Although Shana did not satisfy Roger's curiosity in the end, the story she told was absolutely good news for the empire and a great shock:

What the Empire did was not alone, but also great. Even gods who had spent a long time were shocked by the Empire's pioneering feats.

Mortals cannot match the power of gods, but their lives are not impossible without gods. They can use their own hands to overcome countless difficulties in nature, protect themselves, and get rid of that parasite.

The Ivy Empire used its people's happy life and voluntary efforts to teach Nalinele a lesson.

She is obviously a Time Shepherd, but because of her background, experience, and the mission she must complete, she will never be able to practice the skills she learned in class.

After clarifying this point, she was happy that the question that troubled her finally had an answer, but she was also sad that the answer had nothing to do with her.

At the same time, compared with the entire universe, it is so small and weak, and may be extinguished by a powerful sprint from the gods at any time...

Nalinele decided to contribute her own power to protect this small and precious flame that may eventually spread to the entire universe.

Even if she doesn’t know what she did, with her understanding of the Seven Gods, she can definitely make the God of Knowledge angry, right?

As long as it can make the enemy uncomfortable, it is good news for the empire. Indeed, their strength is definitely far weaker than the Seven Gods.

The resistance of the children of the system seems vigorous, and the Seven Gods' plan to spread out across the entire multiverse has been hampered, but the root cause of all this is not the weakness of the gods -

But because they are greedy, want to fight but don't want to pay the price, and because of their differences, they have not yet shown their true strength.

In other words, mortals at this stage are not yet qualified for gods to take them seriously and treat them with all their might.

The new operation of the Seven Gods, back and forth, is to first let the mortals internally solve the troubles caused by the sons of the system, and then they can reap the fruits of victory, so that their own losses can be reduced again.

Of course, the empire's response method is also very simple. Thanks to Shana for developing the divine energy conversion device, whether it is a new or old god, it is a precious resource for the current empire.

As long as you use it properly, it can become capital to further strengthen yourself.

After Shana finished telling what she knew, she quietly got out of Roger's arms. In her opinion, this was a rather shy gesture:

I won't rely on this guy, and the previous close contact doesn't mean anything. Hey, it's just fun!

For the little angel, although she was no longer Nalina at the moment of her birth, she had made up for many things in the past, and indeed had a reasonable explanation for the formation of many of her views and character. .

Too many shadows of Nalinael remain in her body. Even if she doesn't admit it, with the addition of these memories, she has a sense of weight worthy of her own strength.

Roger could also feel the change in her, and thought about it and asked:

"Now that you know where you came from, where are you going next?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. I'm going to use my eyes to see more of the world first, and then think about it slowly."

"It just so happens that the empire has recently started a foreign war. You can stop by and visit."

"That seems like a good idea?"

Shana was indeed interested.

Nalinele didn't want to be her, but the memory she gave was hundreds of times longer than Shana's own life. The huge amount of information would inevitably reshape many of her perceptions.

Under such a strong impact, although she was no longer a duckweed, it would take a long time and more experiences to get rid of the influence of those messages.

Even if she becomes the second Nalinel, being a time shepherd for the empire might be a good development?

Nali Nair's past attempts did fail, but the path of failure does not mean it is meaningless. At least it can eliminate a lot of wrong options, right?

Moreover, he has driven a broken car for tens of thousands of years, so he must have great driving skills. This huge management experience has given Xia Na, not to mention surpassing His Majesty, at least he is more than enough to be a governor.

The empire now has excellent research and development capabilities, and there are many magicians who can bring continuous technological advancement, but administrative officials who are truly responsible for their own affairs are scarce talents!

The prosperity of magical civilization and exploring the way forward are very attractive to the best talents.

The empire also overestimated the good things of magic discovery and technological progress, absorbing a large number of talents.

The reform of this country has only been carried out for five years. In the past, it was under the inefficient and low-level management of the empire. Now the officials are much better than before, which has brought obvious progress, but in Roger's eyes, the level is only So.

Technical dividends, demographic dividends, as long as you work hard and are not that important, you can always get a satisfactory answer.

If you really want to say that those local members have made some original moves and explored their own empire model, I'm sorry to say that there really isn't any.

As time goes by, Roger has gradually become accustomed to a manager's thinking perspective: everything has two sides, and any changes that occur can be looked for and exploited opportunities...

Shana didn't realize Roger's selfishness. His proposal was indeed very attractive. What she could provide for the research project on divine energy conversion was to know the direction and the real concrete operation, which still required those who were truly theoretical and research-oriented. The magician will do it.

After all, she is still a priest. What she brings to them is to provide them with a different perspective to expand their thinking, which makes it easier to break out of the thinking constraints that magicians originally had, thus bringing about a faster rate of progress.

In the past, she didn't know where to go, and she lived this life drifting with the flow.

Now that she has inherited Nalinel's memory, she doesn't have to become her, but traveling thousands of miles is indeed a direction she is willing to try.

With the past, she is more looking forward to the future.

This is the power that people draw from their past. The correctness told by others finally floats on the surface. If you walk in that direction for a long time, you will slowly feel tired and confused.

Only the things you desire and the small world you want to create, no matter how hard it is and how many failures there are, you will walk down because of your love.

——Roger understands this feeling very well, this is his lying flat.

Because that is the path he recognizes, just like practicing the operation of the hero you like when playing games, the boredom in the training camp and being ravaged by others in the early stage, isn't it the process of doing homework and doing papers?

But that process is easier to stick to than studying in school, and more acceptable than the boss's scolding at work.

When playing games, even if teammates scold and opponents laugh, there will still be people who stick to their destiny, try thousands of times, and decide that they just can't handle this kind of operation-type stuff and then give up completely...


So lying down is not necessarily negative, and hard work is not necessarily exploitation. The main thing is whether it is your own desire or the direction imposed by others.

Shana sorted out his chaotic mood and looked back at this empty world that was no longer special. There are more and more worlds like this in the multiverse that have no past existence. They are all the same, and the differences accumulated over countless years have been smoothed out.

"Even if there is no eternity, I will try my best to leave my own color in the limited time."

The little angel retracted his gaze and showed a very light, but very firm smile.


Multiverse, target plane B.

Under the command of the Queen of Eternal Night, the Empire's First Fleet appeared over the capital of a vast country. The cathedral belonging to the Church of the God of War set up a hard rain cover.

The Pope stood on the high platform, organizing millions of believers to pray and resist the evil invaders from other planes.

"Evil? Super villain? I still like this name!"

The Evernight, the bridge, the Queen of Evernight showed a proud and arrogant smile, and the desire for war that had been suppressed for five years returned to her.

At this time, her eyes were bright, no longer lazy, and sharp as a sharp blade out of the sheath. No matter what kind of enemy was in front of her, she dared to face the death.

The imperial soldiers who followed her to the expedition were also very excited and enthusiastic, and felt happy for the continuous victory.

They were unstoppable and successfully achieved the target plane A, a world with no official name but only code names.

The only feature is that Taibella has as many as one billion believers there, so the empire uprooted the church that spread the faith of the goddess of war, and then moved to the next plane without stopping.

The empire only sent out one fleet, proving that the combat effectiveness of the mixed fleet was completely superior to the magic forces of the past era, and its ability to attack was unparalleled in the world.

But their number is limited, and they cannot occupy the enemy's territory.

But the Queen of Eternal Night does not need to do anything. Without the power of the church, other churches around will divide those believers.

The seven gods seem to be a family, but in the matter of faith, they immediately become plastic sisters. When they meet the ownerless, they are all mad dogs, and they don't care that this was once Taibella's personal property.

You can't keep it yourself, and put it on the street. It is a public resource. Whoever is quick deserves it.

The God of Knowledge goes to fleece the God of the Sea, and Taibella has taken advantage of the God of Nature more than once. If everyone is not a good thing, don't blame each other. This kind of thing depends on ability.

It is precisely this kind of "tacit" cooperation that the empire only needs to be responsible for breaking through the church of the goddess of war, and the follow-up things will naturally be completed by someone, which greatly enhances the efficiency of the war.

This is also the first time that the imperial military has fought like this, and it feels great!

Real wars are not like in games where you just click on the next level, constantly fight one powerful enemy after another, defeat them and enjoy the joy of victory. There are a lot of quagmire-like troubles before and after, which can make war maniacs feel expected and embarrassed about war.

The early preparations, the quarrels with the civil officials, the later occupation, various resistance forces, and the complete stabilization of the management of a place are all much more boring than real battles.

The same is true for the wars of the empire in the past, such as sweeping across the seventeen countries and attacking the orcs. No matter how closely connected, the work that must be done before and after must be completed.

The mobilization of troops and the transportation of materials alone require a large number of staff and civilians to cooperate to ensure the smooth operation of the entire system.

However, these problems are no longer a problem for the First Fleet of the Empire. The Eternal Night is a mobile super fortress, carrying enough materials for the entire fleet to consume for half a year and several large-scale operations.

There are also special transport ships, troop transport ships, etc., which greatly enhance the overall mobility, and the supply of materials also has a special logistics system.

Angelina always dissuades the Queen of Eternal Night from taking up arms lightly, but she is not an anti-warist. When planning the overall transportation of the empire, military supplies are naturally taken into consideration, and special channels are reserved to ensure the smooth operation of the whole.

At this stage, the empire does not need to consider the early propaganda and excuses for combat, and the later occupation and sweeping of small groups of enemies. It only needs to completely disintegrate the enemy's resistance, and then the next round of special battles can be launched.

"It's like a simulation training in the fearless space!" Rommel, who is also cautious in character, couldn't help but make a joke with everyone. The Queen of Eternal Night sat on the captain's chair, crossed her legs, and nodded her head.

It really feels like clicking the next level frantically, and the enemy's resistance is not strong enough.

Everyone feels unsatisfied with the war and the confrontation with the enemy.

After several rounds of magic crystal heavy artillery from the flagship level, the magic power and faith power accumulated in the enemy temple were almost consumed, and the city-level defense was shaky.

The Empire does not rely on brute force. The Magic Brain Computer - a magic-modified computer with semi-biological characteristics that connects to the vast resources of the Fearless Space will calculate in real time to crack the enemy's shield operation principle and process, and lock and track flaws and weaknesses.

The seemingly brainless firepower coverage is an all-round embodiment of the Empire's new arcane achievements. It not only crushes the enemy in equipment and supplies, but also has absolute advantages in technology and computing power.

After the defense was disintegrated, the frigate covered the aircraft carrier and began to project sky and ground mobile combat units:

A full range of magic crystal machinery, war machinery such as the fifth generation of pink bunnies can run and fly.

Although they will help during the busy farming season, as a controllable puppet, the real stage is still the killing machine on the battlefield.

Other series of melee, artillery, lurking, and intelligence-stealing controllable puppets have also been fully verified through the Empire's proxy war and are already quite mature.

The mechanical army also has modified magic biological knights, special information-based frontier interactive platforms, firepower weapons specifically for attacking, and mobile magic energy load ships that provide virtual magic gods.

The imperial army is not short of equipment. Domestic research and development institutions are competing with each other. In order to win orders, they will bring them new and more useful weapons every day.

Then there is the unique three-dimensional combat in this universe, which makes the enemy's most elite Holy Heavy Knight Corps despair.

It is agreed that the cavalry charge will definitely cover the opponent without saying a word, and then the air mobile force will harass them. Next, the cavalry riding on the giant spider and carrying a rocket launcher on their shoulders will continue to bombard them...

RNM, what's the use of the Holy Punisher +12 in my hand?

Goddess of War, look at the opposite side, there is really a Gundam!

Of course, the accumulation of the God of War Church in this plane is still quite rich, and all kinds of strange artifacts and magic allies have also brought great chaos to the First Fleet.

However, no matter how strange the law-based equipment is, under the powerful technical strength of the Magic Advisory Group, a way will be found soon.

However, in two days, the Holy See, which owns a number of countries and claims to have 1.5 billion believers, only has one headquarters still resisting stubbornly.

"If I can't have it, no one else can have it!" The Pope had a ferocious expression, and the crystal ball in his hand vaguely connected to the souls of those believers.

"It seems we came at the right time~"

A lazy voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

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