The mysterious city, Charles Mansion.

Roger slept in his luxurious bedroom for the first time in a long time until he woke up naturally.

Adequate sleep finally made the feeling of being hollowed out disappear.

"Blood Mother is really harmful... The good news is that the history of the empire is finally completed, and we won't be pushed to update it anymore!"

He rolled around on the bed, enjoying the comfort of his own big bed.

Completely light!

This feels awesome!

Roger lay on the bed dreamlessly, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

After a long time, he finally gathered his energy and began to think seriously about the next arrangements.

The seven-day holiday is arranged.

He has already thought of several short-term immersive lying-down plans, and he can experiment with them selectively.

What we need to think about now is the longer-term cause of peace.

As he learned more about the world of Evernight, and his cold and arrogant lying-down system also exposed his xp, Jie felt that he had to make corresponding adjustments to his steady way of survival in this troubled world.

First, the lottery plan for ten years remains unchanged.

He also tried meditation and practicing Dou Qi to strengthen himself.

It turned out that only the wrong name was given, not the wrong nickname.

This body is worthy of the name of trash, its talent is really worrying, and its top-notch skills are terrible in terms of cultivation efficiency.

By meditating for eight hours a day and accumulating countless treasures of heaven and earth, he can advance to the rank of intermediate magician in about fifty years...

Let alone the use of an intermediate magician's strength against the gods, how could he have fifty years if the Ivy Empire ended up not being tolerated by the gods?

Therefore, it is impossible to practice cultivation, and it is impossible to practice cultivation in this life.

Besides, it would be difficult for a person who has experienced the instantaneous improvement of mental power through the system to accept such a backward method of becoming stronger.

Therefore, the general direction is to stay on the straight path and remain unwavering.

Second, you should also pay attention to the method when lying down.

The butterfly effect brought about by Blood Mother, the harmful spirit, has become more and more powerful. At this time, compared with the villain forces in the game plot, the Ivy Empire has not changed at all.

The people pretending to be the National Liberation Army have begun to close the network and are expected to continue for more than a month.

But the subsequent effects can last for several years if you are not careful.

Civilians entered the dynasty and "History of the Ivy Empire" was released, which had a considerable impact.

According to the previous system performance, as long as you are in the cabinet, even if you just smile and don't speak, the cause and effect will be contaminated by you.

When the world line changes, no tree hole is innocent.

Compared with the real world, no matter how free the game is, it is just a box with well-designed rules.

There were too many variables and he couldn't control them.

Now the identity of Dio Brando has been involved in the chaotic vortex of the Ivy Empire.

All the ways to get out in the short term come at a price that Roger cannot accept.

Suicide and fake death?

Afraid that the Queen would become suspicious, she randomly found some legends from the prophecy school and exposed his disguise.

That is the crime of deceiving the emperor!

Escape from the mysterious city?

Stop making trouble, it's a chaotic world outside, and the Imperial people are still spreading hatred all over the world.

He won't forget that Roger Charles is a cannon fodder character who didn't survive until the beginning of the game.

The kind who died without knowing how he died, leaving only a small introduction in Angelina's belongings.

"She once had a younger brother whom she loved very much."

Before he became a legend, anyone who dared to run around was stupid [beep——]!

So he had no choice at the moment. He could only seek to lie down in the cracks.

Fortunately, through editing the history of the empire, Roger has confirmed that the lying system does not just want him to spend his days drunk and singing.

The real goal of lying down should be to achieve mental peace.

There is even the wonderful experience of flow working state...

As long as the changes are what Roger wants, he can get a random treasure chest every day.

Now the blood mother and her sister have joined forces to destroy Roger's way of lying passively and waiting for the system to issue interest.

He could only seek to take the initiative to lie down.

No matter how bad the fishing environment is, as long as you maintain a positive attitude and adapt to the environment, you will definitely be able to feel like fishing!

For example, you can’t imagine the joy of getting paid to poop!

For example, if you are struggling happily on the road you long for, how can you know the joy of a fish if you are not a fish?

For example, you women can imprison my body and trap me in that gorgeous palace, but I am still the emperor of the spiritual world!

For example, I will enjoy whatever the blood mother gives me!

Wait until the last line is crossed out, it sounds too much like lying on your back and having sex...

As the saying goes, the small one lies in the wild, the middle one lies in the city, and the big one lies in the morning!

Roger's next goal is to find a job that interests him as a cabinet minister.

Or enter a sustainable mode of just taking money and not working.

Third, the above two are based on the identity of Dio Brando.

If it fails, stop the loss in time and arrange a retreat to become the useless brother.

Look for other opportunities and try again!

After some calculations, Roger believed that his new three-strategy strategy, which included advancing, attacking, retreating and defending, was enough to cope with the latest version of the changes in the Ivy Empire's situation.

"Fighting power is the only truth. When I become the strongest in the universe, sooner or later I will take revenge on you women for backstabbing me!"

Roger was ruthless, gritted his teeth, endured the humiliation, and was stubborn...

Resolutely and successfully separated from the bed board, get up and start trouble!

Half an hour later.

Roger ate and drank his fill, and left Charles's house with 50,000 gold coins in his storage ring, two letters for his sister.

He was going to start his first active lying experiment.

One of the most important points was not to be disturbed by his sister.

Being asked about the score of Xuexi Qiangguo every day really affected his mood.

His sister had been the housekeeper for a long time and had already understood the mother mode in advance.

He planned to live in the apartment under Dior's name for the remaining few days.

This was when the convenience of having two identities was reflected.

One letter was written in the name of Roger, saying that he and the Minister of History were going to conduct a practical investigation, and the return date was to be determined.

One letter was written in the name of Dior, confirming that he had invited Master Charles to conduct some research.

Perfect mutual verification!

Logical closed loop!

My sister who worries about me can't control me anymore, hahahaha!

Angelina knew that "Roger" knew "Dior".

Not long after he took up the post of historian, he told his sister that he had met a Lord Brando.

The two had a good chat about historical views and had many similar ideas.

Occasionally, when he came home late, he said that he was working as an assistant to Dio's advisory group.

Angelina was very pleased after hearing this and sent someone to give Dio a generous gift.

She believed that the historian selected by His Majesty must be a very talented person.

It was a blessing for her brother to learn from such a person.

Roger would also share some of his "research results" with Angelina from time to time, which naturally made Angelina more pleased.

In this way, Roger and Dio's two identities covered each other, and they did not play "I kill myself", and there was a lot of room for operation.

From now on, we also have two VX accounts of storytelling experts!

And Roger has also thought about the active lying flat experimental project during the holiday:

Buy a house and then decorate it.

This is the most matching project selected by Roger after deeply analyzing his own personality and psychological demands, combining the characteristics of this world, and adding the seven-day time limit.

In his previous life, he had been wandering and had no fixed place to live for various reasons.

Although Charles's house is luxurious, it is a medieval design after all, and there are many places that do not meet the aesthetics and needs of modern people.

Moreover, the elder sister is the head of the family.

No matter how much she spoils herself, she will get married sooner or later.

At that time, does he still have to look at the face of his brother-in-law?

Taking a step back, if there are women who admire him in the future and want to tutor him in anatomy, doing this kind of tutoring in his sister's house...

It always feels weird.

So, you still have to have your own house.

Not rented, but bought, you can transform it into what you like.

Just thinking about this goal, Roger's mood jumped up and was full of motivation.

The road to lying down actively, open it for me!

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