Holy Spirit Gama is a believer of the sea god and was once the pope of a small Naga kingdom.

She grew up in the church and spent her life in a muddle. She just took faith as something as commonplace as eating and drinking, and persisted for hundreds of years of peace.

During her tenure, no special events happened in the church, the country was always peaceful, and the gods did not issue any special tasks. After her death, she was taken to the kingdom of the sea god to continue praising the gods.

She spent many years like this, and she changed from a praying person to a holy spirit. She was getting closer and closer to God, bathing in her glory, and her heart was peaceful and happy.

Until one day, the universe changed, and there were evil beings who instigated believers to make trouble and provoked their belief in the gods, making them hideous and greedy. They wanted to demand more resources every minute and every second, otherwise they would fight against heaven and earth and die.

Alas, how can people not believe in God?

Gama couldn't understand it. He thought that the world had changed, and the once honest people had become bad. They were unwilling to take on such a basic responsibility as faith.

It's really a lost generation. I hope the almighty Lord will quickly destroy the source of evil, called the Qingteng Empire, and let the world return to its proper peace!

She had hoped so before, but the subsequent developments really scared her.

The gods began to slaughter believers wantonly, and the world once inhabited by mortals was occupied by a new kind of insects. Then, because she was a holy spirit and had experience as a pope, she was assigned the task of managing these insects.

"My Lord is crazy. He actually used these stupid insects to form a church... No, I can't say such blasphemous words. My understanding is too shallow..."

Every day when Gama wakes up, he sees the lonely and empty world, busy insects occupying the fields, mountains, oceans, and cities where humans once lived, and planning them into messy tunnels and caves. He feels a wave of scalp numbness.

If this continues, what will these worlds and this universe become?

All the problems were caused by the evil Qingteng Empire. They made mortals have delusions that they shouldn't have. They angered the gods, which led to all that Gama has to face now.

Every day, he planned the eating, drinking, and defecation of a group of insects, and tried to make them reproduce faster and occupy every corner of the world.

To be honest, this is a very simple job, because the chanting insects are so well-behaved and obedient. As long as he controls the queens, every chanting insect will perfectly perform the tasks he assigns-as long as the task does not require a brain.

The sacred F2A connects all the insects. In Gama's opinion, this job is actually much simpler than being the pope in the past. There is not so much distribution of interests. He only needs to think of some problems that the insects can't think of.

Oh, yes, there is also security work.

The resources provided by the production of chanting insects must be supplied to the legion composed of heavenly war beasts to maintain the safety of this world and protect Gama at the same time.

Look, the merciful Lord, how comprehensive is your consideration?

Although Jia Ma had not experienced a major war in the past, as a church member, she had received basic education on war and had also experienced the brink of war. She thought she had good experience in how to arrange defense lines.

In addition, the Kingdom of God also printed an anti-natural selection manual, which described how to prevent the various means of the Tianming Army and the Imperial Guerrilla Corps, and helped the Holy Spirit and angels to better defend against enemy invasion and harassment.

Jia Ma was not the kind of pope with great talent and strategy, but she was very patient and meticulous, and had a very high execution ability. According to the manual and combined with past experience, she arranged sufficient defense forces for all the entrances that might be invaded in the planes she managed, and retained mobile forces to support each other.

If the enemy dared to invade, how could she hold on for enough time and wait for the arrival of reinforcements?

In order to deal with the endless harassment of the Tianming Army, the churches of the gods organized the most elite angels to capture the enemy's movements at any time, so as to respond as quickly as possible and disintegrate the enemy's living forces.

At this moment, the gods are no longer prepared to play any tactics, just the simplest consumption strategy:

We occupy more planes than you, which is equivalent to having more mines. Even if it is two for one or three for one, we still occupy more mass and energy in the end, and sooner or later the natural selection line will collapse.

This is a very simple conspiracy, but it is also a conspiracy that mortals must follow. Try every means to reduce consumption and use priority resources to achieve more results.

Careful Gama searches all his defense lines and the work to be completed, and then starts praying today.

The Holy Spirit does not need to rest. When she is not working, she entrusts everything she has to the gods. In the glorious ocean composed of countless holy spirits, bathing in the gifts of God, she can feel the extraordinary peace of mind.

I still can't figure it out, why would someone not believe in God?

Such a lowly, stupid, greedy guy should feel the happiness of entrusting himself to the gods wholeheartedly. This is so wonderful!

The Tianming fleet, using a super-large-range invisibility technique, silently cut through the waves, crossed a long distance from the polar region, arrived at the temperate continental main plate, and landed on the coastline.

Not far away, there is a port city belonging to this world country. Nearly a million people once lived here and established a prosperous and flourishing civilization.

Now, those people have all fallen under the butcher knife of the gods, but the former city still remains.

The vast open space and uneven buildings provide more three-dimensional space and become the nesting base for the chanting insects. The "new owner" of this world is using vigorous vitality and tireless repetitive labor to occupy as many relics as possible from the civilization of the previous world.

"These insects..."

Many of the indigenous warriors who led the way showed deep hatred.

Ninety-nine percent of the world's population has died. They all have parents and relatives who died at the hands of the gods. More importantly, the country and civilization no longer exist. How many destroyed and beautiful cities are now occupied by insects that can't even learn addition and subtraction. What a mocking picture this is?

"Prepare for attack, search for the queen mother first, release interferon to concentrate them, and then use range attacks to clear them."

Xana doesn't have so much sadness. What does the world look like without the maintenance of mortals? She has seen too much these days. The beautiful city that is rapidly decaying and decaying can no longer touch her.

In other words, her heart has become numb. Now her only task is to destroy the enemy's production base as much as possible, consume the least resources, and cause the greatest possible blow to the enemy.

The Tianming Army has always been disciplined and open-minded. The superiors and subordinates are not strict on weekdays, but rely on common ideas to maintain unity, rather than the physical, coercive, and monetary temptations of traditional feudal armies.

Therefore, in terms of how to solve the problem, they have always allowed open discussions. All soldiers who have participated in the battle can talk about their feelings and find methods based on their own experience. The tactical arrangement is flexible and changeable, and they can quickly find ways to deal with these chanting insects.

The intelligent race is fully developed, and it takes a long time to form combat effectiveness, but the combat effectiveness brought by the command has begun to return on the battlefield under the Tianming Army's past investment in education regardless of cost.

Not only the brainless chanting insects, but also the ordinary guard troops, the elite coalition of angels, and various possible variables on the battlefield, the soldiers of the Tianming Army have sufficient means to deal with them.

Any effective method, once verified, will spread throughout the entire army in a very short time, completing a major upgrade and replacement of ideas, methods, and equipment.

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Just like a monster that can be continuously upgraded and evolved, the number of Tianming troops may no longer be able to increase infinitely like in the past when there were a large number of believers who could rebel.

However, rich combat experience and sufficient material support, and the formulation of targeted tactics based on the characteristics and patterns of the enemy are also the source of their unlimited increase in combat effectiveness, which can achieve an increasingly brilliant combat loss ratio.

How to target large-scale reciting god insect settlements, they also have very effective methods:

Elite single soldiers rush forward to solve the mother queen as quickly as possible.

In the chaos, release false pheromones to make the reciting god insects that have temporarily lost their command split and concentrate in designated areas.

The ambushed artillery and magic blasted him, and after the massacre, they quickly retreated to avoid the heavenly beasts and the angel army.

Then search for new settlements of chanting insects and repeat the above process.

This is a simple but very efficient combat method.

After becoming proficient, a force of a thousand people can eliminate hundreds of millions of chanting insects.

After all, this thing has limited intelligence and is set to be too obedient. After the pheromone of communication is cracked, it is too easy to target.

The reconnaissance magic guards rose up, illuminating more areas, and found that the chanting insects that were breeding and building in different areas began to kill mercilessly.

Although these insects are unconscious, they look chubby, smooth in shape, and beautiful in lines. Their unhurried movements do not seem evil, and they even have a uniform beauty.

However, the soldiers of the Tianming Army eliminated these substitutes for believers without any mercy.

They are the most loyal lackeys of the gods, the cornerstone that will never rebel, and the carriers of the power of faith. If they are not eliminated, more partners will fall under the troops of the gods in the future.

The efficient targeted tactics were executed very smoothly. Today's chanting insects have not been updated, and there is no means to resist their attack program. The tactical manual does not need to be modified.

And Jia Ma's perfect deployment is mainly aimed at the frontal invasion war. He thought that the Tianming Army would enter from several main population directions, and the defensive forces were arranged in those directions.

After all, she is not a native of this world. She never thought that there would be a group of people who would be alert before the butcher knife of the gods fell, and directly go deep into the bitterest and coldest land, and have been holding on until now, just to guide the Tianming Army to teleport directly.

In order to maintain concealment before the war, the Tianming Army did not use strategic fortresses at all. They were all conventional vehicles used in the material plane. So until the chanting insect tribes around the coast were attacked, Jia Ma knew that the guerrillas had slipped into his hometown.

She did not dare to neglect it, and immediately sounded the alarm for help. At the same time, the defensive forces began to turn to the rear, trying to prevent the enemy from destroying the construction results she had worked hard to plan as much as possible.

She would not empathize with the chanting insects, but they were an important part of her mission to complete the gods. It would not do if they all died.

But the world is too big, and the low efficiency of the chanting insects means that the defensive power they can provide is limited, and the angels' quick response and elite support are also limited by reaction time.

At this time, it was enough for the Tianming Army to split into small groups, spread out to destroy crazily, shoot and run, so that the Heavenly War Beast Corps controlled by Gama had more power than the enemy, but could not catch up with the enemy.

This feeling can be said to be terrible. In order to avoid the expansion of losses, she had to deploy more frontal defense forces to try to intercept the guerrillas of the Tianming Army.

On the coast, at the temporary command center, the magic military map in front of Shana unfolded, showing the position of each squad in blue.

At the same time, the number of pursuing troops was marked in red. By comparing it with the total number of chanting insects in this plane, it can be roughly estimated how many enemies are chasing them at the moment.

In front of Shana are the casualties and the brilliant achievements they have made, but now these contents can no longer move her.

Continuous wars and continuous casualties have quickly made her an excellent commander, calm and cold, just waiting for the enemy to mobilize forces to a critical point.

She kept her losses within a certain range, and provoked the enemy, stimulating her to surround herself.

There were more and more red dots on the map, and the space for the guerrillas of the Tianming Army to move was getting smaller and smaller, like prey surrounded by hunters.

But the most clever hunters often appear in the form of prey.

The enemy has too much power on the battlefield, which will inevitably lead to a very low level of defense against the outside world.

Even the enemy commander seemed to be very panicked, not even leaving a reserve team, just to avoid the collapse of her construction, and went to the extent of hunting her down at all costs...

Shana pressed the soul-like bracelet, connected to the hidden channel, and sent a long-edited encrypted message:

"Our luring mission has been completed, calling for fire support from the second fleet."

In the transmission channel of this world, a huge transmission array appeared in front of countless defensive fortresses.

Based on the God's Sin, the completed fleet formation appeared in the sky.

Originally, this number could not break through the enemy's fortress group defense.

But now, the enemy has mobilized a large number of mobile forces, playing hide-and-seek with the Tianming Army on the ground. They have a large amount of firepower equipment but not enough personnel to operate it.

This gives the Second Fleet the opportunity to stand at the range of artillery fire, shoot back and forth, and break through the defense line.

"Let's see who is the prey!"

The troops that took off from the polar region and sneaked into the back of the defensive fortress in a big circle also cooperated with the firepower of the Second Fleet to enter the interior of the fortress to carry out destruction.

An invasion operation with internal support, firepower support, and three-dimensional and diverse strategic plans, perfect timing, and multiple blossoming points has locked the victory.

When the elite angel support troops arrived, the fortress they had worked hard to build had already aimed the muzzle of the divine artillery at them.

The magicians of the Natural Selection Front, controlling the engineering puppets, have begun to build the Galilee Dam, and are incorporating this outside into the defense system of the Burial God Labyrinth.

"Cunning mortals!"

The sea god witnessed this war, angry but helpless.

They can only wait for the strategic turning point that the God of Knowledge mentioned to come.

But the problem is that they don’t know where the God of Knowledge is now.

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