see the world from the perspective of a believer, and experienced the splendor of the short life of mortals.

She looked humble as dust, but she drifted freely with the wind.

Before meeting Shana, Nalinel made a last effort to get rid of the control of the God of Knowledge.

She failed and was watched by the eyes of the gods.

"So she gave me memories, and she could only give me those memories, so that I could live for her, but not live like her... Maybe that's it?"

Shana pouted, actually a little confused.

Roger was also stunned by what he heard, and subconsciously said: "What, such a smart guy is actually a literary youth?"

"Pfft, the world went bad when literary youth became a swear word."

Xana couldn't help but roll his eyes at him, but also told him the information he knew.

ps. I'm in a bad state recently, and suddenly I remembered that I seem to have some typos that I haven't paid off yet...

Oh my god, why is October coming to an end? The leaves outside are all yellow...

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