The memories Nalinel gave Shana were not complete, and many important things were hidden.

Perhaps because she had been exposed, if the memories involved too many things about the gods, Shana would be implicated as long as she remembered them.

The God of Knowledge and the other six gods were not at the same level. Among the gods, only he knew where the King of Gods was.

However, although the deletions and modifications were extremely serious, through these fragments, Shana knew what kind of angel Nalinel was.

Perhaps, that was also her past and where she came from.

Shana's life seemed very successful and her days could be very happy, but in Shana's heart, she existed in the world like a lonely ghost.

She was not like ordinary people, born, grew up, enjoyed the care of her parents, experienced school education, and then had the confusion of adolescence, accepted various information in society, and gradually established her own three views.

When Shana was born, she inherited Xia Di's body and was already a mature woman. The confusion of childhood and the troubles of adolescence were born in her at the same time, not to mention the conflict of camps.

The growth of angels is also different from that of ordinary people. They are tools, not to mention that Shana doesn't even have a complete memory of this.

She is free, but she is also a kite with its string cut off. She seems to have a flourishing career and is experiencing all kinds of luxury, but if she doesn't think deeply about her heart, she will find that it is a void.

If Roger were to put himself in her shoes, he might accept such a setting. After all, in his opinion, Shana is good at fighting, smart, and good-looking. She is definitely the beginning of the chosen one. How could he not be satisfied?

Maybe Nalinel is really literary and artistic in her bones, and she will think about those things.

This problem may be thought of in this way. Things like Daiyu burying flowers will only happen to the eldest lady of the Jia family who has no worries about food and clothing. For ordinary people who are busy with life, food, clothing, housing and transportation are just a few mountains pressing on them. After climbing one, there is another. The whole world will not let people idle, and naturally there is no time to be sad.

But Shana has too much, and unlike the Queen of Eternal Night, she doesn't have an empire to protect...

So normal people will yearn for a happy life, but for Shana, she always wonders, what is happiness?

She is almost used to the feeling of being out of tune with the world, and suddenly she knows that she has a past, so her mood is naturally quite complicated.

Unlike animals, people not only need to be well fed and clothed, but also need rich emotional experiences, slowly understand themselves, learn to get along with the world, and understand what they really want, so that they can have a sense of happiness.

Of course, this is usually after satisfying food, clothing and daily necessities, and more complete people will think about it. After completing this stage of struggle, thinking about such problems too early will lead to nihilism and become a hermit, a freak, and the like.

The hermit is very satisfied or very sad, but it is not understood by ordinary people, and it will lead to tragedy if you are not careful.

So this time, Shana took back the memories that Nalinel had not given when she created the incarnation, especially the detailed experiences in the past. Nalinel continued to grow, knew the God of Knowledge, understood her mission, and experienced more experiences...

Those years were very plain and boring. She was just an angel who sang praises to the perfection and greatness of the God of Knowledge under the seat of the gods and struggled to make him better.

In addition to being more powerful, doing more difficult tasks, and having more abundant results in the end, Nalinel's growth trajectory is not much different from other angels.

It's just that from the time she was born, she was the most perfect angel in the sky and received the most attention from the God of Knowledge.

Until she became the shepherd of time and got the responsibility of managing many planes of the church for the God of Knowledge.

Because Nalinel completed very well, and the God of Knowledge and the God King began to explore the source sea together, Nalinel gained double trust and had more and more jurisdiction over those worlds.

At that time, as a creature created by God, as long as the God of Knowledge praised her, the meaning of Nalinel's existence was lit up.

But while coming into contact with those worlds and constantly intersecting with the short lives of those mortals, and watching their joys and sorrows, Nalinel's consciousness called "self" awakened.

For an angel, this is the beginning of the fall. They have many self-cleaning programs that can eliminate such information that affects their pure loyalty to the gods, and always maintain the most perfect factory state.

But Nalinel is too perfect and too powerful. Because of her outstanding achievements in the past, she has received too many rewards, and those automated cleaning programs have little effect on her.

It is probably that it is a spell that requires a divine level will test, which is effective for all angels, but Nalinel crossed that line.

It is impossible to resist it completely, but there is a shallow impression in my heart, and I will think of it again with a little related memory stimulation.

Things like rebellion, once they grow, they will grow wildly and cannot be stopped at all.

At this time, the gods can actually find the difference between angels if they pay a little attention, but at that time the God of Knowledge was very busy and trusted Nalinel.

In his heart, this was also a creation that he had found by chance, and he loved it very much and often showed it off to other gods.

In this way, Nalinel became stronger and stronger, and her inner complex thoughts became more and more.

She began to think about what kind of existence gods are to mortals?

In the teachings of the gods, mortals are the lambs of the gods and angels, and she only needs to herd them like livestock.

As long as the lambs grow rapidly and contribute enough power of faith regularly.

If they are not obedient enough, just kill a batch of them directly, which can not only directly obtain the power of faith, but also deter other lambs. Remember to pray honestly and ensure your output!

The means by which the gods manage mortals seem to be ever-changing, but they are actually playing mysterious and terrifying means. After great terror, they are given a little bit of friendliness, and mortals begin to be grateful to the gods.

To put it simply, it is to give a slap a day, and when one day there is no slap, mortals will work hard to complete the gods' tasks for the feeling of not being slapped.

This universe has been like this for many years between mortals and gods, and it has never changed.

Nalinel knew that this was to gain the power of faith.

But the gods got the power of faith, and what did mortals get?

Oh, the comfort of the soul? Power and benefits?

Mortals may not know it themselves, but Nalinel's account book in her heart is very clear. Compared with their efforts, their gains are too little.

Their lives are too miserable. In addition to the gods blocking the power of faith, the managers cultivated by the gods, the organization called the church, and the church's good friend, the imperial power, are all oppressing those lambs.

They work hard from beginning to end of the year, farming non-stop, praying or doing other farm work at night, but they are always hungry, can't afford beautiful clothes, and are at risk of starving to death at any time.

God said that this is the fate of livestock.

But Nalinel felt that even if the livestock were killed in the end, the growth process was extremely accelerated. Before death, at least they could eat every day and live in a safe environment without worrying about being eaten by wild beasts.

Those lambs at the bottom, making contributions like livestock, but they are not well fed and clothed, and they have to suffer dozens of times longer...

As a manager, Nalinel has seen too many tragedies, and she began to feel that such tragedies are wrong.

She wanted to change the operation mode, and this experiment was Universe 25.

Of course, she had lived for a long time as a time shepherd, had strong enough strength, and had gained the most trust from the God of Knowledge, so she could make such an attempt.

But the result of the attempt was not ideal, which caused her to cause dissatisfaction with the gods for the first time, because she invested a huge amount of faith power, but the final harvest was not proportional.

Obviously, it was a perfect world, with fertile land, natural disasters controlled, no beasts threatening their safety, and the greatest monarch in the world to manage them, so there was no need to worry about the possibility of war.

Everyone only needed to eat, mate, play and pray, and they could complete the duties of the lamb from birth to death without worries.

But no matter how Nalinel adjusted, repeatedly modified the time ratio, and worked hard with Xiao Ao's replica, Universe 25 did not become the perfect, happy and fully automatic infinite faith harvesting machine she hoped for.

Finally, she could only attribute it to the fact that faith, as a thing, was born with original sin, and it must first stipulate that the lambs were "born with sin" before they could get the greatest benefits.

They had to crawl in the mud, suffer enough torture in this life, and promise happiness in the next life, so that they could contribute the most faith.

This might be the church pua, a very simple and evil method, but because it is too easy to use, it has always been prevalent in the church of the gods.

Just when Nalinel was about to determine that the 25th universe had failed, she suddenly paid attention to the Qingteng Empire because of Xia Di's battle and saw the changes there.

The Qingteng Empire did something similar to her, eliminating the aristocracy, allowing the people of the empire to eat and wear warm clothes, satisfying the most basic needs of animality, and reducing oppression and exploitation, giving them as much fairness and freedom as possible.

She was thinking, the Qingteng Empire began to become a weakened version of the 25th universe, and it would collapse sooner or later, right?

But contrary to Nalinel's expectations, the Qingteng Empire did not collapse, but became stronger and stronger, and even became the secret enemy of the Seven Gods, obstructing their actions to hold all the planes of the entire universe in their hands.

Nalinel didn't understand. It was obviously a similar thing, why did the empire succeed?

She asked Taibella to do an intelligence investigation. On the surface, she wanted to carry out the next battle, but the real purpose was to know the difference between the Qingteng Empire and her Universe No. 25.

Through comparison, she finally found that it was teaching and hope that led to this fundamental difference.

The Qingteng Empire created an environment where everyone could have enough food, but it was not an unlimited supply of the people of the empire. The people of the empire had to work with their own hands to create a life of support for themselves and live a happy life in the propaganda.

Compared with the past when many mountains were pressing on them, just this possibility can make everyone try their best to work hard, and in the process praise the queen and the empire.

At the same time, there is the unremitting teaching, telling the people who were once treated like cattle and horses by the nobles that all people are born equal, and no one is noble because of blood.

What really distinguishes the people of the Empire is knowledge, ability, and contribution to this society.

And to obtain knowledge, whether it is the fearless space, the school in reality, or the various institutions in the Mystery City, the Empire provides a very rich way.

The nobles used to protect the education of their own class, but now the empire is open to the poorest people. As long as they have a positive attitude, they can step into the door and there will be the best and most patient AI teachers to teach them tailored to their needs.

In Nalinel's view, the strength of the Qingteng Empire is certainly due to technological innovation, but the arcane empire that pursues the limit of magic in this universe has also appeared before.

The real difference of Qingteng is that it eliminates the theory of bloodline and the theory of only the strong. For the first time, it focuses on the most ordinary lambs, trying to make them keep up with the rhythm of life, manufacturing and fighting, and reflect greater and greater value.

This is the real liberation. In addition to the shackles on the body, the shackles on the mind and thoughts are also completely untied.

Everyone is told that he has unlimited possibilities, so just go and strive and give full play to his talents!

The Qingteng Empire also uses a perfect system and an open-minded atmosphere to tell all the people that we are not lying. As long as you work hard enough and are outstanding enough, you can get corresponding rewards in this country.

Because of the absolutely clear politics, the unremitting ideological liberation and knowledge teaching, the Qingteng Empire has achieved completely different results from her Universe No. 25, which seems to be similar.

But Nalinel cannot imitate such an operation.

If you tell the lambs that everyone is born equal and you have unlimited possibilities, but you ask them to believe in the gods wholeheartedly, isn’t that a contradiction?

So she also heard the designer of the empire, the little guy named Roger, complain that the declaration of freedom written by a believer, which says that everyone is equal, is not credible at all in the end, and is just a false beacon.

Universe No. 25 can't even be a false beacon. What she wants is the church, a church where everyone is happy and absolutely pious, which is something that does not exist fundamentally.

In the end, she realized that between faith and the greatness of mortal life, only one of these two things can exist.

Watching the open and secret struggles between the Qingteng Empire and the Seven Gods, Nalinel finally chose mortal life.

She is an angel who has fought for the gods for thousands of years, but she is tired of this kind of life.

Only the Empire can give this universe a different hope.

Not to make magic great, but to make mortals great.

So she did something that made the God of Knowledge extremely angry, and the depravity could no longer be hidden.

"This is me in the past." After Shana finished telling the information she had received, her eyes were clear and burning with an unprecedented burning light, "Nalinel couldn't get rid of the control of the God of Knowledge, but she helped me do it. I can use her eyes to see the world instead of her..."

"You are not her." Roger said seriously, "And what did she do in the end?"

"It was hidden..."

"So angry!"

The plot party whose curiosity was not satisfied was furious!

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