[No way, nobles, you accepted me so easily? ]

[What about the paranoid and barbaric people of the Empire? What about the world of difference between nobles and commoners? I am still waiting for someone to jump out and slap me in the face, and then something will happen and I will be expelled from the cabinet for my youthful frivolity! ]

[Doesn't this mean that Dio really wants to keep this cabinet minister? ]

[Although the Minister of History has nothing to be responsible for at present, Blood Mother has always been poisonous. Maybe she will have some strange ideas to trick me...]

The Queen of Eternal Night, wearing a black dress, walked slowly into the Council Hall and saw Roger's heart running tens of thousands of grass mud horses at the first time.

She couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth.

To this day, does this bastard still want to turn over my palm?

This is my cabinet!

Every member is absolutely loyal.

I personally recruited you in. Even if they don't like commoners, they will try to accept you and cooperate with you.

Here, I am the standard!

The conflicts and disagreements outside could not spread in.

"Your Majesty!"

All the cabinet members stood up and saluted the Queen of Eternal Night.

"My dear ministers, please take a seat."

The Queen of Eternal Night waved her hand casually and sat down on the "Star Throne" at the end of the hall.

This is a... meteorite iron throne created by the best alchemists of the Qingteng Empire, who collected countless meteorites and melted them in a special way.

It is heavy, deep, and glittering with the light of stars, noble and gorgeous.

The Queen is not a person who likes to talk nonsense, and directly announced to discuss the current emergency.

At this moment, the internal and external situation of the empire can be called severe.

After the Seven Gods Church was banned from preaching in the empire, the relationship with various forces was constantly escalating.

Internally, the "Restoration Army" was even more powerful, and it seemed to have a trend of sweeping across the homeland of the seventeen countries.

However, as the development of the Restoration Army entered its peak state, the cabinet ministers knew that it was the Queen's strategy, and suddenly one of their worries was reduced.

Today they mainly discussed the issue of ruling the vast territory of the empire after pacifying the Restoration Army.

The Qingteng Kingdom originally had five provinces. After sweeping across seventeen countries, the empire now has a total of ninety-seven provinces.

How to manage this huge territory is an unprecedented challenge for the Qingteng Empire based on the feudal system of medieval Europe.

Even with the help of magic, it is not easy.

The existence of extraordinary power actually continues the stubbornness of feudalism and makes the evolution of the system more difficult.

Traditional forces have advantages in resources and bloodlines. Magicians are human breech-loading guns. It is extremely difficult to overthrow the dynasty rule from the bottom up.

Naturally, the political vision and way of thinking of the emperors and ministers are more limited than in the past.

Kill all those who disobey, and don't care about any tricks.

The Queen of Eternal Night swept across the countries with force, but she doesn't want to use this set again. She wants to conquer people's hearts in a softer way.

Facts have proved that the effect is not satisfactory.

After three years of efforts, the Empire only included 17 provinces bordering the five major provinces into the Empire's borders.

The territory has expanded fourfold, but the administrative problems it has brought have increased by 40 times...

So the other areas that have not been fully controlled are called the homeland of the Seventeen Kingdoms by the Empire, and governors are sent to manage them in a similar way to colonies.

Such a system is a helpless move. The governors have strong and weak abilities. In many places, the remnants of the Seventeen Kingdoms have grown and become stronger, causing trouble at will, and unrest has occurred frequently.

The Queen is naturally very unhappy.

She hopes that the Seventeen Kingdoms will return to the Qingteng Empire, establish a real human empire, and eliminate the traces of the existence of the Seventeen Kingdoms.

However, there are foreign countries controlled by the Seven Gods Church and the gods outside, and the remnants of the Seventeen Kingdoms inside, which have always involved the Empire's energy. The Queen of Eternal Night also has many frustrations.

Before Roger came through, the unrest in the Seventeen Kingdoms was getting worse and worse, and because the stall was too big, the financial crisis of the Empire gradually emerged.

This is not because the Queen of Eternal Night is not strong enough or smart enough, nor is it that all her subordinates are useless.

It's just the limitations of the times, coupled with the limit of backward productivity in this era, it will take decades to control such a huge empire without external enemies.

Only by continuous trial and error and paying countless painful prices can we find a feasible path.

But the wolves are all around, and the gods don't give the empire this time.

As long as the empire reveals a flaw, it will be torn into a bleeding wound.

Now it is completely supported by the Queen of Eternal Night, who is as powerful as the gods, and the strongest magic army on the surface trained by many years of war. The internal officials and people also have the desire to continue to expand outward, which supports the superficial glory of the empire.

But there are many hidden dangers inside.

In the game, the Queen of Eternal Night tried to transform several times, but failed. She could only make up for the deficit with continuous wars and suppress the whole country and the surrounding areas with force.

Until the eleventh year of the Eternal Night Calendar, under a series of operations by the protagonist group, the Qingteng Empire failed to attack the Elf Empire.

The Queen of Eternal Night was injured by the God of Nature, and she couldn't expand outward since then.

As a result, the empire's accumulated problems quickly erupted, and until the empress fell, it quickly fell apart.

Those causes and effects had been planted long ago, and they had already revealed themselves today.

These did not surprise Roger.

The Qingteng Empire had a similar problem to Sande, and Yong Xue was certainly aware of it.

What surprised him was that the action of pretending to be the Restoration Army was so effective, which gave the empire a big sigh of relief.

They solved many of the survivors of the Seventeen Kingdoms, plundered a lot of wealth, and greatly increased the loyalty of the people of the Seventeen Kingdoms.

Directly solved the financial crisis within the empire, and several fewer wars could be fought.

And gave the Queen of Eternal Night and the army more time to recuperate, and Angelina's many methods also had room to be used.

Under the butterfly effect, I am afraid that the protagonist group's actions will become much more difficult in the future.

[The world line has changed? I am just a tree hole, and the queen can actually do so many tricks? ]

[She is so strong! This cabinet is also very powerful! ]

[But facing the gods and the son of destiny, this level is not enough...]

Roger didn't say much, and smiled as he listened to the discussions of other cabinet ministers, but he was also quite emotional in his heart.

Blood Mom tried her best.

But the gods suppressed the old ancestor of Feng Ling.

Speaking of the imperial cabinet at this moment, every member is very strong.

Let's not talk about the two prime ministers, S+ level ability.

The rest of the magic advisers, finance ministers, military ministers, foreign ministers, agricultural ministers, industrial ministers, etc. also have their own strengths.

Only Dio, the last cabinet minister, the Minister of History, who didn't know what he was responsible for, was a complete idiot.

Roger kept silent, listened and learned, and smiled all the way to the end.

And he was drowsy because of the speech of the Minister of Education.

As expected of an educator, his hypnosis skills were maxed out.

The Queen of Eternal Night was a little unhappy.

She tried every means to promote Roger to her cabinet, naturally hoping that he would form a human barrage to make the days without war more interesting.

Then just get a few good ideas like "pretending to be the Restoration Army" and "Great Unification Cultural Invasion" for free.

I have to say that the happiness of getting something for free is addictive.

But today Roger didn't speak, and even the little drama in his heart stopped.

[Sleepy... Sleepy...]

[This strategy, the Minister of Industry speaks so fast... um zZZ~]

[Sleepy... Sleepy...]

[Little ceiling fan, why are you stepping on me, how could I oppose my sister's proposal? 】


Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy, sleepy, are you the reincarnation of a sleepyhead?

The Queen's heart was also running, and she had the urge to yawn.

"Your Majesty, what do you think about this matter?"

Angelina asked the Queen, with a hint of curiosity and inquiry in her eyes.

Today, the Queen was distracted at the cabinet meeting.

The reason for the distraction was...

She secretly looked at Lord Dio Brando, whom she recruited into the cabinet.

This, perhaps, is a good opportunity to solve the problem of the Queen not marrying a prince?

The right prime minister's little head had a lot of inspiration.

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