Angelina bowed slightly, maintaining perfect aristocratic etiquette, but her voice was much lighter than usual:

"Your Majesty, you can tell me if you have any dissatisfaction with Lord Brando."

"Huh? Why?"

The Queen went from being curious to being confused. She really had some grievances to tell.

He scolded me, but I just wanted to lie down. He said one thing and did another, and his endurance was poor.

I have a lot of dissatisfaction with him!

But these things don't seem to be suitable to tell you.

Angelina explained without any impatience: "After you complained to me and lost your temper, you won't be angry with him again, which is conducive to the healthy development of your relationship."

The queen was hit on the heart, and turned her face away: "I am not angry with him."

"Your Majesty, we grew up together, don't pretend anymore, it was you who kicked him out of the palace yesterday, right?"

The queen thought of that guy asking for concubines and maids, her face turned red, and she spat lightly: "It's because, because... he made some very excessive requests last night!"

"It's normal for a single man and a single woman to have those thoughts. Your Majesty, you have to tolerate men of this age."


"With your appearance Temperament, just give a little sweetness, control the progress, and make sure he can't escape from your palm. "

"Wait, Anjie, I don't understand what you are saying more and more."

"Your Majesty, what don't you understand?"

"Please translate it first, what do you understand as the overstepping requirement?"

Although Angelina put on the posture of understanding the king, in fact, she has never practiced it, and her voice suddenly became smaller:

"Just holding hands, hugging, kissing... these!"

"Why should I do these with that bastard... ah!"

The queen suddenly spread her hands, "Angie, you misunderstood, my relationship with Luo... Lord Dio is not the kind of relationship you imagined."

That's what she said.

But thinking that Angelina's true identity is the bastard's sister, the Queen of Eternal Night inexplicably felt guilty.

She felt so guilty that she almost said the wrong name.

Fortunately, Angelina didn't notice this detail. She was more surprised by the Queen of Eternal Night's half sentence.

I actually failed to predict?

Angelina said seriously: "Your Majesty, you clearly saw him distracted during the meeting, and you stayed in the palace so late. The book says that these are all signs of love."

"That's because he is of some special use to me."

"For example?"

"Well, if you understand, you will understand. If you don't understand, you won't understand even if I tell you, so why not!"


"Anyway, even if all the men in the empire are dead, I can't like that bastard."

The Queen of Eternal Night couldn't explain, nor could she lose her temper.

I'm not a masochist, that guy is full of bad water, I get angry when I stay with him for a long time, and I was so angry that I blew up the library.

You see, such an outrageous thing happened, which can only mean that I hate him super much.

There is no factor of love at all.

Not at all!

My judgment cannot be wrong! Please take me as the standard!

Angelina watched the Queen of Eternal Night's expression change several times. Although the amplitude was very small, she was sure that the Queen was hiding something from her.

Angelina said suspiciously, "Your Majesty, you can tell me anything you think. Lord Brando's talent and character are impeccable. Even if he is a commoner, as long as you insist, the imperial people will support him to be a prince..."

"Him? Prince? Is he worthy?" The Queen of Eternal Night sneered and said helplessly, "Angie, you can't know a person's heart by his appearance. If you know some things one day, you will understand my difficulties."

"Why not today!" Angelina, no matter how good her temper is, is a little angry.

Your Majesty, what did you become a riddle man? This is a half-sentence, super annoying!

But the Queen of Eternal Night can't say, I have been eavesdropping on your brother's thoughts, and he often scolds us in turn.

She changed the topic to gossip: "Angie, as far as I know, you don't have a man you like, right?"

"I am devoted to the country. I won't consider those things until the Qingteng Empire is completely stable."

The Queen of Eternal Night was no longer guilty. She looked at Angelina and said faintly:

"So, you don't really understand feelings like love, right? So what right do you have to guide me in this regard?"

Angelina screamed and felt that her heart was stabbed deeply.

Your Majesty's words were clearly asking: Why do single dogs make things difficult for single dogs?

We are all at the maternal level, so don't hurt each other here, okay?


At the same time, deep in the desert west of the Qingteng Empire.

In a remote valley, a grand sacrifice was being held.

The sacrifice was an entire, defeated tribe of orcs.

A total of 50,000 men, women, young and old, were tied tightly to wooden stakes, forming a howling altar of flesh and blood.

"Master Priest, the sacrifices are ready."

"Hold on time."

A middle-aged orc with short black hair, wearing a tight purple priest robe, and with muscular body showed a satisfied smile.

He was the war priest Joestar from the orc king's tent.

He cast down the torch, cut his wrist with a silver knife, and injected the red blood into the magic circle:

"Goddess, your believer Joestar, presents you a loyal sacrifice!"

The flames burned, and the blood rushed to the sky.

The evil sacrifice gave birth to the most holy light.

The beautiful and majestic war goddess Taibella, wearing golden armor, held a gun in one hand and a shield in the other, casting a shadow in the air.

"Jostar, I have felt your loyalty, it is worthy of reward!"

A ray of light fell on Joestar.

In this world, priests are also considered a kind of magician, and can drive powerful magic.

But priests are more likely to cheat, as long as they get the recognition and help of the gods, their strength can be rapidly improved.

But correspondingly, if they betray their faith one day, their end will be very miserable.

The war priest Joestar was originally equivalent to the strength of a magician, but after receiving the goddess's reward, he quickly reached the legendary level.

"Goddess, your lamb has important news to report, about the evil empire in the east!"


Hearing this name, the war goddess also showed a trace of anger on her face.

The evil queen is getting more and more arrogant, and she actually rejected the missionary request of the seven gods.

But they are all foreign gods, and they also have enemies to fight.

Every time they take action in this world, the cost is huge.

At present, believers are all no match for the evil queen.

It is also necessary to cultivate a son of destiny specifically targeting her to solve this trouble forever.

The good news is that the human race is not united, and they don't know how to cherish a peerless king.

The surviving families of the seventeen nations are all trying to shake the foundation of the Queen of Eternal Night's rule.

The scale of the recent commotion is very satisfying to the gods.

"The Queen of the Empire slandered you for causing the explosion in the Secret City and discrediting the reputation of the Church."

"No problem."

"While investigating this matter, my children accidentally discovered that there are spies from the Empire in the increasingly powerful Restoration Army of the Empire, and they are in high positions."


"I plan to take advantage of them when they come to the Church to ask for supplies again...hiss."

Joestar made a throat-cutting gesture.

"It's too rough." The goddess of war said slowly, "Strengthening the Restoration Army and then cutting leeks, this is not the level of that woman."

"The lost lamb needs your guidance!"

"I want you to use those spies to sneak into the mysterious city, find the person who gave advice to the evil queen, and eliminate him... By the way, create a few more explosions to make her feel painful."


"I will give you more power."

Another ray of light shone on Joestar.

His strength did not improve significantly, but he gained several very useful abilities.

"Thank you, goddess, your lamb will definitely complete your mission at the cost of his life."

Jostar felt the power of these abilities and knelt down fanatically.

How powerful! How wonderful!

"Loyalty is commendable, but I hope you will also cherish yourself, Joestar, the church needs talents like you..."

The figure of the goddess of war gradually faded.

Jostar was moved to tears.

The goddess of war is really the best goddess!

So beautiful, so strong, yet still caring about the safety of a lamb...

I, Joestar, will donate my kidney to the goddess...

No, I will donate my heart!!!

Stepping on the sacrifice that had been sucked into white bones by the goddess of war, Joestar headed east.

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