Pope Louis Pandit is the highest administrator of the Church of the God of War in this world, and also a fanatic of Taibella".

When the Qingteng Empire fleet appeared in the sky, the whole world was shocked and at a loss, but they also launched a defensive response at the first time.

It's a pity that their response was useless. The magic civilization that had stopped for ten thousand years, relying on the priests bestowed by the gods, plus the traditional professional system, had fallen behind the empire and had a technological gap.

After the start of the five-year plan, the empire itself did not fight a real full-scale war, but as an arms dealer exporting the entire Eternal Night World, it could understand the bottom line of the tactics and strategic means of traditional magic civilization.

At this moment, fighting in different planes, there are differences in race, arms, weapons, combat habits, etc., but in the final analysis, it is still the same set of things.

Use more powerful Magic power, blast him!

Before this quantitative change leads to qualitative change, the First Fleet can easily resolve it.

Pope Louis has read the records of the church. The Church of the God of War protects the people of this world and resists invaders from other dimensions more than once.

But whether it is Hell or the Abyss, they have never driven steel machines like this. The magic energy they master and utilize is not absolutely stronger than them, but the impact on their defense means is particularly prominent and obvious.

In game terms, the absolute magic upper limit is not despairing, but the anti-heat penetration effect is so strong that it seems like a nightmare.

In this nightmare, the Church of the God of War, which is known as the most powerful church in the world, a super power that controls the world order, and can even directly interfere with the emperor's enthronement, is proud after an irresistible beyond-visual-range attack. The Vatican Knights were also in a state of embarrassment.

They have always been the final trump card of the church. They dared to charge bravely in the face of powerful demon legions. The passionate paladins used pure faith to defeat evil and win the final victory.

But this time, the enemy did not give them the opportunity to show their edge. They first used long-range attacks to beat the Vatican Knights to pieces, and they no longer had a complete formation.

For the empire with powerful artillery, the enemy's mana for defense has been consumed. Even if the paladins have a very good magic resistance, what does this resistance have to do with the explosive power brought by changing chemical bonds?

The empire has not yet used weapons with greater destructive power and those that change the atomic structure!

Of course, the Vatican Knights, as the final trump card, are still powerful. They have withstood the firepower charge and are tenacious. The ascetics organized the young paladins to charge desperately and finally reached the enemy's position.

Then they saw the soldiers who mastered the virtual god of law, mixed with the magic crystal mechanical troops, which made them know what it meant to be too hard to bite.

The support of the magic consultant was of course not only in breaking the enemy's defense. In response to the additional holy damage mastered by the war church, the magic crystal machinery could flexibly adjust its armor resistance. In the end, the only physical attack on the pink bunny composite armor was the weapon itself.

Even with a two-handed sword and a legendary momentum with a strength of more than 20, waving a sharp weapon to dismantle a steel puppet over ten meters long, they still felt desperate.

When it was not the demons who rushed out of hell, but their more intelligent and more advanced professional soldiers, the paladins with the strongest faith also felt that they were wavering.

Isn't justice bound to defeat evil? Can't we represent justice and protect the world anymore?

Compared with the corruption of the upper echelons of the church, the paladins and ascetics are still passionate, and they are still doing their absolutely just things because of teaching.

Therefore, after the Imperial Staff discussed, they also gave these Vatican Knights a fair chance:

The soldiers equipped with virtual magic gods fought one-on-one classical duels with them, giving these knights the glory they deserved.

So in the war that had been forcibly replaced by modern skirmishers and combined with mechanical troops, retro fighting appeared again.

But this fight was still a bit bullying.

The Marines of the Empire's First Fleet were originally the best of the best. The increase in national strength brought about the rapid growth of professionals, and their own professional level was far higher than the Vatican Knights, the so-called elite of the church.

At the same time, they also had ability cards that could be flexibly adjusted and targeted, and their combat effectiveness was taken to a higher level.

So one-sided absolute crushing appeared.

Even if it was just a random soldier, the flexible use of every bit of magic power, exquisite combat skills, and their cooperation with each other not only reflected their strong national strength backed by the empire, but also reflected their own accumulated knowledge and experience.

The pride of the imperial people, the close combat completely defeated the Vatican Knights reached its peak, and the mood of frustration and despair spread among the Vatican Knights.

They thought that it would be better to die in the previous artillery fire, at least they would not have to face such an uncomfortable scene.

It was as if the old era ended and the new era came. The empire gave them a chance, but unfortunately they could not grasp it.

After the proud battle field was completely defeated, many paladins chose to commit suicide to fulfill their final loyalty to their faith - they were afraid that if they failed again, they would be completely shaken and degenerate.

But more people chose to surrender, and the empire accepted their choice and did not kill them all.

They were purer than priests, and they would indeed do a lot of things to help and protect ordinary people because of the doctrine.

When they cannot touch true justice and power, all they can do is their own. The empire allows them to see with their own eyes, to rethink and position their future.

But in the eyes of Pope Louis, such a scene is that the enemy is extremely evil and powerful, and even the proudest paladin cannot resist their temptation.

So in order to complete his faith in the goddess, Louis took out the ultimate treasure of the church - the All-Faith Spirit Ball, an artifact that can connect all believers through faith.

On weekdays, it is a key step for the church to collect the faith of believers, but at a critical moment, it can also be used to inject spiritual toxins into it through the All-Faith Spirit Ball, so that all believers who have contributed their faith will have permanent damage to their souls and turn them into muddleheaded idiots.

At the same time, the extracted soul will also become the purest power of faith, allowing Louis to have a desperate self-destruction.

Although it is not certain whether it can bring harm to the empire, it is indeed the limit he can reach.

At least in this way, even if these evil pagans can defeat them, they will not be able to gain a believer, because fools will not pray.

The Pope did not use such means in the war of the Empire in the previous plane, so he did not expect that the believers this time would be so crazy that they would want to self-destruct at the cost of harming more than one billion believers.

Of course, self-destruction will not hurt the core of the First Fleet. Their advancement seems wild, but they have not lost their vigilance and are always on guard against these believers using all kinds of outrageous means.

I have never seen such a sinister means of destroying what they can't get, but the Empire has seen too many believers who don't take their lives seriously.

However, Pope Louis' plan was not successfully implemented.

Roger deceived Shana to participate in the war that shook the foundation of the Empire's faith in Tai Bella. He was also curious about the combat effectiveness of the mechanical torrent that he had accumulated with great effort, so he asked Ah Fu to help send them to the target plane A to see the scenery on the front line.

As a result, Ah Fu looked confused: "There is no front line in that world?"

"Has the war not started yet?"

"No, it's over!"

Ah Fu looked at Roger with disdain. As the commander of the Dark Night Guard, is the intelligence so backward?

Roger was speechless.

Who would have thought that the Queen of Eternal Night and Rommel were so crazy that they could destroy the mainstream church of a plane in less than a week?

That was dozens of times more powerful than a certain Gaul, how could they not even last three days?

Fortunately, after the war machine of the empire started, it would not stop easily, and he and Shana went directly to the target plane B.

Appreciating the steel torrent of the other world as a special observer was indeed a pleasing sight.

The combat effectiveness of the empire's soldiers was already strong, and they mastered a large number of new equipment and had been holding back for several years, showing what it meant to be a tiger coming down the mountain.

They played out the new tactics they had practiced hard, and defeated the enemy in the battle that the enemy was best at, fully staging a murderous and heart-breaking battle.

As the main designer of the empire's current tactical and strategic system, Roger naturally felt quite proud and was pleased to see his own naughty child grow up.

Judging from the status, the Empire's First Fleet is not in perfect condition. Two days ago, they were still in the target plane A, fighting a decisive battle with another pope. They had no rest or supplies in the middle, and they came here to continue the decisive battle.

It is true that this unit is in high morale and has an absolute advantage in surprise attack, but from another perspective, it really treats the opponent as a human being and starts the battle with the previous intelligence.

The Queen of Eternal Night, who has entered the combat state, is indeed unreasonably tough. She often makes various anti-logical operations, attacks and attacks again and again with crazy attacks, and beats the enemy to collapse.

The scene that e-sports audiences like to appreciate is the beautiful group battle. Her Majesty here is a fan of creating big scenes. Her smooth command always makes the enemy spit blood and loses inexplicably.

When she was a teenager, she used her offensive logic that was more barbaric than a robber to break the defense line designed by her brother!

Therefore, the First Fleet, which has strong mobility and no weaknesses in both offense and defense compared to the traditional powerful forces in this universe, is like mercury pouring out when attacking, which is pleasing to the eyes even for laymen of war.

The military reporter of "Long Live the Queen" has been using magic drones to follow the battle scenes from multiple angles throughout the whole process, as well as the unparalleled style of the Queen of Eternal Night's command.

These contents, when filmed and shown to the people of the Empire, will definitely drive the wine sector up by 20 percentage points.

In the past, the Empire also won a huge victory, but there was no such perfect shooting and publicity methods, let alone such a terrible technological gap.

Roger also watched the "trial run" that was more spectacular than the game CG decisive battle from an angle that was not shown in the game.

After all, the development funds of the game are limited. This kind of picture designed to nearly one million combat units can make the painter vomit blood, and by the way, let the rendering server roast sweet potatoes.

After Shana inherited Nalinel's memory, his emotions towards the Queen of Eternal Night became more complicated.

She was the culprit who pitted herself, and a nightmare for a long time, but she was also one of her creators.

At the same time, she was also the most perfect monarch in Nalinel's heart. She created Xiao Ao and a series of copies based on the Queen of Eternal Night. However, in Nalinel's later memories, she was the one she came into contact with the most, so naturally she left a deep impression on her.

When Shana came to the empire, the empire had already entered a stage of recuperation, so she had never seen the Queen of Evernight in a real fighting state.

Now watching her beat up a country bumpkin from another world at close range, even though she is a woman, Shana also feels a little excited.

She suddenly understood why Margaret became a fan of the Queen of Evernight. As the top boss of the military, she had always witnessed such an absolutely confident and stunning beauty. It was absolutely normal for her to be turned over.

Especially after comparing countless worlds and regimes in her memory, she recognized the Ivy Empire even more.

It turns out that the ordinary life she has become accustomed to is already the paradise that many people dream of.

So when Pope Louis gave up on himself and wanted to engage in sexy manipulation, Shana, with the keen sense of a top believer, discovered that she was going to die together.

So again, with her understanding of divine arts, she directly worked with Roger to break into the tightly guarded church headquarters, making all defensive means seem useless——

Many of the technologies here were developed by Nali Nair's staff and sold to other believers of the gods. Xia Na naturally knew their advantages and disadvantages well.

She doesn't know many secrets of the Seven Gods, because that would expose herself, but for the methods below the gods, even for angels of the same level, there will not be many secrets and off-board operations for the empire in the future, they are all under Shana's control. .

Pope Louis is not a fighting type of talent. He is a management and diplomatic talent trained by the church. He maintains the transcendent status of the Church of the God of War at the minimum cost by traveling among many powerful countries.

Therefore, facing two combat units above the legendary level, breaking through his tight defense, and still focusing on casting spells that cannot be interrupted, they were naturally captured without any resistance.

Even the subordinates cannot know about the Mass Belief Spirit Bead maiming all the believers, because no matter how pure your faith is, you would rather die in battle than be a drooling idiot for the rest of your life!

As a result, the Pope's operation was not done at all, and the Believers Lingzhu was laughed at by Shaner. His actions and intentions were announced, and the church's most capable resistance force was greatly indignant towards the Pope.

At the same time, they were surrounded by the dragnet pulled up by the First Fleet, so the last strength of the church was left, committing suicide and surrendering, completely giving up the resistance.

"Reserve energy and prepare to jump to target plane C!" Queen Yongye looked at the remaining supplies and estimated that they could sustain her for two more battles, and ordered excitedly.

"You devils, destroyers, scum that destroys the world, what do you want?! Are you just for destruction and venting?"

After Pope Louis heard that these lunatics had won the battle, he was about to leave as if in a hurry, and his whole body was about to collapse.

He really couldn't accept that what he had spent his whole life trying to seize by any means necessary seemed like trash that could be thrown away in the eyes of others.

"Before you accuse the empire of invading, I want to ask you, have you really protected this world?"

After hearing the defeated man's angry questioning, Queen Evernight was not angry. Instead, she asked him how he felt with great interest.

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