
The Queen of Eternal Night finally realized that she was distracted when she heard Anjie's repeated calls.

She used magic to replay a short scene just now, confirmed what she had just reported, and said calmly:

"Just do as you said!"

This wave of pretending that nothing happened was too obvious.

Others in the cabinet also noticed that Her Majesty was a little out of shape today.

However, they did not find that the Queen was distracted by peeking at Dio.

Even if they found out, they would not easily think about the relationship between men and women.

After all, the matter of marrying a prince has been mentioned since she just ascended the throne.

The stability of the feudal dynasty, the continuation of the emperor's bloodline, and the training of a qualified crown prince are all major events.

It's just that the Queen of Eternal Night is too strong. She had arranged for her to meet young talents and peerless handsome men before, but none of them aroused her interest.

Besides, powerful magicians cannot live forever. It's okay to extend the lifespan by three to five hundred years, isn't it?

If she wants, she can even go the Lich Queen route.

So slowly, everyone selectively ignored this major event.

At the beginning of each year, the Secretary General would mention the Queen getting married, and then the Queen would veto it. This has become a regular program.

Everyone believes that the Queen has no interest in matters between men and women, and only likes war and magic.

But Angelina is the Queen's best friend after all, and they grew up together.

I know that she once had a vision of beautiful love.

It's just that her strength is getting stronger and stronger. Looking at the continent, there is no one of the opposite sex that she likes.

Although Dio Brando is only a senior magician, he is appreciated by the Queen, which shows that the relationship between the two is... not ordinary.

Dio can bear the pressure to write such a tenth volume of the history of the empire and make the historical truth public. This courage is worthy of admiration.

The saying of the apostle of the goddess of war is just a propaganda caliber for the outside world.

You can hide it from anyone, but you can't hide it from the right prime minister who can ask about the defense of the imperial capital at will.

It is obvious that the Queen has lost her temper.

But in the end, it was Dio who convinced the Queen.

This is a god-level achievement!

Angelina believes that it is impossible to convince the Queen of Eternal Night who believes that the bigger the fist, the more truth there is.

So there must be a beauty trap in this.

Angelina wrote this down in her memo.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, she hopes that the Empire can have another Prince Dio.

Roger didn't know that his sister was playing matchmaker, intending to push his brother into the arms of the Queen.

If he knew, he would definitely complain that his sister had evolved from Voldemort to a brother-pitting demon.

If Angelina hadn't arranged for him to dig coal, would he go to the Great Library and get involved in the mess of compiling the history of the Empire and couldn't get out of it?

The good news at this moment is that the long and boring cabinet meeting has finally ended.

If it continues, he will really fall asleep.

It's not easy to be a queen. Every day when you open your eyes, you have to face a lot of troubles.

"I will take my leave."

Fourteen cabinet ministers filed out.

The Minister of History, who ranked the lowest, naturally walked at the end.

The work of compiling the history of the empire has been completed. Next, he will be an idle civil servant who drinks tea and reads newspapers.

As his understanding of the system deepened, Roger felt that even if he could not get rid of Dio's identity, he could still use his subjective initiative to find a new way to lie down, and he would always find a way to regain the system's rewards.

Facing difficulties and lying down, creating opportunities to lie down in an environment where you can't lie down, is the true nature of a man!

Just when he was about to practice lying down, the Queen of Eternal Night said lightly:

"Lord Dio, please stay."


Roger stopped unexpectedly and turned around in confusion.

"Have you forgotten that the Minister of History is going to record my words and deeds for compiling the eleventh volume of the history of the empire."

"This...I obey your order."

Roger felt helpless.

He has been busy with printing these days, and he really forgot that the Queen also assigned him an official position such as "Daily Recorder".

Of course he didn't want to do it.

How can I slack off when I am with Blood Mom?

But it is not easy to find excuses to slack off on the first day of my appointment.

Angelina listened to the conversation between His Majesty and Lord Brando, and a knowing smile appeared on her face.

Sure enough, His Majesty is very special to this Lord Brando!

Although it is a bit stupid to use this trick to force a person of the opposite sex to stay by her side...

She heard Lord Brando's resistance, and he was obviously unwilling to stay in the palace like this.

But, "accompany is the most lasting confession"!

His Majesty has taken the initiative, maybe I will see Prince Dio Shelley soon?

Well, Angelina has changed Dio's last name without knowing it.

It takes a lot for a girl to chase a boy, understand?

I must find the right opportunity to assist and sell Prince Dio well.

Hey, Margaret, that childish ghost, will never think of these things!

With my help, Dio is really a lucky guy!

When I become a prince, I must ask him to help me persuade His Majesty to fight fewer wars and kill fewer people!

On this day, the Minister of History Dio Brando accompanied the Queen of Eternal Night for the first time and recorded the busy day of the Queen of the Empire at close range.

The cabinet meeting was held in the morning.

Then, a governor was received who came to the palace to report on his work, and a banquet was held in the palace.

In the afternoon, we went to the suburbs of the Secret City to visit a newly opened highway and reward the construction workers.

Then he went to the mage tower of the Secret Order to review the progress of several magic experiments.

He took the time to meet with several council members and rejected their rude requests on behalf of the family.

Dinner was at the home of a traditionalist marquis.

The eldest son of the marquis admired the queen so much that Roger listened to the dog-licking speech for a full two hours.

[Dog licking is such a humble kind of maggot. 】

[Bao, why did I poop again yesterday? What do you think it was? Hey, of course it's you little angel. 】

The Queen suddenly lost her appetite after hearing this.

After returning to the palace, Queen Yongye freshened up for a while and then began to review the memorial.

Roger was allowed to read the memorials on his own.

The Queen's little abacus crackled.

She planned to take advantage of Roger's reading of the memorial and use his stand-up comedy for free...

Ah no, good policy for governing the country!

But she was disappointed.

In fact, she kept Roger with her all day long and was not very satisfied with his performance.

The Roger in her impression was a man who complained wildly, laughed and laughed freely, was fearless, and could not come up with a lot of weird ideas.

But today, except for some common lines such as "The Queen is very strong", "The Queen is very busy" and "The Queen's back is beautiful", there was nothing that made her eyes shine.

Most of the time, his head was empty, and his only thought was "so sleepy".

At noon, she asked the royal chef to prepare a meal carefully, and the response she received was "I miss my cook".

Visiting his newly built broad avenue that can accommodate four carriages traveling in both directions, Roger's inner reaction was "That's it?" 】.

I went to visit the Marquis's luxurious banquet in the evening, and Roger kept sneering [You can't lick a dog but not the house].

Now I am holding up the memorial, thinking that I am reading the memorial seriously, and even more unscrupulously [so sleepy].

Just like yawning is contagious, the Queen was confused by Roger's appearance!

She was very angry and unhappy!

When you are with me, shouldn't you have to work hard to perform well no matter how sleepy or tired you are?

Do you understand the cantilever on the head and the cone on the buttocks?

You bastard used to talk nonsense, but something useful would always pop up in your mind.

Why is it that when I come back from writing a history book, my painting style is different?

Wait, revise history books...

Queen Yongye's expression suddenly softened a lot.

Roger has been working hard for nearly a month since he became the historian.

The history of empire is indeed very effective, especially the tenth volume, which is very high-level.

As a result, the mental exertion was so great that it drained him dry?

The Queen showed a disdainful and sarcastic smile.

That's it?

At such a young age, your physical strength is so low?

I accidentally broke it.

She chuckled, and in the candlelight, her voice was as seductive and depraved as a devil:

"Mr. Dio, do you want to take a vacation?"

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