Eternal Night World, Qingteng Empire.

After the Queen of Eternal Night returned from the God-killing Fortress, she summoned the monarchs of the main forces in this world.

Through the Fearless Space Virtual Online, the leaders of the forces who have joined the Burial God Labyrinth System and confirmed that they stand on the side of the Qingteng Empire and dare to stand with the gods to the end also attended the meeting.

Some are the sons of the system cultivated by the empire, and there are also strong people who have always been unwilling to accept the exploitation of the gods.

They originally fought on their own, scattered in different planes, and tried their best to resist the control of the gods over this world, and then they came into contact with the olive branch handed over by the Qingteng Empire.

The feat of killing the gods by beheading Tai Bella is the Qingteng Empire to verify the power of the weapons it has mastered, and it is also a muscle show for these forces to prove its existence, which is enough to become the core of leading you to continue to resist.

Otherwise, the differences brought by different worlds, different races, and different cultures will make it difficult for the will of the Qingteng Empire to be implemented on the side of mortals.

Even if facing a common enemy, everyone is theoretically a friend, but if there is no strong enough leader, who will obey whom?

Everyone in their own world is like a favored child of heaven, and they cannot be easily subdued or bowed down by the power of a king.

You must have a truly solid record, such as killing a powerful god.

From the perspective of gaining enough reputation, Tai Bella must die, and the Undead Empire cannot take the next step.

So not only did the gods expose their existence, but the Qingteng Empire, which used to hide behind the scenes in the name of the system, finally emerged among the forces resisting the gods, and proved its strength, gaining an unprecedented strong reputation as a leader.

The smooth development of the Tianming Army is also backed by the Qingteng Empire, extending its tentacles to more planes, knowing that they are a powerful force capable of truly killing gods.

It is in this way that the combat power of mortal forces is gathered together, the resources that can be controlled are concentrated together, and various means are used to develop the anti-god cause in full swing, and a beautiful future is seen in hope...

Then the unprecedented super massacre led by the gods broke out.

It was like the first time that nuclear weapons shone in the two cities, and the horrific casualties caused accelerated the evil countries to give up resistance. The power and cruelty displayed by the gods at this moment actually had an unimaginable deterrent power.

The Empire had no way back because they had killed Taibella with their own hands. They just thought that the future battle would definitely become more difficult, and many of their previous arrangements had lost their effectiveness.

But many of the forces that followed the Empire's footsteps and had just joined the God Burial Labyrinth even had the idea of ​​surrendering when they saw the gods' methods.

So after stabilizing the morale of the God Killing Fortress and knowing that they could still resist and buy enough time for their rear, the Queen of Eternal Night immediately summoned the forces that she could contact or were willing to act with the Empire, and everyone must reach a consensus.

"I hope to understand that this is a war without the possibility of peace talks."

Straight to the point, the Queen of Eternal Night expressed the firm attitude of the Qingteng Empire with a look full of emotions.

"Your Majesty, Queen of the Eternal Night, we want to know why you are determined not to accept the belief of the gods? Is it because of some shadow in your childhood?"

The emperor of a powerful elven kingdom from another plane asked loudly.

Under the traditional custom of the elves' female supremacy, he was definitely an outlier to become the supreme political leader. Perhaps this is why he was not tolerated by the God of Nature and chose to stand on the side of the Qingteng Empire.

It's just that the impulse brought by gender discrimination may be strong at the beginning, but it can't last. After witnessing the power of the gods, he felt timid in his heart.

Although he was shaking with anger and crying coldly, if he wanted to make the world better, he had to sacrifice his life, which was definitely not a good deal.

Of course, he also understood that if he surrendered, the gods would not accept it, but he was happy to see another sacrifice, so he came to this meeting, hoping to persuade more allies, and everyone would end together, and perhaps get better bargaining chips from the gods.

The Queen of the Eternal Night showed a firm will to resist when she came up. He felt that this was an opportunity for him to take advantage of and find potential allies.

He believed that under such a deterrent, he was not the only one who wanted to retreat. However, in the current situation of enemies and friends, how to withdraw was also a big problem.

The Queen of Eternal Night immediately glared at him with a knife-like gaze. This emperor who had the final say in his own country actually felt the oppression that made him unable to breathe. There were more heart-piercing questions behind, but he couldn't say them all.

"In my childhood, I was a devout believer because of my father. At first, I banned preaching just to give the people a better life. Now I came to the conclusion that I couldn't surrender because those gods didn't want to have any peace talks with us at all!"

A representative from an ancient arcane country stood up: "Your Excellency, the gods are based on faith. If they want to exist for a long time, they must rely on us..."

"What if they don't want to exist for a long time?"

The Queen of Eternal Night interrupted the old wizard and projected a huge, slowly moving Rubik's Cube behind her.

Those who have some knowledge of space theory know that this is the multiverse where everyone lives, and the conceptual map is obtained after projecting it on the three-dimensional structure understood by ordinary people.

"Although this is not what space really looks like, it can still reflect many problems. We marked the plane where the gods turned into nothingness..."

The Queen of Evernight snapped her fingers, the Rubik's Cube changed, and those planes turned into nothingness.

There seemed to be no rules, but she snapped her fingers again and added the planes that the Seven Gods had actively attacked before, and then the attack route speculated by the Queen of Evernight...

"They want to destroy this universe!"

Suddenly, a magician shouted in disbelief.

No matter how dull you are, you can see that the superimposition of the blocks of different colors will destroy the basic structure of the Rubik's Cube to maintain its shape, and form a line of destruction that destroys its support.

"Yes, they don't want to exist for a long time at all, but they want to break the constraints of this universe, without thinking about the future at all...The value of the long-term power of faith provided by natural mortals has also been reduced to the minimum. We have no A bargaining chip for peace talks.”

The cold voice of Queen Evernight echoed in the meeting. Whether they were here in person or representatives who only came to the virtual venue through the Fearless Space, they all felt chills in their vests.

"They are too cruel..."

"Why does the eternal existence want to destroy their territory?"

"It turns out this is a self-rescue!"

Even those whose fighting spirit was wavering no longer had any thoughts of surrender at this moment, but felt extremely fearful.

The gods are engaging in strategic intimidation to force them to make a choice.

If the Ivy Empire had not seen through the gods' intentions and they had really chosen to return to the faith of the gods, their final fate would have been the same as those of the massacred believers.

And because he surrendered and gave up resistance, the gods killed him more easily and happily!

"This is just your own opinion and cannot be trusted. Your analysis may also be wrong..."

The elf emperor screamed and questioned hysterically, unwilling to accept that they were now on the edge of such a dangerous cliff.

Queen Yongye did not answer or explain, she just silenced him and announced in a deep voice:

"The subsequent discussions are all based on the gods breaking the entire universe."

"If anyone has doubts, they can leave for verification or adopt other strategies."

"For those who stay at the meeting next, I will default to agreeing with the inference just now, and then discuss how we can protect our homeland."

"The ultimate goal of this conference is not to dominate, but to ensure the continuation of the race, the continuation of the country, and the continuation of civilization, not that everything we have worked hard to create will eventually be turned into a god chanting insect that only knows how to pray!"

Her speech was very domineering. Either join or get out. There was no choice for centrists.

But no representative raised objections, and the threat from the gods had reached an unprecedented level.

They have no other choice but to cling to the Ivy Empire and seek a glimmer of hope under its leadership. Otherwise, they will inevitably become the cannon fodder that will be killed when the universe breaks apart.

The gods may be detached because of this, but mortals will definitely die without a burial place!

Therefore, the more domineering and extreme the Queen of Yong Ye behaves at this time, the more people will obey instinctively.

When people are extremely frightened and confused, human nature will instinctively avoid difficult things.

This avoidance is not only physical, but also negative in thinking and psychology. I am unwilling to make decisions by myself anymore, and face the embarrassing situation of failure no matter what choice I make.

If someone can think for you and make decisions for yourself, then what's the harm in listening to her?

Even better and easier!

It is much easier to rely on the leader at critical moments and give it a go under the guidance of the leader than to be forced to bear the burden of all choices and bear the consequences.

This is the instinct of human nature. Those who can stand up in times of crisis, stick to their true intentions, and withstand huge pressure and all responsibilities are heroes.

In the original world, these representatives must have been first-rate heroes, but when faced with a crisis that may involve the survival of the universe, not everyone has the confidence and courage to shoulder the next heavy responsibility.

Only Queen Evernight has shouldered all responsibilities since she led the Ivy Empire. She has become accustomed to being watched by countless eyes as she moves forward. Now that more of the world's power has been concentrated, she will not feel any greater pressure.

This can be regarded as a kind of social arrogance syndrome. She just has enough confidence and dares to face the cost of making the wrong choice.

Then there was a very interesting scene at the venue.

Many people had objected before, and some were unwilling to believe the analysis and inferences of Queen Yongye, but in the end not a single representative left.

Everyone acquiesced to Queen Evernight's statement and were willing to continue the next war under her absolute leadership.

"In this case, I will continue to announce that all countries and forces can start to shift to a wartime system. All work must be prioritized to make concessions to the needs of the military and scientific research. We need to unite together to resist the revelations of the gods. Fang will never show even a hint of kindness in its darkest moments again!”

"Do we have names?" one representative asked loudly.

Queen Yongye thought for a moment and asked: "How about the natural selection front?"

Front of natural selection?

Everyone silently repeated this name. Is this a line of opposition to the will of the gods?

The survival of the universe should be chosen by all the creatures in the universe, instead of the superior gods destroying the home shared by all creatures if they want to go out for fun. We can use our world to take risks!

Since that's the case, we have no choice. It's a final decisive battle, natural selection, survival of the fittest!

Let's see whose will lasts to the end and becomes the correct voice in the universe.

There are no resounding names such as God-killing, God-burying, and Heaven-defying. We are just a natural selection, letting the universe return to what it should be.





One after another, representatives cast their sacred approval.

This marks the official establishment of the mortal resistance camp led by the Qingteng Empire and the Queen of Eternal Night as the supreme leader.

Although the name is just a title, at this moment when the gods have shown their fangs, mortals can still unite and dare to say no to those powerful beings, which represents their determination not to surrender.

Another very important point is that the leadership of the Qingteng Empire will no longer be alone in this battle that is destined to be arduous.

From this moment on, the only mortals left in the universe are completely united and there is no way out.

On the natural selection front, under the pressure of the gods, all projects that make the future better will be suspended. When the gods express their attitude, the problem facing everyone is survival.

Next, the wartime economic system will be in operation, the authority of the army will be infinitely enhanced, and all production, research and development, and education work will be centered on the war against the gods, and will do its best to support the construction of a defense system with the God Killing Fortress as the front and the God Burial Labyrinth as the second line of blockade.

Of course, mortals are not just passively beaten.

The advantage of the God-reciting insects is that they will not betray, and this advantage is brought about by insufficient intelligence.

They will not have too complicated thinking or too many desires, so naturally they will not have more needs, and naturally they will not rebel against the gods.

Everything has two sides, and the low intelligence of the God-reciting insects naturally has the problem of low combat effectiveness.

Not all insect swarms can cause devastating blows when they charge frantically. Intelligence is also an indispensable attribute for insects to have enough deterrence.

The God-reciting insects will never reach the level of the Zerg. They are just insects, and they may even absorb the wrong hormones and start the suicide program.

In theory, angels and holy spirits can act as the commanders of the chanting insects, but the existence of the faith virus causes angels and holy spirits to face the natural selection front. They must not only think about ways to break through, but also be careful of their own safety.

In this context, the parish of the gods is still a soft spot that is easy to attack. Although there is no force that can persuade the rebellion, the Tianming Army has formed a guerrilla force, constantly harassing and destroying the source of faith of the gods, and also involving their war steps.

So in the universe, the gods on the front battlefield are attacking the God Killing Fortress, but the plane of faith in the rear is being infiltrated by the guerrillas of the natural selection front, as if a balance has been reached temporarily.

But in the source sea, the layout of the God King is slowly advancing, and the time for him to show his trump card is getting closer and closer.

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