Natural Selection Front, Sunwalker Plane.

It was not called this name at first, but as a powerful elf emperor awakened the system, and then unified the elf empire, and then united more races, expelled the church of the gods, and it became a world exclusively owned by mortals.

In the belief of elves in the past, the status of the moon was extremely high, and too many royal families were related to the "moon".

Because of some unpleasant experiences in his childhood, this elf emperor renamed the world the Sunwalker Plane in order to say goodbye to the past.

He began to use this title when serving all official documents and communicating with other worlds, and also used this name when registering with the Natural Selection Front.

Interestingly, this elf emperor was also the one who timidly wanted to win over more forces to surrender after witnessing the indiscriminate slaughter of the gods.

It seems that his break with the past is not as complete as he thought. When the danger is great enough, it is not impossible to accept the belief in gods.

This seems to be an inevitable outcome after success. Many of the sons of the system selected by the Ivy Empire were once bitter children who had a bitter hatred for the gods and were bullied to the brink of death by the church.

But when they become leaders of the world and enjoy all the benefits of being a leader, their positions often change, as if preserving their own happiness and what they have now is more important.

He had no choice in the beginning, so he showed his sword to the gods.

Now that we have more capital, it is a completely reasonable arrangement for me, the hero of Liangshan, to be ordered to peace!

A dragon slayer turning into an evil dragon seems to be an unavoidable scene no matter what world it is.

I can only say that the beautiful and relaxing life is too tempting. If you can just shed other people's blood and sweat and let yourself have a happy life and such a beautiful future, how many children can refuse it?

Fortunately, not everyone will turn into a dragon. There are always idealists who guard the hope that sustains them through the long night.

Even if someone wants to fall behind, they will adopt various methods to force those who have forgotten their original intention to keep up with the team.

For the sake of the ideals in our hearts, these ideals often have to be bloody internally and must be ruthless at critical moments.

It can be said that the good news is that the gods have not given them such an opportunity at all and disdain to adopt any tolerant policy towards mortals. This has greatly reduced the cost of maintaining smooth operation within the natural selection front.

The fact is that if it were not for the inclusion of the God Burial Labyrinth, I am afraid that all mortals would be wiped out by the gods in a wave, and then start the operation to collapse the current universe.

Therefore, even those who are not determined will have to follow the Ivy Empire and raise the banner of resistance to the end in order to survive.

At least the people at the bottom still respond very positively to the decision of the Natural Selection Front.

Transforming into a wartime economy, where people's livelihood products must be produced under planned production, and all manpower and resources are given priority to the military, will not bring about a decrease in living standards in many parts of the world, but an improvement.

Because it's more fair.

Take the Sunwalker plane as an example. Although their great elf emperor was born at the bottom, he did not have the invincible fighting power like the Queen of Eternal Night. He climbed to the top of the mortal world by relying on powerful means.

On the contrary, he is a guy with more personal charm and good at political games. The process of his rise has the physical help provided by the system, but it is more like an alien version of House of Cards——

Relying on the resources and technology provided by the system, they can reach various exchanges, cultivate their own power, eliminate dissidents, and then gain the support of the great nobles, win the reputation of the military, and finally overthrow the traditional elven royal family in one fell swoop and replace it with a new faith.

If the system hadn't locked him down when he became the son of the system, he wouldn't have been able to embrace his faith, otherwise he would have been hunted down by the Ivy Empire. The elf emperor would most likely have made more exchanges and ascended the throne three years earlier.

Therefore, even in the Sunwalker plane that successfully expelled the gods, the people at the bottom have improved, but not by much.

Because this matter of exploitation is not only done by gods, but also by the same kind, and it is very likely that it may even be done in more extreme ways.

This unified elven empire on the outside has technology and combat power beyond the times. It did not carry out reforms internally, but compromised on political games. His Majesty the Emperor, who was once full of fighting spirit, accepted the marriage request handed over by the big family and completed it in the countryside of Wenrou. New distribution of benefits.

Until the Natural Selection Front was established, the Ivy Empire established a production and construction supervision group, with Angelina as the leader, and the Night Guards provided military support and went deep into all major planes to "guide" them in establishing a planned economy.

In fact, he is doing what Roger did once in the Ivy Empire, taking advantage of the crisis of the gods, and doing it again, and raising the banner of mortal self-rescue.

I have to say that the people are not stupid, no matter whether the person you want to overthrow is a god or a noble.

As long as there is less of a boss over us, our life will be better, so we must support it!

Therefore, in the past, His Majesty the Emperor did not dare to solve it, or was unwilling to solve it, in order to facilitate himself to become a new generation of aristocrats. With the intervention of the Ivy Empire, it fell apart. The system that had been implemented for tens of thousands of years finally ushered in a complete change.

It is not enough to drive away the gods. The evil wolves that have always existed in these worlds and greedily devoured the flesh and blood of the people at the bottom must also be eliminated. Only then can the productivity of the people at the bottom be fully released.

Similar to the domestic operation mode of Qingteng Empire, but adjusted according to the situation of this world. Because the quality of the population is engaged in more basic production links, and because the elves have a higher affinity for magic, a planned economic system that is biased towards alchemical equipment manufacturing has been established quickly.

Because there are fewer huge classes that only exploit and do not produce, and all materials are redistributed, they will not be wasted and hoarded, and unnecessary consumption will be generated just for economic benefits. Such a wartime economic system, at least at the current stage, does not harm the quality of life of the people, but on the contrary, it has been improved in all aspects.

The food they get becomes fresh. In order to ensure that they have more strength to work, meat and salt are fully guaranteed. The clothes they wear are standard products produced by the domestic textile industry system. Although they are cheap, the quality is better than before.

In order to facilitate labor, many people moved into unified dormitories. The perfect logistics facilities and advanced planning concepts are pleasing to the eye, and the places are convenient, which maximizes the efficiency within a limited space.

Witnessing the Qingteng Empire's crazy turmoil in his country, the emperor who once had the final say, the emperor who led the mortals to resist in the past, but succumbed to the old class, felt guilty about his beautiful wives in the harem, but also cooperated with the work of the Qingteng Empire as much as possible.

Even if his women cried and told about the difficulties faced by the family, he could not help them.

This emperor was confused, cowardly, and had gone through the route, but his basic brain was still there, and he knew very clearly that they, the mortal countries, had no choice. If they wanted to survive, instead of having their bodies decomposed into food by the chanting insects, they could only follow the Qingteng Empire to the end.

"So your era is over, and any crying is useless. Who can't keep up with this era, give full play to the advantages brought by resources, and learn and evolve faster?"

The emperor finally signed an order to completely abolish the old aristocratic class, and ordered the royal guards and the instructors who helped the Dark Night Guards to complete the reform to push open the doors of the aristocratic castles.

The emerging family behind the emperor, as well as many of his followers who followed him to conquer the world, have also taken steps towards the status of exploitation, but they are also constantly absorbing advanced technology from the world of Eternal Night and have not completely fallen.

Their class is compromising, but just like the national capitalists who have worked hard to engage in industry in backward countries during the century of chaos, these families have also used resources to do a lot of work to improve the manufacturing capacity of this plane, and have carried out a considerable degree of technological reform.

The identity of the nobility has been washed away, but they still have the resources of the capitalists and the technological advantages. Many products can even be sold to the Qingteng Empire and become a part of the supply chain.

In such a night of reform, as long as families like them ensure that their path is firm and support the great cause of human resistance to the gods, they can continue to play, exert their management talents and R\u0026D capabilities, and continue to maintain a relatively superior life.

So they have successfully landed.

The only ones who have really failed and been eliminated are those traditional old-fashioned nobles, who arrogantly believe that owning land and history can always lie on the merit book, maintain the glory of the past, and be the superior people for thousands of generations.

As a result, according to the opinions of the Qingteng Empire Steering Group, these families' warehouses have fat sheep with money, cough, class enemies, and must be defeated at the first time and become the object of criticism. Anyway, they have no contribution to this production link, just consuming resources in vain.

Of course, these families can exist because of their strong military force, marriage with the emperor, and complicated relationships with each other.

Suppressing them will lead to internal strife.

However, they still underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Qingteng Empire and the determination of His Majesty the Emperor.

After being annoyed by the crying of the women in the harem who could not see the situation clearly, he chose to drive them all out and then implement a ruthless plan to eliminate the termites.

The current Daywalker plane must become a sufficiently confidential and efficient machine, gathering the power of the entire plane and all mortals together to do a big enough business, so that it is possible to win a glimmer of hope under the threat of the gods.

His Majesty the Emperor is a man who likes challenges. After overcoming his fear and getting rid of the possibility of cowardly surrender, his tenacious nature of never giving up in desperate situations was exposed again. The blood that had been dormant for a long time was rekindled because of the extremely slim chance of winning.

He finally understood that he was not completely degenerate, but his past life was too boring and monotonous. After defeating the enemy and taking revenge, he lost his life goals and became the person he disliked.

And now, he feels that he has found a new enemy in his life, that is, not only in his own plane, but in the entire universe, he has crushed the ancient gods, so that the universe can operate his own will and carry out a natural selection of survival of the fittest.

"I will personally lead the expedition to the God-killing Fortress to resist the attack of the gods!"

As the son of the system, a talent who was selected to fight against the gods and win, he felt that he could provide very little value in the construction in the rear.

Although he relied on alliances to gain control of domestic forces, his outstanding command ability, especially the keen ability to seize opportunities when facing the coalition of gods, made him believe that it would be a battlefield that was absolutely suitable for him!



A plane controlled by a certain god, now occupied by the God-Reciting Bugs.

In the battle sequence of the Qingteng Empire, this is collectively called a parish, where the gods are still preaching.

It's just that the previous parishes really had churches, but now the parishes are just a group of bugs, which must be organized by any clergy. They will also feel the position of the movement of the stars according to the genes left in their blood, and automatically perform worship and prayers at fixed times, contributing the maximum faith power they can provide.

The fixed production process, although not efficient, is stable enough.

The consumption of God-Reciting Bugs is very small, and they will not have any requirements for the quality of life, just like the worker ants who work hard and never complain.

They can complete the most work and provide faith, which is a very good believer.

They are also like worker ants, without the ability to reproduce. The God-Reciting Bugs are also held by the Queen Mother to lay eggs to complete the task of expanding the population.

In almost all parishes, the scene at this moment is that the God-Reciting Bugs expand their nests, and then send the eggs laid by the Queen Mother to hatch, and the larvae grow up quickly and become new builders.

When the specific time comes, all the God-reciting insects enter the prayer and contribute the power of faith to the gods.

There is no need for war or chaos. These insects silently build their territory, expand their numbers, and expand the technology that can provide the power of faith.

The gods gradually adapted to the efficiency that the God-reciting insects can provide, and even felt that this stable and quantifiable feeling was very good.

The main thing is to save worry, that is, the maintenance cost is low, and the God-reciting insects do not need to be guided and managed at all.

This insect swarm structure is cold-blooded and efficient. It can decide the life of those worker ants in silence. It only needs to ensure their safety.

But will the natural selection line keep them safe forever?

At this moment, at the pole of this plane, under the ice, the light of the teleportation array is on.

Shana led an elite Tianming Army, riding various warships and vehicles used in the miniaturized material plane environment, and appeared here.

A warrior with prosthetic limbs, the original indigenous race of this world, saluted Shana with his muddy and dirty body but extremely bright eyes.

"Corporal Magellan reports to you from the sixth group of the seventh formation of the Spark Project. We have been watching and waiting for the flame to reignite!"

"Well done. Now, it's time for us to return the favor to the gods!"

Xana patted his shoulder, and the warship broke through the ice and sailed to the blue ocean, aiming at the huge nests built by the chanting insects on the other side.

Although mortals are weak, they are also weak and tenacious.

Under the butcher knife of the gods, the number of deaths is terrible, but there are always people who survive and insist on resisting, working underground, waiting for the moment of counterattack.

Although it is not the previous one, although not every world has it, but with these little glimmers as the source, they are confident that they can still light up the light that illuminates the entire universe.

As long as there is enough time, victory will be mine!

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